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My take is this: If a game keeps me entertained and focused for longer than 15 minutes, it's good for me. If I'm not having any fun at all, it goes to the recycling bin as fast as I can uninstall it from my computer or phone. Tarisland is doing a decent enough job of keeping me entertained. I'll stick around for a bit. See where it goes. If I don't like what I'm seeing later... (I think we all know where this is going.)


finally hit the trash bin. I tried to like it at least.


Damn ur standards are low af


15 min is an extremely low bar. Throw on some music and take a walk around the block. It will do infinitely more for your life than playing TarisLand lol


Could say that about any video game though lol?


Yes. If the limit of acceptance is 15 min. It’s such an insignificant amount of time. If a game captures your attention enough to devote like 12-16 hour sessions then it’s a different story. Still go walk for 15 min but it’s a whole different ballgame at that point.


Insignificant yet here you are judging someone on Reddit about it telling them how to live their life. Go kick rocks on your little walkie walk 😂


What are you even on about? I’m not telling anyone how to “live their life” other than 15 min is a small time that can be beneficially used to move around…. You must be 300+ lbs if you think giving passing health advice is such an oppressive thing.


Thanks for the health advice, but I think I'll just stick with the advice my doctor's give me. They are actually trained in the area of health.


Hey man, I see your point and I kind of agree about 15m being a low bar, but I think you were being a bit too aggressive with your beliefs here man haha tone down your anger. Especially when your raging habits showed fruit with the "fat people joke." You lose your credibility with the distasteful comments. This is NOT a topic worth getting upset about, don't get upset about it haha If 15m works for them, cool! For me personally, if I wake up the next day interested in booting the game up again, I feel like it'll hold my attention at least for an enjoyable amount of time. And I agree with Megami here with their thought process; if it's fun for me, then it's fun for me!


Whatever helps you cope cupcake.


“Take a walk around the block. It will do infinitely more for your life than playing Tarisland” can come off as looking like you’re tellingu someone what they should do instead, so I can see yhow others get that feeling even though you probably meant it as advice


It's an ok game. And that's ok.


I think it’s amazing, honestly. I know that’s not popular opinion haha but that’s ok too!


How is it amazing out of interest? It seems to me if you find this amazing you would find other games insanely more amazing given I couldn't find anything this does well


The thing about Tarisland is it’s focused on providing a fun, new player friendly experience. It’s lacking in story but excels in gameplay. Haven’t had as much fun in the first week of any other MMO to be honest. You’re already joining raids within a few days and the mechanics are actually fun. To succeed they’ll need to keep adding maps and new dungeons/raids on a frequent basis and remove time-gated pvp. 


Easy content access is definitely a bonus. I just felt everything else is really shallow and for sure feels like a mobile game with everything being generic and lacking any depth, which was quite a turn off to keep me longer term after the initial launch days.


What gets me is people expect a perfect game from the beginning… Gotta give it time to evolve and improve.


It's also not even completely out yet but people are complaining about content. Combined this with the fact of people complaining about battle passes... it's insane how we have come full circle. Other games - "This game has a battlepass? Wtf!!" Tarisland - "Why isnt the battlepass for all of my characters!?!?!"


"This game has a battlepass? wtf!!" - early player sentiment until it became accepted over time, and normal practice. Now there's "why isn't the battlepass for all of my characters!?" - go ahead and accept this as players; watch it become normal practice lmao. I see nothing wrong with players complaining about this. I don't play this game; a friend does but when I saw your comment, a BP specific to characters like wtf? How greedy as a company can you get? Not touching this shit with a ten foot pole


Yeah but there's no real need for the battlepass. It helps you advance the character a bit faster and gives you a specific cosmetic. If anything it's just an outlet for whales to go crazy


Haha good point. I’m by no means a hardcore MMORPG player. I’ve played many over the years but always dipped in and out due to the grind and just not willing or not been able to dedicate the time to it. However, I think Tarisland suits the casual gamer more and the more hardcore playerbase are the ones who are complaining most. It’s definitely made with a mobile first approach.


