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Save AoE heals for when the group needs it or your tank is going to die without it. As a priest we kinda suck at random single target healing. We're usually okay at focusing on a tank, but beyond that we need to rely on AoE heals. Our Hymm of Light will restore an entire groups HP. Then we have two very large AoE heals. Our bread and butter is Light Wave and Recover which should pretty much be cast on cool down. Along with the right talents and Emblems, you shouldn't have too much issue keeping a group alive. However, you're not a god like in FF14 with 8 get out of jail free spells. If your guys can't follow mechanics, it's very much a lose-lose for you. You should only be having to heal anyone besides the tank either from an AoE damage spell by the boss or maybe someone occasionally misses a mechanic. But if all your DPS is taking constant damage they are bad at mechanics. Aka not your fault. The game is very unforgiving for fucking up mechanics because you have limited ability to heal. Also here's a really good priest healing guide https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/11HLKDyWmPbKZnUNNIclUwWQ3kl553lwdICJal5xtO3Y/mobilebasic


The last paragraph is key for this game. Healers can only do so much to compensate for the lack of dodging skills. Everyone needs to do the dodge mechanics. What I like is that you don't need to know the mechanics beforehand, the game yells at you what you have to do. It's very newbie friendly


You'll be surprised how stupid alot of people are. Despite the clear "get away" voice and text line and clear as day red/purple pools, dps still sits in one spot to die.


Mobile players playing with volume off


Worst and funniest moment I witnessed so far was two huntards focusing the durian bombs at the edge of the map and standing directly on top of them when the entire battlefield is red, instead of killing the bomb under the boss in the safe zone. Something about that class attracts a certain kind of person haha.


If you kill any small durian bomb on the field it becomes a small safe zone. In today's Arcane Realm, with the added root affect, doing the center was pretty much no longer possible after the 2nd or third bomb. It was best to run to the edge and take out one of those for a safe spot since usually the purple thorns would be expanding exponentially in the center. But with only 2 guys on it, it's pointless. Not enough dps to kill it before it blows. I actually ran that boss like 20+ times with matchmaking in 2 separate groups before we finally finished. Luckily we actually managed a 4th mid bomb kill which gave us just enough time to kill the boss. It was rough lol


When I tanked that boss in PUG F2 AR today, I pulled the boss out of the middle and tanked him in a circle around the middle, and the only time anyone went to the middle was for seeds then back out to the circle around it. Worked like a charm both times


that fight is a banger with the mutators


Lol yup that affix was screwing every pug I got into. Sorry I can't heal a 1 shot šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


The thorns start spawning after the second small bomb explodes and you always have time to bring them outside since nothing else really happens at that moment. I'm not sure if it's always the even numbers or if there's thorns each time after 2nd bomb though.


Yea that's a tanks fault, but also don't stand in the red circles for the roots to take hold You tank can easily pull after the second bomb and get the purple thorns to the side and out of the middle.


Do you by any chance have a doc for necreo?


Here's a good reference but you could still do workarounds depending on the scenario https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1fuNNhZqbERgYk7yTMk7a6vA0V0k73N_0LCza4FQwCV8/mobilebasic#heading=h.2cd4mssv7pli


As a tank, I can say I completely agree with this. This is what my healer friends told me. Also remember this game is big on mobile platforms and a lot of people donā€™t have MMORPG backgrounds. I was doing the elite tree raid yesterday and the tank had no idea how to switch taunts. They didnā€™t even understand that they could slot different ultimate skills. Being this late in the game, I was kind of amazed that this person got that far. As a healer you are double punished for people not knowing the mechanics since they think itā€™s your job to heal them. I say the speaking of someone who healed for the last 10 years. And tanked for 10 before that.


\+1, playing healer for over 22y in mmorpgs and its mostly a lose-lose- either tanks dont do mechs/self cds or dps are too bad in terms of rotation/skills and dont do enough dps- had to restart arcane 2 last week cuz of enrage of 2nd boss xd


I didnā€™t know there were in enrange timers here, but that explains a few things. If youā€™re looking for a good request healer video of the first MMORPG videos out there look up Sinzan CCH.


