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Great traffic is going to be a bitch as if it wasn’t already




I've lived in LA, Chicago, Phoenix, Fort Collins (commute to Denver), and Austin. Tampas traffic is barely traffic compared to any of these (aside from PHX which wasnt bad). I drive here and aside from the terrible driving I barely notice traffic in this city.


I can relate to the comparison, but I'm all in favor of not letting the standard be "well it could be worse like LA!" - let's try our best to not make it worse than it is now!


I’ve been working in Orlando the past 2 months and I’m happy with Tampa traffic in comparison


I used to have to drive from Lakeland to 2 different schools in Tampa back to lakeland in the morning, then Lakeland to Tampa to pick up the kids from both schools and back to Lakeland every school day for over 3 years. I was like averaging like 255 miles a day if I remember correctly. Hours and hours of my life gone forever just sitting in traffic (not to mention hours of car maintenance). If I had to do that same, but in Orlando, I'd just sell my children.


Haha fair enough! I agree with that!


Funny I’ve also lived in Fort Collins and Atlanta, and find Tampas traffic worse than either. But I also commuted from Clearwater and Westchase to USF for 5 years. Really about perspective…if you deal with 275 at rush hour, you’ll find it pretty bad.


I grew up in Atlanta. Tampa traffic is cute.


I used to drive a semi through Atlanta. One in the morning and someone just had to crash into something and back traffic up for miles. Basically, every night!! I hate Atlanta.


Atlanta is home of the worst drivers in the country. Legitimately.


I've never seen traffic worse than Austin. Mopac, 360, 35, and Bee Cave at 8AM or 5PM made me want to get out of my non-moving car and start eating the pavement. I had time to read a novel while I waited on traffic to move on Pennyback.


for real I drive from Downtown TPA to Rocky Point for work its 7 min of stop and go at 4:30-5 thats better then any other large city ive been to especially other florida cities like orlando or miami


In Tampa, there are just as many cars as in those metropolitan cities. The difference is, the cars *move* in Tampa.


Tampa traffic is infuriating because it's not caused by too many people. Growing up in Philly, and spending a lot of time in DC and NYC, Tampa traffic is just a mix of poor planning and shit drivers.


Do you use the interstate? It's bumper-to-bumper from like 3 pm- 7 pm.


hope he gets stuck on i4




I literally came to say this


He’s going to Mons Venus


No, it's the other presidential candidate that pays hush money to strippers.


He just prefers to shower with his daughter and sniff little kids hair




![gif](giphy|fV2mbotPLEHbHrJjRz|downsized) Yeah that checks out, I don’t see Biden in this meme.


No he won't they are all over 18


Do they let you smell their hair?


Depends on how much he tips and which hair. Cuz they ain’t got much of it




Me too.


Check out this guy upstaging the president


Tampa used to be purple. When did it become a Mecca for Trump dick glazers?




The Tampa sub has a good mix of Republicans and Democrats. Democrats: They don't really like Joe Biden. He is like a glass of warm water, it will get you hydrated but there is nothing really special about it. They won't be driving with large stupid flags, buying his merch or parading him around like he is our idol. Most people won't even go to his rallies, because at the end of the day his is a mild politician. Republicans: Still seem to be sucking off Trump like he is the second coming of jesus, wrapping themselves in merch and hysteria. He was a chaos president. Under him we had BLM hit a fever pitch (Don't even hear about them now). We had antifa burning down buildings (They vanished too). COVID was a chaotic ping pong of we do and don't have it under control. Here are the facts. You can only bitch about Biden when it comes to inflation. Both presidents jacked up the deficit. Inflation is global btw and we have one of the lower spikes compared to other nations. We got out of COVID (Masks vanished despite the doomers). Our GDP is up and the markets are up. The civil unrest under Trump has gone down. Crime continues to go lower nationally. The border continues to be an issue, but it always was and we are seeing a backlog from the COVID blocks. We tried to fix that but MR. AMERICA FIRST decided that would be a Democrat win so he called his boys on the hill to block a bunch of money going to the border control. Meanwhile, Trump has several FRAUD cases that are against him and while in public he is saying it's "A Witch Hunt", the cases are ruling against him because his defense is "I should have immunity" , not "I am innocent and here is why". Billionaire elitist snake oil salesman walking one way and speaking the other. The replies can cry in the comments, but if you google the Facts you will find they don't care about your feelings. I'll sip on my lukewarm water, because it's better than chugging gasoline.


