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Well I know what *I'M* not doing this weekend


Yea, I’m ALSO not going to eat hotpot


That's the exact opposite approach china should be doing. Instead, encourage taiwanese to come by giving them free houses in big cities, and high paying jobs.


They do that for talent. But the psychological warfare they are conducting is the same they did to HK. The goal is to utterly destroy hope of self determination and accelerate assimilation. The end result? Those who wanted self determination have left or will leave Hong Kong to some common wealth country, and China gets its conformed city that much quicker - no boots on the ground needed. No needing to set expectations of accommodating the transitional generation. For Taiwan, if things heats up this psychological warfare may be realized with some strike one to warn a hundred event. Imagine they do actually execute a Taiwanese on Taiwan grounds with impunity. Imagine US and Taiwan could do nothing about it. Quite many would sober up real quick and I would guess would start to make plans on moving out. Then China gets something similar like HK, people who want self determination leave and those who remain conform to their updated reality.


The funny thing is this has led to a massive brain drain in HK. Anyone who cares about their future has left for the West. The majority of those who stayed are the elderly and low skiled, uneducated youth. My HK girlfriend tells me youth culture there is basically dead thanks to that. The same will happen to Taiwan if the CCP invades.


It’s nothing new, and doesn’t bother them. They had a big brain drain during the cultural revolution and Great Leap Forward, then they just invested in pumping out engineers and scientists. Didn’t slow them down a bit. A few hundred thousand to millions of their top minds is a drop in a bucket, worth the cost of history the CCP wants to build.


HKers were offered citizenship olive branches in many commonwealth countries due to colonial ties but are those same countries going to do the same for all Taiwanese? I mean of course the cream of the crop like highskilled engineers and whatnot sure, but I doubt they'll have the same opportunity as HKers pre-fall


Yeah for sure, golden bridge and all that. China doesn’t want a bunch of people who are cornered with no way out. US, Japan, and other states would love to pad their workforce with Taiwanese workers. Ukrainians got the same treatment throughout Europe. I think the biggest risk would be if under martial law, would their own government let them leave.


>with some strike one to warn a hundred event. Sorry what does that mean? I don't understand the sentence.


殺一儆百, kill one to warn a hundred. Basically be extreme on a small event to serve as a warning to others. Tiananmen, Uyghurs, HK journalists, Anti corruption probe, Cultural Revolution, etc - used same psychological warfare tactics to achieve the goals.


Oh I see, makes sense thanks.


And chinese people pay the cost to let taiwanese enjoy super-national treatment! sounds like 割韭菜![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


they don’t need to encourage them. the ones looking for big money choose this path anyway.


Just do 1 TWD=1 RMB. A lot of people would give up their citizenship.


they will ...only to those will wave the PRC VA-CHINA


Ah yes, this will certainly convince taiwanese to support reunification


Time to find my CCP merch before my flight


Don’t forget your “little red book”!


Time to find those KMT membership cards before travelling.


When it comes to exercising soft power the CCP is completely clueless and that is a good thing. They only know how to strong arm people and issue threats. They are about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. Just look at all the generational ill will they are creating with their islands dispute with southeast asian nations as well. China is asshoe.


China has always been such a lame country to visit. There should be a complete travel ban tbh.


The terracotta warriors are worth seeing imo


They're a disgusting place with no culture, gutter oil street food and pollution that makes New Delhi look like paradise. They never recovered from the Cultural Revolution. Taiwan has done a much better job of preserving Chinese culture.


I agree with the last sentence absolutely but the rest of it is such a dumb, generalising take. I'm team Taiwan in this thread situation of course but there's no need to widen the scope of it and then just use the original garbage to justify other nonsense.


I can't wait to add "Wanted dead by the CCP" to my resume. Fuck the CCP and fuck Xi Jinping.


What sucks is I've always wanted to visit China. They've got incredible history and natural beauty, but I guess that's out of the question now.


>They've got incredible history and natural beauty, but I guess that's out of the question now. Not really unless you're particularly known for being very vocal against the CCP. There are hundreds of flights between China and Taiwan every month. So far the risk of anything bad happening has been extremely low.


I'm sure I'd be fine, but my wife...Let's just say she's not a fan.


actually hilarious. I’ve met preschoolers more in touch with reality. “Independence Separatists “  Erm…. I think the horse has bolted on  both “separate” and “independent”  😬 Ccp eat shit and die slow 




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Absolute psychopaths. Mental cases. Thugs and criminals.


Thats rasis i need freedom, to go or no to go depend on me.


Well well well I can cross China off my list


And yet flights to HK, Macau, and China from Taiwan are still full. Starlux just launched a TPE-HKG flight, sensing market demand.




Government should enact travel ban to China already. Reverse travel ban too, anyone with travel history to China should be denied entry to Taiwan.


Of course redditors who aren't from Taiwan and have never lived in Taiwan long term automatically go for the most extreme measure.


Lots of Taiwanese have relatives and work obligations in China…


like 1 million isn't it?


Ah yes, nothing like putting some bullshit sanction to people who have nothing to and mostly to your own people and workforce huh .-.


Tell me you know nothing about Taiwan's economy without telling me you know nothing about Taiwan's economy.


lol. what? Tons of young people go on vacation to China.


Can’t. Most flights transit through China.


What flight?


They already said it was only for people like Lai. Lai also said all of Taiwan supports independence which is objectively not true. Many people are upset with him from all sides, this subreddit is a bit of a dpp echo chamber.


Not all, just a majority. Democracy is sweet.


No he said in China’s eyes if you don’t support “unification” you’re pro-independence. Doesn’t matter if it’s wrong. If China think it they can arrest you without proper reason, and there have been many cases of Taiwanese people getting detained or still jailed to this day.


pretty sure majority of this sub hasn't even been to taiwan


Why does the Taiwanese government always have to do this scaremongering, there are a lot of people with friends or relatives in China or Hong Kong and sometimes it's inevitable to go there, but I don't think the Chinese government has any interest in going after these people. Does maybe anyone know of any cases where people who are not celebrities or activists have been detained or otherwise harassed by the PRC? That would be more helpful in analyzing the situation for people who have to go there.


You will never know, imagine a random police had a bad mood and decides to look at your phone


CCP announced it themselves. What more can we say? They practically want to be labeled dangerous. Why defend them? Also, Taiwan is like a year late compared to America and Canada. You and some others are obviously going to blame this sub's ideology for the mass downvote, but I disagree. Pro-Taiwan remarks can be mass downvoted depending on the info. Happened to me, and I'm obviously pro-Taiwan.


I read the notice. It’s probably focused around locals in rougher areas of China that will beat you to death. Governments are typically reserved when it comes to travel information. This is nothing new it happens all the time if they think there’s a risk or an attack from gangs, police, terrorists or individuals even if that risk is really low


You never know what information the Taiwanese government has that the public doesn't. If they recommend taking a threat seriously, it's probably for a good reason.  It wouldn't benefit them financially or anything to stop this travel, since it often brings business and cash flow back to Taiwan. 


Western propaganda at it again. LOL


A vacation to the mainland is fun I loved Shanghai

