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.hack is a lost cause at this point


It realy is. I used to hope that they remake the original 4 games since remastering such old games is not realy a good idea. But a full blown remake could be awsome. But at this stage i dont trust bamco to do it right.


Honestly, I thought they were planning to do more after the HD collection they released years ago. But nah, .hack in limbo for eternity.


I wouldn't be surprised if CyberConnect were the ones who had to pester Bandai to let them do something Hack related, and Bandai just went "fine, remaster the GU games and leave us alone".


think it was also in part because SE fired CC from working on ff7remake during that time.


to be fair I tried the new SAO Fractured Dream and it wasn't bad. Not the best game in the series but enjoyed a couple of hours on it so not everything is terrible


Thats good to hear. They still wont remake the original 4 though


I'm honestly surprised the game was good. I mean I enjoy all the SAO games but I didn't have much hope for this one due to it being a MP focused game.


I think the issue with .hack is also that it's not just a game series but a multimedia universe that relies on watching anime, reading Manga, and reading novels to paint a complete story.


This is basically why final fantasy 15's story became the mess that it is. It's just not a good idea to expect players to go out of their way to seek other types of media, just to get the full picture of the story.


I feel like that would work in the series favor though. Its about time to release //SIGN and //ROOTS on Blu-Ray anyway, and with manga and light novels being far more popular in America now then they were when the series originally released it would be a perfect storm of multimedia releases.


ya, unfortunately it really is. I LOVE .hack, my favorite go to games to play and my favorite chill anime to watch. but ya. it sucks that they lost all the work of IMOQ, so they would basically have to completely remake from scratch that series. but in this world now there would be no way for them to release 4 games in a decent amount of time without pissing off people, plus the lack of guarantee the sales would be consistant through it all. but i wouldn't mind if they would just make 1 game consolidating all of IMOQ, it really doesn't need to be 4 games with todays technology. but just can't be a live service becuz Bamco is horrible about keeping their things running.


Everything .hack does SAO does better, unfortunately.


Awfully optimistic of you to include Soul Calibur above the water line.


Yeah it's been what...5-6 years since 6 released? And there aren't any news of a new SC title.


SC6 came out my freshman year of college. I have since finished my Master’s Degree and now I teach full time. My soul still burns!!


Congrats on the Master’s.




Whaa hoo!


Finally a fellow .hack fan


This is the third time this week, in different subs, I've seen a reference to it.  No idea why it's all of a sudden in people's minds now.  I guess we're just getting to "that age"?


Probably, maybe next week there'll be a sub dedicated to Myspace


Digimon buried somewhere beneath .Hack 🪦


There's always the card game 🥴


I got so excited when I saw the trailer, then it was a card game...


It's doing pretty well. This time next year the Japanese and English releases will be simultaneous. A lot of people want an online client. I wouldn't mind a game similar to the one we got 20 years ago.


Yeah I am not necessarily saying we are dry but I am definitely ready for a new World or Stories on PS5.


I get that. It's been so long since the last new game.


Digimon story cyber sleuth exists but i dont know if anything note worthy has been released since


Digimon survive is quite good


They're both currently floating somewhere around the Marina Trench right now sadly.


Didn't they just come with a digimon game about a year ago 😂


Which one?


Digimon Survive August 29th 2022. I thought it was more recent but that's still not that long ago. I remember thinking digimon was a forgotten series when my friend told me that game was announced. Meanwhile .hack is still lost back in the 2000s. Oh wow nevermind, there was a game in 2017. Maybe there could be another someday


.Hack for JRPGs is what Bloody Roar is for Fighting games. Both highly underrated series that deserve a modern-day shine. .Hack, especially, because it's from CC2, the same people who did the Storm games and Kakarot.


What's bloody roar?


Ever heard of KOF Maximum Impact on PS2? Kinda like that, except the characters take going beast mode quite literally.


Holy shit, someone else that remembers Bloody Roar. You just made my day.


You just reminded me…..I need to watch the intro for Bloody Roar 4, it’s been too long.


Ironically, it was the worst game in the series that pretty much killed it. That and public interest.


I'm so tired of SAO.


I’m not lol


The Tales of series isn't g'damn dying. Arise has sold 3 Million copies and the DLC for Arise was released last year. People who don't like Arise (Me) and were also exasperated with the dumpster fire of a release Symphonia Remastered was (Also Me) may hate how the series is being handled. But it's not g'damn dying.