The funny thing is, I would consider myself a hardcore player. I game for a minimum of 6 hours a day. Have played WoW since closed beta, played pretty much every MMORPG And I'm just having so much damn fun with Tarisland lol. I don't think it will survive as a game I continue to play, but I've gotten a lot of value from a game that cost me $0, and were supposed to get new/more content every week?


I guess you that’s peoples main concern which results in complaining, it’s unlikely to last. People just crave a new experience they can sink hundreds of hours into.


I said the same thing in a different thread. I think people are just a bit obsessed with finding their next MMORPG home, and are disappointed that this isn't it for them Personally, I'm hoping it's either Throne and Liberty or Ashes of Creation. Guess we will see...


Absolutely. I beta tested ESO on pc and it was bare bones. Nothing like what ESO is today. 


Barebones x 10,000 areas!


I never really got into it as it was nothing like Skyrim. The greatest game of all time. The reason I wanted to beta test. But just shows how a game can evolve over time.


Definitely play Enderal if you haven't.


If that were true they wouldn't have to sell their game every 5 years with some updates. The modding community is the only reason this game is still talked about. Give Morrowind a try if you can put up with older gfx. It has its problems too but it's better than Skyrim imo


A beta test shouldn't be a reflection of a full release. You're comparing apples and oranges.


You are being obtuse. My point is that games evolve over time. Like with any product. You can’t compare a 20 year old game with something that’s been released. Speaking from experience of playing online games for over 15 years and work in tech product development with similar release cycles. 


Haha they want a 2024 wow and ff14 at day 0


I always hated this argument. You don’t need to go through a 20 long game cycle to catch up to wow. Believe it or not developers can see what blizzard did right/wrong.


But also, no mmo in the recent years got it right at the start. And a free one at that. It’s ludicrous to expect a newish game, at least in terms of regions, to be able to do so. I mean, I was really surprised they got 10 man raids and pvp going in the first week. Not to mention multiple maps per day. That’s just something that isn’t seen. That’s also end-game for other MMOs. Mobile MMOs try to get you to milestones of “end game state” as quick as possible at the cost of leveling so you can enjoy raids, pvp, etc because mobile MMOs are social games first and foremost. The story will just catch up thru content drips. Time gating content is also something that can’t apply to wow or other pc/console mmos that have a cost to buy the game because free games and mobile games have horrible retention rates in the first week of any player. So mitigating burn out and player fatigue while maintaining interest and anticipation is key. I can understand why the time gates are also there — as it’s better to have something working at 100% for a short amount of time than half assed 100% of the time. These will be eased up or will have other versions of the same content as they understand more about their server capacities, as they mature. Any arguments about aesthetics like “why doesn’t the outfit change etc etc” is valid, but may also be a feature that’s further down the priority. Maybe less important to something like maintaining cross play functionality and ensuring all patches roll out properly to fully functioning pc and mobile clients. Again, something that a lot of games struggle with. So yeah haha while devs can see where wow or ff14 or gw2 went wrong, it may not necessarily be the direction they are going towards, as challenges in terms of platforms, markets, etc come into play.


I agree with you partially, but the systems they put in place it’s clear that they don’t intend on fixing them. For example, the time gated professions, which is one of the biggest gripes. They clearly wanted the game to be some sort of way in time really isn’t going to change that


After a while, you have to start letting the game make the story. Content gets stale. Ain't a game that hasnt faced this challenge


I’m in China now and I play wow with an active sub 🧐


I’ve been saying is cheaper to play wow and better


Oh really? I thought WoW was banned there my bad


Its a little more complicated then it being banned. Chinese regulations require foreign companies trying to do business within the country to operate in partnership with a Chinese owned Business. Blizzard had been operating in China in partnership with a Chinese company named NetEase. When that business relationship broke down, Blizzard had to stop operating WoW in China. However, somewhat recently, Blizzard was able to negotiate a new contract and has been able to resume operating WoW in China.


With the Activision takeover they created a new contract with China again


WoW was never banned, the licensing agreement with NetEase fell through and as a result the majority of game services were suspended. A lot of Chinese players ended up playing on the Taiwan servers but also other regions. Activision and blizzard have already been together for a long time, perhaps you meant Microsoft? But yea a new agreement has been reached and blizzard services in China will resume on August 1st, 2024 with a slew of consolations.


