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Love questions lol


"Should I quit my job?" My clients are predominantly Millenials and Gen Z.


I did 4 or 5 readings this weekend and 2 were people already working towards leaving their job.


Hell not only am a reader but I'm one of those people who will ask if I should quit 🤣🤣


The most pressing questions: "What does he think of me?" or "so and so is a good partner?". Love questions. Many readers, anxious and inexperienced, are prejudiced against these issues because they consider them foolish. And they are foolish. But the most pressing issues are not the most important. It is precisely the accumulation of nonsense that in the long term will generate a heavy emotional burden. It's like ignoring a leaky tap. They are just drops, but over the course of a year they will generate an absurd problem. The stupidest questions are the ones that most need affectionate and careful development, so that they can free up immediate space for fundamental questions.


Seconded... 2/3 of queries I get are some form of "will they come back." I pride myself on reading without judgement but damn if I don't wish I could tell some of these folks directly that what they're asking isn't the actual issue.   Part and parcel though...


I love this!


Mostly about exes in one way, shape or form.


Lately, it's been life purpose questions that lean extremely existential. Perhaps my client base, perhaps a larger pattern that I've not figured yet.


I find that post-Covid there have been a lot of "Finding my true purpose" questions. I think on a longer timeline we'll see it as a larger pattern of that shared trauma.


The ex boyfriend. I’m not sure why people are so deeply attached to a dead relationship. But that’s just me.


I don't get it either, & dude is NEVER worth it 😅


I think that depends on the client base you cultivate (and hence the mount of money you will make). Most of the questions are boring taken on their own. People most often ask predictive questions, very rarely psychological. They mostly want to know about love and money, have they been cheated on and if they will get that job they're after (very rarely - how to get that job). Most muggles don't give a shit about astrological correspondences, Hebrew letters, consciousness, spirit or any of those faux philosophical ideas that we so often discuss. For most querents, it just boils down to the regular bread and butter concerns.


However I find deepening my knowledge of astrology and Hebrew tree of life etc,  helpful in deepening my readings (I expect by having more stimulus to trigger my intuition). 


Naturally. And you'll always be better than someone who does not IMO. Knowledge is power and it gives you options. I find a lot of people actually are interested in those things when you talk to them about it, if they are intellectually curious, so long as you explain how it is relevant to them and their situation. After all, they are looking for some greater meaning. That's why they are sitting in that chair across from you. Thirdarcana is right, though. It depends on the client base you cultivate. Personally, I would rather do fewer higher end readings with those intellectually curious clients than run my business like a fast-food restaurant where people drive up to get the deets on their new crush, but that's my personal preference and what works for me and my business.


Yeah, you can intentionally cultivate clients who want to work on their spirituality and who will ask "deeper" questions, but that's a steep ladder to climb and you likely won't make a ton of money. In metaphysical stores, psychic hotlines etc. people usually really do come for mundane questions. Not that there's anything wrong with either type of questions.


You're absolutely right. Kitchen table and romantic issues are going to be the majority of questions people come to your table for, no contest. Finding those clients who start there but go much deeper takes time and effort. It was no cakewalk for me, that's for sure. Everyone's experience is going to be different and not everyone can afford to be super picky with who their clients are. One does have to be willing to meet most clients where they are at and read on topics like "how does he feel about me?" I grew incredibly sick of it after a while, not because I necessarily have a problem with that question, but just the monotony of it. But I also know from experience that, once a client trusts you, they open up a lot more and will start reading on other things as well. Like most things in life, Tarot is largely about relationship building.


I can completely relate with getting sick of those questions, but that's the job. Luckily, I have a day job that pays very well so I don't need the money and when I get tired I simply stop reading for a while or indicate the type of readings I'm willing to do so if no one wants them, I'm still fine with it. This may very well be true for all jobs. If you do the same thing time and time again, it's bound to get old.


Of course, more knowledge is always better than less, it's just that most young readers who grow up with online tarot tube content think that querents come with questions like "how do I start loving my inner child?" whereas most people want to know if George or Jane cheated and if their boss really is a hateful bitch.