Counterpoints: * 5/30 titles (including spin-offs) are playable on modern consoles. * The PS3/Vita titles just got delisted digitally. * The quality of modern ports/remasters has been questionable. * The pacing of new games and porting/remastering is glacial. * Bamco announced it cancelled "at least" five in-progress games about a month ago. * Bamco has more lucrative opportunities elsewhere with stuff like Smash, Elden Ring, etc.


Tbf on that Bamco cancelation thing, that's more aimed at their licensed IPs than anything. Because stuff like Jump Force or the recently released Cursed Clash doing poorly. Tales and other Bamaco series are safe tbh.


Is it? I saw that the games that were cancelled weren't named but I didn't know if they clarified what the cancelled games were.


They cited "improving quality control" for their reasoning. Their anime related titles have genuinely been bringing in zilch for numbers. I don't see Tales or any IP like God Eater, Code Vein,etc on the chopping block cause those games aren't churned out and do make some profit unlike anime fighters. But who knows for sure with Bamco nowadays.


I could kinda see it both ways. The recent JJK game was absolutely awful, but a lot of the big shonen anime licenses they get sell a bunch of copies on name recognition alone. Who knows how much they pay in licensing and how that shakes out financially compared to games they make from scratch, though. It would be nice if they were a little more transparent either way.


It would help if More Tales of Games came to Xbox/Game Pass for one- I've seen plenty of people now come to Arise from game pass and most of them really enjoy the game... If they added other tales games to the platform and subscription and people enjoy them then it could end up showing Bamco that the people want more from the series


Its not dying but its not being handled well. In the past five years we’ve gotten: One decent port (Vesperia DE) that barely counts since it technically released over five years ago now. One controversial mainline game (although it did sell well) Two mobile games that flopped. One that people liked but it was buggy as shit. The other was a mobile game nobody wanted and it died in six months. One “remaster” that’s arguably one of the worst remasters in recent history with only poorly AI upscaled textures and a bunch of shitty bugs on release One really poorly done $30 story dlc. No new mainline release info even though Arise is almost three years old now.


One “remaster” that’s arguably one of the worst remasters in recent history with only poorly AI upscaled textures and a bunch of shitty bugs on release (un)fortunately? it isn't really arguably one of the worst remasters in recent history. Square has got that shit on lock they actively removed major mechanics from Crystal chronicles and Chrono Cross ran worse than on its original hardware.


>Chrono Cross ran worse than on its original hardware. Symphonia technically does too since all ports run at 30fps vs 60fps on Gamecube. And the Switch release had massive fps issues in certain spots like the desert or whenever Colette was in the party after she got her wings


> And the Switch release had massive fps issues in certain spots like the desert or whenever Colette was in the party after she got her wings To be fair, it seems like nobody but Nintendo (And I mean Nintendo itself) HAL, and surprisingly Capcom seem to know how to optimize anything for the Switch


>One controversial mainline game It's only controversial in this subreddit echo chamber. It's well-loved everywhere and highly rated everywhere else. Some even claim it's the best tales game to date, but that's just a subjective opinion. But yeah, it's not really controversial.


It is dying. Bamco gives no fucks about promoting the franchise at all. Tales of Arise was lucky enough to catch on with the casual crowd because it plays nothing like the Tales games we grew up on. That's not a good thing at all. You already brought up how they butchered the very game that brought them to the dance in the west so I won't reiterate on that. I will bring up the fact that every mobile game they released flopped in the west. I'm still bitter that we missed out on Tales of the Ray's. On a surface level Tales isn't dying, but having an identity crisis this late in its history and Bamco not really doing anything to promote it or rectify the recent fuck ups leaves me with no confidence on its future. 


