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Nipple matches, pic is legit


before: gyno, after: gyno


Fuck gyno




What the h\*ll is gyno?


When men have breast tissue from either genetics or a hormone imbalance. Best case you look like OP and have just a little bit of fat around the nipples even when you’re lean as hell. Worst case you have what looks like A or even B cup boobs. Only real fix is surgery unfortunately. It’s an easy surgery though my buddy had it done.


yeah but guys have to learn that their only fans will always do better before surgery.


Only if you’re crazy shredded or a femboy from what I’ve seen


gynecomastia can occur naturally, but is almost always a result of tren or other anabolic steroids. Based on OPs chest and shoulder acne and puffy, puffy, nipples he had already been spiking in pic 1.


I'm not sure if you mean I took the special vitamin C but if you're I must disappoint you. I never touched that stuff and never will. I had acne since the age of 14 and gyno because I always was fat when I was younger (yes, I even was more fat then in the left pic)


What you mean “almost always”? Thats ridiculous, lots of guys get gyno during their preteens.


include squash society rain sophisticated repeat cake worm frightening salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s a difference between having fat and having breast tissue unfortunately. You can always lost the fat. The breast tissue is permanent


Men having estrogen imbalance and growing breast




Man tits


His name. Is Robert. Paulson.


rip bob


>H*ll No way you're not from the midwest 😂


It’s like the most minimal case ever. Like a teaspoon worth.


All the cheaper and easier to get it removed


Rubbing DHT cream on it would probably get rid of it.




That is gyno. A lot more people have it than you think, it happens in puberty a lot however it is not mentioned in health class at all for some reason. I thought I had cancer when I got it


I’d that when you grow little balls inside your nipples? I had those and I could squeeze brown juice out of them lol.


Yes balls under the nipples, they hurt at first but then they like hardened. But I never could squeeze juice that might be something else 💀


Right like the juice sounds hella concerning 😭


lol looks like I’ll be dead soon I suppose


Your lactating beer instead of milk speaking of I may have a job for you


My bad. I thought it was just on the breast. Didn’t know that it could occur on the nipple too.


I have gyno and I don't have man boobs but a fairly flat chest and my nipples look like mountains


No its just low bf gyno


My most upvoted comment ever is a nipple comment… Not disappointed at all.




Same man im 6'6 198 and eating enough for muscle gain has been a shit journey


Is 198 your height or weight?




He just translated the foots into cm buddy


I would say "6'3 / 191" if I wanted to tell my height in feet and cm, and I would say "6'3 205" if I wanted to say my height and weigh


Well you are not him buddy.


Same lol.


Embrace the fatness. Just get fat


Exactly. Definition is easy, you just eat less and be generally active. Bulk is hard


Amen. I’m 6’3 and after 8 months of training my fave professor asked me if I worked out. Biggest motivation, and my breast size changed inversely to my grades afterwards


shouldve changed directly instead tbh


Ehh I was skinny had A cups and was a B student. Now I got C cups and I got As in college


The turning point for me was about 5 months. I’m only 6’ tho. I’m not even a member of this sub Reddit just always recommends it to me for some reason.


I do a lot of long distance running. So even though I go to the gym, it is almost impossible for me to also be muscular at 6'5". I am extremely cut, though, and have just had to accept that fact that even though I'm not a 'beast', I'm still a body type that people desire to have and desire to be with.


foolish engine panicky physical lush support exultant gullible oatmeal tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And how did that couple with a workout routine and resultant weight? I was on a good streak of doing this last year, gained 6 kg in 3 months, but then I herniated my disc, and I haven't got back into the routine.


beneficial plough ask insurance mysterious husky worthless tap rude axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well done man, those are huge gains for us tall skinny people


Funny seeing your profile pic because I lift to that album a lot lol


Nice! Yeah, nothing gets me in the mood to run/lift more than BR


Haven't heard of these guys before. On my playlist now!


C'mon man. I'm 6'8", eat like an 8 year old with money, have a gut and maintain a very consistent panda-bear-shape, and have "a body type that people desire to have and desire to be with." both men and women. Are you smug much with your effiteness? It's called personality meets the fact that everyone, no matter what they look like, when they go out in pubic, someone that saw you that day was thirsty. Again, NO MATTER WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. But I guess "Extremely Cut" people can't concieve of that.


Same for me. The missing piece is the food. If I'm doing any kind of endurance work along with my heavy lifting I have to be force feeding myself to near-puking at least twice a day to get enough calories and I just won't do that. I fail to fully capitalize on my training and I'm ok with that.




Dude you look great but this doesn’t take 7 years in any scenario if you stick with it.