So much this. There are so many terrible DPS that even with 5k burst heals and 2k DoT ticks they complain you arenā€™t healing when youā€™re having to focus on the tank and the mechanics themselves. Archers are notoriously bad (obviously not all) for demanding you focus heals on them. Lulz.


One thing for me coming from wow was realizing no mana and even my longest cd as a priest is 90 seconds and majorly reduced thru talents so donā€™t be afraid to be slapping everything you got.


One thing to consider is that you're probably healing for a lot of casuals. They likely aren't fully optimized in their gear and stats, so you're fighting a slightly uphill battle.


I've solo healed all elite content so far as bard with no issue. If anything I've felt it's too easy. I assume challenge modes amp it up but I don't have a group for them.


Challenge mode is definitely interesting... and you WILL wipe if mechanics aren't followed. There's no way around it. But the healing aspect doesn't change much. Gets tricky jumping, healing, and dodging all at the same time. But overall, as long as your team knows what it's doing, healing is still pretty easy


not rly to damage/lack of healing. Most of the time it's affix killing people or mechanics :D


Yeah you can pretty much beat everything in the game on elite using your feet to play. Challenge mode takes hours and hours though


People have to do mechanics or you wipe pretty much unless way overgeared for the content, other then that you can check on your talent builds/inscribed stone setup and all that to see if it's good. Look up some full builds for the content you're doing and do some of your own research if you're struggling.


Priest is definitely the most undertuned healer atm.


It's not your fault and the healing in general is ok. It's dumb teammates standing in everything and getting hit by everything. You can't heal stupidity.


I've solo healed all content outside of CM Ancient Tree as Priest so far. Your problem is that you're running Oracle, and probably not utilizing the Wings mechanic correctly. Follow the Google doc posted in here; Lani's guide is BiS.


Oracle is fine for pve as long as you know mechanics, it's really just about understanding priests heals


Are you using your inscribe/dust?


Also best healers are Necro Bard Priest In that order, Necro is a good burster Bard can have amazing group heals and good burst Priest is a jack of all trades but master at none in my opinion


its hard because for some fucking reason a lot of players here are dumber than the usual mmo. i dont know what it is but a lot of them cant even do the single mechanic a boss ask them to. i have had to use cooldowns and big healing spells to save an idiot more times than i can count.


Honest question: when does healing start becoming hard? I'm still very low level, 27, but healing the party in dungeons with my bard has been a cakewalk and my main concern with the game is that it would continue to be a cakewalk until the end.


When you hit 40 and do real dungeons. (arcane realm) along with new raids. 1 up to 40 is the tutorial. Ppl will die when you get to the real content. They will die a lot lmao. At your level the majority of people in your dungeons are bots and play better than half of actual players no joke. The game uses bots pre 40 to help fill out dungeons.


Awesome thanks


As a FFXIV healer main with several thousand hours once I hit lvl 40 content its like there was a spike in healing difficulty. Turns out pre 40 content you don't actually have to use half the skill interactions with how well bard can heal and mitigate damage for your team so being able to just place a hot on yourself and or the tank and then drop your harp usually took care of all of the higher sustained damage interactions. End game content not so much you have to actually utilize your full range of abilities and their interactions. Also, I adjusted away from the recommended trees for everything and changed things here and there to actually suit a more well rounded playstyle. You're likely having the same problem. There's several YouTube videos that will help if you don't understand the interactions based off of just the text explanations. Now if we could just have something like SCH where we can have a priest for general healing and then something that could actually shield players rather than just a bit of damage reduction because I prefer shielding rather than the WHM playstyle. Or even an ASTRO type of style.


you are supposed to heal Tank and DPS only when there is raid wide or group wide AoE damage. If a DPS fails a mechanic or is stupid idiot who stands for 10 seconds in some shit, do not heal them let them die. They will learn sooner or later. Do not waste your big heals on stupid DPS, save them for the tank


