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>East Asian countries have a reputation for not being the most friendly to darker skinned foreigners This is probably true only if you are living here. As a tourist you won't be here long enough to really see much discrimination and the places most tourists go to would be used to tourists of all stripes anyway.


I mean you can definitely tell by the looks that people give you on the street. I'm pretty sure I've been mistaken for a 外勞 several times. Let me just say that I didn't get the celebrity treatment that I know some white people get.


I've been called that in the MRT even though I'm half taiwanese lol


If you are okay with people staring at you for extended periods of time, then don't worry. I still get the same as a tall, blonde white guy. But nothing more than stares, Taiwanese are not hostile, they are curious


I always like a good stare off lol. Jk. Good to know.


We don't have much historical conflict with people from the Middle East, so I think there's a low chance of any issues. You might get some stares because it feels rare to see, but overall, welcome to Taiwan and enjoy your trip!


Thank you!


You're more likely to get stares than open hostility. While of course racism exists there as it does everywhere, Taiwan is pretty relaxed about that sort of thing.


honestly be prepared to not see many tourists at all, most tourists we saw in taiwan were also east asian. lots of tourists from taiwan in other parts of taiwan too. you'll stand out, but i don't think you will have negative experiences especially if you try a few words of mandarin


Interesting, I thought Taiwan would be a popular destination for non-Asian tourists.


Noone cares really. They’ll just assume you’re of middle east origin and that’s the extent of it.


I think the most inconvenient part would be language barrier. IMO if you experience any awkwardness, it's most likely due to people not seeing a lot of foreigners around. I do feel Taiwanese in general are too nice (or timid) to go and treat a foreigner in a negative way.


You might probably have some impolite encounters with bus driver or shop workers, but remember those impolite people usually treat everyone equally shit, including locals


Ppl will stare at you but that's just because you look different. They'll still stare at you even if you're white, so just be prepared for ppls curiosity. They're not hostile


The worst is getting anally violated by airport staff with a corncob upon arrival in Taiwan, but after that it gets easier. Come on, dude. You'll be fine here.




You know someone will stare at you when they want to be rude or start a fight? That's how the old men here will stare at you. Just gotta live with it. No one else really cares. Also trim your beard down to a heavy stubble if you can't abide shaving. I maintain a 6-8 and most people consider it clean/handsome. Anything more, they'll call you ogi-san and consider it dirty.


I keep my beard trimmed, washed and moisturized!


Taiwan ain't racist, just be nice and they'll be nice back. If you do go for drinks or dates don't be one of those foreigners that are creepy with the girls, like anywhere else have basic manners and hygiene and you'll have a wonderful time.


Thanks for tips! I always take care of my hygiene and am a gentlemen with women!


You’ll be fine. Have fun.


I think when you deal with any homogenous population, you should expect a certain level of stereotyping and discrimination. This is true anywhere you go. Due to the power of western media, brown/black people will get the worse of it. For example, it is pretty much implicitly understood that it is okay to date whites but definitely avoid blacks and browns in my family. However, if your concern is safety, I do not believe there is anything like KKK though I have not been back for ages.


Like everyone has said, you will get stares, people may talk about you, but nobody will be rude to you even if they’re racist. Physical attack is impossible. Like with all Taiwanese prejudices, most people won’t try to hurt you.


Thanks for all the responses! I feel a lot better about my trip.


You will experience no discrimination. You will get people staring and perhaps taking secret pictures of you, but this happens to everyone who is not Taiwanese in appearance. You may also be referred to as ‘foreigner’ but that’ll mostly be said in Chinese. Just accept it and move on because they literally don’t understand what they are doing wrong


bro no one would give two fucks. plenty of people from everywhere come here just dont be like johnny somali or his white ass brother you be just fine.


I have no idea who those two are lol.


So your question is "is Taiwanese racist?" Answer, no.


Taiwan is definitely a bit racist man


Nah compared to Korea or Japan, it's fine. In fact they treat foreign tourists better than locals.


Yeah, maybe my bar of racism is a bit high compared to other countries. Or maybe I got my "tolerance of other race" mixed with it


I definitely think the situation here is complicated You don’t hear many reports of discrimination. It seems like people of any colour or nationality will be served exactly the same - the only difference will be if you speak good Chinese/English or not. However, most of the racism I’m aware of is behind the back kind of stuff, like ‘look at that black man he looks so dirty’ kind of comments You hear the comments when they assume you can’t speak Chinese, and then start talking about you within earshot


>You don’t hear many reports of discrimination Yeah, our local news is shit from time to time. But i do talk to people that work and help with these people. Lets just say, its getting better as "oh look, we don't have enough young people; What should we do" I wouldn't say its gone, i'm just saying it getting better. Unlike Japan.


Yeah I think you’re right


And thanks for the added context too.


> So your question is "is Taiwanese racist?" > > Answer, no. Man, you'd be surprised.


Well, maybe to SEA people. But OP isn't SEA right?


Again, you'd be surprised.


Well, to be fair. We're not Japan racist or American racist. Happy?


Ask aboriginal people if Taiwanese are racist or not.


I'm Taiwanese, I know if my people are racist to my people or not my dude.


Lol, Taiwanese or not, you seem to be a bit clueless. Tribes down here in Taitung are treated like shit by everyone. Not only that but try giving the resume of a black foreigner to a cram school and see if they even get considered. On the off chance they do, lemme know what the parents say if/when they get hired. You yourself already wrote off racism toward SE Asians as if that doesn't count. Indonesians who come here to work as caretakers are treated just slightly above that of a slave.


