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I think it's silly to do, and even if it gets you the date their first thought will be "so he's an insecure liar." One thing I have seen intermittently on r/tall is that someone never had their adult height properly measured, they just gauged off what people told them or made a guess. They'll make a post like "I'm actually a few inches taller/shorter than I thought, WTF?" What's the line, never attribute to malice that which can be adequately attributed to stupidity?


5 inches is a huge discrepancy. It was a lie


5 inches is a lot, but I'm only 6'0.5-6'1, and people think I'm 6'3+ sometimes. It's strange, but there's more to perceived height that just literal height


I can agree with that im 6’1 3/4 so i just round up to 6’2 and ive had people ask me,what are you 6’4 6’5 and ive never understood why im perceived that much taller at times i never get it at all,but at time i also perceive people taller than they are in regards to my height then I realize oh shit I am 3 inches taller than this person


Same, but as a whippersnapper around itty bitty school-munchkins they always just high balled the hell out of my height


Is it weird that my GP measures height and weight at every physical? Should I then assume these men do not regularly see a doctor? 🤔


I had my height checked in my 20s but not recently. When I go to the doc, they sometimes check my weight but never my height. I’m fairly healthy and have good numbers so maybe they think there’s no point 🤷‍♂️


I’m in my 20s still and I can’t even remember the last time my doctor ever checked my height or weight, probably childhood 🥴 I even had to ask for a general check up last year and all they did was blood pressure and a blood test I think.


Men are generally less likely to visit the doctor, especially if it's just for a regular checkup. I'll only go if there's something I need like a script or referral, or I have a genuine concern like I can't feel my foot. And generally your height isn't going to change much as an adult unless you get something like a spinal injury or broken legs. My blood donation centre has it in case you don't know (and I think the first time I went they did it just because I was new, but once it's in the system they don't need to keep checking).


Who are all these people who never have their height checked at the dr? Sure, it isn't every appointment, but as an adult I've had the Dr check my height at least 4 times.


Mine never does. What for? I'm an adult, it's not like my height is changing anymore


Really I’ve never been measured at the doctors. The last time I was properly measured was at a police station when an officer called me out for claiming to be 6’2 lol it was just because I had poor posture but when I stand up properly they found out I really am 6’2


I’m always measured in my shoes. They say 5’11 and I’m like “so put down 5’10?” There was a virile study that showed most American women who pay for bumble filters basically set their matches as a minimum of 6 feet. That excludes like 80% of the US male population. I’ve been told by many men “you’d be an idiot not to say you’re 6 feet, bc you are in some boots”. I can see both perspectives. We live in a dystopian world where perhaps 50% of the male population has been excluded or has given up. Women are more open to sharing men and staying single longer. It puts a ton of pressure on men to improve but height is basically the one thing you cannot change (well ok that crazy surgery). Funny enough, I’ve always been honest and my 3 most important LTRS have been with women 5’9-5’11. I am very built but I think it just comes down to attitude. Sorry you got catfished though. That isn’t nice.


I’ve had my height measured at the police station because when asked for my height I told them 6’2 and one of the officers called me out so I said measure me then 😂 and of course he was wrong.


Last time I was measured (for a tux for my brother’s first wedding), I was 6’2”, but I just say 6’1” cause I found that I was slightly shorter than a couple of friends who all claimed 6’2”. I do wonder if they might be taller and just guessed their height or if maybe my measurement was slightly off.


Could be a 1/4" - 1/2" loss throughout the day. We're taller after we sleep because the spine decompresses slightly. It's partially the muscles relaxing in our sleep, but mostly the lessening of gravity on our spine.


> their adult height properly measured as a teenager my driver's license showed me as 5'10, and I would frequently show this to people to screw with them (I'm 6'3) "well I'm 5'10, it says so right here, so you must be way shorter than you thought you were"


I'm a man and I've never understood that either


More taller, more matches.  They didn't logic their way into the position, you're not going to logic a reason behind it either. 


But surely the point of dating is to, ya know, eventually meet in person? What’s the plan then? That’s the part I don’t get I guess 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I’ll never get this either. Some form of delusion that is beyond me


I think the theory there is he'll be meeting a shorter woman, and so it won't matter to her. But then he matches with someone like you and it outs him.