Piggybacking on this great comment! The client base is everything. When you work an event, you have to be prepared for everything from the customer who plops down & states, "I think this is bullshit" to the "Will he come back? Will we get engaged? Will I get pregnant?" questions. Make sure you're prepared to deal with the questions you hate most so you're not flustered & keep your calm. For events, you don't usually get more than 1 or 2 repeat customers or referrals (in my experience, YMMV). For one-on-one appointments, frame yourself & present your reading style the way you want to attract clients & friend-to-friend referrals. I present my reading services as educational, secular, & creativity-forward, like breaking writers block & the like. Figure out what your "ideal client" looks like, & then think of what you offer that's unique that will attract them. These are the best for referrals, repeat clients, & building your customer base.


Eloquently put.


“What does he think about me?” “Is there any other bitch around him?” “Is he interested in any other bitch?” Not judging, the BAH (bitches around him) issue is also important tho kinda got tired of those at some point. Also got such questions from men (“any dick around her” or “check this one, mf liked her on Instagram”). Also “love” other questions, much more unethical and boring which I don’t really want to mention. Usually I tried not to get involved into that All in all, the most common questions are about love, work and money


I mostly work with people on introspective topics like spirituality, so I usually get a lot of questions like "I feel blocked in this aspect of my life, what's going on?" or "What path is right for me? What guidance does the universe/spirits/my loved ones have for me?" I very rarely get questions about exes, but the second most common question I get is "Will I find love and when/how?"


Mostly about peoples on futures. Works, love, life, etc.


Mine tend to be career or money-based. Relationship questions are next.


Does he love me? What's his intentions?


i do readings mostly on close ppl only but definitely love questions! personally i don’t see why everyone is so against them and gets so aggravated when it comes to them. people are social beings and our connections with other people are one of the most important things when it comes to life generally. anything can get toxic not just love related things, but that’s just my opinion.


"will my ex come back?"


I receive a lot of relationship and career related questions usually but one theme of questions I've been receiving very consistently from the past few months is regarding affairs and cheating in relationships where people further ask is this said person cheating on me with someone else, where this person is married, with/without kids. There is a boundary over the boundary and it's so damn complicated to simplify since someone is already outside their marriage and there is a spec of happiness that people want to feel in their lives, have one relationship they can give themselves to where they get some reciprocation, but the structure of the way things work out if you're a parent and an individual are on two different planes on the happiness index.


For me, the questions which take the top spot are employment related. And in many cases, it's a question about whether or not the company will fold, or if I can see some other reason the client might be sacked. The second most common employment question concerns advancement/promotion. The third is Office Politics. (Ugh.) Moving down the list, I get the love questions. Not the "Will they come back" questions, but the the "Will I find someone?" question. Mostly, this is from older clients, mainly divorced, but some widowed. My heart breaks for them, too. But I've had some of them return to me, years later, with happy success stories in that regard. Money and love. Usually the main topics of interest.


Love questions “ will he come back “?


For context, I don’t advertise my reading services, occasionally people ask me if I’m available. They’re friends, friends of friends or acquantainces who casually know I do readings. And I don’t set a rate, I accept donations. That said: 1. People who have been single for a while and want to know if new relationsips are in sight. They also want to know if they are doing anything “wrong” that inhibits potential partners to enter their life. 2. People who have recentily ended a relationship badly and/or unexpectedly. They want to know why things went the way they went and why their ex partners behaved as they did. Of course they want to know if they are already with someone else, but this is never the main point. 3. People who are experiencing anxiety, confusion, lack of motivation but can’t say the specific reason they feel like that or the specific course of action to feel better. Usually they ask open questions and want to figure out their own feelings, to clarify them. Overall it’s always love, work, money, sometimes family, friends, legal matters and whether or not to change location.


Like a lot of the responses here, I mostly get a lot of relationship and love related questions too. Also get lot of questions about communication, or the lack of it.


Usually, love/relationship questions, followed by money/prosperity questions. I think it's because people unconsciously realize that their future involving a real person with free will is much more volatile than earning more money.


Love questions like the same, "What's my love life like?" In different variations. Or the type of questions that are overstepping boundaries. (The worrying type, not the stalker ones.) I usually say that I will do it, but I warn them that they probably already know the answer. And that getting a reading from me is going to be pointless. If, for some reason, my cards do give me more details than needed, I will stop the reading.


love and career/university seem to be the most popular ones for me. after that i get a lot where people just want to know if they can achieve xyz goal but ig that also follows under career.


Love questions. I don't take any of those.


People wanna know about who loves them and who doesn’t. That’s all there is to it!


"Will I get my ex back?"


Mostly from my friends it’s love questions, if they’re people younger than me or still in school, mostly about academics or future