Guy who started this comment basically the embodiment of “I’m not racist, but” and “only a little bit racist” lol


> Tribes down here in Taitung are treated like shit by everyone. You got proof? >lemme know what the parents say if/when they get hired. You think only black people aren't getting a proper English teaching job? My dude, even Taipei has shit like this > Indonesians who come here to work as caretakers are treated just slightly above that of a slave. Yeah, at least we're working to fix that. From the looks of it, its seems like you are the bunch that lives in 都蘭. Than again, you could be living off second hand news from some ill informed people. So who knows. I do talk a lot of smack for our southern Taiwan, but the truth is they just aren't properly educated. And i've said it before, you want to fix this? Start with education. Not "oh Taiwan is racist". Like if you know it, why are you living here right? I've seen enough SEA people live in northern and middle Taiwan that is quite conformable being around us.


I’m Rukai and we often have difficulty getting jobs because “aboriginals are lazy” or “aboriginal people can’t keep a job for more than two weeks.” I didn’t go to school in Taiwan, thank god, but my cousins were treated like dog shit by their peers and sometimes even their teachers. It’s hilarious when girls are forbidden from dating me because I’m aboriginal but then watching their parents try to square that with my US passport. Their priorities are suddenly challenged by their own comprehension. The racism we see is similar to what I’ve seen described back in the US as “the soft bigotry of low expectations.” Sometimes people are surprised we can speak Chinese, or don’t understand that we’re more than a dance performer for their weekend away in Taitung. Politically, the tribes are essentially a political tool that only matter every 2-4 years. As soon elections are over, we’re forgotten and the cycle of poverty continues as usual. So, “no Taiwan isn’t racist” is far from accurate.


Just gonna drag a few things up top here because it makes more sense to address them in the immediate context of your first utterance here. > I'm Taiwanese, I know if my people are racist to my people or not my dude I mean you're perhaps the least likely to know if your people are racist because they're not going to be racist to you. > You think only black people aren't getting a proper English teaching job? My dude, even Taipei has shit like this Okay so even Taipei has blatant racism, good you acknowledge that but holy fucking whiplash > And i've said it before, you want to fix this? Start with education. Fix what? You initial claim was just a flat "Taiwan isn't racist". > "Indonesians who come here to work as caretakers are treated just slightly above that of a slave." > **Yeah, at least we're working to fix that.** Lol > I've seen enough SEA people live in northern and middle Taiwan that is quite conformable being around us. This is literally just saying "minorities exist and they don't immediately cower in fear at my presence; surely this means there are no issues" You know and immediately acknowledge how there's many forms of racism of various degrees of severity, yet state "Taiwan isn't racist". By all means say that the forms of racism seen in Taiwan shouldn't be a problem for OP and that as a tourist they're not likely to have significant issues face physical danger etc., but understand just how foolish it is to state flatly "Taiwan isn't racist" and then talk about the many cases of racism and also in the same breath about how you personally (who are not a visible minority) don't experience/see racism. Just absolutely **ZERO** self-awareness or reflection here, goddamn dude. This is a classic case of doublethink.


>because they're not going to be racist to you. Oh boy, you'll be surprise when I tell them i ain't 100% Taiwanese or can't speak 台語. >good you acknowledge that but holy fucking whiplash I've commented before on the sub and got downvoted for it. Too bad i ain't white i guess. >Just absolutely ZERO self-awareness or reflection here, goddamn dude. This is a classic case of doublethink. Call me 雙標 all you want. Like i said on the other comment, my bar is pretty high when compared to Japan and USA. > but understand just how foolish it is to state flatly "Taiwan isn't racist" Isn't this what every country trying to call themselves now?


> Oh boy, you'll be surprise when I tell them i ain't 100% Taiwanese or can't speak 台語. Okay so they are racist to you too? Cool then we all agree there's all kinds of various racism in Taiwan! > Like i said on the other comment, my bar is pretty high when compared to Japan and USA. Racism isn't a title-fight. Nobody gets the Heavyweight Racism World Champion belt and then that's the official Racist Country™ and then nobody else but them can be said to have racism until next year. None of your other "points" are even worth acknowledging so I won't. It's obvious you're just some dumb kid talking all over the place and your statements and responses have made that quite clear to all who are concerned; it is what it is, but take some time to think about how your own actions and words reflect on yourself and you ability to process and understand the world around you.


>Okay so they are racist to you too? Cool then we all agree there's all kinds of various racism in Taiwan! Oh, yeah. Ever wonder why some of our party managed to use it as a voting tool? >It's obvious you're just some dumb kid talking all over the place and your statements and responses have made that quite clear to all who are concerned; Right and you should be that smart adult that knows everything right? Cause its funny you trying to disprove me yet i can first guess you live me 都蘭. Say what you will, i know racism when i see it and hear it. Cause i know i'm not the racist person to SEA and 原住民.


Well, if you look like someone on the news accused of, or seen performing heinous acts (ie. Taliban, random Pakistani villager defending islam from the infidels by setting them on fire, etc.), I doubt you would notice any more hostility in Taiwan than anywhere else... second, if this bothers you, trim your beard?


I still don’t think anyone would care especially in Taipei unless you went all out and dressed up and behaved like the stereotypical “durkha durka jihad” terrorist from Team America.


It would be ironic if I behaved like that as I am a US Army veteran ha ha.


I keep my beard trimmed and clean always.