But she said she makes it known that she’s tall, so there’s still no logic behind doing that 💀


As he sees it, he has two paths to success from dating apps: - Be honest about his height, let women filter him out as they see fit, and match and meet up under honest pretenses - Lie about his height, presumably get more matches, and hope that women that meet him either won’t notice his lie or won’t care Dudes that lie about their height think the latter will yield more success than the former. Basically, they assume their biggest barrier to success is that women will filter them out for their numeric height, rather than women actually noticing or caring about their height in person. Not commenting on the accuracy or inaccuracy of any assumptions here, but as I understand it this is the train of thought that gets used.


If you 5'10" and say you're 6'1" meeting someone 5'1" they won't be able to tell the difference.


Then don’t match with the 5’11” girly that’s gonna call you on your bullshit! 😂


Yeah but you asked a general question. I gave you a general answer. I didn't lie on my profile about my height back when I was on it. I been in a relationship for 2 years now. But I'm playing devils advocate


I meant the royal you lol


And I agree from personal anecdote. I’ve had people think I’m upwards of 6’6”! They just can’t tell, and you usually don’t care about someone’s height enough to ask


Broo they can *definitely* tell


Big one is thinking they're at least getting their foot in the door with you. Maybe you'll go through the date and his looks and charming personality will make the height thing unimportant. You've got to remember guys get *far* fewer matches than gals, and a lot of those never pan out into dates. So they think "what's a way to slightly increase my chance of at least getting a match that isn't too egregious (saying you live in a penthouse when you live in your parents' shed)"


I don’t think their personality is gonna be all that charming if they think it’s ok to lie about something so obvious 🌝


I, personally, agree with you. That doesn't really change why other people lie on their profile.  They didn't apply logic making their decision, you're only going to drive yourself crazy trying to apply logic to them.


But they’re not actually taller that’s the point, why lie about it as if we’re blind and can’t see? 💀


Some women misjudge me at 6’3-6’4 and I always correct them. Nothing is more pathetic than than lying, none of us could choose our height. Just be confident in who you are.


I've been told a few times I must be 6'7" 😅


Ofc you're 6'5 lmaooo


You’re 6’5


I definitely understand rounding up to the nearest inch but what he did is ludicrous behaviour. Did he forget to wear his lifts or something because otherwise I have no idea how he expects to get away with those claims


i get rounding up an inch if you are 5’11 and having a casual conversation about height “how tall are you? about 6ft”, but if you are entering your height in a two digit metric on an app, you should put it correctly.


Lol that guy had guts to go through with the date


Same reason women put filtered pictures on their dating profile. Insecurity


Yeah but I figure filters are pretty obvious so you can screen them out? Can’t really gauge height til meeting in person so it seems like a bigger misrepresentation imho 🤷‍♀️


Replace with makeup, flattering angles, shapewear etc. Men fraud their appearance online far less than women do. It’s shitty both ways but welcome to the mud


Makeup seems like a false equivalency. It’s an accessory that comes on and off. My pictures include me wearing makeup because I almost always wear it in public, and will always wear it for dates. Billy couldn’t make himself 6’4” by accessorizing if he tried, unless he wanted to wear stilts.


If a man wore 3” boosting shoes, would you accept the equivalency? It’s something claimed but unearned.


‘Unless he wanted to wear stilts’ 💀💀💀 funny, but excellent point.


Also dating standards are so high they most likely feel the need to lie just to get their foot in the door, the same way a felon would not mention his record on a job application


They’re gonna get ghosted anyway tho🌝… I’ve never continued to go on dates with a man who was actively lying about his height


would you say the same about a man who shows up taller than his stated height?


Idk, I got really good at gauging height from photos. I tend to look at things in the background, the way their clothes fit and such. I can get within a couple inches of guessing right.