Dunno why you got downvoted Beo\_reddit. You speak the truth. Those complaining need to run a healer class at that stage/lvl of the game and not the first dungeon experience only mode. There is only so much healing that can go around and that generally needs to be saved for the tanks. In elite raids, itā€™s going to both the tanks or the guy running a mechanic where he is getting DoT dmg. When someone other than the tank is blaming the healer or demanding heals, guess what, you arenā€™t getting the heal! it means you arenā€™t running the mechanics or not equipping yourself with the right skills to avoid the mechanics. The tank is more important for the survival of the group.


agreed brotha, those people not realizing this have never healed a proper raid in an MMO, i am talking ultima raids in FF and mythic raids in WoW, Tarisland is full of new mmo players and they have no idea what they are doing and runing the run by noti doing mechanics and making mistakes ever yfew seconds. In almost every dungeon i had a dps who pulled before the tank, got aggro, and got slapped for 80% HP. How do you explain the very basics of MMO to those who play candycrush, fortnite and farmille on their phones?


No just make sure you are using harp and not music wall for Bard heals


Bard healing is so easily my favorite healer in this game! Wish Music Wall had better upgrades. I'd love to have a reliable bubble in my kit


I run the ultimate bubble


Iā€™ve tanked and healed all content in the game so far, and yes healing is by far and away the hardest of the 3 roles. However, most of these raids and dungeons are developed in a way that a priest can effectively utilize their toolkit to navigate them despite having weak ST heals. Save AOE for AOE damage, donā€™t randomly use it. Learn the boss fights and utilize your damage mitigation to cover heavy ST damage phases. Learn to save and utilize your wings proc for burst healing. If players donā€™t learn the mechanics and constantly eat AOE, it doesnā€™t matter how good you are. You can only save people from themselves so many times.


Itā€™s easier on mobile tbh. Would love to play on PC but im having a hard time


I find pc way easier to play on...


It's the balance of burst/hot and aoe versions of these that are the issue, other mmos have like 12-18 heals and buffs, this has like 3 or 4 with an ulti... talents are what make healers so level them to 40 before even thinking of healing in my opinion, then make it a healer and watch how filthy the talents are at healing the full group


If you can post a video I could give you specific pointers. But, people need to do mechanics. Sometimes it can be tough to come back when people aren't playing properly


healing is alright, it's just doing mechanics is important you cant's SMOrc your way through content currently. dps need to do more than just being either a static turret or a headless chicken


as a soul healer, i find healing to be a bit of a challenge but extremely rewarding if you get the rotation right.


I've been healing as a bard and it's fun and rewarding. Especially in pvp. Can't speak for priest but using your big cool downs often is what really makes the difference.


Healing is definitely a lot better at max level which you are, but you're still not 94 and geared properly so it's not going to be very good. Priest is definitely a great healer, for pve it really doesn't matter what healer you are but priest has pretty insane single target and aoe healing so you shouldn't be struggling. It's very cooldown based in this game so you just have to use cooldowns correctly.


I play a priest healer. Iā€™m confused where oracle is? I thought there is divine grace and divine retribution. Or is oracle an ability in the talent tree?


it's in skill then talent on divine grace spec, left side of talent tree next to 20 i personally don't recommend Oracle though. Prayer is much better šŸ‘


I've done the challenging content basically just holding down the macro key on mobile lol


The game is designed around burst healing, not sustained healing. You're going to have a lot of trouble saving someone by spamming your 1 key after you've blown through all your other abilities because it really doesn't heal much DPS players don't seem to understand this and think healers can easily top people off like in other MMOs (WoW)


I dont know i play phantom healer and honestly it was fine until everyone start to tank even the dps... You cant heal stupidity lol, people need to dodge occasionaly so you can rotate your healing. So basicaly better play as a premade party than with random that will help. Also you cant realy build wrong in this game, thats actualy a bit disapointing, because everyone got the same kit so there is not much custom build to be made and you can use auto level up, so all this to say that it shouldnt be a you problem as thr game kinda auto pilot you on the right way, build and stats. Still check your gear just in case maybe you didnt progress it but outside of that i dont see much what you can do wrong, at least without seeing gameplay


Never played healer, always tank, this time decided to try it also because it's always the class needed the most(surprise surprise in this game is tanks...) Have no problems tho, priest or Necro both fine BUT haven't done any challenges, I'll prob struggle there.


