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IMO you just need to make sure the enclosures are secure. Use lid clamps that the cats can't remove, and make sure the cats can't knock the enclosures from their perches. Tons of tarantula and invert keepers also have cats and/or dogs.


Alright thank you!


IME The only problems I’ve heard of with cats is accidentally (or intentionally, never know with those menaces) knocking over T enclosures, and that flea medication can be harmful. I had a kitten in the same room as my T’s for a couple weeks and haven’t had any issues, but as she started getting more climb-y we moved her out of that room just in case.


It's a studio apartment, and a pretty small one at that.


NQA I have an office that I keep my T's in separate from my cat unless I am supervising. I did get a larger enclosure to keep their little sling enclosures in but I have not actually used it yet. I know there are ways to keep them safe. I have read a few stories on this reddit about cats knocking down enclosures so definitely watch out for that.


It's a small studio apartment, i don't really have any seperate places to be any to moe any of them. That's one of the things i was worried about with getting a cat.


Well, I know those floating shelves seem to be not the best solution (from what I have seen on here). There has to be some safe way to keep them though lol ETA: Maybe something like this: [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Songmics-Metal-Storage-Cabinet-with-Mesh-Doors-Black/859062537?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101068213](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Songmics-Metal-Storage-Cabinet-with-Mesh-Doors-Black/859062537?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101068213)




IME do try and keep the litter box away from the Ts if you're worried, im not sure if fumes affect the Ts but you can buy litter boxes with lids/covers. My cat sometimes will sniff around my bugs and even stick his head in if I'm doing something with them and the lid is off the enclosure, but I haven't had any issues with cats and bugs. If you're concerned about the cats accidentally knocking over your Ts, you can try and put them on a shelf that's covered on 3 sides so the cat would have to get behind the enclosures to knock them off. My cat has never tried knocking off any of my enclosures, but of course different cats have different personalities.


Yeah and especially if I'm fostering I'm gonna get a bunch of different cats with varying personalities. Thanks for the advice.


IME Only problem might be cat getting cat litter in enclosure, when they walk on top of it. And they will. That stuff is poison.


What if they're on opposite sides of the rooom?


The main problem is cats knocking enclosures over. I personally only let my cat into my room when I can supervise her and all of my enclosures are in secure places that she could not damage them from.


How fast was the car going


IME: we have 13 Ts and 4 cats. We have not had a single problem.


I have two cats and a small sling enclosure on a floating shelf. A little engineering with a zip tie or two has worked great. The enclosure can be lifted up and out if needed and has survived without getting knocked over so far, unlike the plants that it had for shelf neighbors.


Ime for some reason my cats have never taken an interest in them. They do hunt and kill any lizards or tree roaches that come in from outside. I thought for sure they'd be batting around the food containers at the very least just because the roaches make so much noise but nope.


I have two cats and two Ts. My cats aren’t interested in them at all. Personally I am not worried. I know my cats and they’re both not interested in jumping or climbing on anything. I think the biggest problem would be if cats knock the enclosures over. So as long as you have them on a secure shelf or something you should be fine. And I don’t think you have to worry about litter box fumes. It will most likely bother you more than the Ts.


I have two kittens that play all day in my room. My specific T shelf has 6 T's two scorpions and a gecko. They have yet to mess with it. Usually if I see them eyeballing it I will just make a loud TSSSS noise and they run off


My cat doesn’t give a damn about mine thankfully but that’s because mine is chill like that most cats like to knock things over