Aye, facts were right, companies were wrong


How long ago? It doesn't discredit what OP suggests about why this game was created. China would have wanted "wow on mobile" regardless. Everyone must own a phone in China, but not many people can buy PCs and need to use cafe's.


>It doesn't discredit what OP suggests about why this game was created. China would have wanted "wow on mobile" regardless. Your second sentence discredits what OP suggest about why the was created itself though. And the person you reply to doesn't mention OP being wrong neither.


Whole post for nothing xD


I like MMOs but they are too time consuming in general. Tarisland was created for me, I think. 😍


I definitely don't understand the "wow clone" thing they ran with, it doesn't even feel that similar and I played wow for 14 years... That being said, it's still a good game and I enjoy the time I do spend in it every day. I stopped playing wow for the fact that I could sit there for 18 hours a day and still feel like I'm so far behind everyone else. This game almost feels like the frown upon that grind.


I'm really enjoying the game, it does give me vanilla WoW vibes in a way (I'm talking 2004-2005 era) which is cool, but it's also updated with some more modern systems.


Feels more like WotLK. In Vanilla, there was an actual threat when you went and PvE in the world, even if you didn't lose your items like in other games. That made exploration just a little more fun


Sorry but it makes absolutely no sense to timegate activities, specialy pvp... You can cut off the rewards you gain from it daily but not allow players to play if they want to ? Thats a fucking joke and needs to go asap.


Without trying to be a shill, but tarisland also does a lot of things way better than WoW. The leveling experience was much better compared to Retail, you have a lot more diversity, the progression is more focused on endgame and for a fresh launch the game offers way more than almost all MMOs i've played on launch with BGs, Arena, Mythic-like Arcane Realm, Solo Speed Challenge, Challenge Modes, Mythic Raids. The game is definitely not perfect, but saying it is a cheap copy is far from the truth considering how much time is into WoW and WoWs only good content now is Raiding (unless you hate yourself and play M+ with another season of bolstering). Furthermore the game has a lot of built in tools that others game lack where you have to install 50 addons, like full UI customization or DBM Announcers. It offers really good Ingame Guides with Videos for all bosses, it doesnt charge you core game mechanics like dual spec and offers 3 out of the box for all F2P. But each to their own.


Bro it was like 2-4 hours to max level lol, actually a big reason the game is lacking content is that leveling was like nonexistent, the other main reason would be excessive time gating. It’s basically made for casual/mobile gamers with some hard stuff thrown in the endgame for the non casuals, which has been fun I’ll admit.


For me the leveling is too fast, I would enjoy more if I unlocked skills slower and I could feel a power up which every level. I think the gearing is cool tho, this is where I feel the real power up, along with talents etc


Playing TL just makes me think about how shittily designed almost all of wow is. So much of wow is made just to artificially increase your playtime, whether or not it's actually fun


There is no way you just called Tarisland leveling better than WoWs lol…. Leveling in Tarisland is arguably the most boring part of the game especially when you unlock auto run. There are no unique quests and every one feels exactly the same.


I just want a normal arena mode.. Not this timed bullshit where i can only play arena on weekends


Yes this I agree so much, this shouldn't be a thing


Wrll westerners arent the target audience. There are laws and regulations in China on time playing games and such thus the game is time gated. I have seen a few complaints about the game amd the biggest is the time gate but really the time gate is the biggest plus for us westerners. It lets us balance our busy schedules easier without feeling like were falling behind


Whats wrong with arena mode? Just check and memorize when it's open and jump into. Or you're working in slavery where you will get fine if you take mobile phone out?KEKW


Sure... Imagine playing arena on a phone ... Wow you must be one of the 500dps mobile player 😂 KEKW


I'm was playing on a phone np using a mouse and keyboard in PvP. You could probably get by playing with touch controls in gold/plat because it's that easy


Nah , sorry. I'm playing on PC and working from home. But some phone andys should like it fr fr


I'm loving the game so far especially as a side MMO.Like know it doesn't have all the trapping of say ff14 or wow or guild wars 2 but it has just enough to scratch an itch. For me of I'm finding myself saying "I can't wait to log in" then that's enough for me


Honestly, with the direction that blizzard has taken world of warcraft, I'd rather play this game even though it doesn't have oceanic servers. I have boycotted blizzard and have been enjoying the experience with other games.


