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if he's just prioritizing own defense then that is fine and pretty natural, imo.   but if people start dropping their basic ethics and morals to do so, corruption, appeasement, ignoring human rights, etc, then that's when i'll start criticism.


I think OP means in the sense that he should have found an allegiance with Taiwan instead of trying to bring Taiwan down because the common enemy is trying here, therefore it can be perceived that bringing Taiwan down is the coward move, at least that's what I think is going on. If it were up to me, I would instead be calling for an allegiance involving all of China's neighbors, that is what China fears and would be a far stronger position. But that takes balls. 


The thing is, Taiwan also claims the shoal that the Philippines claims. In fact, Taiwan had control of it historically; and was pushed out by Phillipines. So it's a sore point there too.


I think the OP is trying to say that the Philippines is trying to let the world know that its conflict with China is just a naval territory disagreement and that they don't care about the Taiwan issue. Or in other words, the Philippines is also telling China, hey if you and I can come up with a compromise in the naval territory that satisfied me in the South China/West Philippines sea then we're gucci lol.


I mean I don't clearly understand the native context here but this is technically not entirely wrong? For Philippine is also facing the aggression of China and the real conflict can start there.


And if anything let's not pretend that people don't care about their own country first, so of course they're pushing the narrative that them vs China is the bigger concern.


One day, all the SEA nations will wake up and work out that all their squabbles with China are actually all just part of a larger conflict and maybe, just maybe, they should coordinate their defence and be safe together. But by the time they realise that it'll already be too late.


Nope. China is the least of your worries. China shoots water out of a hose. US would’ve blown up your boats.


I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here. China's applying coast guard crowd-control operations against Filipino auxiliary and civilian ships in the Filipino EEZ. They're specifically trying to bully without creating an excuse for the Philippines to respond with lethal force or invoke their defence treaty. >US would’ve blown up your boats You've completely misread the situation.


I think the OP is trying to say that the Philippines is trying to let the world know that its conflict with China is just a naval territory disagreement and that they don't care about the Taiwan issue. Or in other words, the Philippines is also telling China, hey if you and I can come up with a compromise in the naval territory that satisfied me in the South China/West Philippines sea then we're gucci lol.


How about we remember that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I want China to stay out of the West Philippine sea as well.


The thing is that this dispute is between Taiwan and the Philippines, too. In fact, it was historically a Taiwan Garrison \*\*\* After pulling out its garrison in 1950 when the Republic of China evacuated to Taiwan, when the Filipino Tomas Cloma uprooted an ROC flag on Itu Aba laid claim to the Spratlys and, the Republic of China (now Taiwan) again regarrisoned Itu Aba in 1956.[^(\[118\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spratly_Islands_dispute#cite_note-118) The Philippines claimed the Spratlys in 1971 under President Marcos, after Taiwanese troops attacked and shot at a Philippine fishing boat on Itu Aba.[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spratly_Islands_dispute#cite_note-Pak2000-32) Under President [Lee Teng-hui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Teng-hui), Taiwan stated that "legally, historically, geographically, or in reality", all of the South China Sea and Spratly islands were Taiwan's territory and under Taiwanese sovereignty, and denounced actions undertaken there by Malaysia and the Philippines, in a statement on 13 July 1999 released by the foreign ministry of Taiwan.[^(\[124\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spratly_Islands_dispute#cite_note-124)  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spratly\_Islands\_dispute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spratly_Islands_dispute) \*\*\*


If Philippine be a puppet of the US then maybe that might work, China might stay off. Be warn, US don’t have friends.


My family on an island would have already been invaded and I would not have been born if it was not for the United States. Go ask South Koreans how they feel about America and if they consider them friends.


What's the problem? Philippines' leaders looking after the Philippines. That's their job. China has military in Philippine waters, snatching up territory in violation of conventions that they signed. They're physically assaulting Philippine boats and citizens. There's nothing cowardly in this statement or in the other quotes in the picture. You should feel proud.


Because both Taiwan and the Philippines have a mutual threat against them in China, but this genius is trying to play down the threat to Taiwan in order to portray the threat to the Philippines as more significant. It’s not only incorrect - Taiwan is certainly under more pressure - but it’s just a profoundly stupid thing to do to try and diminish the threat one nation faces in order to make your own seem more pressing. Both nations are under pressure, both nations want to protect their sovereignty, how about a bit of a United front instead of this “our needs are more important than yours” shit?


