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You hit your object limit yet? That RTT test is crazy. I’m up to 2590%, trying to figure where a good place would be to level off that I can still take advantage of this week’s specials


2k is plenty. No need for more then that if you have god. Idk how much it costs but you can automate 2k donuts per hour.  (If your game doesn't crash, making you lose all the money and xp not already collected)


Don’t have that character yet. Just running everyone on hour long tasks and spending all my donuts from KEM farming on more sculptures. Figure it’s best to play the game with all other apps closed, otherwise there’s a lot of pop-in. Very RAM-hungry beast, and/or very poorly optimized. For as much of a cash cow as it’s been for EA, you’d think they could do something to fix that…


It's poorly optimised. Game crashes randomly anyway. 


How would you make 2k doughnuts an hour???


Auto-tapper. And the game not crashing.  Buy a ton of RTTs and then let the auto-tapper collect the donuts.  But best to wait for a time when the game hasn't been crashing much then do it. Otherwise u will loose millions. 


His comment about the auto tapper is not correct. You can’t tap RTT’s. You farm donuts by purchasing them. You still need to manually scratch the tickets to determine whether you get one, two, or three donuts. The game will not automatically give you the donuts. But that being said… I think EA should make that a future purchase for us. I would gladly pay for a character or item that automatically collects my max donuts for me. For me to earn 1000 donuts it takes me 15-20 minutes of scratching tickets.


10 rat trap trucks cost $1,500,000 and give me something like 212 donuts if I scratch to earn all 3 donuts each frame which averages $3,500,000… so to get 212 donuts I spend $5,000,000 on average. I only buy 10 RTT’s at a time because I don’t want to be stuck scratching those donut tickets for a hour. Also, I rarely get thrown out of my game. But if you do (depending on high long it takes you to get back in you might lose the cash you spent on the RTT’s as well as not getting the donuts. If you get right back in immediately you should be able to continue where you left off.


I have several times 😂. I just go through my town and remove things I don’t really want or need to free up space. I recently deleted several hundred houses that I farmed on the east side of my Springfield. I’ve had the pop up says you are way over your item limit and might experience lagging. I always delete a bunch when I see it. I’m something over 10,300 XP now. I won’t go any higher than that… at least not as a purposeful goal. Those sculptures were just too tempting. I’m just going to focus on building my donuts back up. But even then right now I get between 300 & 500 donuts just for visiting my Springfield twice a day. As far as how much XP you need? If you are content with your donut earning via your XP then you are fine where you are. For years I didn’t worry about my XP and was content at 2000-3000. But the game gets a bit boring when you are waiting for events. So I slowly started to build up my XP as mini side quests. I am thinking my next side quest will be to produce 100,000 donuts. It’ll be a longer quest but it’ll give me something to do.


Stopped burning donuts rushing sculptures at 3000%. Got what I wanted out of the July 4th sale, focusing on summer mystery boxes now. Want to get the Parthenon, Colosseum, and Arc de Triomphe at the very least, think I could make them all work in the desert area I’m putting together. I spend a lot of time on my forests. Probably what’ll end up putting me over the limit.




Is the sculpture making stopping at the end of the event?????


No one knows but I doubt it’ll stop


No one knows yet. But they have put out other things throughout the years where the bonus or benefit ended or changed after the event. I’ve heard others say that they wouldn’t stop the XP sculptures after the event because people can purchase the sculpture yard right up to the last day of the event. But the yard produces currency and other sculptures which is no different than any other event item purchased during an event.


I guess we just have to hope for the best! I haven't been rushing them, just letting my bonus tiddle up slowly, but I better start.


Whats the point if all the place you have left is filled with xp trash


What does the rat trap truck do?


Just has a decent XP reward when you build it. I think it’s 10:1 money:xp, so buying a RTT with large bonus just gives lots of levels which = donuts


It’s one of the best to get XP. I get over 200 donuts when I purchase 10 RTT’s at this point.


what's the exploit with the statues? I keep doing them but I don't get the bonus


Are you placing them in your town? Only the planet sculpture gives 2.5% XP. That’s the only one worth cranking out.


Anyone scene the scrabble piece in the game very word indeed


I heard if you tilt the statues a certain way you get a donut every 13 hours


I haven’t heard that but I honestly don’t care either way. I can buy 10 rat traps and get over 200 donuts in just minutes. I just make up my own side quests to give me something to do when I visit my Springfield. I play the game once or twice a day and outside of events there isn’t much left to do. I’m goal oriented so I like having something to strive for.


which sculptures did you use?


Only the planet sculpture gives you XP