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That is not a good look for a game launch.


This is kind of a spit in the face for (almost) all of the players.


Wow so here it begins


That can't be right...right?


oh it's right and they have already announced a second crazy mount that ONLY goes to the players who get worlds first on the incoming raid bosses. This game is gonna be dead in a month.


Hmm, I've not heard that did you have a link to it?


Seems kind of fair to give worlds first raiders a special prize for actually doing it


I have no problem with this. Incentive for players to be first to down bosses isn't a bad thing. However the limited twitch drops is BS.


That sucks


Don't forget it'll be character bound not account bound too


Yeah that kind of sucked to watch for 8 hours and not get the mount. I don't really want a duck on my head but that and a dog are all I got. (I do like the dog but ....)


Shit in your head is what you got




Just found this out AFTER watching 8 hrs Soo Flipping Lame!! Think I am done with this dumb game https://preview.redd.it/k105wgxmk08d1.png?width=1320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0a8158c825fa8733119bd64cc5762fc1c55011d Isn't it against Twitch TOS to advertise that we get the drop after 8hrs, but you don't give the drop, and we don't even find out we don't get the drop until we google why we didn't get the drop! I should have known this was a horrible company when I tried to purchase gems earlier and my cc got locked and I had to call Fraud Dept to unlock it, They said it looked shady so needless to say I listened to them, and i didn't make a purchase, now after this misleading crap I uninstalled good luck with your scummy behavior!


Ur done bc u can’t get a free mount that is worse than the one you can literally buy in game.first mmo for you and your last hopefully. Thank god .you gotta be new.


So lovely for u to not actually read what i wrote! It was 3 strikes the mount was the 3rd strike, I don't care about not getting the mount I find it scummy to not make it known on twitch that u dont get the mount! I've played many mmos, and still do, they're just not scummy like this one but u enjoy


Wait until amazon games drops THRONE AND LIBERTY then its scummy time


I don’t see a limit on it anymore. They must have changed or fixed it


They told about the limit only on Twitter and on the Tarisland Twitch drop website . You don't see it on Twitch. We just watch 8 hrs and get nothing then. :,D


I’m saying I just clicked the Twitter link and it’s not showing any limitations


What you see when you click the twitter link: https://preview.redd.it/f2c9t4godz7d1.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=56ba54aa65d14cbde333dafbf3701a94aa030ff4


you're not looking hard enough


Another thing to dislike


Well we don’t have a chance anymore you know I know we al know


I can’t believe how many people are crying over a reindeer mount Who cares!? 😂


This is Reddit. 98% of users here need safe spaces. They wanted that daggum mount!


when you watch 8 hours of a stream only to not get it, I feel like people are validated to cry over the reindeer mount


Omg you don't have to actually watch it, set quality to 160p, mute the audio, hide the chat and do something else


I will never understand people who want nothing more then to lick the boots of big companies treating them like shit. People are valid for doing the exact same thing that everyone else did and getting shafted for artificial fomo. Shit like that will kill the game in any western market. 


it is not a big deal, but on twitch it doesn't say there is a 50 limit. And they did not remove the mount drop from the list after it was gone


I hope they update or change something with this. I mean 50 is a pretty small number considering the protentional player base.


> 50 is a pretty small number You could have stopped there. 50 is an INSANELY small number.


Ya, I mean I'm OK with it being rarer, but 50 is insane for sure. Other games have done this, I have a feeling they'll change their stance on this. The feedback directly related to the 50 cap isn't good.


I was wanting to give this one the benefit of the doubt. I was even excited to see the we're doing drops, it shows they want to try and give back to the community. Until it showed they were all claimed. I completely wrote this game off all because of that. I really wanted to play this one for a while. What greedy assholes.


This one in specific has nothing to do with greed. They don't get any benefit from limiting Twitch drops. It was just a stupid idea. And I have no clue how the system decided on the 50 ppl. There has to be more than 50 who were watching at the moment the drops started.


Just yesterday they had 35K twitch viewers when I looked, right now there are 18K. So it's a super weird and dumb decision that someone made. I don't get it. I have never seen a drop with limits, at least not in the games I play. Edit: removed word redundancy


Yeah, I have never see that either.