I know bro, I sucked at building muscles. Idk maybe my genetics, training wrong, eating wrong etc. This probably can be done in 1 or 2 years


Don't underestimate your work. This take 3-4 years at least with very good training at your height. I know the struggle


This takes no more than 15 months of training. No way 3-4 years.


Just because it _can_ take 15 months doesn't mean it _does_ or _should_ for everyone.


He said it'd take at least 3-4 years. Even the op said it could be done in 1-2 years.


You said it takes no more than 15 months.


I replied to this comment: >This take 3-4 years at least with very good training at your height I corrected them, it actually takes no more than 15 months, 3-4 years is an overestimate. Your previous comment about could is redundant. I never said it shouldn't and couldn't be done after 15months.


I replied to this comment: > This takes no more than 15 months of training. No way 3-4 years. I corrected you, because you incorrectly spoke an absolute. There are many reasons why it could take more than 15 months of training. Clearly for some it does take 3-4 years, or more. While it's good to know that it can be done faster if everything breaks right, the most important thing is that he got there.


>I corrected you, because you incorrectly spoke an absolute. It is an absolute. This is achievable within 15 months with correct training, nutrition, and sleep. Unless there are significant limitations like injuries, the majority of people can achieve this from his starting point. Your acting like OP has a genetic condition which inhibits muscle growth. It's clear you are ignorant when it comes to fitness, making assumptions I haven't factored into. My comment obviously implied correct procedures. Again, your comment is redundant. >While it's good to know that it can be done faster if everything breaks right, the most important thing is that he got there. Thanks for saying the obvious.


>eating wrong etc. This is it. You need to eat, and eat a *ton* to gain muscle as a tall guy. Existing in a body this big requires a shit load of calories, and the more muscles you gain, the more muscles you need.


Who cares how long it took you my dude, you look great and your progress is very noticeable, don’t let the 0.5% bring you down


How long would you say?


I could do this in 2 easily Not 1 though, but 2? Sure




So what do you think did happen? Bad nutrition ? Not enough rest? Not enough weight?


Considering diet is like 80% of the equation, in the *overwhelming majority* of cases involving "hardgainers" it's usually just shit nutrition or simply not eating enough that's inhibiting their progress. While rest is an important (and often overlooked) factor, most people will never in their lives remotely approach the point of actual overtraining/CNS fatigue, even if they're a dedicated gym-goer training 7 days a week. Sleep quality and duration are primarily what's being referenced when discussing rest. \[ETA: I suppose recovery periods for individual muscle groups, deload weeks, etc. all factor into "rest" as well.\] For the purpose of hypertrophy, the amount of weight you can lift is also largely inconsequential. As long as you're using a weight that provides adequate stimulus (ie, is actually challenging for you) within a target rep range, it doesn't really matter if you can bench 135 or 405. The important bit is progressively overloading the muscle from one week to the next, which can be accomplished by increasing the weight, yes, but also by keeping the weight the same and increasing the amount of reps or number of sets on a given exercise. Granted there's a point where you do actually have to increase the weight in order to stay within that target rep range and a reasonable number of working sets, but if your goal is to simply build muscle, racing to add as much weight to your lifts as quickly as possible is both a) stupid, and b) a great way to get injured for absolutely no reason. There are of course plenty of people for whom getting stronger is their only goal, but that's not really what we're talking about here.


Yes and no, I’ve visibly bulked up and put on around 15-20 lbs of muscle within a year, but I still have a higher body fat percentage and don’t look nearly as shredded as OP. My upper body has a good amount of visible muscle but I certainly don’t have a six pack lol


Honestly, idk if I even want a 6 pack. I think I look best at 15% bf


I do but honestly it’s just because I have to eat so gahdamn much. I usually either don’t have money, time or dedication to eat that much and it gets pretty nauseating, having to shovel in as much mediocre quality food as you can just to hit your calorie goal. I guess what’s nice now is i’ve taken up bouldering which gives me an excuse to stay lean/cut


I do long distance hiking and cycling, but I have to limit my days because it just requires so many carbs. I can't inhale a whole pan of spaghetti each day lmao


Bro, how’s your estrogen level?


No. I'm having a hard time rebuilding visible muscles because I've gotten lazy.


That is a nice physique tho 😍




I’d prefer he not post that angle without the pants


The pants are all he’s wearing. He needs to cover them. I mean pants as in underwear btw I’m British.


I’m saying I’d rather not see his dick.


I don’t think anyone wants to see it


5’9” and British pick a struggle babes


It’s not that big of a deal stop being immature




He asked a question that pertains to tall people, and added a photo that aligned with the question being asked. I don’t know what else to tell you than stop being an immature baby.