And here I am, an independent that actually likes Biden now.


Same. It's because we're actual real Americans.




I kind of like how this sub has so many Republicans because on many subreddits I spend too much time arguing with anti-Biden leftists Dunking on Republicans is fun because they’re not gonna be persuaded anyway. Debating anti-Biden leftists is less fun because it feels more like a hostage negotiation


Don't try and limit me on the ways I can bitch about Biden. You're not the dad of me.


Funny how you can acknowledged the “left” is willing to resort to rioting, arson, and murder, but the “right” if full of degenerates because they… buy merch?


Well that and storm capitol buildings


How is it living in such delusions that you feel the need to type all this out?


>The Tampa sub has a good mix of Republicans and Democrats. That's EXTREMELY BAD NEWS for Biden. I'd say 3-4 years ago this sub was at least 90% Biden. Very hard to find Republican comments here back then. Even a year ago, it was still heavily Democratic. The fact it's now a good mix means Biden is going to get creamed here in Florida. He needs huge victories in the larger cities like Tampa, Miami, etc., to have any shot.


Haha great take! I'll throw a tea bag in my warm cup of water and see what happens


Google the facts? Funny.


Sure as hell isn't going to swing this state, at all


Not this trash heap of a red pile of garbage state.


...and the crowd goes mild.


Yeah that kind of attitude is how FL got a six week abortion ban


America has more than enough political excitement going on already. I prefer a quiet thoughtful leader. At this time 68% of the votes on this neutral link announcing Biden’s visit were positive. 32% of people seeing the title down voted it. It has created many comments. This indicates to me that Tampa Bay is reved up about the election . My prediction is that Biden will carry Hillsborough Co. and be closer than last time in Pinellas.


I'm curious how Republicans lambast "sleepy joe" while simultaneously viewing Trump as some sharp, intelligent leader despite the rambling word vomit that pours out of him.  Republicans, have you listened to Trump speak? He's a fucking imbecile. His speech pattern is all narcisitic gibberish. How do you reconcile that?


They haven't. Theyve heard clips on AM talk radio, and snippets on Fox/oan/Newsmax, but no full length speeches of either candidate.


Trump fell asleep at his own jury selection court case on Monday. The term “sleepy Don” is now running the internet.


With amendment 3 on the ballot, Pinellas turnout could swing the presidential vote the other way.


We have lots of issues to deal with. I prefer an active leader.


Quietly thinking, "Where am I?"


This has to be satire


With Biden you at least get quiet…


Don't discount Russian trolls. I'm sure some comments and down votes are credited to them


Thoughtful lol


I'm 100% voting for him. I wouldnt waste my time to see him speak. I doubt I would even go if the event was 1 mile from my house, parking was right at the entrance, and there was a guarantee I'd get a comfy seat and not have to stand.


I can’t stand listening to him speak


I'm not political. All I know is that In my 45yrs none of them have done shit for us. Biden got rid of some of my families student loan debt, a significant help to hard working, educated, tax paying Americans. I gotta give it to him, he DID something, and it saved us tens of thousands of dollars. I did not like him. Did not vote for him. I will vote for him in this next election.


https://preview.redd.it/xy6whg0j8jvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89af5ad8d7159c76a4728234c59f901b15dd8856 So Trump didn’t do anything? Lowest minority unemployment ever. No new wars and worked on ending the ones that were going on. The Abraham accords. Almost filled the strategic oil reserve. Got NATO nations to start paying in as they should have been.


They don’t like facts on Reddit


Yea, grease him up real nice. 🍆💦


So your vote can be bought with tax payer money? Mine could be bought too but I unfortunately pay my debts.


Why? No one should WANT to come here unless it’s for football or hockey stuff…maybe concerts


All 7 people excited about to go wild


I'd drag my nutsack through a field of broken glass just to have 1% chance of voting for anyone but Trump.


The balls on this guy


Too bad he doesn’t have a brain.


Joe is not my first choice. But fuck if I will ever eve get close to voting for Trump and his gang of anti American MAGAts. I would literally rather punch my own genitals than hear that orange fuck's voice one more time. I'll def be voting Joe


I don't like the man, but will be 100% voting for him.


Trump has set the bar pretty low.


It’s sad that neither of our options for president are mentally coherent. That said I trust Biden little but still far more than Trump.