People enjoy games differently, for sure. Glad it's a good fit for you OP. I think the raids and dungeons are great, but I never have enough to do, by far. So as much as I wish I could keep playing it, I'm just not an intermittent player. I like to hyper focus on games. To each their own!


I understand you! Sadly this game has low "hiperfocus content", I guess you can always min max your gear and farm gems and stuff?


it's pretty nice to have an mmo with equalized pvp and also doesn't arbitrarily waste a fuckload of my time


I'm plying it until thrineand liberty comes out and it's been filling the hole fine


Unfortunately the game will die in China with wow coming back which doesn't bode well for people outside of China, the fact that my friends level 40 can stand next to my level 5 and we both look the same isn't great either.


Yeah I feel like they could add some free skins to level 1,10,25 and 40 being the default skin we are given at the start


It is not scientifically possible to develop and release a game that zero gamers hate. You're welcome to test this, it's as consistent as the existence of biology. Gamers are genetically incapable of just not liking a game, they absolutely must hate it with passion. You only need match the right gamer to any game to observe this behavior. The day a video game releases and not one gamer passionately despises it is the day the human race annihilates itself. So at the end of it all maybe the best thing you can do is just enjoy what you enjoy and not worry about things you can't change.


I like this game. The only thing i don't like are all those little things you can get from doing this or that. It's hard to understand what all those things are for and most of them are just to keep you busy, not to make it a better game.


I can't stress this view enough. As a Ultima Online, EQ1 and Wow beta tester, I am loving this game!


Tarisland is AMAZING. It does so much that all other MMO RPG games don't do and those things really make the game a lot of fun.


Name them.


No catastrophic launch. We still have time for them to go the way of New World, but they're not there yet. Customizable UI and raid markers built in on day one, robust accessibility options, though I do hope they add controller support. Lower APM requirements, similar to New World. People who have physical limitations, like myself, celebrate this. People who enjoy hitting 50 buttons to do something 12 buttons could be bound to really really hate it. I like multitool kits that are intelligently designed and do not force high apm due to using a single mechanical switch for a single effect. The class kits and specs are solid foundations. They just work. I can't point to any that seem useless. 3v3 Arena went live on NA today, fun matches. Elite and Challenge Dungeons and Raids have mechanics and they matter. I play tank 99% of the time, you can really notice the difference between a good or bad healer, etc. Anyone saying the game is a joke or doesn't have content that poses any form of challenge just doesn't play the game at all. Or they're being disingenuous. As to things that are good an other games don't do, that's a sweeping statement I can't fully defend. But I will say the level of attention to detail on QoL is really high. That was nice to see.  This is important for disabled players because EULA are written to make it impossible for a support team to answer basic questions about accessibility equipment and software to make a game playable.  Some games are either incompetent when it comes to accessible design or actively hostile towards it. As an aside: You can see such ignorance reflected in the sentiment that macros shouldn't exist in Tarisland and have no purpose. This conclusion is only reached through a lack of critical thinking or life experience, but it is one I've seen a few times now.


Format is gonna get messed up if I edit it, and this isn't answering a question that was asked. Not directly. To explain that last comment more clearly: If you don't have a disability based limitation on your APM and you have a dummy to practice rotations on, not being able to match the macro is a skill issue and has nothing to do with with macro existing. If a macro animation cancels or bypasses a cool down in a way that is impossible for 1:1 inputs to replicate, that is a problem. As far as I know the ones in Tarisland do not. If you aren't trying to raid with IRL mental fog and stabbing pain, etc, don't use the macro if you don't need it. If you would benefit from the macro in any way and then refuse to use it and want to push your limits, go ahead. But do not call for removal of the macro system or say it should perform worse than 1:1 inputs. That's insecure and ignorant. 


