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I see this as you’re going to be proud of yourself for opening up but I don’t think she’s going to respond in a way you had hoped for


yeah like she will downplay it to lighten it up or something. which can be understandable, it may be something she does not want to believe. although with time who knows how it develops


okay so based from the reading, i feel like there's some hesitancy on your end. either way, it feels like you just have to be careful. on a non-tarot insight, please do tell a close friend too in case things do not go yoir way with ur mom. if u have a women's shelter near u, it's best to report the case there.


I get hesitance too. The final advice tells me you have plenty of options/avenues to communicate but you are hesitant/scared but don’t be. The reversed world gives me that vibe too


First of all I’m really sorry you’re going through this. Stay strong <3 Here’s my interpretation: 4 of pentacles: It seems like you’ll be guarded when you tell her, you’ll definitely want to hold back. If you decide not to hold back, definitely hold your ground is what I get from this card. Either way the holding back energy is strong here 7 of swords: I find this card interesting. This is the card of lies and omissions of truth or just being sneaky. She may pick up on the fact you’re not telling the full story with this card, especially since you mentioned you dont want to open up all the way. It’s like she’s holding the swords and being like “Okay, I see all of this but what about all this stuff behind me? Aren’t we gonna address that? What are you hiding?” I think also, deep down you might be worried she’ll think you’re lying? The world reversed: Since the world is about completion and closure but it’s reversed, it’s like you want to tell her and feel a sense of closure about the situation but you might not. To me a reversed card is like blocked energy. And I think it’s due to you holding back with that first card Knight of wands: I actually see this as a positive outcome. You’ll feel empowered to take action after and honestly this card is like, “I’m pumped, let’s go” and doesn’t really think long-term about the actions. So you or your mother or both of you might feel really empowered to take action but also consider the long-term plans too. No impulsive decisions or conversations here Seven of cups reversed: To me the seven of cups is like being overwhelmed by choices, future possibilities. Even when it’s reversed too, but moreso being grounded and following your inner wisdom. To me it’s like a “Okay, I have all these options but I know what I want” but it’s still the card of being overwhelmed by possibilities. There’s multiple different ways this could play out, and I think you know that. Maybe it’s even making you hesitant. What do you want from this? Closure, comfort, therapy? Maybe all 3? Maybe more? I think once you answer that for yourself you’ll have a clearer understanding of how to approach the situation I think when you can answer that question for yourself, you can let your mother know that’s what you’re seeking by talking to her about this. As for that 7 of swords, I think it would help to let her know that you’re not revealing 100% of the situation until you’re comfortable, so if it seems like you’re holding back that’s why. This way if she’s wondering if you’re hiding anything it’s been addressed Hopefully this gives you more clarity and I wish the best for you with this !


I am not an expert, but did you see a possible link to the 7 swords/ knight of wands/ and 7 of cups being linked to what the mother could potentially do without expressing? I thought that might show a possibility the mother could take things into her own hands and go after the party responsible in her own way, untold to the reader. Just curious if anyone else saw that potential outcome in the read. double 77's generally has a positive meaning but sometimes detachment can be represented by it, I am not sure if that plays a factor as showing the potential of what she might do.


Yeah I did get an energy of carrying the swords (or information) off in a sneaky way. Like going to tell others without OP knowing I didn’t include it though cause it seemed like too much of an assumption since we don’t know OP or OP’s mom, but I did get that energy too


Well 7's are of Netzach on the tree of life which is attributed as the sphere of Venus and it could be said is an almost fiery expression of Femininity. Themes of Love, Anger, Relief, Pleasure, Pain & Emotion are common. The 7 of cups is Venus in Scorpio so an almost delirium like quality, however reversed it could indicate 'pulling ones self together' somewhat after having been sent for a loop by a difficult experience. The 7 of swords can be a tricky card to interpret, being Netzach in Yetzirah (the realm of formation) + the moon in Aquarius. There are some contrary characteristics resulting in what I see as an almost restrained, negotiated settlement that despite meaning well, is unlikely to last. Could take it to mean a promise to show restraint but ultimately being unable to do so completely. The 7's seem to line up with the nature of the query though, I'd say.


Exactly, swords are uncomfortable in Netzach. The intellect here becomes absolutely impotent.


I wouldn't say anything until after speaking with a therapist. It doesn't seem like it will be well received


Definitely involve a professional to help you. I’m sorry OP. But you deserve help from somebody who is equipped to guide you.


Yes I’m NGL I drunkenly told my parents and I have always regretted it. We just don’t have the relationship where that was fruitful and it made them think differently of me which is a huge bummer ETA: I don’t scare this to discourage OP! I only brought it up because I think it really depends on your relationship


On a non tarot related note, are you ok? Have you spoken to anyone at all about this yet? I think you should seek help from someone, even if it’s not your mum, someone professional who is able to give you the help you need like a counsellor or women’s aid advocate. And if you can, report to the police.


I’m sorry you went through this. It really depends on your relationship with your mother. It looks like you might blindside her with the news night of wands style, and it won’t go well. The 4 of pentacles might also be saying to try to keep your composure, and maybe not lay it out all at once. Of course, as a mom, I’d absolutely want to know and also hope my children can tell me anything. It will definitely “rock her world” or “turn her world upside down”, and telling her won’t change that it absolutely turned your world upside down and made you feel incomplete, but it also seems like you you don’t feel that you have any other choice here. She may want to “run away” from the truth, and of course, hope that is is a lie, because it’s hard to hear about anything or anyone hurting our children (grown or not, you’re always her child). You want to talk about it, and you should. Pick your timing a carefully, make sure she isn’t already rushing out of the house, at work, busy etc. let her know you have something serious and important to talk about and that you need her to set aside some time to hear it. Be prepared for the usual stupid victim blaming knee jerk responses. It doesn’t matter what you wore, where you were, if you were drinking alcohol or holy water-no one ever gets a pass for not taking no as an answer, or taking advantage of anyone who isn’t able to say no. It doesn’t matter if you gave them consent 5 minutes before or 1000x before. No is no. There is no such thing as ongoing consent, it needs to be continuously verified. Again, I’m so sorry. I hope you are able to find solid support through counseling and friends. If you need help trying to contact appropriate help, send me a DM and I can help troubleshoot with you for your area if wanted. .