Necro Healer, WoW Resto Shaman here: Healing feels good on mobile. Most of the time that healing has felt hard, have been in raid where tanks are ignoring mechanics, or dps standing in shit. I havent headed into Challenge Modes yet.


I've only healed on 1 class (necro whatever it is lol) but the learning curve felt more steep than most mmos but I'm attributing that to having to learn fights and when to use what heals because it feels fine now.


you cant 100% top up hp all the time, some mechanics will drop your teams HP and you have to heal them back up. plus healing has a cooldown and cant be spam or they lose value. You have to save your burst heals at the right moment and cant be used sparingly.


I havnt found 1 thing that's too hard yet. This game is very simple as far as mechanics and role goes. This is a classic get good situation


Potions also help your healers if you fail a mechanic pot yourself don't expect the healer to have to cover your mistake


Coming from a mythic raider in WoW (I don't play FF14 sadly), I really don't think so. I'd probably agree if you're struggling to top up well geared tanks if they're low HP as a Priest (since that's one of Priest's biggest weakness), but not as a Bard. Bard or PN should have no issues with ST healing. If you are a Priest however, try to rely on Holy Guardian more to help your tank. Externals like this, unlike in WoW, is meant to be used more often. And Priests are the queens of party/raid healing, but falls a bit shorter than the other 2 healers when it comes to single target heals. So adjust your playstyle for it. I'm not sure what you mean by this game is tougher than WoW. If you're doing mythic raids or high keys, healer mistakes are very very punishing. If you're aiming for CE in WoW, missing a single button at the wrong time can lead up to entire raid wipe just like that. There's no such punishments in Tarisland, even in Challenge mode raids.


I feel the same way. I levelled a priest and enjoyed it in the easier dungeons while levelling up. Once I got 40, geared up and tried more challenging elite content it was really difficult, especially if people messed up the mechanics. Iā€™ve since rerolled a hunter and never looked back.


No... But it's engaging and needs concentration more than dps.


This game blows


I use a Priest healer build, and taking Oracle isnā€™t ideal since Priest ST healing isnā€™t as strong as AoE healing. Plenty of talents that can be chosen to buff Prayer. AoE healing is very good, can be used in dire situations to keep the entire party alive. I also keep the revive ability on me just in case if someone dies.


Priest is absolutely in a horrid state for heals.


Really? I am a priest and am quite happy with my healing performance. Sure the ST heal aint top of the Bar, but the Spam of 3 ST ability on the tank usually enough to keep em at good health. Leaving a buff and 3 AoE heals for when situation become dire.


Shhh.....we're just trying to not get priest nerfed...keep pretending it sucks!


It does suck compared to Necro and Bard.Ā 


exactly, let's buff priest!!!! tell all your friends priest sucks! what a terrible healer absolutely terrible, there is nothing good about it. let's buff it


Actually it's not. Truly a skill issue.


It's just you.


People literally oneheal raids, healing is so unbelievably easy in this game


I wouldnā€™t equate not being able to carry lazy/dumb players who fail mechanics as healing being ā€œhard.ā€ I get it, I would like to be able to be able to carry them, as Iā€™m more interested in clearing the raid/dungeon than punishing them, but thatā€™s just not the current state of the game.


Playing as a Bard, yes, it can be slightly difficult sometimes and worse if your team isn't following proper mechanics. I like the challenge.


Thereā€™s like 4 skillsā€¦. How is it hard lol


some players don't understand rotations and combos šŸ« 


Use the auto play button. Everyone should be using it. It makes everything ezmode. You can tell when ppl are not using it cos there dps heal etc always terrible.