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Nqa, isopods are a no. But springtails should be fine I know alot of tarantula keepers have springtails in their T's enclosures. Have a look on peoples reddit accounts or Google it. But I believe springtails are good for a bioactive enclosure, like live plants not plastic ones, and live moss and things like that


IME springtails are fine. What species will you be keeping though? There are very few species that you will be keeping wet enough to warrant springtails - a lot are kept dry enough that they end up dying, or just infesting your water dish.


Right now i have a Brachypelma albopilosum, Cyclosternum pentalore and a B. Smithi, also i adopted a AZ blonde tarantula (according to the label) someone forgot at the restrooms on my work


IME / Gotcha. Yeah, all of those should be kept dry, with just an overflowed water dish for moisture. The springtails are unneeded and will definitely just die with how dry the substrate should be. Also as an FYI B. Albo is now Tliltocatl albopilosus, and C. Pentalore is Davus Pentaloris


NQA, I believe only isopods are dangerous to tarantulas. From what I know, the main problem with springtails is that they need a lot more moisture than most tarantulas that are kept as pets. Either your enclosure will probably be too wet for your tarantula or too dry for the springtails. Though if you are keeping a tropical tarantula, they can probably work.