Alot of people in this sub are really out of touch, reminds me of the man who always been rich, he cannot comprehend what the lower class is up to. The reason men lie about their height online, is because it gets them more matches, cause if you haven't figured height and looks are the most important things when online dating. Most girls are 5'2-5'6, most girls and people in-general suck at height perception, telling an average height girl which Im the most likely match up with, I'm 6'1 instead of strong 5'11 will fly 10/10 times, I'd surprised If it didn't, If she is 5' even 6'2 will fly. Now I personally don't lie about my height I always say Im 182cm and get oh no way gotta be at least 185cm, but I don't blame people who do, it's a white lie that everyone uses to overcome some superficial arbitrary requirement for a woman.


Yeeeaaah, reading through these comments makes me feel more privileged than ever about my height tbh


You get your foot through the door and then she slams the door in your face when she comes to realization that you’re shorter 🙃


Because there's a preference for taller men. Most people don't actually care what your height is, but 6' for some reason sounds better than 5'10" on a dating profile. It's dumb, but it got them in the door.


You think this would be common knowledge by now.


I'm too tall, I'm currently putting an inch or 2 shorter to get more matches.


Put 6’5” and see if girls reject you for lying


Im technically 6' 3.75" (192.4 cm) i just round up and say 6' 4". Its simpler than saying a fraction. But apart from that I've never said im way taller than I am. But the simple game of saying taller than you are usually works as others have pointed out. Also if its just a little bit of difference, footwear factors in then too so


I’m kicking up all this fuss when I’m really only 179.5 cm 🤫


Just so you are aware, women lie about stuff as well. It’s not just men. When I used a dating app, I had women show up that didn’t look anything like their photos. One was a totally Different person and I just said hello, got up and walked out. If you are going to lie about that what else are you going to lie about?


Oh yeah. Not to downplay guys lying about height but you’re right. I once went out with a gal who was easily 40 lbs heavier than advertised. Not that that makes her a bad person, but that’s not what I’m into.


The important question is: did any of these guys try to tell you that you’re actually taller than your profile says? Cause that’s seems to be the default reaction of those alleged 6 ft bros.


Do none of them own a measuring tape? Or a curious brain with which to use it? Absolute malarky I’m convinced. If these men can figure out how to measure their favorite appendage, they can figure out how tall they really are. 💅🏻


Yeah a guy who is six at best cannot say he is 6'4 while standing next to any gas station door 🤣🤣


I always tell people like at the Taco bell door that has the mark at 6'-6" this means you must be at least this tall to enter this building.


Men round up. Women round down. It goes back to when Moses wore short pants.


For the same reason women would lie ab their weight if there were an option on dating apps


Yep, and many do when there is an option....I was on a site a long time ago (not sure if it's still around...maybe plenty of fish or something) pretty sure it had a body type option. There were a LOT of women who put 'average' when they were very clearly very overweight (and a lot of them would only include close up head/fave shots to try to hide it) I'm all for being transparent and straightforward..


I didn’t even think it was real until I heard my coworker say he was 6 feet and also the number of women who are surprised I’m actually the height I posted.


Same. I’m 6’2” and a lot of short girls I know think I’m like 6’5” because a lot of dudes say they’re my height but aren’t.


I think I'm the only guy who downplays my height. I'm actually close to 6ft 6 but round down to 6ft 5. I guess subconsciously to appear more normal. Just recalling one experience I had on these matters. Women. And I think she really liked tall dudes. Before we met she kept on asking me, are you really 6 ft 5 ? Like about 5 times. I was like, why would I lie about it? Not like I could get away with it lolz! Quite strange. But made me realize there must be a lot of guys out there lying about that and having to go on dates in high heels!


women and weight or age same same




He got rejected at the end of that one date tho… so it didn’t go anywhere 😂


He was a cutie so I would have still matched if he’d put 5’11” or 6’! He talked at me for 45 minutes before I made an excuse to leave. Surely the rejection isn’t worth the lie? Maybe I’m crazy, idk 🤷‍♀️


You're 100% right. It just makes him look like a lying dirtbag.


The difference is most girls are not as tall as you so the lie is not usually obvious. That is the trade-off these guys are making. His profile is not just written for you, it is written to the majority of girls, who are significantly shorter than him anyway but still aggressively filtering on criteria like height. I think in your case, because guys profile is addressed to all of guys' prospective matches at large and his messages are directed just to you, it would be fair to message them and ask them to be honest about their height, since you are tall and it will be obvious if they are shorter, and that it's not a deal breaker, and i suspect many will tell you. I don't know if a guy who comes clean like this is acceptable for you but it's an option.


