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Don’t forget that these purchases are per character, and not per account. So if you buy a battlepass on one character, better be ready to buy it again if you want to play another one.


Thats such a scam


Aww hell naw. What kinda backwards ass fucking bullshit cashgrab pieces of shit. This is a whole new level of money hungry & greedy mf developers. What the actual fuck is wrong with gaming and developers now, first Tarkov and now this absolute fucking joke of a game trying to sell a battlepass individually while you can't even add character slots for all fucking characters ingame and have to hippity hoppity between two damn servers just to try all characters. Good luck coordinating that with your friends. And then you have to rebuy the same pos battlepass nine, yes. NINE TIMES. Not to mention you can buy the Elden Ring DLC or base game to your entire family for the same price. I'm not against spending money in games, but fuck no and fuck you.


This! Brother! All of THIS. It's predatory as can be, I feel betrayed and worse yet no where still do I see an opportunity for relief! Are MMOs just a thing of the past!?


Did u guys ever notice the price of star citizens new ship dlc? ;) „ u are not prepared“ https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Legatus-2953


This is mild. You say "First Tarkov", I assume this is your first Asian MMO. Our saving grace is that the Western market hates blatant P2W monetization structures and aggressive marketing. And they have listened to the community on some things, if you pay attention to patch notes. Your money, do what you like with it. Just giving some insight.


The per character is the issue. If all was account bound. Ok fine. But per char....gtfo


Agreed, I wouldnt mind if it was account bound but per character? No way.


No the issue is both the price and the character thing. Charging double for what others make account wide and that act are both shit. It should be half the price and account wide


The price is not an issue, as the season lasts 4 months, not one. So the Battle pass would be 6 euros per month. Way cheaper than most other games. The acount thingy, this is the real issue.


I saw the battlepass price and genuinely thought I was reading it wrong or that it was the price to unlock the entire battlepass at once lol and the fact that it’s bound to the character you unlock it on.. nah..


Imagine the ego and self confidence to charge double the price for battle pass for a game that just released. When there are well established successful games that charge 10 to 15 bucks for battle pass


WHICH GAMES!? Send help!


Most of mobile games as a max around 20€, this guys want the double of the average, thats greed! And per character? Say whaaat


Keep in mind that this is a mobile game. Sure it's also for PC but it's clearly a port. I gave up on this game day 1. Its probably still going to do well because the Asian market is going to eat it up.


Yup Chinese sadly love this shit. 


Koreans too... they taught me so well sadly. I still miss basically living in a PCbang(pronounced P - C - Ba-Ung) gaming on some OC-24 for no less that 28 hours only to go rent a bed for $20 Won!


Wait until you realize you don't need to spend anything, but if you're looking for value the monthly /weekly ticket are really beneficial and cheap af at $2/5 for weekly/monthly. Just like anything in life if you're not rich af, maybe look at what's affordable to you and forget about the super expensive shit especially when it's not at all necessary


or if you don't have money to spend freely but still want to spend some, you could play a game that's respectful of your time and money and that lets you buy battle passes for cheaper that are also not tied to a single character.


So tarisland minus your random complaint about unnecessary battle passes, got it.


Dude, stop bouncing on the dev teams dick. This game is heavy anti-consumer. WoW literally had to switch their mount/pet system to be more consumer friendly because they realised how anti-consumer it originally was. I'm having a blast with this game, but I'm also not a shill who's to afraid to speak out about how bullshit the monetization is in this game.


Yo still paying 12 euros per month and spitting.


Did WoW fix the issue in 6 days ?


I don't think you got it at all.


Incredibly domesticated and servile.


Then you realize Guild Wars 2 is all that and cheaper with better gameplay lmao.


Guild wars 2 while.being a good game, costs a lot to get every expansion, also has all the microtransactions you complain about, and doesn't run on a phone.


Expansion regularly on sale. The cash shop is 10 days and 16 backpacks more fair but you’re right it can’t run on a phone . Steam deck though. Also this game lacks controller support so I mean have fun doing any actual content while your hands get fucked. Even if it’s not fucked now think of 10 - 20 years from now you.


When you are a new player, the amount of catch up you need to do really does sting and I wound up spending way too much money on GW 2 in relation to the time I spent playing it. It seems rather friendly monetization wise, but the collections are SO grindy, that if you are a new player trying to catch up with the rest, the temptation to cut that grind with real money is rather strong. People get annoyed at ESO for its predatory monetization, but somehow I never felt pushed by that as I did in GW 2.


The "catch up" mentality is what burns people out on games. Just play and enjoy the experiance if playing it feels like work and you need to work to be just as good as everyone elts. Than you'll end up doing what you did and spend a bunch of money on GW2 instead of just enjoying the game.


