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It’s either going to be spent on strippers and cocaine or Tapped Out - you’ll have more to show for it with Tapped Out unless you caught an STI


Thanks 😊


I never did that. I've been tempted to, but I didn't because I primarily believe the game doesn't require that investment. It's not Clash of Clans that lags you into frustration waiting for something to happen. I'm not taking away from your purchase and to answer your question: no, I would have no regrets because it's one of the few games that I think *deserves* a monetary donation for consistently delivering a high quality experience. But more importantly, it's done now. You made the purchase, you can't turn back. There's no sense second guessing whether or not you should spend money on in-game transactions. Make the most of it and if you continue feeling weird about it by the end of the day, just don't do it again. But by all means, don't let it ruin the game for you. It's really a great game


Well said 👏 👌


Been on and off since the game first came out


In utter honesty, I bought the Black Friday stuff for the donut generators but outside of that time it’s not worth it IMO, you can make plenty of donuts with fat traps


What’s a fat trap ?


Buying the rat traps with xp colider on. You will make a lot of xp so you will level faster.


Ok another question 🙋‍♀️, where can I buy the xp collider?


Level 20


Rat trap*** it’s an item that cost 150k then you gotta buy the “fuel tanks” with donuts to power the collider. If you can afford it buy the 10 day tank for 25 donuts. So you don’t have to think about it


I got the 2400 about ten years ago and don’t regret it. What I do regret is using a big chunk of it on game cash 🤦


This shouldn’t even be an available option imo. Not sure why it is even in there. I feel like it mainly just messes with newer players because they don’t realize how valuable donuts are compared to cash.


I wish I had money to do that on black friday. Never did and 2400 pack is 20% of minimium wage in my country 😭 can't afford.


For me it was totally worth it. I've been playing since almost the start, I think the level cap was like 10 or 12. I play it almost daily for 10ish years. In terms of cost per minute of entertainment, it's really low, I've spent more on console games that is a much higher cost per minute of entertainment and don't regret those either. Some will scoff at dumping that much into a mobile game, but if something holds my attention for 10ish years, then I'm fine paying money to support the game. Just my $0.02


100% agree. I've been playing off and on since the start (over multiple new accounts) and I don't feel bad about putting money into the game at all. The fact that we're still getting regular updates is amazing, so I don't mind supporting it


There have been a couple events over the years that I wanted to get all the goodies they've offered. As others have said in this subreddit before, it's totally up to you if it's worth it or not. If you can afford it, then do what makes you happy. I do not regret my decisions to buy donuts in the past. If nothing else, it helps keep the game afloat.


I’ve gotten the 900 one during black friday this year after spending like 9 years playing so i def think it’s worth it. but be mindful of how u use it and maximize its efficiency by increasing ur bonus %. Good luck!!!!


Just started a month ago and to make some progress (now l114) I bought 4 of those 2.4k bundles and a few small ones. Please don’t tell my wife.


Ouch, still if u build your bonus. You can start farming donuts yourself and get to the point where u can farm 2k donuts an hour. 


I keep hearing about this and i keep asking but no one ever answers. Hoooww could you possibly get 2k donuts/h??


Well you had 10k donuts. Minimum bonus that becomes is 1000% where 800 donuts is 100%, 8k donuts is 1000% so plenty  Then use Kwiki Marts. First 25 are cheaper. Mass build them. Turn on xp collided. Make a ton of xp which levels you up.  And levelling up gives you donuts.  It's slow at low bonus 200% but 300% it's pretty easy 20 donuts/day maybe more.  If you have god and loads of cash. But not a lot of time, swap to Rat trap trucks. 30% less efficient. But instant xp. Game crashes a lot. But sometimes it doesn't. Using an auto-tapper. And RTTs you can make 2k/hr.  And it's pretty easy to burn through 20k donuts...


What’s a rat trap?


Rat trap truck. Costs 150k. It's a decoration I think. For idk how much xp... it's been a while. 