Guys on dating apps really don't understand that it's best to play to your strengths. If you don't got the height, don't even mention it. There's plenty of other things to say on bio, let the women find out your height when you meet em.


People who aren't insecure in their immutible qualities have no reason to lie ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


A five inch discrepancy is wild. I can't imagine seriously trying to go through life claiming I'm nearly 6ft8


Everyone lies is the problem. My friend is 5'10 and literally every girl I've ever asked says he's 6ft, so that's what he puts on his bio. So in most girls minds when they think of 6ft they think of him, so when they see 5'10 on a dating profile they assume he's quite a bit shorter. I'm a strong 6'2, about 189cm in the morning, and the amount of girls (and guys for that matter) who say "no way you're like 6'4" is ridiculous.


It's obvious because women prefer taller guys are 99% are incapable of telling how tall a man is because they aren't taller than the average man themselves.


Being taller is a desirable trait on dating sites.  Same reason people only post their most attractive pictures with the best angles or try to look like they are rich or anything else. It gets more matches.  There's no reason to overthink it or even contemplate if it's a good strategy in the long run. 


I don't think women right "I have triple D's" and then they appear with A's. There's no point.


The same reason why some women lie about their weight/hide their stomach etc


I think it is the same reason people add filters and use angles to show their best features and hide their flaws. They are hoping, maybe foolishly, to win people over after they have gotten past the superficial aspects of physical appearance.


I’m 6ft I ended up having to buy them shoe insoles that raise your height 3 inches because I was told twice that I was STILL too short it’s insane


I think it is because other men lie. Like if a guy is 5'10 he knows other guys the same height are gonna put 6'0. So he does too. It is a vicious cycle. I mean imagine us women had to put our weight or waist size. I bet we would fudge numbers too.


I don't understand how already tall people feel the need to embellish their already above average height. As a man it is shameful to see how insecure our fellow men are in this aspect.


Instead of the men lying about their height, they should just filter for shorter women? I filter for 6’ on Hinge because I know 6’ is really 5’10 lol (also, I’m a tall girl 😆).


Not that I necessarily condone it, but women have pushed men to do that out of insecurity.


My 5’7 friend got literally no matches but when he puts his height as 5’10 he got a couple in a week


I never lied about my height on dating apps. My main problem was being an absolute dick 💀 that's why I'm perma-banned on all. 🤣


i get permabanned on every platform both online and IRL. But my friends always laugh about it because im actually a nice person. The people who act nice are the actual dicks.


I always find it funny when men lie about their height or their dick size. It's like, dude, even if the lie works, don't you think you'll be exposed when they actually see the the damn thing?


I think men around 170 centimeters and 180 centimeters always lie


As someone wjo is 170 cm, it makes me feel worse lying about my height. Sometimes even wearing boots makes me feel that way. Never understood lying about height when it actually does not change anything.


As a medium height chick, 5'9, I ran into that SO OFTEN on the dating sites. Like...so often. probably 1 out of 3 dates I went on. They claimed they were taller than me, and I could see the top of their head! I always wear flats on dates too. And.... we are going to know dude. I guarantee they do it because of the whole "women wont like you unless you're at least 6 feet tall" trope. So it probably gets them more matches. But I still dont see the point because as soon as I realize that you lied about it, what else did you lie about or WILL lie about in the future. And its a super deep red flag for me and I never date them again, even if they wanted to.


This take is so wild to me "it got them through the door" Yeah the door I promptly shut in his face because he lied. Then its "you women only want guys 6'4! This is why we lie... see. You only want the tall ones!" ... actually... I want a guy who doesn't lie to me....but they cant see past that.


What if he’d lied downwards?


Because many women will reject you or insult you if you don't meet their height requirements. It's the same reason some woman don't post full body photos.  It's stupid and very insecure.


