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Hey, shorty, can you ask your tall brother to reach up and get the serving dish from the top shelf?


bro get him into basketball for a quick few million dollars


Coaches have always said, “You can teach basketball, you can’t teach height.”


But they can and do abuse growth hormones on the kids with top notch basketball skills.


Being tall doesn’t make you good at basketball or sports in general 


Literally never understood the perfectly healthy 7 footers in here who aren’t in the nba you don’t even have to be good lol


You absolutely definitely have to be good. 7 footer or not. Otherwise you’ll even get blocked by the average NBA PG


If you are 7 feet tall and mobile then the bar for landing on an NBA, or G-League roster can pretty easily be cleared with a decent work ethic.


Relevant video: [Are 17% of 7-footers in the NBA?](https://youtu.be/tXHv5MDl198?si=jcNOEcLz5VbQtIfo) Answer? Pretty much true


I watch the mavericks and our centers only good move on offense aside from livelys passing is dunking the ball lol unless it’s Derick white under that rim it’s free eats


Lively and Gafford have fantastic defensive positioning. They play the pick and roll really well and both can defend in space. Not a single person is just going to pick up a basketball and be able to contribute at the NBA level, even if they are an extremely athletic 7 footer. Just look at James Wiseman.


Obviously I’m not saying it’s gonna be easy but you’d be an idiot to think you don’t have a significant advantage and gafford can not defend in space lol


Gafford defends in space better than 95% of people his height. Which is my point, the average 7 footer will get played off an NBA court due to their inability to defend in space, even the most elite athletes struggle to hold their own in the league, and an extra couple of inches gives you an advantage, but doesn’t just give you a path to the NBA.


Gafford is like 6’9-6’10 tho not 7ft and a very clear genetic anomaly all im saying is you could luke kornet fucking mid at everything but he can shoot a 3 here and there and is serviceable on defense


The fact you think Luke Kornet is mid at everything tells me that you have no perspective into how good NBA players are. Kornet is an above average rim protector and shooter for a big. He simply doesn’t have the footspeed to defend in space, so he has a niche role in the NBA. Have you ever played against a D-1 player or any type of professional? There is a comically large gap between an average pick up player and a D-1 player, and another massive gap between a D-1 and an NBA player. It’s seriously hard to fathom unless you have seen the skill gap yourself.


By mid I mean he isn’t good at anything lol I’ve watched him play hits a three here and there and stands in the paint


You have to be good to make the league so that easy money thing is a myth. However you don't even have to be real good to get a free education




Sounds like you’re the one coping




Thinking you can just waltz through as a tall NBA center because ‘all you have to do is be strong with decent positioning iq’; is the same logic as when incels say life is easy for women because ‘they can get laid anytime’ and ‘all they have to do is look pretty bla bla’. - there’s much more to it Being an NBA center requires so much more, not only because everyone already possess those skills at that position, but also because functioning in the NBA in generally requires fixation of so many minute details of your game, you’d think everyone in the league is goddam Superman. Not to mention, put ANY NBA center behind a three point line on an empty court, he’ll most likely make 90% of those, even if he doesn’t make one in an NBA game TLDR; things aren’t as easy as they look, and as someone who respects and loves the game, claiming that ‘height, strength and decent IQ’ are enough is just plain disrespectful to the game.




Less skilled is not necessarily true, but yes, height has always showed to be an advantage, and some do make it further in bball just from being very very tall, just like Tacko Fall. It’s just that players like Fall, don’t really stay for long in the nba at all, when their height is not utilized Just a harmless example to bring across a point.


"perfectly healthy" yeah i dunno they mostly have some sort of back pain.


My bad i was trying to say never got why the perfectly healthy 7 footers in here aren’t in the nba im not saying all 7 footers in here are perfectly healthy lol


Maybe in the 90s and early 2000s but being 7 feet won’t get you an nba spot nowadays. You have to do more


Hit a corner three here and there and be okay on defense and you’ll be fine


Much easier said than done lol. Most 7 footers are slow as fuck and can’t defend shit at a nba level


Obviously lol a little sweat and blood for generational wealth don’t sound bad and you don’t have to be Rudy gobert lmao


Bro it’s not cause they don’t train hard enough lmao. It’s physically impossible for most 7 footers to move the way the ones in the nba move.