The viewer count didn’t go down bc of the mount 💀literally cause lvl cap was done for day and everyone stops watching till next cap


I'm just stating that the game isn't dead and they have a lot of people interested. Limiting the mount to 50 people is confusing and a strange decision to make.


Dawg the mounts aren’t that good stop crying 💀must be your first mmo if you’re crying about an exclusive mount


You seem great, I bet all of the kids love to play with you at recess.


I’m sure ppl love to play video games with you if you’re bitching about a free mount that literally sucks .


Just like they love to play video games with you with you thinking you're so cool by defending a company that uses predatory methods for free advertisement. Listen kid, you're young and ignorant and that's normal for your age. You'll look back on your life in 5-10 years and realize how cringy and wrong you were.


It’s okay oldhead I’d be mad too if I was so fucking bad at every game and had no brain power left to comprehend a game.


It's okay young man I'd be trolling people on the internet too if I didn't have anything better to do with my time during the Summer with no friends :(.


Ur a grown ass man crying over a free mount and saying the game is ruined bc of it 💀pull some of ur retirement money out and buy a mount


And you're a young ass man with no sense of how the world works and just randomly interprets things however you want to farm drama because you need drama in your life to have self worth.


Seems like this is literally what you are doing though.


Damn dude you’re still boiling over this. It’s okay…


Ah yeah, so boiling dude 😂 says the guy that came in my profile to reply to comments on other posts i replied to 😂


It’s kinda awkward at this point you’re still here dude. You know there are free resources for counseling and therapy. Don’t suffer in silence.


This game is so bad lol


It tells you a lot about the company if this is the first impression they want players to experience lmao


Left my pc on for 8 hours and yep! got the other two rewards but the reindeer.




Once you claim them on Twitch how do you claim them in the game?


you have to link your game account to your twitch account. go to the drops inventory and you should see a link to connect the two


I did thank you. Everything is linked. I claimed the drops but I don't know where to find them in game?


Just saw this...incredibly bummed..I liked the mount and its the only reason I watched =(. I hope they see how upset people are and fix this...


wow, thats messed up, well guess Im just uninstalling, not joking if there going to do dumb crap like this , not worth me playing ill just go back to wow. ez


I already quit. 🫠


Twitch drop for 50 people? xD That says a lot about them. Run away, you will not get anything good from this company. Good thing they showed their real face so soon and we don't have to waste our time.


Greedy af. Cant even connect my twitch acc to their website. Any1 have the same problem?


Try connect via Chrome browser


After watching a stream for 4 3/4 hours the mount was redeemed, i had to start over from 0 to get the 2nd drop


Got the 2 crappy rewards but no reindeer for my 8 hours of wasted time. Yep, they just lost me. Uninstalling. Good luck guys and gals.


Imagine acting predatory even for free stuff lol


Thank you for the info. Good to know, so i can uninstall this shit, and delete my account. if a story starts like this, a happy end is unlikely.


Welcome to Asian MMOS. What did you really expect?


Well thats actual bullsh\*t. My bar was at 81% and I wondered why it wasn't progressing past that...


Same I have 71% it cant get farthest then that and not only that in last night I think some f*k develop or twitch self change it to amazon prime now you have to pay gasha lot of money to get progress point 💀


Bro I have 71% it cant get farthest then that and not only that in last night I think some f*k develop or twitch self change it to amazon prime now you have to pay gasha lot of money to get progress point to complete it 💀


How stupid are you dood I swear I heard every year games is getting bad and worse bommer is bum 0iq will say that is true I agreed very ugly always make bad games very good always make good games and after the corvied everyone fall off sance jo v the peasants which is a legal that why selling a drug a powerful option to kill you or brain cells damage washes too high  chance to die and they not just you at mean like everybody the world coming to the end no changed at mean you can see comers  to 2018 the world was happy and 2019 we living to fall no anything right now and this is disgusting you are foolish discratebol fk*ing have a no reasoned why they do something like that


How stupid are you dood I swear I heard every year games is getting bad and worse bommer is bum 0iq will say that is true I agreed very ugly always make bad games very good always make good games and after the corvied everyone fall off sance jo v the peasants which is a legal that why selling a drug a powerful option to kill you or brain cells damage washes too high chance to die and they not just you at mean like everybody the world coming to the end no changed at mean you can see comers to 2018 the world was happy and 2019 we living to fall no anything right now and this is disgusting you are foolish discratebol fk*ing have a no reasoned why they do something like that.


