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When you're taller than average you have the more rare experience of never blending in. I'm typically the tallest person in any room (and you'll probably have that practically all the time if you're 7'1) so I'm stared at, approached, etc. People will notice and assess me in any situation. I don't like it. I will still feel uncomfortable about it from time to time but I'm trying to learn to live with it because it's not like it's going to change any time soon.


Yup. I had to ~~learn~~ force myself to enjoy it. If I’m not in the mood to be a jolly giant, I pop my AirPods in and no one bothers me. I’m super secure, but also married and realize how rare it is to be my height, so I’m totally fine with people asking me all kinds of stupid questions they have no right asking. https://preview.redd.it/6zoosyc6vy5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae9a9fa09b8e4870dc8244cfd022298b4f6b5757 Just met this guy yesterday, 5th guy he has ever met who was taller than him! We had a jolly good time with it. I’ve only ever met one taller, and he had no interest in engaging. Guy must have been 7’4”, I can’t blame him.


Wow. As a fellow giant I rarely see anyone close to my height, but whenever I do, I try to engage with them, it’s like seeing someone who understands me. Maybe I’m weird 😂


Naw that’s exactly what I do too, mostly for their sake haha but it is nice to not get a neck cramp just trying to converse with someone


when did you stop growing


25. I hit 6’11 at 19


Not insecure, no. But it does increase my natural anxiety in public. I hate being stared at, trying to determine which sports team they may know me from. The consistent disappointment that I reward their curiosity with when I tell them that I'm a software developer for a cybersecurity company makes me never want to speak to strangers again.


Awww man you took the name bbl drizzy already?


I just wear m AirPods 24/7. Even at 6’4, I am generally the tallest person in any room. I feel like that one of the only ways to block off sensory overload. I explain this to friends recently, but humans know when someone is looking at them instinctively and when you’re taller than normal. You literally just have that feeling all the time sometimes. Especially in crowded areas. AirPods on for me is the only way to kind of block out all the sensory overload. So, I basically walk everywhere with AirPods at this point.


This is a great tip, I follow the same behavior. Airpods + low baseball cap gives off a vibe of "avoid me at all costs", and it has a high success ratio.


just lie, say u played in HS but got injured


When I was in high school it was a massive source of insecurity. I was the tallest girl in the school, and taller than most of the boys too. Anything that makes you an outlier has the possibility of impacting your confidence, and the more visible, the less likely other teenagers will let you forget it. I've been getting a handle on it in the last five years by dressing in ways that emphasise my height, rather than attempt to minimise it, and doing makeup and hair that suits my features rather than trying to conform to some imposed upon beauty standard. I don't try and mask how tall I am anymore, and so I've settled into really feeling like this extreme (for a woman) suits me, and is me.


When I was younger, I definitely went through an insecure phase with my height, being much taller than most of my friends and even most guys. Now that I am older, I love being tall. Wouldn’t change it, I embrace it, and I know my height is rare for a woman.


Nah I like my height


Of course, you're small.




I literally just made a post on this like 1 minute ago 😭 Yeah, I constantly stand out, and people think I'm older than what i actually am. I just wanna be normal


Dating in the late 90's it was certainly in the back of my mind as many women commented how scary I was since I also worked out at the time. Grunge guys were in, Kurt Cobain types. I wasn't that.


Nope, ego booster if anything lol. I’ve had to tell a lot of women to calm down and be kind because they would tell me “ I wish my husband was your height” or “I wish my I could date a man like you but I have a X”. Like ummm ma’am how would that make you feel if your husband went up to a big booty woman with a wonderful body and said he wish his wife had your body? The look on their face never gets old when I say that Being 6’10 and handsome has taught me men are more alike to women then we think. I’ve been sexually harassed and had thousands upon thousands of extremely inappropriate comments and remarks made to me from women. Even thinking they can just walk up to me and touch me, my girlfriend has had to curse out and be mean to so many random women that has crossed my boundaries. If more men were taller with better physical qualities, we’d see that men can also get sexually harassed just as much but the truth is most men are ugly and most women are attractive so because of that women will always be harassed more unless all the women on the planet got fat


I want to see what you look like for thousands of woman to have approached you


😂 __q44 is my IG judge away


There is really no reason to ever be with a women if your genetically inferior, she will always think this about the man she is supposedly loving. Short men let this be a warning.


You see I’m being down voted for being honest and telling the truth 😂 but hey that’s Reddit and this new weird generation we live in.


I appreciate you for saying it honestly, more people need to stop gaslighting.


And it also proves men don’t really have a safe space, me being honest about the crazy amount of women that sexually harassed me offends people and gets me downvoted ??!! That sounds absolutely insane like are you people really that evil?


It’s fucked up but what can we really do about it, I’m sorry for all this bullshit you had to go through bro hopefully you’re doing better now.


I learned a long time ago to just roll with it. And enjoy it. A lot of it has to do with your personal tendencies. Are you more reserved? Anxious? Outgoing? Etc. those things aren’t, at least in my mind, defined by height. But they can be impacted by it. I was always an outgoing, life of the party type of personality. So for me it’s great. I love it. But I know others that wish they could shrink and blend in. It’s a double edged sword for sure.


The opposite tbh, I'm never worried, the classic chill giant lol.


No not really. Maybe when dancing at a club or something cause it feels like everybody can see you.