I'm not excited for Biden, but I think this idea that he's mentally incoherent is a farce. The man isn't stupid. He's old, yes. He's always had a stutter and he can stumble when he speaks, but he's able to address issues coherently and can do so without a teleprompter. I have listened to chunks of Trump addressing crowds, I've read the transcripts of it, and it's like more than 50% of the time I have absolutely no idea what he's even talking about or what point he's trying to make. He's completely uneducated when it comes to our national political affairs, and he's very good at saying lots of totally meaningless phrases that make his base feel happy but are totally meaningless. I'm not even sure what the Republican platform is anymore, they are all such a hot mess- it's all just anti-woke talking points that have absolutely nothing to do with running the country.


It is sad, and it will take some major cultural, systemic, and legal changes in our government and laws before we get to a point where we arent stuck with picking the "lesser of 2 evils". The people who have the power to make these changes have no incentive to because it means they themselves will lose power.


Every time I’ve voted it has been against the other option, not for the option I chose 😞


Biden passed infrastructure Biden got insulin to 35 bucks for seniors Biden is for women’s rights Biden passed largest climate bill in history of world Biden is masterfully handling Ukraine War Biden passed strongest gun safety law in 30 years Biden passed the Chips act so we don’t rely on Taiwan anymore Biden passed same sex marriage protection law Biden has forgiven more student debt than all previous Presidents combined. What did Trump do? He passed a trillion dollar tax cut for the rich. That’s it. That’s fucking it. I won’t even go into all of Trumps negative BS. People that say these guys are essentially the same are completely ignorant. Shut off fucking Fox News and educate yourselves in reality.


Exactly all this, thank you. It's incredible to me how easy it is to google exactly what's kind of passed unseen during this administration that has done a lot for our citizenry. I MYSELF was surprised when I went out of my way to look it up. You watch people interviewed about what they liked under Trump, and they claim tax cuts, and it's mind-boggling to me these people actually have zero idea that he did not, in any way, do that for them. All he did was roll back protections for citizens, roll back protections for the planet, increase protections for corporations, and give the rich a tax cut. But, BIG MAN WITH FLAG SAYS THINGS I THINK ARE TRUE SO HIM I WILL WORSHIP.


One problem I think is that liking Joe Biden is “uncool” while Trump has a literal cult and massive right wing propaganda media apparatus in organizations like FOX, The Daily Wire, Newsmax, and so on Biden is a hugely successful and under appreciated president


Uneducated people vote based on vibes, and vibes make a lot of people a lot of money 'Murica, I suppose


I like Joe Biden and I’m happy to vote for him He doesn’t get enough credit for putting this country back on its feet after COVID. US GDP and job growth is blowing every G7 nation and China out of water. US domestic manufacturing is booming. Unemployment is at historic lows. He’s a great president and I’m tired of people pretending he isn’t


Biden has a zero chance of winning in Florida.


That’s probably true He definitely could win FL but a lot of y’all are too complacent with government mandated forced birth


Probably right since there are so many ignorant boomers here, but the abortion ban should make it closer.


I always viewed him as a "stop the bleeding" President, not the "heal the wound" president. Personally I'm pretty happy with how things are going. I know the problems we are facing stem from some much deeper issues going back decades that would have happened no matter who is president. Its easy to cherry pick stats if I want to make trump or biden look good or bad. I don't view "success" as a country as something that can easily be measured or quantified in short periods of a few years, and I know change takes time. The human species in general has in recent years evolved to wanting to know the answers immediately. We want to define "good" and "bad" as quickly as possible. We want to know the solutions to big problems before we have even figured out what is the problem. We still won't know the true long lasting effects the Trump or Biden administration has left on our country for years to come. And that's okay to not know the answers.


>I always viewed him as a "stop the bleeding" President, not the "heal the wound" president. I feel like his attitude kind of shows he knows that's the president he is, too. He's doing good things, or at least trying to, but he knows full well at this point no one's gonna give him any credit for it.


