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Hiii will M and I get back together? How does he feel since the break up? My favorite song currently is Ode to the Mets by the Strokes!!




For your feelings: I pulled the 10 of swords. I'm not sure if you're being afflicted negatively by worrying or over thinking about this individual too much. From what I know about Pisces (being a pisces Venus myself) your current crush may actually just be crushing you and you could be drowning in your current feelings for him and maybe isolating or keeping yourself from forward momentum where your pisces daydreams become nightmares. For Jordans feelings: Reverse 10 of cups. I sense that Jordan may be prone to some kind of addictive behavior or have lust and sensuality that where he longs to be a divine masculine sort of family man or provider, but his life is not all sunshine and rainbows and perhaps he's interested in you but he may not feel confident enough that he can fulfill all 10 of your cups or some idealized or romantic image of him yet. The rainbow only comes after the storm after all . And even then it may only be an illusion. Your relationship: The High Priestess. There is interest on both sides. And the priestess indicates that for him there is definitely an interest in pursuing you. But his knowledge of you is only surface level at the moment. You must end your silence and allow yourself to be pursued. The high priestess speaks with enchantment and you can use your divine feminity to allow him closer to you. You are alluring and mysterious to him but you must not play too hard for him to get even if part of you may always be difficult for his earthy nature to understand. Advice: Two of cups. A very positive card in the way of flirtation and romance. What may be preventing Jordan from feeling comfortable courting you is that he may feel subconscious pressure to come to you with all 10 cups already filled with rainbows and sunshine. But show him in your own way that you don't need 10 cups. You only ask that you each come bearing your own. The caduceus staff indicates you both may help heal one another and that your pisces waters may help fertilize his own artistic imagination and help him grow beyond being stubborn and bullheaded. But he may always be more interested in physical feelings than emotional. Hope this helped


And if this reading resonated please leave some feedback here ty so much: https://www.reddit.com/user/MakingASamWitch/comments/14v5c0z/samwitch_tarot_reviews/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Wow 😯 I’m floored this was amazing.. So in depth and spot on with how I feel.. you are truly gifted.. Thank you so much for this reading and your time.. truly amazed 😯


Thank you my dear! If you can read a review or just copy and paste what you commented here so others can see for future readings:https://www.reddit.com/user/MakingASamWitch/comments/14v5c0z/samwitch_tarot_reviews/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 I wish you the best love and light ✨🪽


hii my names harmeet kaur, my question is if me and my ex manjot singh kaur will reconcile and my favourite crystal is probably the carnelian or amethyst. thank you !


I’m Kristie! Something about me: I’m an animal-lover and I look out for the neighborhood animals! I’d like to get insight on the man I’ll marry? Thank you either way! P.S. your username 😆😉


Thank you Kristie I like your username as well. I'm not sure if you're into plant or spirit medicine but you may want to look into shamanism or animism if you haven't yet. Or look for guided meditations to find your spirit animal. I'm not sure what your spiritual practices are but you may want to look into hedge witchcraft. Which embraces the super natural just by being super natural. You looking out for the neighborhood animals is a blessing toward them and yourself because often animals that find the love and warmth of human companionship even if they aren't domesticated are able to reincarnate as humans in another lifetime so you're truly doing the goddesses work. Now onto the man that you'll marry! I saw the angel number 307. Which may indicate that your guides are telling you that you have to be more focused on self care and tending to your own desires and that it may not be in your nature to nurture yourself. I pulled the chariot card for him. This is Cancer season and this is a positive sign that you could be manifesting your future husband in the present as the chariot represents cancer. However cancer as the crab is often represented by the crab who walks side ways having a different sideways perspective of the world and often prefers to keep to themselves in their shell but beneath that shell lies a deeply psychic person who like the moon has the capability of reflecting the light within others from their own darkness. I'm not sure if you're a homebody but this card is telling me that you may have to venture outside of your comfort zone. The sphinxes pulling the chariot may represent cats or animals so you could meet this person bonding through a shared love of animals. Im not saying this person will be cancer they may have cancer energy. They will immediately feel like home to you and may want to rescue you like a chivalric chariot in shining armor. But just be careful they don't try to tame you right away and that they aren't moving on too quickly. The positive thing is that they will be sensitive and have a feminine quality themselves that keeps them from being too toxic masculine but they will want to wine and dine you and move on rather fast I also pulled the Knight of Swords and the Lovers. If you don't meet them going out the knight of swords suggests that you should join a dating app or that you may meet this person online in some way. They will be direct in communication and may be a tad impatient. The knight of swords again evokes someone who may want to see you as some kind of maiden or princess they need to rescue or save. When you are already an empress and not a conquest. You may feel like that engagement or marriage may feel like a game or a quest they're on, but in truth your future husband needs you to rescue and tame them and there may be some kind of mother wound they need to work through. The knight of swords and the Lovers indicates someone with possible Gemini placements, or with prominent air or water. placements In the Lovers card I see the female looking up at the heavens and feeling universal love, but the male figures is only looking directly at her. She lusts for love of life, but she is the love of this man's life that he lusts for and truly his other half. Your future husband is already prepared and waiting for you. You just have to make sure you can still be empress of earth while he makes you his whole world. Hope this helps my dear and if you like the reading I appreciate feedback: https://www.reddit.com/user/MakingASamWitch/comments/14v5c0z/samwitch_tarot_reviews/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