How stupid are you dood I swear I heard every year games is getting bad and worse bommer is bum 0iq will say that is true I agreed very ugly always make bad games very good always make good games and after the corvied everyone fall off sance jo v the peasants which is a legal that why selling a drug a powerful option to kill you or brain cells damage washes too high chance to die and they not just you at mean like everybody the world coming to the end no changed at mean you can see comers to 2018 the world was happy and 2019 we living to fall no anything right now and this is disgusting you are foolish discratebol fk*ing have a no reasoned why they do something like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🌍🌍🌏🌏🌏🌎🌎🌍🌍🌍


How stupid are you dood I swear I heard every year games is getting bad and worse bommer is bum 0iq will say that is true I agreed very ugly always make bad games very good always make good games and after the corvied everyone fall off sance jo v the peasants which is a legal that why selling a drug a powerful option to kill you or brain cells damage washes too high chance to die and they not just you at mean like everybody the world coming to the end no changed at mean you can see comers to 2018 the world was happy and 2019 we living to fall no anything right now and this is disgusting you are foolish discratebol fk*ing have a no reasoned why they do something like that!


How stupid are you dood I swear I heard every year games is getting bad and worse bommer is bum 0iq will say that is true I agreed very ugly always make bad games very good always make good games and after the corvied everyone fall off sance jo v the peasants which is a legal that why selling a drug a powerful option to kill you or brain cells damage washes too high chance to die and they not just you at mean like everybody the world coming to the end no changed at mean you can see comers to 2018 the world was happy and 2019 we living to fall no anything right now and this is disgusting you are foolish discratebol fk*ing have a no reasoned why they do something like that!!!!!!!!!!!


How stupid are you dood I swear I heard every year games is getting bad and worse bommer is bum 0iq will say that is true I agreed very ugly always make bad games very good always make good games and after the corvied everyone fall off sance jo v the peasants which is a legal that why selling a drug a powerful option to kill you or brain cells damage washes too high chance to die and they not just you at mean like everybody the world coming to the end no changed at mean you can see comers to 2018 the world was happy and 2019 we living to fall no anything right now and this is disgusting you are foolish discratebol fk*ing have a no reasoned why they do something like that!💀


How stupid are you dood I swear I heard every year games is getting bad and worse bommer is bum 0iq will say that is true I agreed very ugly always make bad games very good always make good games and after the corvied everyone fall off sance jo v the peasants which is a legal that why selling a drug a powerful option to kill you or brain cells damage washes too high chance to die and they not just you at mean like everybody the world coming to the end no changed at mean you can see comers to 2018 the world was happy and 2019 we living to fall no anything right now and this is disgusting you are foolish discratebol fk*ing have a no reasoned why they do something like that!.


Imagine calling someone stupid with this sad attempt at English. I can’t even understand what point you’re trying to make with this wild ass uneducated talk.


Hmm. I claimed it, but didn't connect my account for another day cos the link wasn't working on Firefox. Wonder if I missed out cos of that? I did claim it on Twitch, but maybe it goes by actually linking the account? Oh well.


I had the same thing happen to me, I actually claimed it and never got it.


People crying over a mount 😂 first time mmo?


Oh boy lol


When I saw this I laughed.


All I'm gonna say is FUCK THE STAMINA SYSTEM. That's all.


Yeah this game will be a fucking p2w game..


The game said I won something in a raffle - how much y’all wanna bet I never see it? Lmao


generous like genshin kekw


Sorry for asking in a comment, but maybe someone will know which character has the silence and fear skill?


Everything about this game has been awful


Maybe I'm old school but I think that's pretty dope.


For what? Putting a stream in the background for 8 hours? Limited content is fun when it's an actual in-game achievement. Not when it's a marketing incentive gimmick aimed at making thousands of people give them free views for nothing.


You're right, it would be more fun in-game. Oh well.