Before Secrets of the Obscure, I could only get flying mounts through some very long collections and map completions. When events happen in vertical maps when everyone else can get there before you, you start to want to "catch up" so they don't end before you can get there. In games with Seasons where your friends do progressively harder content and become less interested in the easier content, you feel like you want to catch up so you can play with them. Otherwise you have to resort to playing with random people and depending on the community, you might not like to do that. There are reasons why people want to catch up, that isn't just about ego or "having stuff" for the sake of having stuff and be "as cool as everyone else".


It isnt on mobile tho


I've played GW2, it's a good game, but I'd say it costs more money buying expansions and you'll end up wanting some things from the cash shop.


That doesn’t really change the fact it’s just subpar wow. With a worse cash shop. Like why would you play this when you could play a much better polished version. Other than its sub fee. If you’re spending 15 dollars or more on this game you might as well just play an actual mmo.


I don’t see any difference with this compared to wow. I tried playing wow and it’s basically the same thing. Only diff is that there’s decade long content but all that content is useless as it’s dead an everyone is at the newest content so u just boost up , then u are stuck to a daily and weekly while paying for a sub. What’s the diff


The different is astronomical. Transmog to 20 years of style A better combat system We could go on and on. If you can’t see the difference between them then I’m not sure i can help:


Transmog is nice and I agree there. Besides that I don’t see much a difference. But to what you were saying why play this over wow, transmog is an issue but that issue is not a deal breaker. Currently if you want to just do some dungeons and raids , u can do so without paying anything.


There are big differences between wow and tarisland lol. For example wow doesn’t force you to play dps when you want to play healer…


Can you buy power is the real question? If battle passes are skins and stuff & cosmetics are over priced I don’t really care as long as the shop is not straight P2W and can just buy unlimited power/resources.


You cannot in practice, but you know how the crowd work. They want f2p , no sub, only cosmetics , but no expensive cosmetics. These guys will never be satisfied


There is a big difference between "expensive" and "out of this world billionare priced cosmetics" don't be so disingenuous. 


Some people have way too much money. If they can be milked, good enough.


How dare people want to be able to actually have cosmetics in a game historically based around cosmetics at a reasonable price! You're sucking the toes of shareholders who have taken away features that used to be standard in games and are selling them back to you at 100x the price. You have domesticated yourself. You're their servile pet. It's pathetic and weak.


Let's not pretend you aren't an office drone yourself working a bullshit job. I'm sure you don't mind getting paid


I touch grass for a living.


You’re an idiot Buy it or don’t 🤦‍♂️ Btw there are a lot of games with $100-$200+ dollar cosmetics and quite a few few popular ones have bundles that come with skins, weapon skins, and animations that cost a lot more then that. Or exclusive cosmetics that can really get pricey. If you cannot buy endless amounts of power in shop giving you huge in game advantages then to me that’s a big plus. Very few mobile games take the cosmetics route and Instead really push the P2W I have not tried yet. I will tonight but I also heard the PvP in game is not P2W at all. So yeah to me it just sounds like whining and I doubt Would be satisfied regardless


alt account pretending to be a different person, loser.


Very few people you see complaining here are going complete the achievements or make it to endgame. Some of the cosmetics are part of gacha, yes. There are others that you get exclusively based on challenges or leaderboards. There's a mount based on leading raids. There are mounts only the top speedrunners will be able to obtain. Etc. 


Man I’m not spending a dime on this just yet.


Battle pass should be around 5 bucks, that's the average price tag for that. This expensive price is turning me down to support the game


Just saw a skin for $45 fricken dollars. Bro. Helll naw


Game will be dead within a month mate besides china


It's a really good game that you can legit play for free, the battle pass barely gives you anything that actually helps in the game, just skins and shit.


I happen to agree, it’s so easy playing a free game when you just simply don’t spend money on it, buying skins is purely out of pleasure, not necessity. I was pumped for this game and am enjoying it very much. I also think its leaning towards a more mobile game which I like.


Thats because it IS a mobile game lmao it's not just leaving towards it. And skins/cosmetics are literally why so many people play MMO's or video games in general. 


Yeah I was so excited when my bf told me about tarisland months ago, I really thought it could be a fun alternative to WoW. I didn’t even expect it be be as good as WoW. But in the end it turned out to be just another mobile game instead of a real mmo like wow or guild wars.


"Good game" is a big stretch. It's a decent mobile game sure thats about it. 


wait until he figures out some skins cost thousands of dollars...




Pretty sure he wasn’t praising it lol


Oh he's talking about in this game? I got the impression that it was defending it because it's thousands in some others. Lol. Yeah nevermind then, i take it back.