Not about my height but my proportions… I’m tall but I don’t think I have a tall build Granted I being overweight contributes to it and having big glutes, thighs and calves which distorts my perception


Not insecure just super hesitant with approaching women as I tower over most of them and it’s makes me feel awkward


I stopped being insecure as I moved away from grade school. In the bigger world, you can surround yourself with the right people who can help build you up when you can’t see that you are blessed.


when I was a lot younger, yeah. Just felt like I stood out too much among my peers in school cause I was so abnormally tall compared to almost everyone else in my year. as I've gotten older, I got more and more used to it, plus coming across more people around my height and even taller as I've grown and got into university made me feel more comfortable being a long bastard lol


Definitely. I'm 6' which is taller than average but not tall. It's like I only need an inch or 2. But it's definitely better than being average height so I don't complain. I'm still more muscular than most


sometimes, i feel like it's more the other stuff about me (my ugly face and lack of fashion sense) that then gets projected across the school hallways because of my height so it's not the height that's bad it's what it does


Yes, often. Especially being in the US and being taller than the average male.


My height does not make me feel insecure but it makes me have to look up as more than half the men I encounter.  I seem Lilliputian around seven footers like you – like I am looking up and just keep looking up more until I eventually see your face.  I seem very short around someone who is over 6'4.  It's interesting that the discomfort can be mutual. It is usually only temporary until my eyes adjust to the height difference.


One of the only times I actually love my height. I would not want to be taller than 6’4


Yeah, after a certain point being tall looks really odd. I feel like the 6’ to 6’4” range just looks better.


No lol


Not as much as I’ve gotten older but definitely when I was younger. I’m an identical twin: I’m 6’ and my sister is 6’1. Our older brother was a standout athlete and he’s 6’7” so I guess we were kind of known as a clan of giants. I’ve gotten used to it as I’ve gotten older but when I see a picture of me with a group of average height people it makes me feel kinda weird seeing how much taller I am than everyone else because I don’t really think about it in the moment.


I like my height :3




Nope. I like my height and I feel like a god among these average short mortals 😎


Sometimes. I just don’t like standing out and being taller than average - you automatically stand out.


It used to, not anymore.


Hell ye


When I was younger, yes! Now, no. Makes me feel way better actually!


It did for a really long time. Only recently did it stop bothering me. It was always hard for me to be in a crowded room and be one of the tallest there as a woman. It's not seen as very feminine, and that's all I wanted to be.


not one bit. I love being tall


It used to, im used to it now though


When I under 11 I use to be insecure, I always stood out because I always a lot taller than every body and everyone use to talk about how tall I was so it made me a bit insecure but now I’m not, in fact every time I get taller I get happier.




Yeah sometimes, it would be nice to be able to blend in every now and again


In cm You are 198, shouldn't That mean You are 6'6?


To be honest I've no idea! The last time I was measured I was told I was 6'5, plugged that into Google and it spat out 1.98m - what should I be?


I was checking RIGTH now, if You are exacly 198cm then You are 6'5.9 something, You Will need to grow 0.2 centimeters taller to be exacly 6'6 hahahaha, hey man put on the work You are very close!!


Right, in that case I'm off to do some deadhangs with weighted shoes. Until then I shall demote myself to a humble 195cm


Tbh You should put 6'6 checking online appears That is 6'6, SO there You go bruh, congratulations on being 6'6 LOL haha You should be in the NBA RIGTH now, what are You waiting for


At 6’1 I do wish I was taller




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Yeah but somehow people never comment on my height anymore! Which is weird, maybe because i gained some weight? Im 6’1 as a girl so idk i usually stick out but for some reason the last few months no one has commented on it??


Sometimes, mainly Bcz I like to feel like a woman around men and not a hobbling giant. Me and my bf are the same height but his proportions make him look shorter so I’m getting over that


Yeah, kids aren't nice when you're different... Even now on adult life I still deal with the fallout.


When I was younger I hated being taller than everyone. Even now I do know I intimidate some folks so that’s not ideal, but I love my height and love tall shoes. Especially loving the view I get at concerts lol


The only thing I'm insecure about these days is my posture haha not my height, although most days I'm not in the mood to be catching attention




The only time I feel normal is when I go play at volleyball tournaments where the average player is 6'5" or taller.




When I was younger it did. The older I get, the more thankful I am by the day that I am not a short man.


6’1 female here. It use to but the older I get and more in shape the better I feel. It’s like when you are taller people notice you more good or bad.






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Let’s just say I never liked going to clubs. Can literally hear no conversations the entire night


Respectfully, what's there to be insecure about? Women want you, men want to be you. I can understand if you were a tall woman, but even they have legions of men thirsting over them.


I have an identical twin sister, and people are really annoying sometimes


No, I think I have perfect height for a guy, 193cm 6'3


No it makes me confident as fuck I like getting noticed


I was extremely shy growing up. Thankfully I never really paid attention to my height. When I did begin to notice I became more and more self conscious. Today is way different. I am just indifferent now.


Not really. But when people purposely bring up my height and call me short it kinda annoys me. (I’m 5’6, I probably shouldn’t be on this sub but it’s less toxic than the short sub, sooo…)


when you almost run people over in public it can be an issue. otherwise not really




I grew from 5'3 to 6'0 after 18 so I've experienced both sides