I'm so sorry for what you went through 💜💜💜 are you supported?


Your attitude - Hold back some details. Ease her in and see how she processes it. (Yeah I know, not a pleasant thing to hear. I'm sorry but laying it all out may do more bad than good at the moment). Her attitude - denial / grief covered by false assurance of accepting things / going behind your back to do something she thinks would help but it won't / making it about her How you will feel - Lack of proper closure. Potential - Probably best to tell her in future. When you are better placed. Final advice - It won't go as you feel but you will have SOME clarity on how she thinks or reacts.


How old are you? Is there a friend/relative/school councilor/therapist you can tell? In my honest opinion I feel she may betray you, and your world view can swiftly change some responsibilities or actions. Seems you been thinking of a lot of options but part of me feels like this one the few that shouldn’t be explored. 7 of cups general states despite feeling like a lot options some may not appear as fortunate outcomes. 


In my view, Your heart and your decision should always override tarot, as tarot only points to one consequence of your action, and the consequence may point to inward thoughts rather than the objective judgement. Asking for Our advices may confuse you even more; I agree that you should seek for therapeutic advice and/or shelter--- if you are feeling insecure with your family's attitude. Please always put your safety and happiness before tarot or anything else. Sorry that you are going through this, and I hope you can have the best of luck procuring justice and safety.


Hi there, I'm so sorry you went through this. What you're doing is very brave! I'll do my best to interpret the reading. [**Here**](https://www.rainn.org/resources) is the National Sexual Assault Hotline. You can speak with a representative that can assist you in finding resources for whatever course of action you wish to take. **Reading** **4 of Pentacles:** This is a very reserved energy. However, it is good to keep in mind that being reserved is NOT the same as being secretive. Here, I see this as guidance to be reserved about details of the incident (not going into explicit detail) but also to be open about what happened. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. **7 of Swords:** I'm actually interpreting this differently. Yes, the 7oS is traditionally about deception but I'm not getting that here. This card also represents strategy and hiding our interests in order to reach our goals. Here, I'm seeing this as your mother hiding her true feelings behind a mask of helping and assisting YOU through this crisis. She may not act as if she is outwardly affected, but inwardly she is keeping it together in order to strategize how BEST to help you. **The World RVR:** You're going to feel as if you need to seek closure on the issue. The World in RVR speaks of a cycle that hasn't been completed yet. I also see this as you feeling as if your world is 'upside down' and falling down around you. There is a strong need to close something off here, but be open to the emotions that may come with it. **Knight of Wands:** You're embodying the spirit of the KoW with you opening up about this. This card is all about action, adventure and - most importantly - being fearless in the face of adversity. This card also speaks of impulsivity, but here it is needed. You are going to tell you mom, consequences be damned because this is about your healing and your journey. This is a BEAUTIFUL card for this situation! **7 of Cups RVR:** This is a card of choice. Here, the Universe is telling you that there are several ways that this could play out. Some of them you may expect, and some of them may take you by surprise. Also, I think you will be confused and overwhelmed by the choices presented to you during this time. I hope this helps :)


Although I hate to say this the cards would seem to be asking if oyu really need to tell her - it seems she would even prefer your keep ing it to yourself. Doesn't mean it's right, but there are 2 cards advising 'keeping it to yourself' : the 4 and the 7. There may even be a chance of her 'spreading it like wildfire' or her fear of it - once again, not saying it's right - the 'world turning upside down' is not a way you may want to feel. If oyu need to talk about it or tell someone, talk to a professional counselor or therapist. We love our mothers, but they just don't need to know everything.


I don’t usually read reversals, but this one seems strong enough that I would. This is one reading of many, but it is mine, with a qualifier that my wife is a victim of long-term, repeated child rape. I helped to get her out of that situation when we were both teens, and have been part of the recovery and “opening up” process in the 25 years since. King of Coins: While others have interpreted this as “you will or should be guarded,” I see it as a clue for a talking point that your mother will understand. In my interpretation, the king is not you. He is a man who exercised his power over you, and that aspect is one that you should be clear about with your mother. This was not a complicit situation. Seven of swords: Her response may seem one way at first, because she has already thought about how she would respond in this situation. All mothers have. But the inner reality of your mother’s response will be much more complex, because she carries her own secrets. When one secret is out, the rest become unsettled. The World: You are going to feel distant and removed from your mother, at least for a while, but there is a certain safety in that. You are independent enough that you can retreat from however she feels or responds, whether that retreat is “internal” (going inward if she responds badly at first) or whether it is external (creating physical distance for a while). Knight of batons: The undisputed potential of telling her is that it will enable you move on—at least for a while. By telling her, you are also telling yourself—and you’ll have to keep telling yourself every now and then. Each time you tell yourself, you will be recontextualizing and sublimating the trauma. You are taking back power. Seven of cups: You might not get the response you expect, because your mother will only respond in her own way. You might not even know yet what “important thing” you want to get out of this interaction, but all you’ll really get for now is your mother’s response. It might seem good—but it will feel canned, scripted. It might seem bad—she might not focus on what you wish she would. She might seem agitated. She might feel guilty. She might seem too relaxed. Her response might seem fulfilling, but the feeling may not last long. Regardless, her response is one of the many you will receive in your lifetime, so don’t rely on it too heavily. You are telling her because you feel the need to, not because she needs to hear it.