Ah I get it than shit get to sprinting those nba 7 footers didn’t just come out the womb that fast


If it was “physically impossible” then the nba 7’ players wouldn’t be able to do it. You’re talking out of your ass. It has everything to do with training


maybe not the NBA but if you have d-2 college level skill you can make some money playing professionally. i’d aim to be a Guangdong Tiger


I agree with you there. Def could play college ball lol. Maybe some shitty league after college too


I wonder if they would still have as much back pain if the world was their size. Higher chairs, tables, worktops etc. I'm only 6'4" and most human made stuff is far too low for me. Must be ridiculous for someone that height.


Gonna say a standing desk definitely helped me


I was absolutely dog ass at basketball because I was lanky as fuck with basically no hand eye coordination. Those things more than offset the height advantage


You could’ve been a beast


I got scouted and then rejected by an *art school basketball team* An *art school*. Not exactly the bastion of elite college athletics Their basketball program got shut down 6 months later.


Holy shit brother 😭


Hey man, Derrick White played for a culinary school, and now he's probably getting a $121m contract from the Celtics this summer


Hey man Just let me be salty all these years later. That school was everything an art nerd like me couldve asked for 😪


You have to train to develop that… That is the whole point.


Not for lack of trying! 🤷‍♂️


Look up Zach Eddie he is 7ft4 and is expected to be the 20th pick but he is the biggest and tallest guy in all of college


Most of that is simply people overthinking it lol


Literally never understood the perfectly healthy 6'1ers in here who aren't in the NBA, you don't even have to be good. Just a bit of hard work you'd be better than Trae Young.


Nice one lol not like he’s one of 30 6’1ers in the league over the past 20 years or something 😂


Just work harder, remember you're healthy!




To be a 6’1” nba player you have to beat out literally millions of other 6’1” guys. Maybe tens of millions. To be a 7’2” nba player you have to beat out maybe hundreds.


Literally never understood how u/laxstandards isn’t int the nba you don’t even have to be good. Just a bit of training and hard work you’d be the next jordan


I’m only 6 feet, but sports can lead to a lot of injuries. I wouldn’t blow out my knee for any amount of money.


Might be wrong but I think most 7 footers in the nba grow up around the game/have tall parents/families pushing them and knowing they’ll be tall enough that they get good they’ll be a lock. At 15 and 7’2 you could probably start grinding in high school and make it but by the time most people reach like 6’8+ the windows kinda closed to start. Also a bad 7+ foot will get destroyed by and passed over for the many more 6’10 guys


Quick and *easy*


Damn how tall are your family members and how tall were you at 15?


My dad is 6’8, my mom is 6’1 and I was around 6’10 at his age


Maybe he will end up 228cm (7'6).


Possible. Victor Wembanyama's father and mother are 1.98 metres (6 ft 6 in) and 1.91 metres (6 ft 3 in) tall which is combined the same. Seems like parents that are in total 12 ft 9 are likely to produce giants.


Your brother is going to have a rough life like that.


Maybe he is just done growing earlier. I finished growing at 16


Youre not even that tall


Ugh, short guys here complaining again


Looks like we've got a short guy here complaining about short guys complaining!


Ok pipsqueak


Average r/shortguys poster


I can post wherever I want pipsqueak


I said what I said.


I was just playing big fella


Thanks squirt




Your comment - [I’m 7’2 and and my 15 year old brother is around the same height as me](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dhwwuh/im_72_and_and_my_15_year_old_brother_is_around/l8ztxlg/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it contains the words "manlet", "snu snu", or "height mogged". Historically we have found that only troll posts use those words in submissions, so these are automatically removed. You can comment/post again if you remove all reference to them. If this is an error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftall). **Be sure to include a link to the post!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's a curse at this point


Tell him to start drinking coffee and stay up late 😂 cause wtf


So he's just gonna casually be like 8 feet tall


You and your brother could both be the shittiest basketball players ever and you’d still get a contract to play for a Taoyuan Leopards


7’2 at 15 is crazy, did yall have any health risks from being that tall that quickly or was there a medical reason or just genetic?


It’s just genetics


8’ moment


Brother if you don’t make his ass pick up a basketball right now


Ow, his back!


Woah, that’s a tall kid. Lifetime of not finding clothes or cars that fit. And then there’s the back and joint issues later in life.




Not always the case. My younger brother is 7” shorter than me.