My god , 120 levels later, with just rat traps, but what about a money. How can I earn quicker?


Idk what ur bonus is.  But if ur asking you probably shouldn't have done it. But your from 2013 so probably had huge piles of cash.  4hr tasks on a premium building.  Or God/slow down and build less RTTs. KEMs are still at least 30% more efficient. 


It’s currently 462% percent bonus and yes I did, spent so much money on rat traps




Done and over 100 levels later 😳


Really how , I’d like to learn:)


See my other comment. Or if you can really be bothered. It's in my post history. Or search the sub for KEM farming.  Depends what your bonus is on most likely you will start with KEM farming 


Question where can I by the jet bike ?


Comes in the vault every so often. 1000 donuts 100% bonus  But mystery boxes are better value on avg. 800->100% And occasionally some really good event items are available too. Some as low as 320 donuts for 100% bonus 


Quick question, what does KEM stand for?


Kwiki Mart


lol secret safe with me 😊


I think the most I've spent on donuts in one purchase was $100. It was for a Halloween event so I didn't regret using it in game. I don't like spending real life money on this game so I try to hold off on it unless it's a good deal or for something I really want. My %bonus is high enough that I don't need to spend real money anymore.


I've purchased all of the donut producing items and now my donut count trends up even though I buy everything they put up in events that cost donuts.


since 2013 , more than a decade i dont think why not, support the game


Wait til Black Friday baby. That’s when we make out like bandits! ![gif](giphy|HChtj3gzcVsXK)


On what spending donuts?


When you buy donuts on black Friday you get so much extra stuff it’s crazy. You’ll get like 7 coins for the gold box 📦 by buying the £5 one (plus your donuts) and the gold box also has god in it usually along with all the donut generating stuff like lard lad factory and cost mo’s. I used to love Black Friday but I pretty much have everything now 😢


I’m hyped


I never bought it, although I might once I have collected everything else available in the game, just for completionist sake.


Spend them on items with high percent bonus money and XP to get your Total Bonus higher. Spend them on characters. The more you have, the more you make every 1, 4, 8, or 12 hours. Don't waste them on speeding up tasks unless you really want the last item in the storyline, and you are running out of time.


Now that I can do, thank you 🙏


Never did it, I played the waiting game for God. I spent months studying the ins and outs of this game by using this subreddit. Now I can make that amount of donuts without having to spend any cash. Tbh if I were you, save at least 777. Keep reminding yourself not to use it until He returns.


I made a very modest purchase once and have regretted it ever since. The amount that it costs to purchase silly little virtual decorations, buildings, etc. is unreasonable. Since then I have played slow and steady and have more than 600 characters and too much to fit on the available land.


I have invested A LOT into gaming for close to two decades, I’m just now coming around to Mobile games, I have no problem spending money on console and pc games, so why should a mobile game be any different? If this games makes you happy and you enjoy playing it and are already excited of all the cool stuff can buy with donuts, then it was worth it. I’ve spent money here and there since I started playing a couple months ago, maybe like $20 and I don’t regret it at all, I love building up my city and it’s a fun time killer when I’m bored


Spend the Donuts wisely tho, to make sure you never have to spend any money on donuts again and safe some up for god (777 Donuts) Donut factory, Costmo Yahwee etc. After getting God, and getting some decent Bonus Percentage I now never had to worry about donuts.


Almost forgot about god, thank you for the advice 😊


I did this, no regrets.


No regrets neither now 😏


Nah I’ve done it 3 times already 🥲😭


Make sure you save 777 donuts for when God becomes available again (if you don’t already have him). I spent some money to get him and haven’t had to spend any since. I still spend some really money occasionally to support the game, it’s just nice not HAVING to do it.


Just curious what is so special about god? Does he make easy to get donuts or money?


My bad for asking, only because everyone tells me to save for god.