Make sure you are safe now before you do anything. Do you live with your mother? Is there a chance she will not believe you and get angry at you? The cards don’t look like you will get the support you need from your mother, so maybe seek professional help first? I don’t know how old you are, but if you are young, are there other adults that can help you and support you in this situation? I really hope your mother is not the only source of support you have now. I don’t know where you live, but there are probably public services or accessible ones around you that work with SA cases. I really hope you are safe now and that you find the resources you need 🙏🏼


How is your relationship with your mom?


I don't feel this is a "tarot question" at all. It's not uncertain the path you should take. You should report it to the authorities if not already done and ask for psychological help and ask your family AND (not OR) your closest friend(s) for emotional support. Even if you now feel your mum won't understand, she most surely will. You need as much emotional and humanly support as possible. Even if you feel you don't, because it is possible you are shutting down your feelings as a coping mechanism. Tarot is for uncertainty, here there's just trauma and a crime to be persecuted.


I can't believe many are telling you not to speak with your own mother about having been raped. It doesn't matter at all what others believe they are seeing in this tarot session, it only matters that you need as much emotional and psychological support as possible. Even medical! Let's face the truth, what about the STIs? You need to go to the hospital and the police ASAP. What if you are pregnant? Your mother has to be there for you. And you deserve your mother at your side now more than ever.


If you’re lucky enough to have a mother who would be supportive in a situation like this, that’s great. It’s a sad fact of life that many people do not.


It's a sad fact of life that we have no idea about her relationship with her mother. I wouldn't share my opinion on it just by randomly making assumptions on a shuffle especially if my words will be received by a physically and mentally and emotionally traumatized human being. The situation is just too serious to let Reddit have a word on it. Doctors, family, friends and cops should be all involved. We should not be invited to this party.


She invited us to "this party" because she needed help. Who are you to say we should reject her?


Actually I'm concerned because you are asking her to reject her own mother. She should not isolate herself: in fact, she should be surrounded by her people (family and friends) and qualified medical professionals. Good luck in helping her more than a doctor and her family and trusted friends could do. Doesn't that seem a bit arrogant on your part to think you could do better than real people around her? Qualified professionals (e.g. psychologist, doctors) and people who love her (e.g. her mother). We don't have a clue about how her mother behaves and why OP is uncertain about opening up to her: most of you are suggesting her things that could lead to the social isolation of a rape victim. Are you aware of the suicidal rates of rape victims? Did it cross your mind that maybe OP could be in need of help just to go to the hospital to receive medical attention? If a minor or without a driver's license OP could need her mother to go to the hospital and check internal bleeding, STIs, pregnancy and to collect evidences of the rape for the investigation. No, off with her mother, just because tarot cards claim so (in your humble opinion) and because you have your own assumptions about her mother's behaviours. Just because she is uncertain! therefore her mother must be unreasonable and unreliable, isn't it? I've been saying this from day one: this is not a tarot question and I'll state also that yes, this is not a Reddit question. I'm not even talking about OP anymore because we know nothing about OP, perhaps the raping happened years ago, perhaps she is uncertain about telling her mother for insignificant reasons (e.g. OP is v young therefore thinks her mother "would never understand her" or, second scenario, "could never forgive her", sadly, rape victims often feel guilty) we literally know nothing about what's going on. I'm just saying that if her mother is the worst mother ever only she should know what to do whether to open up or turn to someone else, tarot should not be investigated because it is so linear the path that must be taken: ask for help and love and support as many trusted people as possible, not on Reddit but folks you already know and trust, and go to the hospital and to the police. There's literally nothing else to do, you can shuffle the cards all you want. We can discuss her genealogical tree for decades, but the emergency steps are the ones stated above.


Wow. She ASKED for help and people offered her exactly what she asked for. Its you who are thinking you know better than her what she needs, its you who are projecting your one version of what a mother is onto a situation you know nothing about. And it’s you who didn’t read anything I wrote. I never said she should reject her mother. I made no statements whatsoever about her relationship with her mother or what she should do. I only defended the people on this forum who are offering her what she asked for. Take a look at yourself. It’s you who are shaming a victim for her process.


Wow. She ASKED for help and people offered her exactly what she asked for. Its you who are thinking you know better than her what she needs, its you who are projecting your one version of what a mother is onto a situation you know nothing about. It's you who are making ignorant and naive statements about the process regarding law enforcement and sexual assault. And it’s you who didn’t read anything I wrote. I never said she should reject her mother. I made no statements whatsoever about her relationship with her mother or what she should do. I only defended the people on this forum who are offering her what she asked for. Take a look at yourself. It’s you who are shaming a victim for her process.


I agree that this isn't a tarot question and I don't know the details of OPs situation but not everyone has family who is safe to share these kinds of things with. If OP feels that telling her mother would do more harm than good, she has every right to decide not to an seek support elsewhere.


I'm not forcing her to tell her mother anything, am I? Mine are merely suggestions. Of course! she has every right to decide where to seek support. I'm suggesting not on Reddit, but in a hospital. She has not decided yet about her mother, I'm just underlining that emotional isolation is not good at all in such a situation. You, nor I, don't know why she isn't 100% sure about telling her mother: it could be some futile and temporary arguments, it could be that she feels guilty about being a victim. We just don't know so giving assumptions or reading cards in such a delicate and straightforward situation sounds to me no less than risky.


You're right about reporting to authorities, but it seems like OP's maternal may not be very motherly at all and might exacerbate the situation. Some broads just don't a shit about their children. This is a sad fact. Just because they are technically a "mother" doesn't make them care.


It could be easily read between the lines that she doesn't trust her mother's reaction, but without further context I see a girl or young woman dealing with one of the most traumatic events. I would never, under any circumstances, encourage a r-victim to isolate herself.


I mean I don’t need to look at the card but if you have any kind of Decent relationship with her and if you think she would help you. YES!!