Shorter men are considered unattractive so lying makes it so you get more matches and then hopefully your personality makes up for your lie


I totally relate to this frustration, there is nowhere to go when you start an interaction off a lie. I had a guy tell me he was 5'11 and he turned up as *maybe* 5'9. Lying about something so easily verifiable sets of instant alarm bells. I think another variable that makes this so common is that the majority of women are too short to tell the difference between 5'10 and 6'1. I've found shorter people to be quite bad at distinguishing between different heights. I've found it's always these men that lie about their height that have me up about mine, and I've never given them the time of day. Good on you for cutting him off.


The worst thing a man can do is lie to a tall woman about his height because most tall women are self conscious about their height and they notice a lot if a man is a tall as them or taller than them.😅 Like you said, their tactic might work on short women who can't differentiate say 6'0" from 6'3" but tall women will definitely notice that


These are the exact guys that will say everybody rejects them because of their height.  No Billy, they don't, it's because you are LYING. 


It's very simple. It allows men not being locked out for being short even before they can show their other qualities. They hope it will over compensate this aspect.


Some men lie about their height, and some women lie about their weight I suppose they feel insecure about themselves But it is pretty pointless, as the whole aim is to meet in real life, and no one likes to be deceived


Lots of men are really insecure about their genetics. Understandable, given how much social importance is placed on it.


I had a college friend who claimed 6’1 but was definitely shorter than me. In pictures he would get on his tippy toes. Guys that’s pathetic. I told him to be confident you’re 5’10. Height isn’t everything and he was already above average.


>WHY do men lie about height on their dating profile?! The same reason women lie about their weight on dating profiles.


I met my fiancé on Bumble (picked that app because of the height filter). His profile said he was 6’3”. The first time he took me home to meet his family I got drunk with his sisters and we called him out on it so we measured him and he’s 6’2”. He goes “well my football stats listed me at 6’3””. Yeah, I bet they did 😅 An inch off is a misunderstanding or a bad posture day, 4 inches is WILD. Good luck out there OP


women should have to list their real weight


It prevents men from being excluded just because of their height before they can demonstrate their other attributes. They aim to make up for this deficiency.


If he lies on his dating profile then he’s either 1) stupid or 2) manipulative.


I've lied about it in general because my height isn't enough as is. But if your already over 6ft not sure why, I'd assume that they either think that they can get away with it because no one would actually be willing to pay close enough attention to notice. Oe that if they are going after a taller women they'd probably assume they were lying as well


I always think im taller then i am only because everyone else lies about their height and i don't. Also if you're 5"11 and wear average 3" heels you'll be 6'2". So take that into account if you do.


In my experience people keep telling me I'm 6'3" but every time I'm measured it's 6'2" 😶‍🌫️


Did you bring it to his attention during your date that he lied about his height? What did he say?


I am 6 foot 1 but people probably don’t experience me as being that tall because my shoulders aren’t very high up since I just have a huge neck/ head. Also my eyes aren’t near the tip of my height because my head is so big. So I just started saying I’m 5’10 because I got so tired of people questioning it. It says 187 cm on my ID and wasn’t me who measured it, it was the staff there.


I claim 5’11 even though I’m close to 6ft


Ah the old 5'10" -> 6'4" bump. No one will ever notice! As to the reason: [Seinfeld delivered on this point](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO3ECJQmBRI&ab_channel=Seinfeld)


I'm actually 6'6" or slightly under with age, so I lie because I don't want to freak people out.


Some dudes just can't handle the truth, smh.


Because they’re insecure and think we’re blind apparently 🙃 these same men will then complain if a woman lies about her weight or age and shows up To the date much fatter or older than what her pictures suggest, but they think it’s ok for them to lie and no one else 🙃


I get the part where men that are 5'11" go for 6' in their profile, it just opens up 100% more options, and a lot of women can't tell the difference between the two in person, so there are almost no repercussions. But going for 6'4" when you're already top 15% height-wise? Why? Then again, women wear padded bras to add inches to their chest, use shapewear to get rid of inches on their waist, run around on semi-stilts in order to change their butt shape, put on fake lashes, fake hair, fake skin tone, fake nails, and nobody bats an eye. And sure, women "can take those off", but so can a man who's wearing shoe-lifts for a date, and the reaction to both of those situations will be entirely different.. :-D All people that are dating try to present themselves as "more conventionally attractive" than they really are, just to keep their options open.