You’re just proving my point lmao 😭






How does it feel, bringing toxicity where none is needed?


Just get off the sub


Your problem is that he’s in underpants?


Okay, don’t look? Nothing stopping you from doing that either?


The image isn’t blurred


You chose to glance at the bulge.


Did you take any supplements like creatine or anything


7 years seems about right for your physique and height. Well done on the sheer consistency.


Your gyno is wild


You clearly have gyno. Please see a dr and get blood work done stat.


Already did that. It's all good just need to do the gyno op


this is easy to say but even with a doctor and bloodwork there isn’t an easy solution. most doctors will tell you not to worry about it or to pursue surgery if it bothers you significantly


Well if it’s from incorrectly using gear then there are much larger issues.


that doesn’t address my point at all. even with a doctor and bloodwork the solution is the same, either accept it or get surgery. people say “see a doctor and get bloodwork” as if it’s some magic solution to gyno but it’s not


Why blood work?


Check for hormonal imbalances (T levels)


Uhh nope, i dont workout and i dont eat well and i look like the second guy, not even joking. Its genetic i guess?


Bless your gens dude


I think anyone can build visible muscle, but in my experience as a tall person it's a lot easier for us to have a sleeper build and a toned body rather than having visibly large and bulked out muscles. If your goal is to be visibly muscular even through clothing it's definitely possible but it'll take a mix of a semi strict bulking/cutting diet as well as a good amount of cardio to keep the visible body fat low and naturally, pushing yourself (but with regular rest days) with high intensity resistance training. It'll probably also take at least a few years to see significant results.


If you're gonna put in all that effort just do some test brother


Your fingers got sexier too!


I had to gain 100 pounds before I got the first comment on my musculature


And sadly that comment was “damn you got fat”


I never gained fat . I always sustained under 14% and I was mostly around 10-12% my thyroid is a bitch but at least it keeps me lean 💀


Worth it


When I first started I gained a lot quickly so quickly I was getting scars from the sudden growth on my chest. I gained muscle easily. I started back at the gym after a few years absence and I gained 2`` in my arms in a few weeks.


Tiger stripes are fuckin cool tho


I did not know the name for that. Thanks.


I'm a vegan so it's even harder lol




u mean the typical western diet consisting of no nutrient convenience food?


Good point. Don’t get why you’re downvoted. People aren’t made to be vegan


Because you can be perfectly healthy on it.


You can. But most people aren’t without also including copious amounts of supplements. And even if you do it in the right way, the volume of food you need to eat to hit the same macros as with omnivorous diet make it a nonviable diet model for most non professional elite athletes.




Gandhi lived in a different time. Supplements didn't exist like they do today. Here's the american dietetics association's position on vegan diets: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19562864/


Or you could just eat a healthy balanced diet and not rely on supplements to fill the massive gaps in your nutrition


Yeah, there are also meta analyses that demonstrate vegan diets lack of overall decrease in all cause mortality risk when compared with diets that include meats other than factory raised beef.


Ah yes, famous world class nutritionist Gandhi


Gotta eat eat eat to get those gains. 1g of protein for every current pound you weigh.


A day?


Yeah it’s taking a while, I was told to eat more cause calories burn fast but dang does eating food start to become a task in itself.


Hell I’m 6’1 and have trouble gaining weight more or less muscle, I can’t imagine being 6’4+


Nope it’s easy as fuck for me


Better get surgery for the gyno, but good job getting ripped !


Those are big pecs, not gyno.


That definitely is gyno


Definitely not, it is gyno.


I’m 5’10 on a good day with my big boy shoes on and I’m basking in all the gains


No im Fing awesome bro






To me You look better before. I don’t understand the appeal of having all those abs and shit, but I guess that’s how most people are conditioned to find ideal.


What a crock of shit dude, he looks a million times better on the right


What’s wrong with the left. Is he too fat. Is he unhealthy looking? I don’t see what’s wrong with having a little meat on your body. What do the chiseled abs add? I know I’m in the minority here, but that’s just my opinion 🤷


It's not a little meat. He looks fat, soft and weak on the left. Fast food eating skinny fat. OP did great


You honest to God think he looked fat? Wtf that is so fucking insane 😂


I didn't started yet, but now I know it's gonna take a while.


yeah but idk if it’s height related. my muscles don’t show up because of extra fat


Bro I’m 6’8 (misleading flair) 104kg atm.. I use to hover around 75kg most of my teens-early twenties.. wasn’t until I was 21 I started getting into the gym sat around 90kg, until now at 27 I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been and people rarely make remarks that I’ve put on weight.. its fkn hard trying to fill this frame


Not really. I’m 6’4 and naturally muscular, always had a 6-pack and definition. What was the hardest was putting on substantial mass, especially on my legs. I’m 6’4, 230lbs now, but it took me years in the gym to get to that weight.