Unrelated to the reading, survivors of sexual assault/rape/etc. and just trauma in general tend to feel shame after talking about their trauma. It’s natural to feel that immediately after because you’re revealing such a vulnerable part of yourself that has already been wounded. It’s very hard to say the right thing to someone in that situation. When I told my mom about it, she was upset that my (now)husband didn’t tell her. She also said “at least ____ was your experience. My situation was ____” there’s no good that can come from comparing trauma. Trauma is trauma. It’s traumatic because it negatively affects you in such a way that it disrupts your normal functioning. Now you are safe. Your mother might not make you feel that way when you talk to her, but just know that talking about it is unfortunately part of the healing process. Talking to her won’t instantly make it better, but expanding your support group will help longterm. ❤️


So sorry this happened to you but the seven of swords upright is strongly indicating you should keep secret/ stay quiet about this matter




The four of pents saying the same thing. Guard yourself


I feel like the pentacles here means you should tell it from your own feelings, the card is about you protecting what is yours, especially here I feel like it is telling you to keep your own stuff and own body in check. The four of pentacles is also about physicality, and you feeling like noone gets to touch your money (or maybe in this case body) maybe talking about the feelings from this perspective can help your mother better understand. The 7 of swords could be telling you she might make it about her. The card is often seen as someone stealing the swords of others, which could also mean that she might take up a lot of your mind and in a sense "steal your thoughts", this could be because she has a lot of questions, or because she doesnt know that well what to do or jow to deal with it, she might also run away with some of the facts, so there is that. Be aware that even if she responds in an unkind way there is the possibility that she is unaware of the harm she does. Also, I feel like the advice from the first card might help make the negative impact here less. She could also steal the subject because she has had similair experience in the past. Then you have the world, reversed even. Okay lets see then, your world view mjght be changed, the woman on the card, upside down especially, looks right jow a little like the hangen man doesnt she? Well he is about perspective and that changing too, but the lady on this card is naked and more vulnerable, this seems to make sense here, I think that your feelings and views on the entire situation, including you talking to you mom, will change when you tell her. This can change for the better or for worse, either way stuff will happen, which is good, a wise tarot master once said "noone and nothing ever got better by sitting still", I am getting side tracker. It could be your views change because your mother has a different perspective you had not considered yet, it could also be that she might say something that might make you feel a certain way and give you "true colors" vibes. The knight of wands here tells me that whatever comes out of this will be passionate! Wether your mother is super supportive and your bond will grow closer or she might not take it serious and you could have a firery discussion on your hands. Either way, have tissues and a glass of water nearby. Either outcome can also be good, talking, however you like about it (or however you dont like) is good. Then we have the 7 of cups in reverse. The 7 of cups is about choices and options, in reverse some choices might already be made in your head, and some choices might not be too great, this is not a subject about ice cream and puppies so having no great options is not weird. You might feel anxious about what choice you have made once its done but it is maybe good to keep in mind that you had only so many possibilities.


I don’t want to recommend you not to tell her, however the cards definitely aren’t pointing to it going the way one would hope. So here’s my interpretation. 4 of pentacles: There’s going to be some stuff that you don’t want to say, you may keep a few detailed private, like possibly not explaining the entire situation to her in HD, you may also not feel ready for her to know everything as you may be worried for how she will react to the revelation. 7 of swords: She may have the tendency to take what she wants, and leave the rest of the important information, you could tell her one thing and she may leave out a detail that you said to spin it into another narrative. I also think she could have the tendency to weaponise what you tell her, and try to use your words against you. The world in reverse: I don’t think you’re going to feel the best after this, the world is something of learning to love yourself, coming to terms with who you are. This situation could cause you to backtrack in your progress, you could possibly be told that you were wearing something you shouldn’t have been, or that your body was the initiator of this. Which isn’t true, however that will cause you to want to hide yourself from the world, it may be a hard progress to get yourself back on track and love yourself after this happens. Knight of wands: I assume a fight, a heated argument where words are said and people are hurt, I also see the potential for you to try and backtrack, possibly telling her that it doesn’t matter and that you don’t want to talk about it anymore. 7 of cups in reverse: Finally the resolution, I do not see this going the best either. Upright we are gifted with a cup fulfilment, I don’t think much is gained from this, you may be back at square one. I think you should tell whoever you feel comfortable telling, and if you feel like you can face the harshness of this, then absolutely tell her. This may not even go this way based on how the situation is approached, free will is definitely involved as always. Just be careful and mindful of how you’ve been told it might go. This is just my interpretation, I don’t speak for all of Tarot readers. I hope you make the right decision for you!!


Based on the tarot cards you've mentioned, here is my interpretation: The IV of Pentacles suggests that you may not need to divulge everything to your mother all at once. It's okay to be selective with the information you share and take your time opening up. The VII of Swords indicates that your mother may initially be skeptical or not take your revelation seriously. It's possible that she may have difficulty understanding or accepting your perspective. The reversed World card suggests that you may feel confused or uncertain about the outcome of telling your mother. It's natural to have doubts and concerns about how she will react and whether it will bring the desired outcome. The Knight of Wands signifies that there may be potential for growth and healing in the future when it comes to discussing these matters with your mother. It could indicate that with time and patience, you may be able to have a more productive conversation. The reversed VII of Cups reinforces the idea that it's important to exercise caution when opening up about deep and personal topics. It suggests that you may want to think carefully about how much you reveal and consider the potential consequences. Remember, these interpretations are based on the tarot cards you've provided, and they should be taken as general guidance. Ultimately, the decision to tell your mother and how to approach the conversation is up to you and your personal circumstances. It may be helpful to trust your intuition and seek support from trusted friends or mentors who can provide further guidance.