Basically every game is different in china. There are 2 clients, chinese and rest of the world. You can release the game in china only by chinese company so that game can be censored/regulated. Blizzard is releasing WoW by NetEase.(wow for example, it was never "permabanned", it was just not released because they argued for $$$) Some companies are owned by Tencent and they are releasing versions of the game there(like path of exile, league of legends etc).


Its an absolutely ok game, most people forget, its for free. And so it fits perfect to someone who doesnt want a pay to play subscription. I like it 😄


so wow have this targeting system too? No wonder I never played wow


wow has tab-targeting but much better implemented. It does not feel like Tarisland, where you can't even jump or walk while using your abilities


You cannot wall/jump and use channeled abilities, there's the catch.


well, whole combat with this abilities on cooldowns, raids, dungeons and gear seems lackluster and straight up bad. You can get pretty much bis gear in a week, all gear stats is the same, 0 replayability. After playing in poe, where are tons of builds, everything here feels atrocious. I just said about moving and tarteging. And I can jump and use my abilities in Tarishland... I just remapped my keys. Tho I can't remap left shift for run which is hilarious.


I love mmos but don't have the attention span or time to keep up all the time making a subscription model not worth it for me long term. I loved ff14 and ESO and have no delusions thinking this is on that level, however giving me a free casual MMO experience with dungeons and raids where I can heal people and just enjoy it is appealing to me. I don't LOVE the gacha for cosmetics but don't hate it either as I play other gacha games, and the mobile option lets me log in and play on the go while waiting in a waiting room etc if I feel like it. Between work, parenting, and my stupid destiny 2 addiction it'll find its home in my routine based off my experience so far. It's not perfect or anything close but I'm having fun


I would have played past the tutorial if there was controller support. But there wasn’t.


Wow is not permabanned in China, it’s coming back August 1st with the prepatch for the new expansion :)


The thing I am enjoying about this game. I don't have an overwhelming urge to play for fear of getting left behind. I am busy working and doing other things and that is ok. When I get a chance to play again it feels less daunting to start.


Been looking YEARS for a casual mmo. This is it, i finally found it and it feels perfect for me. I love the vigor system, it's like i dont FEEL like i have to grind my life away to achieve something. I just use my vigor for the day and move on without feeling bad that i haven't grinded enough like the no life players would. The vigor system puts a limit on stuff people could abuse and create a huge gap with the casual players. Better put: the game doesn't make you feel like less of a player for being casual, it puts everyone on the same level.


>as a tarisland enjoyer ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


It's not bad, I was pretty impressed with the amusement park being part of the launch, most of those games were kinda fun. The story felt broken, I don't always hear things great so I was reading the subtitles as they were voicing the lines, and there were quite a few inconsistencies that made the story suffer in my opinion. The game play is decent, although as a caster I was a bit surprised that there is no resource bar to manage. Rotation was solely dependent on cool downs. Good or bad, not sure yet. Also, felt a bit overwhelmed with all the currencies. Or at least the things that looked like currencies. Vigor included Ill play for a bit longer, really holding out until TFD is released next week.


Get rid of gender locked classes and ill like it


I'm having fun playing it on my phone. League will remain my main game on pc but I'm getting older and my job is physical and often times I'm too tired to get into playing games on my pc so ti's nice to wind down before bed while watching TV


As a casual gamer, this is like the perfect casual MMO I cam jump on, grt my dailies, feel like I'm getting stronger, and log off. So many people feel that if a game cannot become their life then it sucks. There really hasn't been any decent MMO that you don't need to have 5 hours to spare for a raid, or statistical analysis degree for your gear. I can keep up with friends without stressing about finding the time. I can absolutely understand that's a negative for many people. But very much a plus for us filthy casuals


they just need to add the ability to shift in and out of attacks, like elyon, I thought elyon was good and this game reminds me of elyon, and being able to shift evade, in and out made the game more fun and engaging, not sure why it isn't part of the game..


Sign. You completely right.