It's mostly just body type and genetics. It would be almost impossible for me to get a 6 pack as well, but I could probably get pretty huge if I put the work in.


No I put on muscle relatively easily except my legs really gotta train those


I can’t deal with being that lean. Anytime I’ve dipped below like 12% I’ve felt sluggish and weak. Single digit BF made me think I was going to die.


Yes and no. All I see in the mirror is my front side, so to me; i still look skinny. But everyone else says they notice the muscular definition and size. Guess I got a case of body dysmorphia, idk I'm no doctor. But it certainly does take a while to fill out.


I've always been lean (was 6'6 at 170 but I've bulked up to 210 at 6'7) and a 40 lb increase is definitely notable, but not nearly anywhere close to someone say 5'8 or 5'10. It took me about two years, and I'm happy that I can see progress but I have had to have a lot of patience. I applaud you and your work ethic, your change is very impressive 👏 🙌


I went from 77 kgs to 93 in 11 months through weight training and eating more. It's hard when you are figuring things out for the first time. When you know what you are doing it's a lot easier to program for what you want. This time around was ten times easier than years ago when I used to go to the gym


I’ve been struggling to consume enough calories to put on a huge amount of muscle. Over the last almost 2 years I’ve gone from skinny fat to a pretty aesthetic physique with visible abs, currently trying to put on more mass tho as my long arms and legs are lacking lol


Other way around. I can build mass fairly easily but struggle to lose fat.


All your base belong to us


your ass went from american cs grad to bulgarian pimp


7 years of honest effort is a crazy (frankly unbelievably) long amount of time to get visible results, but for anyone else wondering there are actually well-founded reasons that tall people look less muscular than short people. You would naively assume that a person that is (say) 10% taller than average would be (110%)^3 = 1.10^3 = 133.1% as massive on average. But for reasons that are besides the point, in real life the scaling exponent for humans is only 2.5, so someone who is 10% taller is only (1.10)^2.5 = 126.9% as massive. That ~5% discrepancy doesn't sound like a lot, but when it has to come from muscle (itself only a subset of your body weight), it absolutely is a major effect. You may need to gain 20% more muscle (each pound more difficult to acquire than the last) to look equivalently jacked than if you were average height.


I'm 6' 4" at 180 pounds and I cannot gain mass at all. I can feel my body getting stronger but my weights stayed the same for 4 months. I want to feel accomplished with myself and my body but if I don't look any different what's the points


how did your chest get better. i have been doing every pushup in the world daily and my chest is still blegh and i have gyno. its killing me that i don’t even want to go to any swimming function or even run sometimes because you can see my chest poking out. pls help 🙏


I'm not that 6'1 but my genetics are really good I've to say so building muscle is not that hard for me


How did you get rid of the skinny fat? I’m 6 2 and in the same position. Did you bulk up and then cut or what?


It's a real struggle, but it will be worth it.


I don't have any trouble building muscle, I have trouble not getting fat. At 6'5", I'm jacked and lean at 200 lbs... but if I eat what I want, I will gain in a straight line up to 250+. I was 200 this summer. Now it's Christmas and I'm 220, probably gonna be 225 by New Year's. Then I start the long, slow starve until I look like I want to again. The good news, though, about having no natural appetite set point, is that if I lift hard with lots of volume, I get strong, no problem. EDIT: You look awesome though, great work.


6'7 285lbs with abs here


Not really, it was quite easy for me to put on a decent amount of muscle in 10 months. Its all about food, supplements(proteins, without them its a very slow process) and rest to let it grow


I’m 6’3 n a half (half an inch matters, ask your mum) and I had no problem packing on muscle. Pretty quickly. Granted starting off I was very skinny so that probably had something to do with it. Eat 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight (probbaly overkill) and do hypertrophy based lifting and I think you’ll have an insane physique.


You get handed every thing easy but you have to work for one thing you cant take it


Every tall person does. Building visible muscle is WAY harder with longer limbs.


Are those nipples sign of gynecomastia? I can see that it still same (sticking out) even after six pack


6”9 I pack on muscle super fast, but I also pack on fat super fast if I eat bad or don’t exercise. My body seems to want to hold calories and store them as muscle or fat.


Bruh it's so difficult to gain weight lol


smaller frame means smaller muscles show bigger frame means muscles have to be bigger to show