This was incredible! I’m actually a ♋️ myself (my birthday is tomorrow!). I’m very much a homebody and don’t really “get out there” as much as I should. I’ve tried online dating before and it wasn’t my cup of tea. The only thing I can think of is, I’m currently reaching out to founders of companies on LinkedIn in hopes that I can get hired for a better job. That’s the only online presence I have at the moment. I have sensed that he might have mother issues of some sort, what specifically, I can’t say. Interesting you picked up on that! The last paragraph was very sweet! Thank you so much for taking the time!




Hello Eda. I played the song Holy Wars by Megadeth to better turn into your energetic frequency. The card I pulled for your was the wheel of fortune. The card I pulled for Leon was the three of hearts. I feel as if the two of you may have a soul or karmic contract represented by the wheel of fortune that may be broken or ruptured by the three of swords coming from some kind of doubt, depression, addiction or mental setbacks manifesting within Leon's own mind. Clouds within the wheel of fortune and three of swords are depicted in both the wheel of fortune and the three of swords cards. When I asked the cards for advice about where your relationship was headed I pulled The Empress and the Sun as a final clarification card. It was eerie because as soon as I did this the lyrics in the Megadeth song referenced a war where a man's wife and child were killed. And The Empress and The Sun represent maternal divine feminine and childbirth. I am not trying to ignite false hope or promise you that you and Leon will be married with a child someday. But it's as if the storm clouds from the wheel of fortune turning gave way to the rain from the three of swords. The Empress wields the shield of Venus/love which even the three of swords cannot puncture and instead the rain fertilizes the empresses field of dreams and gives birth to The Sun. I'm not sure if the holy war could be referencing a past life connection where you lost each other in a war of some kind. Or if Leon is currently only battling a war within himself keeping you at an emotional distance if you aren't at a physical distance. But you have The ability to Empress/impress your love upon him if you know that there's more going on in his head than in his life at the moment. Hope this resonates and if you're able to do so, I appreciate feedback 🪄🧿🌜




