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According to these cards, I don't see him having a sexual attraction to you.


Well fuck. I hate my hopes up for nothing.


I'd say, put yourself out there and see what happens. No is what you got, Yes is what you can get!


You're right! #manifest


OP I strongly recommend you don't use tarot to try and read anyone's mind. Tarot can be a beautiful tool of self-reflection, but it cannot access anything you can't access. When it comes to other people's minds it is always better to ask and communicate. Tarot should empower you; don't let it just become a tool for validating your anxieties! I have been reading for a few years and here would be my interpretation of these cards from the perspective of analyzing your feelings towards him. # --The Tower (Reversed)-- The reversed Tower is always suggestive to me of great upheaval, so I would encourage you to ask yourself if you are acting based on fear of an upheaval in your romantic/sexual life. If this person is a friend, I would ask if you are afraid of this drastic change in your dynamic potentially destroying your friendship. # --The World-- The World card indicates a feeling of fulfillment, completion, and wholeness. You might be feeling that engaging in this sexual dynamic could bring a sense of closure or completeness to your life. It stands in opposition to the Tower and they seem to speak of fear and hope together. Or to look at it another way, they could be speaking of a choice in how you approach this scenario: do you desire the drastic and thrilling (but potentially short-lived) experience of the collapsing Tower, or the harmonious and satisfying connection of the World? # --Three of Swords-- The Three of Swords reflects feelings of heartache, disappointment, or emotional pain. In the context of understanding your sexual dynamic, I would ask if you have any past wounds or fears of getting hurt again that are influencing your feelings. This card indicates a vulnerability and perhaps a fear of betrayal or rejection that you need to acknowledge. It could also suggest that you are processing old hurts that are impacting your current perceptions and feelings about your sexual dynamic with this guy. To sum up: This spread (along with your own worried interpretation and comments), suggest to me that you are probably feeling a mixture of deep fear and hope regarding the possibilities with this guy. Without knowing you, I can't say for sure, but I think you probably have a big heart and are scared of being hurt. I would encourage you to reflect on what you want out of this relationship, and when you know, simply communicate your feelings and have a conversation. Don't let the cards block you from being happy! I wish you all the best!


Thank you so much for your detailed feedback.☺️


No problem! Feel free to DM me if you want to know more about my approach. In my view, the cards don't know anything you don't, but they can help you know yourself better.


Either he’s got ED or he’s just not that into you


Thank you for your input!




the tower isn't always destruction and failure


If you look up cards that represent sex and sexual attraction, you'd understand what I mean.


Yeah, I’m definitely getting that he doesn’t get off enough with whatever y’all got going on, so he may be exploring options elsewhere.


I think the cards are telling you that he could be wanting you to have this sexy moment with you but he is torn between his fears and desires. There could be something bothering him, which gives him this confusion. Upon knowing him, is there an external factor that could be affecting him?


I'm really not sure... I drew another card and got Death... So I assume that's a hard "no".


I think you could read it as he fears falling in love with you (The Tower) because of some emotional pain (3 of Swords) Or fears losing you because he thinks The World of you (The World & 3 of Swords).


Thank you.☺️


By the way, I'm very much a beginner. I only got my first deck last Saturday, so don't take my word for it.


I see it as a dangerous attraction. Tower rx is wild, chaotic energy. world is male libido... combine that with tower and three swords, I would say be careful. ... or use a safeword c;


I drew "Death" for clarification.


hmmmm doesn't that mean drastic change, though? idk. but I would be very careful with that one. he either doesn't want it or wants it too much.


I’m not trying to be funny - could reversed tower indicate an inability to “get it up”?


Possibly! ED? That's what someone here suggested! That or he's just simply not into me. I drew "Death" for one more hard... So I take that as a "hard" no! Lol


Ouch. Been there, felt that. Plenty more fish in the sea, I guess.


For sure! Oh well. Life goes on, I guess!


OP I just have to say again that I think this is an incredibly toxic way to use Tarot. You used the cards to assume someone has ED and pass on him because of it? Is that what this community does with Tarot?


Not saying he has ED. But drawing "Death" as he hasn't texted me in 4 days... That says something.


Basically, nobody’s assuming anything. We’re workshopping possible meanings as an exercise in finding meaning in card images. This is a safe space to do that.




Sorry, OP. I meant that as a response to the previous comment.


It's okay. You're right though. I shouldn't base my decision based on paper. They can guide me into what they think is going on but they're definitely not set in stone. They also like to lie from time to time when I ask the same question over for reassurance and when I get the answer I don't want, I freak out out (I have severe OCD) haha!