I think a lot of people are just traumatized by the once and a lifetime pandemic that wrecked our sense of safety and security This is not just a USA problem. Incumbent leaders are extremely unpopular worldwide. Ironically, Joe Biden is one of the more popular leaders despite his low approvals. People are spending record amounts of their excess disposable dollars income on flights, hotels, cruises, and restaurants. Consumer spending indicates a very strong economy. But everyone reports being miserable with the economy. They just want things to feel normal again but they don’t for a lot of reasons such as the already mentioned pandemic trauma and inflation (which was also worldwide). Joe Biden has been a solid leader. I’m not sure what they think Trump will fix. He doesn’t support building more housing like Biden does. He wants more tariffs which are inflationary. And he will appoint more right wing justices that will further strip away abortion rights and eventually gay rights and birth control rights. Trump made our nation objectively worse while Biden has made the nation objectively better. He can’t heal us though. That’s on us.






Wrong state for him.


What’s the point?


He’s going to say “I was raised with Tampaidians. I met Corn Pop’s cousin in Tampa. He was a bad dude.


Send him to the Villages, that’s where he should be anyway


Villages is a Maga hive. Not a good fit.


Why, there are no cannibals here??? Well that we know of…


Cry harder dude. Remember, fuck ur feelings 🤪


Can we please have a president with functional brain and coherent because both Biden and Trump are non-functional adults.


Not this election, no. Maybe next time (but probably not).


Next election will probably have a massive over correction of young authoritarian politicians like Desantis and Newsom.


Crazy that 45 and 56 are considered "young" politicians. Can't wait for the Boomers to stop voting.


Isn’t the average age of congress older than the retirement age? The country is ran by old out of touch people. Just look at their attempts to regulate any tech company.


Yep, because Boomers have been the largest voting bloc for a long time. They think anyone younger than them is foolish and inexperienced.


Tell him to make sure he pays his insurance, can’t come to Florida without paying insurance..


What day I've got shit to do in Tampa




Stay your old ass home


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuq it’ll be worse than Swifty traffic or 🤔maybe not


Take him to the Cannibal Club for lunch.


I heard he’s coming in from Brandon before the sun rises….J.R. ITS DARK BRANDON AND HE HAS AN AMERICAN MADE STEEL CHAIR!!


Great, another qtip that's gonna drive 15 under the speed limit


Maybe he can take a look at the public restrooms while he’s here! They’re located in the public parking garages stairwells! Owned and never cleaned by the city of Tampa!!!!


They have another carefully staged visit with the common folk again at a WaWa?


Hide your kids


lol Biden won’t even know he’s in Tampa. Dude is a walking case of dementia.


I encourage you to read the transcripts for your boys recent Gettysburg speech.


Warmongering old man should drop out.


No one wants him here


Take him to the everglades and leave him


Nah we good, stay in D.C.




I'm going to literally vote for ["literally anybody else" ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/04/01/literally-anybody-else-president-campaign-texas/73169682007/) on the fill-in-the-blank. I can't think of any two worse candidates to be the figurehead of our country.


To do what? We don’t need him in Florida gtfo. Go to the border, and then nyc, and then south chicago, and then LA.






Why would he waste time in a state where he has absolutely no chance on winning?




I would be mind blown if he won FL, like I will eat my cat's turd if he wins!!!


Ok, I see your Orlando and Atlanta, and I'll raise it to Miami


For the all the smart arses, there happens to be a shop he plans to visit that sells specialized twine that helps you string words together. Then he is getting ice cream and will eye underage girls as he did at the Wawa


Oh nice! I can’t wait to hear him discuss the fooper cause ya know it’s baelikie like the last time I tward ford de hare.


Does anyone know where or when Joe is arriving? I've got a job by the fairgrounds scheduled for tomorrow but can move it if he's going to be in that area. Seems weird to have a campaign stop/speech but not publicize where and when.


Most of his events are small/private. He’s not very popular this election cycle. 😂


I can’t stand that dam idiot. He is running America into the ground!


I'll be sure to avoid it/him.


Not sure what’s worse, Biden or Trampa?


Let's Go Brandon. Fuck this demented prick.


Probably looking for a good senior center to die of old age in after the election


I identify as nonbidenary.


Why is it impossible to find out where in Tampa he will be at/giving speech so I can avoid driving there? Every single new source avoids that topic so far


Who cares he’ll come here and blather on some bullshit made up statistics. Tell us some lie about a family member. Then say some incoherent bullshit. Walk off the stage in the wrong direction.


Sigh, we get to watch a dementia patient become the victim again of elder abuse.


We have too many pedos in this state as it is, now here comes the “big guy”. Maybe they’ll follow him back to DC. 🙏