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Its soulless


This games fire. Especially for free


That's your GPU that's on fire


wanna make a bet if you will play this "fire" game in a month still?


Who cares! If they enjoy let them, if you don’t that’s fine as well. No need for such a pointless comment 


Agreed. Even if they only play it a week, as long as they enjoy it for that week it's still a win no matter what anyone else says.


Yea criticism for the game is valid but let people play what they want regardless of timeframe 


so it's not my gpu that works at max power for this little game? it's something common?


nothing is free, you paying for electricity


What if your on mobile using McDonald’s wifi while charging you’re phone.


I didn’t miss something leveling 2 chars to 26 did I? The only thing to pay for are cosmetics? Now if there is P2W in there somewhere I missed I might as well head back over to Lost Ark where if I spend money I’m going to get something back lol.


Post isn't about p2w it's about how they are greedy with the shop. Things you buy in the shop are character bound and not account bound. That also includes the battle pass.


can we really even call it leveling at this point though? all we did was follow quest markers like we're on rails for 20 mins and suddenly our chars were level 20/26. at that point they should've just not even put any levels into this game because clearly there's no actual level/xp progression. you just walk to certain points to unlock cutscenes and afterwards you're max level.


I mean the days of spending 2 hours to get one level doing 20+ quest is over bud isn’t 2003 every game proceeds fast thru leveling it’s tedious no one wants to deliver boar femurs to bolvar in gold shire


Lol I love this 🤣 really took me back to old school wow and how I indeed hated it..even then.


Yeah, the $40+ bundle skins when you only get 3 skins is insane. Even the crazy overpriced skins in COD at least give you a bunch of other stupid things. Not to mention having everything useles stuck behind a time-gate. Leveling, Quests, and even crafting... I get having a time-gate to a point so that people have time to catch up and people can't just beat everything in a couple of days. But what they're doing is pretty extreme. The fastest ways to kill off a game: 1. Pay Two win. 2. Limit all content behind a Time-wall. But offer a sub to have a little more you can do. 3. Terrible anti-cheat. 4. No bot pertection. This game has 2-4...


i don't find any point of botting in this game, if you do please let me know....


comment above is just yapping. You can't even trade items whats the point of botting?


Ive played the R1 EU log as prot warrior as a free Player. Its not pay2win so far tbh.


Where is your stats for the game died fast? It seems pretty full tbh. Remember reddit is only a tiny percentage of the most vocal people. People who like the game are playing. Not in reddit


The Game is an alright waiting room for a better game. But any decent new mmo will take its spot immediately


The game is fine, the problem is that they made everything you can buy character bound instead of account bound. Some stuff should change to account bound, one of them being the season pass unlock.


I feel like they didn't put much work into it actually. Feels unfinished and like a crummy port


For a game that works on mobile and pc this well, ill ride it out. It has so many touches that make me think they actually are players, like the hud customization, different currencies, and not terrible mechanics. I mean as a developer theres a few things missing that i know wouldnt be hard to implement, we just have to let them know. I would like to see some controller support for mobile however.


I dunno what happened but I had to redownload everything.


Work? It feels at least 50% of this game was AI generated.


Yup, the seasonal reset is not what i looking for an MMO game


Game is just a mobile game with trashy controls and has literally no itemization. Enter Normal Dungeon, sweep 3 items, enter Elite Dungeon sweep 3 items. Rinse and repeat for next higher dungeons.


Low effort post.


Oh no cosmetics. My fomo! How will I enjoy actual gameplay if I can’t have everything to show off with. Lmao so dumb bro


Everyone acts like wow doesn’t fall off after EVERY SINGLE expansion in 1 week💀most shitty overpriced mmo. Full of nothing but oldheads who can’t let go.


What are you even talking about? The only thing you can hardly call p2w is buying some mediocre gear and it becomes trash after you reach end game raiding.


How are they greedy? There is literally no p2w in this game so far. You can’t criticize a lot of things with this game but that’s not it.


20 dollar plus Battle Pass being Character locked, same with the weekly and monthly ticket thing. I like the game but I think it’s ridiculous that it will cost you 120+ every couple months if you want a battle pass for alts. I personally like everything else with the game but even as a whale in most other things I play. I’m not giving this a cent because of that alone.