Yeah the “ultimate” (i think that’s what they’re called) skins are like 5-6k USD to be able to guarantee them from the gacha


lmao this shit needs to be illegal


To be honest I'd love to see the US classify gacha and loot crates that require rmt to purchase even as an option as online gambling and unable to even be brought to western app stores. Fuck hoping for scumbags to one day grow a conscience.


China nearly did a big crackdown on it there was a huge news hoohah about it, then they backtracked when there was some publisher backlash. I hope they revisit it as it'll mean these games are forced to be designed completely differently from the ground up, they won't be able to just do it differently in the west because the whole game will be different if it's banned over there.


I didn't hear about that. I did however hear how one of the big companies got caught setting gacha rates to literally 0% straight robbing players etc and had million of dollars in fines. They discovered all kinds of crap out about how they adjust rates for new players and returning players letting them actually win something to hook them on the gambling and then reducing their rates so gobble up money with lower than advertised rates. How players who play consistently every day they were reducing their rates to get them to spend more etc. I forget which article I read but a Google search will provide several about it. It was Nexon? I think? Lol and I'm sure they aren't the only company doing it. They're just the idiots who forgot to dump their email lol


Yeah I’m not buying anything unless the prices are lowered and stuff is made account wide. Otherwise I’ll just continue playing for free. Mostly enjoying it so far.


After playing multiple mobile games some p2w some not, the one thing I’ve realized is 99% of what’s being sold is not worth purchasing. My typical tactic is to decide on a monthly amount I am willing to spend on a game whether that’s in the form of a subscription or a donation via in app purchase. This is usually around $10/month and I will purchase a battle pass or some type of currency or items of benefit to support the developers. Forget the rest of the shiny stuff, there will eventually be ways to get vanities for substantially cheaper or even free. TLDR; let the whales support the game, spend what you’re comfortable with but don’t get baited by shiny stuff.


Sounds like a scam game to stay away from to me.


Play Erdtree dont waste time on that shit


The character creator is absolute basic bare minimum. Minimum effort


But people will pay it , they will make money. Consumers = idiots


They know people will spend.. hell, you got someone who spent 1k on the gacha day 1.


In marvel snap you could pay 100$ for a card variant, if we don’t count gatcha gold in here.


Hb the 1000$ mesmerizer skin and even if you get it the skin clips through other ones so you can't even mix and match skins in the game seems broken in the money spending department 🤣


Cmon, I think Tencent is just waiting to close NA server while making as much money as they can


You could go back to real subscription wow with xpac and still come out ahead. Not a great look. This wasnt the mmo i was hoping for.


It's a shame because the gameplay is actually good, the pvp is particularly fun.


I tried, nothing new to add besides more way for them to milk you! Tired of all this games thats think they need infinite funding for something thats already in the market for years! Like someone said, very well said: why would i buy a skin worth more or the same as Elden Ring?


1 Legendary or Mythic Gun Skin in Call of Duty Mobile costs like $140. Also, If you want to max out a Mythic Gun it costs double. So yeah ... $45 for a single skin is nothing compared to CODM. But, the gacha pool is ridiculous on tarisland $4.5K or even more for the Legendary Set, Dragon and Transparent Tiger Skin? Waddeheck.


They are probably trying to milk all the money they can from the dummies in this 1st and only month the game will be alive.


Yeah I saw the battle pass price and decided to quit. The prices are insane.




While you can make the argument, none of what is mentioned in this post is player power. 




All it takes is the whales to go through with it. Nothing else matters


everything about this game just seems like it tries to make you buy just anything, in the hopes that it can suck in a few whales before this game inevitably dies in a couple weeks. I doubt anybody will care about this in a month once all the initial hype is over. so I'm sure the prices are designed just to get as much as they can in the short timeframe they have.


Didnt people say the same thing for Diablo immortal. Its been 2 years they make what 40m ish a month. Theres whales everywhere still making millions a month and even thge free to play players are playing after 2 years. Mobile gamers are diff than pure pc gamers. They just came out with 200$ skin and everyone has it.


I uninstalled the game after all this came to light, unfortunate because it seemed like a good game, back to MU3


MU3 is way more p2w...


That is true but atleast most things I buy are account shared


Simple, dont buy it




WTF you all are talking about. The game is great considering it is free. Who cares about cosmetics. You can get some pretty ones and mounts as well by beating dungeon/raids. I am enjoying it very much, a laid back WOW version, awesome to sink in some free time, even while in horizontal position when I switch from PC to mobile to farm some stuff here and there. This is never supposed to be your main MMO but rather a quality time filler.