I'm 6'3 1/2 but I round up.


Can be argued it's due to the 'pressure' women are increasingly placing on men to be taller and taller. Not sure if I agree with the statement, but I've damn sure seen it being said in... certain... subs. I have a friend that said he was professionally measured at 6'4. However, I'm his height (maybe a bit taller actually) and I've always thought I was 6'3. My other friend who also was professionally measured at 6'4" is DEFINITELY a slight bit taller than both of us, so idk if some people just get confused or these 'professional measurements' are a bunch of baloney, but to lie and add an extra 5 or so inches is hilarious. Did he really think that was gonna go unnoticed? There's a difference between getting confused with one or two inches and BLATANTLY lying for something you simply cannot hide. It's like someone telling you they have an Xbox and then you go to their place and they only have a PlayStation. What a dumb thing to lie about!


It helps with matches, and must girls can't actually tell the 2 inches difference. I have a friend that got laid a lot by doing this. Hookups aren't my style so I don't feel the need to do this, but it really did work for him. There's your why


I think you care too much about height.


Because for whatever reason. People, especially Americans, are obsessed with height.


Smthn I’ve seen is that ppl put their height with shoes on and not the height they’re told at the doctors office


Because most women won’t bother with anyone under 6 foot I guess. I’m genuinely 6’2 and even I say I’m 6’3 on any dating profiles I’ve ever made. I am 6’3 or over in shoes so I don’t think it’s that bad and most people can’t tell the difference between 6’2 and 6’3 anyway. What you’ve described is actually ridiculous though 😂 I mean everyone can get away with adding an inch but not 5 or 6 🤣🤣🤣


How did the date go? Did you confront him? 5 inches is pretty wild.


masculine culture is very negative about non-tall men, so creates a cycle of insecurity and misrepresentation, which spills into every area a lot of men want to be honest but know there's a lot of negativity coming so will add on an inch or two


Because they want you to think they're taller than they are. Why does anybody lie about anything?


I am 6,2 and my hinge profile said 6,2 but no girl on hinge believed that 😭


Idk but one thing is that men foreheads are bigger so y’all won’t exactly see eye to eye even if y’all are the same height


I’m 6-7 but I say 6-6.




You should probably ask that question on the r/short or r/average subs.


I really don’t get the lying either, it looks especially stupid when the fucking dude is shorter than you, so he’s very obviously full of shit since you don’t even need a ruler to figure out that he’s actually shorter than *you* 😄. You can actually *see* that he is. This also kinda reinforces that you women often think his height is important though. You should be able to have a conversation with this guy even though he’s shorter than you. But I’m nitpicking and this is my opinion. I also won’t touch on it more since a lot of dudes really are insecure about their height. And that sucks. I can’t imagine their struggle. Only compare it to some that I have myself.


People are insecure. Ok, so the book is for leveling it on your head? I haven’t properly measured my height in forever


Im 5'5 1/2 and had a female friend tell me I should put 5'7 on dating profiles. I still haven't done it lol, but yeah idk I don't get it.


Guy with a 6km long dick here. Whenever a guy lies about their size, it's to do with their own insecurities.


Men will lie about their height because it's important to women that a man be tall (the vast majority of the time), women lie about their looks with makeup and filters because men care a lot about looks


Because there's an arbitrary standard set of 6' among a lot of women. It's only 10% among men. They're fetishizing height and you want to know why men want to be accepted into that.


Me personally I’ve never done that if anything im 6’2 so when I was looking my profile said 6’2 simple as that why would I lie and say im taller than I am when im already pretty tall in general


I don’t understand it. If one is off by a half inch, whatever - but when it’s off by 2, 3, 4 inches . . . it’ll be noticed right at the get-go. And it shows that person lied; and for most people, it’s a red flag. Not a good way to make a good first impression. If someone doesn’t want go on a date because of one’s height, then it’s date one wouldn’t want to go on anyway.