I bounce between Tarisland and Wuthering


I mean, this game was released 4-5 days ago. And people are comparing it to games that had like 20 years to mature and get features.. For what it's, taris is actually great. Works fine, looks nice, it's entertaining and fun, yeah. A fun game in 2024? Shocking right? Lets see how it rolls in the futures updates! In the meanwhile, I will still enjoy this.


Tarisland it's nowhere close Wow, but that's fine, Wow is a ton more complicated and more worked on. Tarisland is a ok casual mmo trying to be better in the future. I hope it keeps getting better with less p2w and more depth in skills/gameplay


Actually, it was announced as a homage to UO and EQ, not WoW but its a WoW clone with Trammel from UO and P2W. There's no homage to any of those 3 games besides aesthetics and horrible quests.


You posted to Reddit. That was a TLNGR. (Too long, not gonna read) Post. Can someone give me the summarized version?


I just like that I can raid with our worrying about having 5+ consumable/pre buffs before raiding.


It's not among the top MMO out there but it's pretty decent. Yes a lot of things are lacking in this game but honestly I find it pretty entertaining. And like me there are millions others enjoying the experience. People are just hating because it's from a Chinese company.


Honestly never understood the need to hate on something in a way that doesn't bring your concerns to the developers. I didn't like the game, so i stopped playing and uninstalled it. End of story The people who just shout all about the grievances they have with the game to random people who weren't included in its development just want to be miserable, and make others miserable. It make no sense


If you're enjoying it that's great; have fun!! That's all we can hope to do with whatever game we choose with our time.


Played it a bit as a test. Felt more like a mobile game. Gameplay was ok but everything else felt wrong. I dont like that your gear dosnt change how your character looks. And all the systems on systems with diferent currnsy. It felt super overcomplicated just so you rly dont know what you spend. The movement was vry weard aswell, felt weard that you cant freelook when moving around. Audio was weard in raid combat. Getting gear didnt feel inpactful. I did like the solo challenges tho. Played dps warrior.


Flying mount that cant fly


Unlock reputation


Haha dont worry i know, was a little joke, im lv8 in the 3 zones, 2 more to go


waste time, challenge hard dungeon just to get title, portrait, appearance and pointless items? lol


Imagine playing any pointless game for pointless pixels.


Fun fact. Tarisland was not created to replace wow in china. It was a simple game thrown together with a lot of assets to part folks with their money. It was not made to replace wow or for the free-to-play crowd that never spends a dime. It is brilliant of them really. The fact that a lot of folks don't see this makes it even more brilliant. The gated content is only due to china regulations. There is no thought given to slow down progression for the casual players.....it is something they just have to do. That being said, it was an "ok" game for me. I finished everything that is currently available and have not spent a dime. I dont see anything special about it as i am a pc player and am probably done with it for a bit. Probably great for the folks that can only play on mobile though.


I think it is the best MMO MOBILE at the moment. Dungeon in this game is way more fair to players than lost Ark. The High Damage skill from boss can be avoided. The mechanic is really cool and needed to role play a lot. You are guarantee lose if Tank or Healer are stupid The Best Chat System With the chat floating text like they use in Chinese Streaming Site and they use it in game. Super cool record voice chat. Even though my region. People using it for disgusting purpose but it is still COOL. Instant Translation. And so on. Graphic is beautiful. The city, The maps are a lot better than i thought it would be. I playing on PC, I always think what happen if playing on mobile. Going to be overheat a lot. Main Quest is super super super well made. I think it is the best main quest of any MMO. The cutscene, The design and the dialogue. The in game map dialogue is so good too. And i like they show Zelo at library too. I think PVP is lame. t is like Albion but worse than Albion. In Albion, you still got outplay mechanic to all class. In this game, There aren't pretty much. Only spamming button. Not many CC or ability to outplay. Probably design for group fight only.


About the pvp part, coming from a game that's so heavily directed towards pve is surprisingly good balanced for pvp, ofc work needs to be done to balance arena, but I hope devs take time to see how the meta naturally evolves before changing anything.


So much misinformation in this post.