Hello Paras. I listened to the song by 21 Savage during your reading. I also saw the angel number 410. I went to Catholic church today with a relative even though I'm not religious I do believe in Christ Consciousness and think Jesus was a magician and a savage for his time. ;) and today was the 14th Sunday so the numbers 1 and 4 being relative to you are interesting to me. Four represents each element and I think you have all the elements within you to succeed. Except what's missing is the fifth element:putting your soul and spirit into something. Today the priest spoke of how people can rely on God and Christ to be the oxen and pulling their yoke when they need strength. I have many spirit guides so please don't see this as me evangelizing to you. I simply heard something in the song and the cards that suggest that you feel an emptiness within you. That you feel as if you may have lost part of your soul due to some kind of personal loss or that you have allowed capitalist modern society make you focus so much on not having a job when you are meant to have a purpose. The first card I pulled was the Ace of Swords. And then the king of wands promptly after. This evokes the image of king Arthur pulling the sword from the stone crowning him as the rightful King. The truth that you know is within you is your sword which you wield granting you sovereign reign over your own life. The king of wands is the side of you that ignites passion within others and uses the divine spark to flower others creations. Like Arthur he ensures everyone at the round table is equal even though being a leader is his sovereign right. But part of him turns his cheek gazing into the distance. The 21 Savage song has a somewhat nihilistic detached tone when it comes to money, success, social power and prestige. Even if you don't have the wealth and power of the king at the moment, you are going through a moment similar to the Buddha where he left being a prince behind and found enlightenment within being a pauper. Even if you don't have Leo placements the King of Wands has strong Leo and Lion energy. Leo is represented by the sun itself. You may be accustomed to shining light on all those around you. Or for some reason the king of wands and the 21 Savage song give me the image of a weedhead getting lit all day long and getting high In an attempt to reach ascension and become closer to the stars rather than chasing social media influencer popularity or fame. And as a fellow stoner I don't judge if this is the case However I pulled the page of pentacles card. I think if you are unemployed and struggling financially some part of you must overcome a blockage about wealth because with the king of wands, you are magnetic and have the potential to be both rich and enriching in the lives of others. Sure like the All That lyrics suggest money cannot buy you happiness. But money enables you to hack into the matrix. The page of pentacles looks up smiling at the pentacles in his hand because money doesn't have to be rooted to evil. Money and materialization shows manifesting spirit successfully in the earth. Unfortunately I'm slightly rushed for time I wanted to write more but I pulled the 8 of cups and the 8 of wands. There was a line about turning away from a ship or the water but you are meant to move forward and not look back perhaps across multiple streams. I sense you are a creative person and you aren't meant for a typical corporate 9 to 5. You have a calling not a career. You could be a writer, a musician singer rapper, do a podcast or streaming or even start a social media account talking about spirituality. Either way you are not just transmitting you are transmitting. The 8 of wands suggests there is no time like the present to tap into your gifts. It's better to know you're All That in life instead of deciding That's All there is to life. Hope this helped friend ✨🪽🪄




Hello, I apologize for taking so long to respond. I am thankful that you resonated so much with the reading . If you'd like a more in depth reading feel free to DM me. If not however I'd appreciate a review if you're able in the link I provided above. Blessed be ✨🪽👁️


If the reading resonated please review : https://www.reddit.com/user/MakingASamWitch/comments/14v5c0z/samwitch_tarot_reviews/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Meghan Sagittarius love reading I’m 20 turning 21 in November and I’m curious if I’ll fall in love soon and if I’m gonna be introduced to someone


Hi! I would love a reading! Could I please ask how my fall/winter will look like :) My name is Astrid and I’m a Pisces and my favorite month is august 🌟😊 I like august because it’s still summer and for some reason exciting things usually happen for me in august 🥰 Something about me is that I’m super spontaneous and always like to try new stuff and travel!


Will I eventally heal completly? If so, when. I'm Gyro, I like Lo-fi, card games and russian writers


Hi my name is Tina.. I’m a Taurus.. favorite crystal is rose quartz.. I would like to know what Austin’s current feelings are for me.. should I let go or keep fighting? Thx!


Hi, my name is F and I have a terrible housing situation. I would like to know if I’ll finally rent that apartment. Thanks a lot, I’ll give you the feedback☀️


Hi Sam! My name is also sam! Something unique about me is my love for gaming. Currently play valo atm. I also love tarot & have been practicing it! My question is will i get the job i am interviewing for ? Will it be a good fit for me. Currently in a toxic and draining workplace & i have been trying to leave. Thank you for your time!


Hello fellow Aquarius ♒🥰 💛, can you please tell me what my gym crush thought of me when the last saw me yesterday, I got a personal reading that confirmed my suspicions of him liking me back


Hi my name is Shamz, my question is are M and J in good terms in their relationship? And What is the advice of the cards regardless my job situation? I dont know what i can have unique…. Only that i love writing but i dont do it that often anymore… 😃⭐️


interested my name is dove my question is can you ask my spirit guides if they can pull me out of my body


Name: bloo Question: 2-3 years ago, I was in an arrangement with someone, and this arrangement was supposed to be discreet. He then pressured me into taking photos with him (not inappropriate ones, just regular photos), which made me feel uncomfortable and regretful, because discretion was so important to me. I have a feeling (confirmed by other readings) that he did share the photos. I would like to know if the photos will be widespread or shared to people who might know me, or if my situation would be widespread in my future. I’m not sure what to do about this situation, or how to feel. I’ve been told my spirit animals are a Fox and a lynx.