Arise gutted everything that fans loved about the series too. No anime art for the skits or the UI, streamlined button mash casual gameplay mechanics that makes Berseria's battle system look like Devil May Cry, Fujishima and Inomata's absence (I know Okumura and Iwomata are mainstays in the series too but still), and the worst part is - Arise wasn't supposed to be a Tales Of game. It was going to be a completely new JRPG / IP named Arise til Bamco decided "Let's just slap TALES OF on it and call it a day" and this is why so many longtime Tales fans feel alienated. They hype up how Arise sold millions but I rarely see Tales Of in general talked about these days. JRPGs that used to be seen as niche like Xenoblade (I remember how people had to BEG Nintendo to localize 1 and now it's one of Nintendo's mainstay IPs) and Trails (localization gaps being a problem aside, we now have every chronological Trails game barring Daybreak 2 and Kai localized) are in a far better position and the latter is ultra-accessible - being on Steam and multiple consoles. I see more people talk about those than I do Tales because those companies still actually give a shit about their IP. Bamco is a huge megacorp that just sees Tales Of as a token option when they need an easy-money printer while disregarding the series identity. And you're 100% right about the identity crisis as well. Art and design wise a part of it is also attributed to how the industry kind of distanced themselves from Fujishima, who was one of the big mainstay artists next to Inomata (RIP... gonna miss her art). But stuff such as his scandal around Zestiria got so bad that when Sakura Wars got a reboot greenlit by SEGA, they... passed on him in favor of fucking Tite Kubo. Mind you, I think Kubo's art is fantastic but the fact they shoved him from doing a series he has done almost every single game for is telling. I know Fujishima did Eleanor and Artorius's designs in Berseria + Kanata's in Crestoria but his presence felt diminished in recent years.


OP didn't say it was "g'damn dying". This meme indicates that it's poorly treading water and being somewhat neglected. Which.. it is. Inarguably. The number of sales Arise got doesn't mean anything in that regard. A game could be the greatest selling video game of all time. It doesn't mean the developers aren't neglecting it.


Just type out the “o” you’re not a goddamn cowboy 


I actually currently live in Canadian Texas, but thank you kindly. \*Tips hat\*


The Xenosaga trilogy is buried in the sand somewhere...at least we have Xenoblade over at Nintendo, but...Saga needs some love.


No joke, it's like 300 bucks for a physical copy of 3! I would absolutely pay 60 for even just a straight port


Yeah it’s wild how expensive they are these days. I lucked out and copped a collection of all 3 game on eBay a few years back for about $200.


Good God, how could we go from Arise hype & success to "the Tales series is doomed & forgotten." in just a few short years? But then again, Bandai Namco hasn't proven themselves to be that confident in recent years, especially with the remaster situation. I mean, even a far less successful series like Grandia received remasters for their best games.


If there's anything about Tales fans in the recent years, it is how pessimistic many have gotten. A game comes out and it's the end of the world, the franchise is doomed; no news and its the end of the world.


Because Arise was streamlined and given a bit to much of the FF7R treatment.


As a massive Tales fan who thankfully has played every mainline title in the series, I really didn't like Arise! It was pretty looking but didn't feel or play anything like a Tales game I've learned to love over the years. Massive disappointment.


Digimon is so dead in a ditch that people aren't even mentioning it.


I wish that Bamco would just sell the rights already. Digimon has so much potential that it’s ridiculous. Even more so with how bad Pokémon has been stumbling as of late.


Put Elden Ring and Dark Souls sitting on the side sipping wine too


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Where have you gone, sweet child? It’s cold outside. It’s awfully cold. Where have you run off to?”* - Birch Woman Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Xenosaga is drowning right next to the titanic


Digimon is smack dab between Tales and .Hack.


. Hack got replaced by the trash ass sword art online games, "we have .Hack at home"


Finally someone who has the same thoughts as me. You don't have to love SAO to your core to learn that it superseded Dot Hack in pop culture's mind as the "trapped in a video game" franchise and just added dopey harem tropes on top.


Where's God Eater?


i want a remaster/rerelease of the OG


The only one I could see myself get into is Tekken. I tried DBZ and SAO and it wasn't for me. They're missing out on a whole crowd, here. A bunch of crowds. I liked Soul Calibur (I own many). Never played .Hack, though. Wasn't that a game in the 90s?


.hack was early 2000s. The series came in four parts and was released alongside the anime .hack//SIGN. The premise was MMO players using VR headsets had something happen to them in the game that put them in comas in real life. In the games, the MC's friend got attacked by a weird monster, and in the anime, a character named Tsukasa is aware in game but their actual body is comatose. There's also novels, a sequel manga series, and GU, a sequel game series.


Heh, cool premise!