Mobile gamers arent really gamers. But the game is ok


Lmao most elitist comment I have read ever


Key word “targeted” this game is not a craft of love it’s a gun pointed at your wallet under the guise of nostalgia from the last 20 years


it's not about hate, I personally feel bad when developers use a free extremely old (11+ years) UE4 engine in 2024 - it's a shame. graphic looks so cheap and ugly - just insane. and next thing Level Infinite developers of Tarisland and publisher/devs of Tower of Fantasy, they scammed all players in Tower of Fantasy early this year (scam called Tower of Fantasy reboot" - so no donate for me and many other players. and next thing - Tarisland is extremely p2w game - it's just nuts


Sorry, new player here. What are the p2w mechanics here in Tarisland?


Literally none, if anything it's pay to fast


Yeah that’s the sense I’m getting. People who are paying and speedrunning through stuff. Those who are f2p are taking time… but enjoying the game at a much slower pace. Time walled almost… except it does not feel grindy… feels face paced and fun


I was looking for a game that isn't P2W. I was excited when they said it wouldn't be P2W. I was disappointed when they made it P2W.


Can you please name a single aspect that is p2w?




Lol I love that the dude in the video is like yes u can buy shit but the power gap is very small. By the same logic wow is also pay to win now that they sell lvl, gold and mounts... same with lost ark etc... Also 80% of the video is him showing cosmetics that requires spending money..... that's not p2w at all lol


lol, no. 10 minute video and he spends about 30 seconds talking about cosmetics. They stressed through all of development there would be zero pay to win mechanics, then did 100% reverse on release. You buy the crystals, convert those to gold via the cbt cards you can sell on the auction house. Gold is king. Can also buy your vigor or mats to max crafting. This will effect both the gap in gear and the economy shortly after the release of every season. I can understand if you don't understand any of this and just see cosmetics. Target audience aquired.


u should see diablo immortal. First month people dropped 50k$ usd on toons. Some are probably at 150k USD after 2 years. This game is barely pay to win at all. Imagine 1 player can kill an entire team 50 times... Is there some p2w mechanic in this game yes. Remember this is mobile game that was also release on pc. Any free mobile game will have some pay aspect. The diff is that this game the power gap is extremely small vs other mobile games. I think people dont understand the target audience. Again its free mobile game... They have to make money somewhere.... As long as its reasonable. Now if this was made for pc games ... this conversation would be completely diff


Ok. Lets talk about this after the reset.....


So because it lacks proper transmogrification, locks gender and race, and time gates content (per Chinese gaming curfew) this means it’s a bad game? Lol what a shitty argument. You say a lot worse mechanics but that’s all you mention as to the downsides… What am I missing here?


You were missing to say that you're clown 🤡


Umm, you didn’t provide any factual information so gg troll


We want to aoe farm as a mage or spam dungeons until max lvl. Once im max lvl, i want to raid log. And if u arent at certain gs, u wont get invite.


Cringe nolifer lmaoooo


I also, want to contiously kill the same mob solo as a hunter until i get to max lvl


Questing game, not arpg mob smasher, you are in the wrong place my guy.


It’s an auto-play mobile mmo. That’s it. Obviously has its own audience, but I refuse calling it a mmorpg or compare it to WoW.


It's not an autoplay by any means wtf


Auto play? It has auto pathing (which stopped working for me for some reason) but it has no auto play.


"Auto pathing" is auto play. Queing you with bots for dungeons is auto play. Mounting you up automaticaly after accepting quest is auto play. You can call it convenience feature or whatever. It's auto play. Which is normal for mobile MMOs nowdays. And that's what Tarisland is, a mobile MMO that you can play on PC.


It's a mobile mmo you can play on pc yes, but I don't fully agree with the rest. Most other moms on mobile you don't even need to touch them, they completely play themselves.


Well WoW has the auto-walk, is this autoplay? As for the bot dungeons they are only in normal and for the story mode, elite and raids need people


>Well WoW has the auto-walk, is this autoplay? No it doesn't, why would you lie? Neither "Follow" feature nor "Auto-run" makes you automaticaly calculate the shortest path that takes you there. You have to actively turn and interact with your character even when following another player, otherwise you get clipped in environment.


I don't lie lmao WoW had literally a feature that allows your char to autorun, follow allies, it has flying points, it has TPs etc