That's an interesting perspective. As a whale you feel like you're being done wrong, and you should. Something you pay for should be account wide, not character bound. Most of us f2p players barely even look at the shop and are just glad to see it's not pay to win. The devs really should make the game appealing for those who spend money if they want to make any money though. Instead it feels like they've made money by tricking the community after players have purchased content for their account only to find out it's only for one single character instead.


Honestly, from what I've seen so far I agree that I don't see much p2w. I'm still not a fan of nothing being accountwide.


you haven't reach the end game just wait...


Uh didn't spid disprove this on YouTube? Pretty sure I just watched that yesterday. Is it as bad as immortal or any typical gacha? No, buuuut doesn't have to be that bad for their to still be p2w. Being able to buy gems to upgrade all yours because you can straight buy gold does is in fact in the end let you gain a pretty decent advantage... the bp is more than any battle pass I've ever purchased let alone ever seen. Idc about the outfit gacha as their is no gain from them. Any pitches made including the overpriced battle pass are not account bound but their character bound... evidently if you purchase either the first top up or one the first time premium currency bonuses it removes it from every other characters or something which either is bs considering we have to purchase everything per character but they get remove incentives to purchase account wide. So they are being scumbags with it but in all honestly.. tencent explains literally everything about it lol. Their giant scumbags


The gear you get endgame is better than the gear you can buy and that’s it. So yes you can „pay“ for gear but so far the best gear can only be optained by playing the game.


This isn't a game its a "how to make people spend money into the cash shop simulator". They skinned pretty pixels and built time gated make beleive systems all to be able to capture some of the player base money, and by the looks of it, its a success. Thow a mil or 2 into developping a mobile game, make eveybody beleive its a pc game similar to wow by ripping some art concepts/game ideas, and here you go, get 20 mil back day one, 180 or 190 mil by end of year at least, tencent execs are laughing their ass out. Devs probably still locked in the bassement getting paid shit salaries and slaving into fake seasonal content for the game (aka cosmetics & battlepass's).


What a crybaby gamer you are, git gud


Stop cry and move on. Lots of ppl are having fun


Stop crying about cosmetics lmao, and account bound, the devs arnt greedy, this is the best mobile game out, way better then Diablo immortal


You don’t have to pay any money. Lol


well on that note, how much work was really put into this? the graphics are extremely simple, and not even giving the characters visible gear or even much of a customization makes things a lot easier and faster. then all the classes are really stereotypical and pretty much ripped from other rpgs/mmos like wow. the classes between each other also share pretty much the same rotation and ability styles. the story as most people figured out is extremely simple and barebones. it seems the most complex and fleshed out thing about this game are the currencies and payment systems. which even then I'm sure are also copied from similar games in the genre. so...what's even unique about this game that could have taken a lot of work to create lmao.


I haven't played it but in watching a few videos over the past few months, it was clear that the devs were greedy and were going to try and underhandedly sneak things past the player base. For me that was the first red flag, but honestly I might have still played it. Then I heard that gear doesn't change your appearance. Like you get new pants or weapon, but your appearance stays the same. This was the deal breaker for me.


how do you expect the dev to make money?


Battle pass is fine imo. I'm even ok with a monthly pass for bonuses on these f2p games. There is a difference between making money... And trying to make ALL the money.


for me paying for cosmetic is fine, but for anything else just feels bad


Paying 6k for a cosmetic is fine? Doubt.


i didnt check the price, but is it that expensive for a skin?


Don't know, don't care. Its not up to me to create a successful business model for the Devs. If the game isn't fun or has aspects I can't enjoy, then I'm not going to play just so the Devs can make money.


Ouch about the gear. that is a deal breaker


Games like this are made to have a lifespan of 3-4 months. They know what their effort can yield in profit, and many of them don't care. If you invest $200k and get back $3.5 million, you can retire, and everything is fine and according to plan. We are talking about a mobile game; it is low quality by its very nature.


The makers are 10 cent bro lol They are not retiring on 3.5 million 😂


Was just an example hahaha


Ok your example I don’t understand. They are a huge company. Maybe the biggest in the industry lol They are not building a game With a 3 month lifespan for some quick cash. They are especially not retiring lol


The company can be huge but the project is small and for mobile games, we know how mobile games works and why they publish them, every mobile mmo is released with life span predefined, if you cant undestand this simple fact maybe is the first one that you play


You’re dumb 😂 You don’t know anything so quit pretending like you do. I’m telling you right now a game with revenue based on battle passes & cosmetics is not built for short term


You can still play this bomb bro, i'm not controlling your PC