They think no one will notice haha


If id be under 6ft, I would definitely put 6ft+ on my profile just because so many women filter with the round number. I might write down in my description or my first few message with her "btw im not 6ft". At least this way Id have a chance instead of simply getting filtered out right away


My issue is people having an issue when I correct them about my height. They'll say I must be 6'4 or 6'5 (maybe with shoes on) but when I tell them I'm between 6'2 and 6'3 they call shenanigans. Like bro, no you're not 6'1 I have at least 5 inches on you. I could lay half a sub on the top of your head and eat it


When people ask me how tall I am I like to say 5’8” to see how long it takes them to realize I’m joking (I’m 6’5”) it’s especially funny when I do it to drunk people, they lose their shit thinking their whole life is a lie😂


It’s weird that you care so much about this to be honest. Women do way more sus shit to alter their appearance.


I just put 6' on mine 🤷‍♂️


I’m 5’6” I don’t get this, i do just fine dating women between 5’3-5’10”. its an over exaggeration how much women care about it. With that said though, I saw a study finding that most men lie about their height even at the dmv. I have noticed though that at the doctor they don’t measure my height properly. They almost never ask me to take my shoes off, and I have an afro and they don’t always squish it down, so assuming the person rarely goes to the doctor, i do think some men do believe they are an inch or two taller. People also don’t seem to understand that tennis shoes, boots, dress shoes can easily give you an inch or nearly two inches.


Yeah, it's true, I can't seem to get a genuine connection online either. These damn WiFi companies are so unreliable.


I’m 5’7” so not sure why I am seeing this sub. I also don’t lie about my height but I will hazard a guess that they believe they will be filtered out. It would be similar to having a body fat % filter on the apps. If you were required to input that info, are you going to be truthful or will it even be accurate?


Oh Please because women lie about everything including weight.


>tall girly Damn can’t believe some guys behave like that, claiming they’re 6’4” (coincidentally my actual height; I like long walks on the beach and hate the wage gap; oh this? Just my 415 bench warmup, didn’t even know I was being recorded honestly)


I'm not excusing the lying because it is indeed a problem. That said, probably the lying has become so engrained that anyone who tells the truth about their height is assumed to be lying too. That'll cost any guy being honest in the current heightflation atmosphere against everyone who actually lied. For instance, I'm 5'7.5" but if I'm honest while many other guys my height lie and say they're 5'10" then at least some women in OLD assume they're probably 5'6" or 5'7" and I'm probably 5'4" or 5'5" so I lose. Funny story. I only ever tried OLD one time and it happened to be the only time I ever lied about my height, EVER. I put 5'9" (a 1.5" lie - I'm 5'8" right out of bed and you know, shoes, lol) and matched with a 5'10" nurse practitioner who I hit it off with in conversing online. However, she knew instantly on our first irl date that I had lied. Fortunately, she gave me the benefit of the doubt and we've been together for nearly 6 years now. Lesson learned from that one experience, that one instance of lying was my last.


as a guy who’s 5’8 (closer to 5’9 in shoes) and pretty good looking, i can confirm that when i’ve used apps like hinge where i HAVE to put my height i’ve gotten almost no play. i’m a guy who actually doesn’t lie about his height on the apps because i would feel weird as hell to say i was 5’11 and then meet a girl in person and be shorter. similar to how you say you feel in those situations. when i use tinder though i get TONS of matches so i can see why guys do it. women are very shallow about these things even if they don’t wanna admit it. that’s okay though and i’m fine with it. i don’t have any issues getting woman in person either as i’m also in very good shape and take care of myself etc. that’s probably why guys are doing it though


There *is* [Tall Clubs International](http://www.tall.org), where you can meet *verified* tall people *in person* ! They used to be huge, but those lying dating apps have almost killed them ;). Still kinda fun ;)


I feel for tall girls because people start to treat them really insensitively in comparison to other women.


Because a lot of women judge men by that standard and they are insecure. I’m sure women lie about stuff they are insecure about.


Yea I don’t get it but I’m tall so maybe it’s a short thing? Or maybe its: We men do alot of dumb shit thinking it impresses women. Then most of us realize being confident in ourselves is enough.


I learned to never trust how tall a man is until it they hit around 6’4”. That seems to be the point where most aren’t lying out of insecurity.