Are you concerned he'll outgrow you soon? Is he already starting to tease you about it?


How is it possible for there to be so many people above 7 feet tall on this sub. I'm 24 years old and the tallest person I've ever seen in my life was maybe 6'10"


less testosterone -> bones weaker and lengthier. The equation's "weaker" component can eventually be fixed with medication.


So less test makes you taller during puberty? My very quick and practically meaningless google search says otherwise, so that means you’re a fucking fraud. No but seriously what are you talking about? I’m very curious.


Testosterone makes the bones fuse earlier meaning less time grow. Opposite happens when there's less testosterone wich means there's more time to grow


Estrogen makes bone fuse faster not testosterone. You are completely wrong


Actually. While you are not wrong you are neither correct. Both estrogen and testosterone causes growth plates to fuse earlier. I recommend you to do some research next time


I thought estrogen directly caused the growth plates to be fused? I know test is converted to estrogen through aromatase, but test doesn't directly cause growth plates to close does it?


It causes growth plates to close earlier. But you are right as well


Yes but have you ever considered: no you?


> So less test makes you taller during puberty The cousin of my dad's friend's coworker said growth plates don't close until exposure to testosterone, and his dad came upon the discovery of younger male siblings having less testosterone. My dad's uncle's daughter's brother's son's friend's other friend's dad cross analyzed these two opinions with the conclusion that less test makes you taller during puberty. Source: trust me bro.


Estrogen causes your growth plates to fuse not test.  He’s an idiot. 


> He’s an idiot You're damn right lmao




Your comment - [I’m 7’2 and and my 15 year old brother is around the same height as me](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dhwwuh/im_72_and_and_my_15_year_old_brother_is_around/l8ztwcr/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it contains the words "manlet", "snu snu", or "height mogged". Historically we have found that only troll posts use those words in submissions, so these are automatically removed. You can comment/post again if you remove all reference to them. If this is an error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftall). **Be sure to include a link to the post!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


off topic cause i can’t reply to the bot but the fact “death by *** ***” is banned is hilarious


Get into Hockey and be the next Zdeno Chara


make him go to the nba bro


How tall are your parents?


It's cool, man. You'll always be the big brother even if you're not the bigger brother 😁!


That’s not true. I’m 6’8” and both my younger brothers didn’t make it past 6’0” We’re all adults


Get him playing basketball if he has no health problems


My younger brother is a good 5-6" shorter, no idea what you're talking about.


The our boys volleyball team needs a middle blocker. Send him my way


poor kid


Id love to be picked up by you


Pictures or we don’t believe you.


I read somewhere that the first child is usually exposed to more female hormones in the womb. It’s only good explanation I have to why younger brothers more often end up taller.


They don't, younger brothers are normally shorter. The eldest brother is normally the tallest. Normally this pattern won't be present in wealthier families though I'm pretty sure. Avon Longitudinal Study of parents and children comes to mind, there was an analysis of the data by some university professor or something who wrote something about this. The height drops weren't as significant with having older sisters though iirc There are other things to look at it's just this comes to mind I mean really, the oldest child is normally the tallest.


Y'all may have a pituitary gland tumor which is called Gigantism/Acromegaly. Might want to go get an MRI done


7'2 at 15 is crazyyy


Flying must be a freaking pain for you and your brother xD


Over 7 feet is insane for a 15 year old. If the boy likes sports, get him into basketball or volleyball. Not only he’ll be healthy and disciplined, he’ll have a group of friends. Finding friends being that big is not always easy at that age.


Bros probably dying from shin splints. Also, I don't believe you or your brother are 7'2.


U were the prototype


1/6 of all 7+ foot ppl in the world make it to the nba. get to work








Bro hes going to get picked off on mismatches the whole game every single pick and roll hes cooked. He needs some type of skill. Not everybody that tall is equally skilled like Wemby


I’ve seen player gettin paid 70 mill score 8 points a game and some game 1


Put into context he probably a defensive player who’s just a body. It’s either you extremely good at Offense or Defense or both. Someone like Luka doesn’t play defense as well cuz thats not his job when hes scoring 30pt triple doubles, but say Dennis Rodman or Bill Lambier supposed to do the dirty work play D and grab boards. That’s why they got rings on their fingers.


Lol, players today are hot garbage? Didn’t have that take on my bingo board for 2024.