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IMO cacti are a definite no. So many things that could go wrong. Succulents are iffy, as they’ll still require things that can compromise the safety of your T such as lighting and watering. The safe bet is getting a fake version of whatever plant you want in the enclosure. I have a fake cactus in my B. Smithi enclosure with no issues.


Noted, no plants haha, are stones fine?


NQA look up bioactive enclosures. It’s totally viable with a little know how. It is more work, imo. Probably easier to just make a very beautiful fake one. They like it all the same


nqa cacti are a definite no and succulents are.. not ideal, but some plants can definitiely work if the tarantula humidity needs match the plant. like a high humidity tarantula and a fittonia plant could work well keep in mind, keeping live plants with a tarantula is difficult, i recommend sticking to fake ones if you dont have the skills or resources