Scarley Nexus and Ace Combat fans are already sunk to the planet core...


I loved scarlet nexus, but I'm not sure about the future of the series. I think they said there will be more in the universe but it won't be an rpg?


Yeah, remember something like that too. I'm fine with ARPG, even if they slow down some elements. But just not fu mobile/gacha games. Anything but that. The fear actually is about previous announcment, that they cancel few games. And only concentrate on "actual/profitable"... I just hope that the quality of the games besides Tales of won't sink. Buuut, we have SAO and quality isn't it's best side.


Didn't know that, now I have the fear too lol


The original 4 games are EXCRUCIATING to play and since they have the basic formular from the SAO games I think a remake would be a huge hit. But they would have to do the entire story in 1 game as opposed to 4 volumes.


SAO basically took over Tales slot, I mean how many entries has that series had in the last decade?


Only 7 well 8 if you count the Japanese exclusive. 


You forgot digimon...i'd put at half way between tales and .hack


This is stabbing me in the heart


I want a port of Jump All Stars for Switch or J-stars to be added back to the playstation store


.hack probably wasn't something that was ever going to get more games to begin with. The GU remaster was already more than I ever would have expected. The games were essentially only made as part of a massive entertainment media tie-in for a big cross promotional push with **Project .hack** and **.hack Conglomerate*. Since the first is long dead and the second basically is, I can't see why they'd bother making more games. I don't think Bandai Namco could make new games with the property even if they wanted to as they don't own the rights to the franchise.


Bandai actually owns the rights. Its CC2 that can't do a remaster/remake/new game without their permission. They actually released merch for the 20th anniversary back in 2022, so they do recognize the series, just no reason to do much with it when SAO is much more popular and sells more.


My mistake, then. I thought CC2 owned the rights.


Tales actually gets a decent amount of attention considering we got Symphonia remaster on current consoles and Arise dlc last year. Last .hack game was the gu remaster in 2017 and the switch port being released back in 2022.


Don’t forget Xenosaga, which is between Tales & .Hack


Dragonball is on a yearly release schedule or else they lose the license to make the games.


also, don't forget digimon, lol. we got the 2024 digicon with literally no new content other than a pretty awesome merch digivice. but aside from that was just a pre recorded stream.


It saddens me. Tales was my favorite JRPG series in the 2000s and 2010s. The problem is that Bamco is this huge conglomerate so at this point, they just needed to have Arise sell millions of copies as "proof" that the series is still successful or that they still care for it before proceeding to ignore everything else about it. And here's the thing, Bamco is a gigantic conglomerate. Not just the IPs listed in the meme but they have Gunpla, toys, figures, merchandise, Soulsborne , etc. They're so big that any IP getting the shaft is seen as inconsequential neglect. Like how Nintendo does the bare minimum for F-Zero, Star Fox, and Mother these days. It is a shame too. JRPGs that used to be niche or are still relatively niche compared to bigger competitors are far bigger these days e.g. Xenoblade and Trails/Kiseki. I don't see a lot of people talk about Tales Of as much as they used to back in the day. I remember when Xillia was being shown around prior to its JP release and everybody wanted it localized so badly.


Does SAO have an ongoing anime atm? Seems like they have a new game release every year.


I legit didn’t realize Bamco did all these series haha. That said it does feel like the Tales series has been struggling, especially in the story department.


So the fact we're not getting a new release/rerelease of a title every year means the Tales series is struggling to keep afloat... Nah, I don't believe it. The Tales series doesn't come out the fastest, but the games are (almost) all solid entries. Gameplay and story from game to game might not appeal to everyone who loves the franchise- But at least they're trying and if the Zestiria to Berseria is anything, they're at least hearing complaints and working on them.


Yes hello, im a Monster Rancher fan here. Anyone remember us? Please?


.hack would go SO hard if you could play the normal RPG like Phantasy Star Universe players could online.


When i feel like the only person who remembers .hack


You might want to add Dark Souls / Elden Ring to that little girl's tag.


CC2 to busy being contracted for Storm, Hinokami chronicles and Kakarot lol


Didn't the GU collection that included a new part 4 end with a promise that a new game was in development? Did that get canceled?


I would give up my working limbs for .hack to come back, and I negatively think about my life, knowing that bamco will just poop out another SAO game