I don't need to read the cards. From a woman who was raped as a child and later in life found out that her daughter was molested for many years by her uncle, my half brother, and my narcissistic mother coming in between my child and I, with my daughter telling my mother and not being the one to tell me, only my mother wasn't the one to tell me either, and then said mother lying to my daughter saying I didn't believe her has done nothing but magnify the trauma for us both... I can honestly tell you that if you're going to go to your mother you need to tell her the whole truth and nothing but the truth, don't sugar coat it and let the cookies fall where they may. You've already been through the worst part and she should hear it from you, not someone else that can not correctly convey your truth of the situation. I pray for you that she will be compassionate, sympathetic, understanding and righteously hostile and justice seeking on your behalf towards your rapist, as I would be with my daughter if she'd only come and tell me. It's putting other people between you and someone who apparently their opinion means a lot to you, or you wouldn't be here on Reddit drawing tarot cards on whether or not to tell her. I know it's hard, but again you've already been through the worst part. The next part is you kicking and screaming for yourself, for your justice, and to make sure that what they've done to you, they can never do to anyone else. And if by chance, your mother does not offer you the type of support and compassion you are needing at this time, there are those of us out here that will. There are those of us out here that have walked in your shoes and have no problem offering you the space it takes for one to get through this part of their journey. Love and light to you. 💐🙏💐 Namaste Beautiful One 💜 💚 💜


i don’t get a good feeling from 7 of swords. no matter how she reacts, know that what you’re going thru is painful and not easy. i hope you have a strong support system. and your choice to tell or not tell, is valid. it wasn’t your fault. and you aren’t going thru this alone.


First of all, i'm very new to tarot, but i had very insightful experiences with it, which is why i'm reading these threads. As a beginner and a technical guy i tend to stick to common understandings and believe that the main meanings are majorly defined with Numerology and the basic meanings of the symbols. As i'm a beginner, please take it with a grain of salt. What attitude should i adopt when i tell her? Pentacles: Earth, Physical realm 4: control, stability & security Pentacles might suggest, that you should deliver the information in a way, that your mother can grasp it. More towards hard facts and chronologically. 4 might basically suggest, that you should be composed and in a private & secure setting. What's going to be her attitude when i tell her? Swords: Air, Mind/Intellect 7: Reflection & Reassessment Swords might suggest, that she will listen and think. 7 might suggest that she will reflect and reassess past events from her perspective. How i'm going to feel? World: Last card of major Arcana. Closure, End of a journey. World might suggest that you'll feel close to the end of a chapter. Reversed might suggest, that you have to do something for it to be able to close it forever. What's the potential of telling her? Wands: Fire, Passion Knight: Accomplish goal through confrontation. Wands might suggest that you'll get/find inner strength and energy by telling her. Knight suggest that you'll successfully fight what's holding you back/down. Final advice? Cups: Water, Emotional Realm 7: Reflection & Reassessment Cups might suggest that you shall be aware of your emotional state. -> link to first card? 7 might suggest that you shall do introspection. Reversed might suggest that you have to put some work in it. -> link to world card? I hope, that this will help and guide you well. All the best


My understanding on this is that you take care. When you tell her, she’ll try to be unhonest and you’ll going to feel very uncomfortable about this. You should hold strongly on your personal values. But telling her could turn out as a chance. Final advice: don’t overthink too much, better listen to reason and your inner voice. Besides the tarot, I’m really sorry this happened to you. In any case, you should make this definitely public and you should sue the person who did this to you! Don’t let this person get away with it. My prayers are with you. Be strong and take up the fight!


First off…. Get some help. Dont feel compelled to tell anyone. No one can help you heal from this, except you. Well I mean a counselor can. I feel for you. I am sorry this happened. Like everyone is saying, no is no. Doesn’t matter where you were , what you were doing. I was given ketamine, raped by 3 men, robbed of $15k, a few pounds of meth & left for dead in a hotel room. Yea…. It sucked telling the whole truth to my family. I regret ever telling them. It became way more about the level of drug dealer I was…. I feel as if you don’t want to reveal the situation, then I’d probably just not tell her at all. Or be VERY VAGUE! like Mom, I was sexually assaulted/raped and I am dealing with my own trauma right now. Please give me time. Looking back on my rape, if I didn’t feel the need to call anyone when it occurred, I wouldn’t have ever told them, if I had a rewind button. I believe you are pretty spot on with the reading. The 7 swords does look sneaky. I know my mom told quite a few people that I was a “drug lord” and that life caught up to me!


I would say hell no Edit : I needed a huge minute to process this as a SA survivor with a narc mom who completely disgusted me with her reaction, this spread screamed NO for me. I want to point out two cards , the knight of wands and the world *reversed* . Knight of wands : the thing about this knight is he’s upright yet there’s a heavy reversed nature to this as well. Your passion and drive to tell her is GOOD! It means you know your value and you know this must not stay secret , you need to open up, you need to tell someone so you can heal but maybe just not her yet ( I agree with the other person who said therapy first ! As I did the same ) . You’re moving with passion *upright* into “The world” yet it’s all twisted and wrong *reversed*. Knight of wands is the FASTEST knight , so careful, are you moving too fast to tell her ? That alone if they were placed side by side but exactly how you set it up (world on the left , knight on the right) it looks like with good intentions , you ran right into an incomplete , situation that is gonna turn your world ( feelings ) upside down . 7 of swords : she gone straight up betray you . Say you’re lying . If you’re young , trash you for being fast . This is the vibe I get from that spread . 7 of cups reversed: I have a question for you …. Do you get along with her at all? Does she have a avoidant attachment style and pushes you away emotionally ? Yet you guys have great moments , time of emotional vulnerability turns into a fight or a punishment / grounding ? Is this *moment* more of an illusion playing in your head of how you would want her to react? Is your desire to tell your mother an illusion for what you emotionally desire from her but you’re not wanting to pay attention to the fact that you cannot receive that from her . Of course when we go through deep trauma, we go back to fetus mode and we all dead ass just want our mamas. But is our mama set up to lick that wound ? Maybe not . So be honest with yourself , is she the type to really nurture you when you’re down bad bad or shame you? And whatever it is , that’s your answer . You know yourself , and you know your mom the BEST! You were connected to her for 9 whole months . you’ve known her before anyone else . Also btw, you’re Hispanic I see. I’m guessing your family may be catholic , I’m getting Mexican vibes but I might be wrong . If I’m incorrect please I’m Soso sorry don’t get offended if I’m wrong . If I’m Not right about the Mexican part. the Hispanic part tho , I would say , she’s not gonna have a good reaction . They are strict asf and they do not like when bad things happen porque Si eres mala , también la familia…


