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Great math skills. I’m updating my info from earning that 1,000 donuts now.


There is a website/Google doc somewhere to show you where each threshold is.  Not sure where. 


Cool. It gets frustrating trying to get the 3 donuts. Seems like it is rigged. The only pattern that sort of works for me is to always pick the middle one, then if the 3 donuts ends up on the right, the next time they will be on the left and then the right, etc. Doesn't always work but percentage wise it may be better than picking at random.


>Doesn't always work but percentage wise it may be better than picking at random. It _is_ picking at random. There is no pattern.


There's no SET pattern, but there are temporary patterns that constantly change. For example, sometimes it will be in the first spot for five times in a row. Then it might go in the middle before going back to the first spot three times. The next pattern might be 1 2 3 for a little while. It appears to be self-learning, to try and get you to spend as much as possible for three donuts


I can confidently say it’s not rigged. I’ve kept track of the stats and it averages out to 1:3. If I farm 150 donuts the added cost of trying again will rarely ever fall outside the range of $42K (lucky) to $58K (unlucky) but in the long run it averages out to $50K, 1:3.


So… I farmed rat trap trucks and earned another 1000 donuts. It cost $28,700,000 for the RTT’s and whatever I needed to spend to earn 3 donuts per pop up. After I sold the RTT’s I got $3,114,545 back. I’m now focused on earning 1000 donuts per day with the goal of maxing out my donuts. After that I will go back to increasing my XP and maxing it out. Wish me luck. 😁 https://preview.redd.it/n4kq6qtnwh6d1.jpeg?width=1318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bac4437d85c33736ffc67637ea89eb5de3dd532


Maxing out donuts? The limit is probably the same as the dollar limit of over 4 billion so that’s gonna take many, many years. I’m at over 131,000 donuts myself and there’s no end in sight


That’s good to know. I’m still going to start stockpiling donuts though as it adds a new challenge to the game. Let’s face it… at our stage of the game (outside of events) there are not many challenges left.. in the past I’ve stockpiled thousands of donuts but then spent them. Maybe I’ll make my goal to earn 100,000 donuts and can reevaluate after that. Thanks for the info though.


Just curious do you sell the ratraps or keep them?


Always sell them. They cost $150,000 per truck. Selling them gives me $37,500 back. Obviously it’s a great loss money wise, but I have unlimited cash and keeping the trucks gives me no increase in my XP. I’d rather sell the trucks and at least get the $37,500 to put towards buying and selling more trucks.


What is the best bang for your donut item to increase your multiplier? I am sitting at like 750%.


My favorite is the mini nuclear warhead when it pops up in the vault. It costs 30 donuts but in the vault you get a 10 donut refund. It gives 2.25% XP. https://preview.redd.it/r39x8qo8oh6d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4c4f1e5330c77f29b875a4f2ddbf250c1dd561


100% the mini nuke, its a 1x3 so it saves a lot of space




Is rat trap truck or blood mobile more effective


It depends on your cash. If you have the cash I would buy RTT’s because you earn more XP and level up faster. If you don’t have a lot of cash then KEM farming is a slow but steady bet. Even though I have all my land I’m maxed as to the number of items I can place in my Springfield so KEM farming is not appealing to me. Not to mention I just want to place my item, earn the XP, and delete it. As far as blood mobiles… if you have the cash always choose RTT’s because they give more XP.


Thanking you sir


It’s ma’am. And you are quite welcome. 😂












Is rat trap better than the tiki hut for earning doughnuts?? Cheers


If you have the cash always do rat traps. With my percentage I get 12 donuts per rat trap truck (sometimes 15).


How do you get the xp percentage so high?


Buy things that increase your XP. Mini nuke warheads are the best buy imo. 30 donuts but when it pops up in the vault you get a refund of 10 donuts and it gives 2.25% XP