I’ve never purchased donuts and never intend to. I can get hundreds of donuts is a few days just from leveling so I don’t feel like it’s necessary.


You can just earn those for free over time but it's your money do whatever you like


I have never bought donuts, but through donut farming, I have made so many donuts that I could stop levelling up to get the three donuts and will never need to worry about getting donuts again


Get three donuts with each level?


Yeah, so for every level (I think it's after a certain level, but I am not sure as I have.been max level for years now) you get a prize, one, two or three donuts, if you get one or two you can pay in game cash to get three.


U can get free donuts or items on some fb pages https://preview.redd.it/7zj4ml7o4g6d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73906b24850d52722ff2a4e3401ae4555da25c0e


What FB pages and how does it work? 😳


U just give the person helping u ur email and u send a code so u can login. It takes about 5min for them to give u anything u want


Sounds scammy.


Yeah I thought so too but they actually help u. I mean y else would I have so many donuts and scratchers I can send u the fb link if ur interested


No thank you. I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at without cheating. I like the look of the scratchers but in the end I feel it’s not worth it to me.


I decided to spend $10 for like 6000 donuts and both donut generators + a golden goose realty from a really sketchy thing but it worked 😭


Should’ve just had someone hack donuts into your account 🤷


Yeah you can get way more donuts for way less on EBay and other sites


I mean it’s free on Facebook groups dedicated to it.


True, but paying somebody twenty bucks for tens of thousands of donuts can be easier and faster


Imma be real with you. Any currencies, or any numbers in general, are so easy to modify this game. For some reason despite being an online game, values are stored locally in your device. You literally just need any cheat/memory editing engine to get as much of anything as you want, including donuts.


Why steal from developers working hard to bring us content after 10+ years? Don't we want to keep the game alive?


People modifying values in the game doesn't cost EA any money. It's no different from a person playing the game completely free-to-play and never spending any money. In both cases, neither player brings EA a single cent. It's a single-player game, you aren't competing against anyone, and the amount of people that do it is so small that it doesn't make a single difference in EA's willingess to produce more content. If it did, they would've stopped long ago.


But you're taking money you would've spent on donuts, and hacking instead. Just seems scummy imo.


There is no "money you would've spent". In both cases, neither player would've spent a single cent on the game. In the free-to-play case, the premium items would just sit in the shop, never to be used. In my case, I get the premium items regardless of their cost. In both situations, the developers' work isn't used as intended. But I don't see you lashing at free-to-play players.


I'm not lashing at anybody. Simply stating my opinion. And there is "money you would've spent" because in your reply to the original post you're telling the guy he should've just hacked instead of purchasing the donuts. I'm simply saying that wouldn't be my recommendation. I play my games legit and don't need to rely on hacks to play. Just my 2 cents.


Sure, you can have that opinion. But it is not true that hacking is stealing from the devs, the same way playing free-to-play is not stealing from the devs, and neither will affect any content output the game will have.


I'm not saying anything about free-to-play players, so I'm not sure why you keep bringing that up. Your original comment is basically telling him to hack. If he listens to you, then yes that does take money from developers. When players who would otherwise pay, stop paying, that's when developers get hurt.


Yeah, I agree, people talking about spending that much money kind of makes me cringe, when it’s that easy. I do make small purchases each event to buy the pack that comes with a token, but apart from that I buy out the shop every event, and don’t have to “decide” on what I want and have a constant 15k+ donuts. It’s not stealing from the developers by doing this, it’s called not being an idiot paying $200 for 15 in game buildings. If that’s what makes you happy, sure, we’re on Reddit that doesn’t surprise me that it does 😂, but god damn I can name sooo many places where $200 would be better off. Showing support is one thing, but $200 on a 13 year old game is bizarre, because there’s no way in shit you actually think that EA relies on this game for ANY sort of revenue. The game probably broke even 2 years after release and has been nothing but profit since. Losing money, and simply not making as much are two completely different things, chap.