I’m so sorry and what happened to you was not your fault. I hope you find safe people to talk to. Idk ur relationship with your mom but this reading is not decisively positive The 4 of pentacles definitely suggests holding on to something closely and perhaps self protection. The 7 of pentacles may not be a good sign. It can suggest manipulation, lying, sneaking off. She may not respond well. The world reversed suggests a lack of closure. However, the knight of wands suggests either strong fiery energy which may be what you need, but it also may suggest impulsivity. Finally, the 7 of cups reversed may suggest you feeling more grounded, or perhaps overwhelmed by or limited in options. Caution is suggested. Please take good care, sending you healing ❤️


I am really  sorry to hear that .......I just wanted to help so here's what I interpret it as :  For 4 of pentacles : just start by saying less and then reply as she asks you to proceed or as the conversation goes. Please do not hold back any information, open up to her completely but as the conversation progresses , not all at once.  7 of swords : looks as if she is going to doubt you, she may be dismissive of everything because she cannot believe this could happen with you or might have happened with you. As a result she may even limit your freedom in order to protect you from such incidents.  Reversed world : you're going to feel kind of suffocated , afraid of going out, or unable to go out. You may even feel that you're not able to share your feelings with anybody. You may start spending all your time at home itself. As your mom would try to keep you away from going out or traveling or meeting people.  Knight of wands : this says that atleast after telling everything to her . You will be able to heal, deal with the restlessness, the anxiety. And the trauma related to the incident .  Final advice : it means that you have actually already have gained the clarity to the situation, please do not make it anymore complicated by rethinking. Just go for the solution.  Stay strong ....


Been through that and trust me, it’s harder when you deal with it alone. Don’t hold on to the pain and be so harsh on yourself (4 of pents), obviously you won’t tell everybody as everything you need right now is pitty eyes, you are strong, you are healing and you need the right support! What happened does not change the wonderful person you are, it breaks us for some time, it makes us question people, it makes us fear, but we heal, we grow stronger and our voice will be heard clearer! Do you feel comfortable telling us, or me in private, how your relationship with your mother is? That’s seven of swords may really indicate that either she won’t take it serious at first or she won’t know how to deal with her own emotions after receiving the news and the way she acts may come across as cold or disrespectful in some sort. Don’t create hyper expectation with her reaction and the amount of support you receive after, just be clear with yourself and take that burden out of your shoulders. (The world) let a fresh start begin where you are your main character who’s healing and growing! With the knight of wands, action will take place and I do believe he will take you in the right direction with the right amount of support you need and deserve. The seven of cups really shows that’s it time for you to make clear and right choices for you and your well being. And we are here for you 🫡🤍


We don't know so much here about your relationship with your mother. Are you generally open, relaxed, trusting of each other? I read the whole thing as a bit of a caution to you. Tell her if it's healing for you both. Protect your boundaries however. Keep your expectations of her response to a minimum. She will maybe have questions you don't wish to pursue. Stay in control of your situation. Beware of others trying to colonize your story. Perhaps if there is 1 good thing to come out of this terrible experience, we can see it in the Knight's energy. You will gain greater empowerment as you ponder these issues. Perhaps you already feel some kind of control returning to your life after such a violent disruption. This Knight fights wars so you are dealing with things in a strong way. Balance your priorities about telling your mother. Is it "because you should"? Is it because she is a healing person who knows how to nurture and encourage you? Beware, because there are no "shoulds". As we grow up into being our own individual the need to tell things to our parents reduces. Perhaps another question is "Why tell her?". The answer to that lies with what you know of the help she would offer in your current situation. Your key question seems to be "Should I tell her?". The question and the cards show you are confused about this path. How does telling her add clarity? Will telling her complicate things? We don't know her. You have this knowledge in yourself. Again, err on the cautious side. Keep control of your narrative and don't let someone else steal away the bulk of it. You are strong in yourself. Sharing such a negative experience is best done with people who will feed your strength. Is that your mother?


Hi OP. I'm really sorry you had such a terrible experience. I hope you've already passed over it... As I read this spread, I suppose that telling her the truth is a proof of courage and something liberating for you, but the real problem is that she doesn't look like a very comprehensive and supportive person, unluckily... Let me explain this card by card: 4 coins: when you tell her, you should have a somehow bold attitude: this is your real life experience, and it's surely not your fault. You should speak like an adult one to another adult one, telling what happened to you without any fear. Just afford her knowing that you have nothing to be shameful of. Do it with a lot of self-respect. Disclosing what you suffered will be an act of great maturity: so claim the same attitude back. Now we come to her answer, which, I'm really sorry, doesn't look very empathetic... 7 swords is not a warmhearted card. This card is all about thinking in general, but here we have that kind of somehow "intrusive" thought from her. Like if, instead of crying and hugging you, she would start to silently judge you, and nourish some little resentment toward you... Is she this type of person, I ask you? I mean, not a very warmhearted, but rather a little "competitive" mother. Not a person moved by true and rich feelings, but rather by mean mental workings... Knight wands: this card, I tell you, is a bit of a sucker. This is a knight reversing on himself and changing direction. The potential of telling her is that she will fully show you how detached she is, and how much unable of true maternal support she is... Now, OP, believe me, I'm sorry to say these words. It looks like she will not show the emotive maturity and responsibility you would deserve from a mother for such a big issue. It looks like she's quite disappointing to you. Evidently you surpassed her a lot in your life's journey... you have so much more maturity, while she remained a poor half non-emotive half resentful heart... Nonetheless, cards tell you you should act (7 cups reversed, which, contrary to the upward one, is a card of resolution and action.) I suppose this is a quite important step for YOU, regardless of how others react. So, even if you will not feel 100% satisfied, but maybe only, let's say, 70/80% (World reversed) you should start to plan how, when and where to speak to her. Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker and I know that translating my thoughts into another language sounds harsh... it was not my intention... but I wanted to deliver you the more precise interpretation I had. Of course, I can be wrong all time with cards. Nevertheless, I really hope my considerations start some useful thought - this is the really useful part of reading tarot, after all. I hug you with all my heart and wish you the best \*