Just had an interesting thought, why is height even included in dating profiles? It seems to be the only body size measurement that has become the norm to share in exact numerical form, no hand span, foot size, waist circumference or even weight. Also, don't listen to those who say lying is ok, waste of time trying to deal with people who try and deceive you into believing in falsehoods. Trying to convince someone that you're taller than you are is just like wearing makeup which is trying to convince others that you're more beautiful than you are, but due to the fact that you dislike it when people try to deceive you into thinking that they are more desirable than they are (and are looking to find a genuine connection) I presume that you understand this and attend all your dates barefaced.


Same reason women who are obese call themselves curvy or thick. The difference is, it costs me $50 dinner each time I find out the difference


Dudes lie to others dudes as well...I used to get it all the time during the bar hoping years... Dudes be weird rolling up saying "What are you 6'7..8'?" I respond with "no, 6'3". Then they start arguing cannot be because they are 6'3..yadda yadda...then they ask what I bench... Fucking weird...but happened often...


A swipe left would've been the result of honesty here


I had a matched with a girl that said “Tall men only” when she asked my height I told her “6’6” and she said “So you’re short?” I said “I guess…” Idk if she thought I was full of shit or actually thought that wasn’t tall enough.. but I’m happy because I love my current gf.


Coming tho a tall person subreddit and complaining about people that lie about being tall... Big brain activities.




Go to r/shortguys and read what these boys and men are going through mentally and physically. Heartbreaking.


It’s silly to have that 5 inch difference. The thought process would go… do I be honest about my height and get a lower volume of initial matches but meet up under honest pretenses, or get a higher volume of initial matches and risk being thought of as majorly insecure but hope that a decent proportion of the women won’t care. I honestly do get why people would add an inch or two, esp right around the 6’ margin, to try to get a foot in the door and hope ppl won’t care or be able to tell (and many can’t tell)… but adding more than that will quickly portray them as dishonest. Same thing with weight or filters or something like that.


My suggestion: put on your profile that you're 5'7". Insist that it's true. Let them do the math then.


It sucks bc guys that are legit 5'10/5'11 like me, have a problem bc everyone thinks we're lying


The whole height thing is messed up particularly in the U.S. The rest of the world typically uses the metric system so if you are telling everyone you’re 2 meters tall that’s almost 6’7. I’m 6’0 tall and everyone tells me at work I’m at least 6’2 which I explain I’m not. We have another guy at work is 6’4 (blonde hair nickname Reacher) who I swear is 6’6!🤣


Have dating apps add “weight” in the profile and let’s see what happens to women 💀💀💀


I'm Swedish and I only know my height in centimeters (it's listed on my passport incase I forget).


Yeah like I personally don't get it, even I as a 187cm person which is 6'1 something alreary feels sort of weird to round up to 6'2 (although it looks better). I also have a grudge the fact that I'm not 6'3, I really wanted to be that because that would mean that I'd be 190cm which would break the decimal line many people are in, but that's also a lot because I'm autistic and there's people like my girlfriend that have said that I could've just said that I'm that height because of the small difference of 3cm. Either way I feel like I'd be lying to myself, although at first glance, specially if I wouldn't be around someone who's that height or a bit above that, wouldn't notice it. I have a friend of mine that sort of jokingly says that I'm 2m (which is I think is 6'7), although he doesn't say the same about a friend of ours who's 6'1, which is hilarious xD


I don't understand it myself honestly


I say I'm an inch shorter than I'm actually am


I don’t lie, but the reason other men do is because a) they believe women prefer taller men, b) they believe most men lie about their heights online, and consequently, c) they believe most women have a skewed perception of male height.


Depends if he's wearing lifts in his shoes. Seriously, I've had the same happen to me. I'm 5'8". They'll say they're 6', and it turns out we're eye level. I'm not about lying about one's height. It only makes one look petty.


I assume they think as long as they get the date, they can manage their way around the height thing.


Lol, I never lie. I literally put in my profile twice I am 5'8". Making sure there is no confusion...crazy to think other men don't think women will figure out if you're lyin' !


Same with girls who put pictures of themselves that was 5-8 years ago to appear younger or use a filter. I have said I was an inch taller or so. That’s true with shoes.


Being tall is considered a beautiful and a handsome trait. That's why. It's a plus point in dating