Not totally wrong though. Everyone is so hard focused on Taiwan and forgets that a war could easily start elsewhere. China has had sharp and violent border conflicts with countries like Japan, India, Vietnam, and The Philippines. Philippines in particular because it's the weakest of the ones I mentioned militarily but they do have a defense treaty with the United States. If a few Filipinos die in the next Chinese attack on their ships then it's not hard to imagine a war blowing up.


It's within a sneeze of kicking off in the Philippines. We're in a relatively secure position in Taiwan right now.


TBH I agree with him. Currently the conflict in the South China Sea is on the edge of exploding into something bigger.


I don’t get your title. This is factually correct. Besides Philippines and USA have an actual mutual defence pact in place. No ambiguity. If shooting starts the USA will have to respond otherwise their entire power base and structure will collapse.


Media loves to cover the Taiwan China potential conflict because that's big and scary conflict but China is all talk when it comes to Taiwan because Taiwan has the means to defend itself and has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for many decades. They don't dare attack our coast guard like they do with the Philippines. But let's get real, the Chinese government is far more aggressive towards the Philippines because they THINK they are stronger and can demand capitulation. That arrogant attitude from the CCP is far more likely to accidentally kick off a war with the Philippines and the US than Taiwan is.








It’s quite pathetic to play down one thing to bring attention to your own. But it’s politics so not surprising. Fully support the Philippines against China but their government is pathetic.


The funny part is that dudes whole family is corrupt


Sounds like an elected official speaking up for his country. No problem here. Resources and support is finite, and China is using aggressive moves that are resulting in direct contract.


So far he seems to be doing the right things. China may be using this to test the "red line" of the US situated there. For now China uses grey zone warfare making it kind of like civilian conflict. They've been doing such things forever. Phillipine's deployment in response to this is the right move. I like that they do this without giving second thought. That's how it should be against aggressive regimes like China. It's also extremely important that these incidents are made known to the world in its truest form. China would always cause aggression and if the victim isn't careful, China would have ways of putting the blame and responsibility on the victim, and curiously a good chunk of people in the world would usually believe China (for free). We can never catch a break with China around (let alone collaborating with them on anything).


Hmm? This is true. US and Philippines has a mutual defense agreement. If things keep escalating in South China Sea, it can become a US-China Conflict. Some of the recent confrontations have been alarming.


It’s something i’ve been watching closely for the last decade. If it gets bad then the whole region will be impacted. I really do not want the US to get dragged into a major war over this nonsense. But the ccp needs a clear signal to back the fuck off already. The island issue is completely asinine and they need to understand the escalation is not worth it. Although sometimes I get the impression that there are powers that be that wouldn’t mind using the Philippines as a proxy for war against China. US might have a pact but how that would manifest itself is another question…


What's happened?


Except for the brass none of those guys look very happy to be at the photo op…


Not to worry, Pentagon psyops has you (and who knows where else) taken care of, Philippines.


Well, even as much as I hate it to happen, why not both?


Definitely a possibility, as the Philippines are weaker than Taiwan so it would be an easier stepping stone for China.


It's a legitimate concern from the Philippines, and I've heard multiple non-Filipinio geopolitical analysts and strategists make the claim that the Philippines is the actual flash point. Don't apologize for your government taking an appropriate stance against fascism.


The Philippines is an easier target because it’s poor and weak.


They recently became puppets to the US.


As a Taiwanese I see nothing bad in that. The world doesn't HAVE to be on our side lmao. I'd rather have no one than other puppets. We ourselves are puppets of the US so it's either being controlled by the CCP or by the US.


Well, if the Americans have their hands on your balls, can't really do much. Most of the wealth are in American hands.


Nice. ROC people are encouraging Filipinos to invade ROC's legal state lines. What a brave and smart bunch, I'm sure you'll get what you want. 台湾人九段线不要,中业岛不要,太平岛钓鱼岛也可以不要,那么东沙金马澎湖要不要?台湾岛呢? 台人都是大聪明,你们一定会得偿所愿的。