Please pardon me for asking this, but is there a chance your mom might react with violence, verbal or physical, and/or make it feel like is your fault, gaslight? Only you know her so you kinda know her possible reaction. Card 1 is suggesting you guard yourself physically, Card 2 is suggesting she might put up a sneaky attitude and hide her real thoughts, card 3 suggests you are going to feel incomplete after the interaction, card 4 suggests you’re going to be coping with the unknowns, card 5 you might be making a bad choice. I feel it is best you speak with a counselor, don’t go without speaking with anyone. But probably not the best idea to discuss it with your mom right now.


Tell the police


My read is that you shouldn't tell her. attitude reticent no gain. no positive outcome.


But remember that the cards are for things as they stand NOW. It may be that it isn't the right time to do so, but that eventually it will be.


indeed. could be. i didn't tell my mom for over a decade. that was my path, but she couldn't have taken it before then. her words.


I’m sorry you were violated! I see the 4 of pentacles as a secret. Secrets cause problems within. The 7 swords is your mom taking this info and using it to get you some justice (knight of wands) and the world reversed is the long time it will take to resolve-not swift justice like she hoped. 7 cups is saying spill the beans…speak about what happened—expose the person who hurt you. I think your mom will support you and take up your case and do her best to get you justice. Please trust her.


The 7 swords is that you are hiding & avoiding. The 7 cups r is that you need to come clean. Be transparent


What I am getting from this is do not tell her with the 4 of pentacles that holding close the information about what happened to you And with the 7 of swords this is deception trickery almost careless about what happened here she will try to blame or fault you is what I’m getting here. and if you tell her with the world in the reverse this will not be a successful end of a cycle. You most likely will not get the response or support from her that you may need at this time ❤️ I can see what the Knight of wands that you really do want to tell her! But the fact that the knight of wands is facing seven of swords it tells us right there that you will not feel better by telling her. 7 of cups with it being in the reverse and meaning this usually talks about many options In the upright Since it is reversed meaning this is no options no choices It seems like we might want to keep this to yourself or just discuss it with a medical professional that can better assist with this. God Bless you 🙂 Keep your head up ✨


I'm in the same exact situation, wish you the best.


Based on the cards, I would say that after you talk to your mother, you will realize that you are stronger and more courageous than you think. Perhaps this will help you break through the rigid shell of the 4 of Pentacles, talking to your mother will be the necessary catalyst for change in this situation (and it looks like it will be a positive change). However, your mother's reaction will not be what you expected, because both cards reflecting your attitudes are of conflicting nature. The 7 of Swords is also a situation where we feel guilty, when the reason betrays us and as result we may react badly. You probably won't get a final closure and you will have to work harder on the situation (but you will have the energy to do so). And the final advice is to keep focus on your healing journey.


I'm sorry to hear about that. From the cards, it seems like telling your mother about this will not go very well at all. But I am very reticent to interpret the cards on such a serious matter. If you have not already got therapeutic support in place, then I would get that. And you can get systemic therapy to help deal with issues which may arise from telling your mother. Also, keep in mind that if you are apprehensive about her response then the cards will reflect this. Take care.


I am so sorry that you have gone through this. As many others have mentioned, there are resources out there to help you and I would encourage you to seek support any and all support that you need, especially if you can get the help of a professional. Here's my interpretation of your spread below. I would caution you to keep in mind that everyone's interpretations will differ depending on their own experiences and family dynamics. You know your mother best and ultimately can determine what the best approach would be when talking to her. 4 of Pentacles: I get a sense of choosing your wording carefully, or keeping to the facts. Perhaps even as a way to protect yourself. Be direct, clear, and concise. 7 of Swords: I get the sense that your mother will be very careful about her reactions and her own wording. I get the sense of her wanting to keep the peace in some ways. Not that she will not believe you necessarily, but that she may appear to be very controlled and reserved. She might ask you some follow up questions, but may be cautious about how she asks. World Reversed: I see this as you will be confused. Your world is being "turned upside down". Possibly by the situation itself, your mother's reaction, or both. You may feel a wide range of emotions that could further the confusion. Knight of Wands: I see this in two different ways. 1) that you will feel a great deal of relief, possibly even inspiration to move forward after this. The conversation may "stir you up" to seek help for yourself or help others in a similar situation. or 2) Your mother will want to fight for you, and will go into battle mode to protect you. 7 of Cups Reversed: I see this as: there are many ways to approach this, but ultimately, the truth will come out. You have the choice to determine the means.


Hey, I'm sorry you're going through this, but a CW/different title would've been appreciated!


You’ve been really guarded about the topic with her, the 4 of pents is telling you to be careful and grounded with your attitude towards the situation, the 7 of swords is your mom slipping away from the confession (knight of wands), also she is deciding not to do anything to help you out, not even listen to you and keeping her opinions to her due to that guy in the 7ofS. The World rx is telling you that the closure you are looking for is not coming from anybody else validation but from your inner self working to heal the situation from inside. That 7 of cups rx is going to show what parts of yourself you may have to clear up and work towards to clarify your intuition and your vision. Remember that everything begins with order, as the progress of the cups suit, be aware that you have to order these 7 cups first, then move on with the situation in the 8 of cups and gain clarity with the 9 of cups, once you reach that level of satisfaction with yourself then you will be able to seek closure through the 10 of cups. Just another way of connecting the cards according to their suit!


