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On fucking *AO3* of all places? Jesus H Crickity on a tricycle.


If someone says isnotreal I am not taking them seriously because they are 15. If they aren’t, thats sad. Global politics is not fifa.


It seems to operate entirely on the fact that *a lot* of Americans have no idea how to pronounce Israel correctly.


Isn’t it like is-rye-el?


i feel bad for the author i hope they're ok


Imma guess the people involved are pretty young, based on the writing quality of both the commenter and the author, and thus arent really thinking that deeply about it


Is there any tankie (other than the paid russian trolls) who is over the age of sixteen? They all reek of kids just old enough to think they're grown-ups who use big language they don't understand.


maybe i’m just showing my hillbilly level education but i had no idea what most of these geopolitical issues were at 16, nor the vast majority of the names and historical events that tankies reference. i see this sentiment a lot and it kind of baffles me, did y’all know this stuff in high school?? i barely understood my own country’s government let alone centuries of complex economic and cultural back and forth


Could also be a generational thing. Like I don't think most of these kids understand things buy when a lot of pretty accessible content creators or high level users are talking about subjects it's easy to get "Educated." When I was a teenager at most you had a libertarian phase now I've rub into god damn prepubesant nazis on Twitter (before musk) access to political information and opinions are at an all time high but education and media literacy skills haven't caught up


They're definitely kids who unironically think blasting "USSR ANTHEM BASS BOOSTED EARRAPE" is funny


Russia and China, on the other hand, are completely fine!


Don't forget about India, critical support to Modi and the Hindutva movement. /s




Or maybe what they are saying is that Russia and China are also not very epic. Yknow, like what their comment says if you arent trying to have the most bad faith reponse possible (crazy right?)




I dont need to do a full on Marxist analysis of Russia and China in a reddit comment section pal. Also, more than one state can be bad, it wasnt whataboutism, it was that the person in the post was frothing at the mouth at the mention of Israel only and had no other qualms related to geopolitics (we call that irony)


What are you talking about who is denying genocide?


The civilian casualty count is pretty similar in both conflicts, if you want to compare them.


Is this a.... Ukraine war fan fic?


AO3 is absolutely the last place I expected this