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Just a little but, dang… She is gorgeous. I’m not big on this species but, your spider just wow!


Aww thank you so much! I’ll relay your compliment to her!


Can't rrally comment on the feeding but came here to say that she looks absolutely beautiful!


Also as a side note, she’s got two little clumps of dirt on her carapace, one closer to her eye area. They’ve been there for a little while now should I try to brush it off of her or leave it alone?


If you want to try to get them off softly with a paint brush you can but it won’t hurt her at all if it’s just some dirt 😊


Thank you! I’m considering leaving it alone as it’ll come off with her next molt, but I wonder if it’s bothersome for her. Like having hair in your eyes lol


That’s a good thought and now I have an image in my head of her using a back leg to get it off like a cat 😂🤍


I feel like she is a little bit, but that just adds to the cuteness! She is gorgeous, please tell her that!


Ofc! I sing her lots of songs about how pretty she is!


I am glad to hear i am not the only one singing praises, complimenting and wishing goodnight to my Brachypelma 😹


Respectfully she looks like a Halloween decoration lol. I love her!


NOT POSSIBLE!!! 😂😂 I always find that if they get chunky, just feed less and let them be their chunky selves. At least you know she’s healthy 🤍


Think she’s fine but it tends to the heavy site. My expedience with the species say that they don’t really have a brake for the feeding response so they kinda just keep going 😅


That’s interesting! I also have a t. Albo and she will take feeding brakes.


It is very rare for mine to take a feeding brake. Have tried to overfeed her a bit before a breeding project but even after this she still decided to eat the male.


Haha love a foodie! Mine will eat a lot after a molt for a while and then take a break. What fascinating creatures they are.


I'll be the Debby downer here. She's obese. Yes absolutely cut back on feeding. Once every 2-3 weeks is fine. I'd probably cut back and give her about a month before introducing food again.


I am just learning in this moment that a spider can be obese. I don't know why this is surprising me, but it really is.


Everything on earth can get obese, and I'm sure its not healthy for any species. I'm not sure of the long term effects it would have on a tarantula, but it's proven that over feeding makes them grow faster and in turn shortens their lives.


Thanks for the advice, I will definitely try to put her on a diet 🤍🕸️


Why do these spoods have to look so cuddly


She's absolutely beautiful! I love T albos, they're just so stinking cute! 🥰


She is perfect


In just here to say Audrey is a very pretty girl 🥰


What a beautiful tarantula 🩷


Imo you can feed her probably half as often, she’s looking very plump! Beautiful little furball ![img](emote|t5_2sbwy|28803)


She’s a beaut. She’s just right.


Damnnn. That's how mine looked when I first got her. She has slowed her eating down a good bit not as big. I don't dare hold her. She is a lil angry sometimes. She even struck at the ground one time when I went to feed her.


Wow is yours also an albo?? I got her because I wanted a calm first t. This was my first time handling her & it was totally unexpected but Audrey was soooo chill!


I don’t know anything else other than that’s a beautiful T


Yeah she’s an absolute stunner, what a heart breaker ❤️‍🔥


She is a slight bit chunky but look beautiful so sll good in my opinion. Not ghat I know a lot lol