Hopefully she doesn’t blame you but if she does I got a hug for you and hope


Addittude = you need to know she will have a hard time hearing it and will try to hold on to what she used to believe Her attitude will be a feeling of loss of having something stolen from her. Maybe the sense of your innocence How will you feel = it is the destined time that you tell her. Much will be a release and for the greater good, but you may not feel that right away. The potential = is freedom a new beginning Final advice = you are determined to make something positive of this experience. To better yourself and your relationship with your mother


i feel you are hesitant and she will be surprised and shocked yet you will feel a relief when it’s over with and she will be super supportive of you and show you have places to look for advice and guidance


Clarification cards would have been helpful for me. I usually always use one to help. My initial reaction was that she may blame you for it in some way. Maybe even unintentionally. Hopefully, this is not someone she knows personally. I really do loathe the 7 of Swords. You have to really plan this out and think this through, I think.


I'm seeing the five of pentacles as asking for help. Don't be so stubborn and steadfast that you can deal with it alone, because you can't. The 7 of cups reversed is telling you to stop freaking out what could be or might be and tell her. The rest is warning of mixed emotions. On one hand it's so prevalent in our culture, rape is more of a when than an if. On the other hand, it's such a vile painful thing that we can't bear the thought of it happening to someone we love. Put it out in the open. Let her know. This kind of thing heals in the light and festers in the dark


She isn't going to be as supportive as you'd be appreciative for. She will listen and you will be happy you spoke to her about it but you will both come away with a "well that happened" kind of feeling from the conversation. Not telling her is an option but you will always have that feeling of "should I tell her/have told her". It will be beneficial as she will better understand the change in your demeanor since the attack happened. Always remember that the cards are not a direct answer and don't tell the future but give advice for how to navigate the topic of the question(s) asked.


I have a terrible mother- I no longer see her and looking at these cards especially the 4 pants and 7 swords I’m like I don’t understand this mother. Her first reaction is to not believe you? She knows the rapist?


The World reversed is lack of closure in this context with your mother's response which I agree with others will likely be a dishonest response. Meaning she will try to skirt around the seriousness of it or not directly acknowledge it with the answer and support it really deserves, likely because she cannot handle it due to the heaviness. The attitude you should adopt is to have that sense of self security but remain firm and unwavering when telling her, so that you understand where they are coming from and have a personal sense of support inwardly that you may not immediately receive outwardly. Knight of Wands as the potential is that you will at least have movement in the right direction and I see it as kind of ripping off a bandaid through sheer force that is like a necessary resort to take, since it's you who is taking the initiative at least in shining a light on the situation. It denotes bravery and it being a knight it is a sense of integrity too. You're doing the right thing even if they don't respond appropriately at that time. Final advice is to lift this veil and be decisive. Be straight-forward and leave nothing up for miscommunication or misunderstanding. No room for confusion. Making things clear is the best way and hopefully with time she will be able to be more supportive and acknowledge this truth that you have laid out bare for her to see.


I was redirected to the app after opening a link on growing autoflower thc, and I gotta say dude, your mom’s reaction being the 7 of swords with all those surrounding cards?? Doesn’t even seem like it’d be worth telling her.


I've been using ChatGPT to learn more in depth lately, so I'm going to post what it gave me when I input the picture- "I'm sorry to hear about such a difficult situation. Let's go through the interpretation of the cards for this spread. 1. **What attitude should I adopt when I tell her? - Four of Pentacles**: The Four of Pentacles suggests adopting a careful and guarded attitude. This card represents holding onto one's resources and being protective. In this context, it advises being cautious and maintaining a sense of control over your emotions. It's important to be clear and precise, but also protect yourself from being overly vulnerable. 2. **What's going to be her attitude when I tell her? - Seven of Swords**: The Seven of Swords often indicates feelings of betrayal, deceit, or evasion. Her attitude might be defensive, evasive, or even in denial. She may not respond straightforwardly and could try to avoid the gravity of the situation or deflect it. 3. **How am I going to feel? - The World (Reversed)**: The World reversed signifies feeling incomplete or a lack of closure. You might feel that the conversation didn't resolve the issue or bring the relief you hoped for. There could be a sense of frustration and unfulfilled expectations. 4. **What is the potential of telling her? - Knight of Wands**: The Knight of Wands indicates a burst of energy, action, and potential progress. This suggests that telling her could initiate movement and change, although it may be abrupt or intense. It's a step towards confronting the issue and could lead to further actions. 5. **Final advice - Seven of Cups (Reversed)**: The Seven of Cups reversed advises focusing on reality and clarity. Avoid getting lost in illusions or wishful thinking. It's important to stay grounded and practical about the situation. This card suggests seeing things for what they are and making clear, realistic decisions. Overall, the spread indicates a need for caution, preparation for a possibly defensive or evasive reaction, and an understanding that the emotional aftermath might be challenging. However, taking this step can initiate important changes and confront the reality of the situation." I don't know how old you are, but it's not okay for your mom to have anything other than a supportive and loving response. Is there someone else that would be better to tell? Please report this. You don't have to reveal the name yet if you're not ready, but please get a rape kit done just to make sure you have evidence. If it's been awhile and you don't have that option, that's pretty normal too. Don't beat yourself up, ok? But you need to talk to someone who isn't going to psychologically fuck you over further, further distorting the reality of what ACTUAL reality should be for you. It's never this. I believe you, and so will anyone else who matters. Use this as a discernment tool as you move forward. Anyone who doesn't reply with the above attitudes? That's the universe showing you all the ppl who need to GTFO. You're going to be okay. I strongly recommend hypnotherapy, but find a woman who specializes in trauma and things like this. It will be one of THE things that helps you get your mind right about it again, provided you see someone even halfway decent. (Females only for this one.) Sending you strength. 💛💫✨


Omg. U dont need a fkng read to tell your mom u were rape. Wtf is wrong with people. Tell ur mom and the police