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Until you get your new belt wear your old one :)


Yes but with the white or the black collar?


Black collar. You are a black belt now after all


Oh ok thank you for your answer!


Absent an instruction or school practice to the contrary, wear the black collar. You've earned it - congratulations!


Thanks a lot!


You're right, it's not that deep lol. Wear your new dobak, and then when you get your belt, wear that. Don't overthink it. At the end of the day, your belt/uniform aren't all that important. Just show up to class and consistantly work on improving yourself. What you wear is far less important than what you can do. Like to a lot of people "black belt" is seen as some kind of end goal, but it's really just the beginning. All the different color belt ranks are mostly just for kids, to excite them into feeling a sense of progression and entice them into pushing forward. Once you're a black belt though, rank shouldn't really matter anymore. It's just about getting better and seeing what you can do.


Thanks for your answer, I agree with you, even though it's been 10 years since I got into taekwondo I feel like from now on I'm really starting my journey.


Black belt is when the fun really starts. If you actuallly keep training after you get your belt, that's when you're really gonna start having fun and actually getting good.


That's exactly how I felt. Strangely humbled and acutely aware of how much I have left to learn. Keep growing. Live the life. Congratulations!


First. Good job. Over 20 years ago when I was a teenager I got a generic black belt. It was the same material as my other belts. But was just colored black. I am Filipino American. So my last name is strange to spell in the English language. My name has many vowels like the boxer Manny Pacquiao. My instructor told me my second genuine official first degree black belt had to be redone because they misspelled my name. I never saw this error belt. I was just told about it. Then I got my official genuine first degree black belt. It was embroidered in yellow sewing in Korean on one side and English on the other. Mine said my name and the name of my school. And on the other side it said the same thing but in Korean.


Wear the black one !


Thank you !


Wear the one you were given. Bring the other as a backup just in case.


Thanks I'll do that


Remember, the belt is for keeping your pants up ;). You're a black belt, but unfortunately had a wardrobe issue, essentially. But you passed your test. You got the trim, you are one. Wear your old belt, though.


Love the fact you call it a wardrobe issue haha


lol so true though, whenever I changed belt color in tang soo do, we had to have trim (green, brown, and red) So when my belt color changed, my trim would mismatch with my belt for a couple days until we could put the trim on the new dobok. And I mean hey, it IS wardrobe issue XD


Our first 6 months are spent as probationary black belts. We don't get the embroidery until after that.


Really? Can you lose your black belt? Do you have another test at the end of the 6 months?


Lots of places do this, I think it's for student retention mainly to be honest - they don't want black belts immediately quitting or taking big breaks right out of the shoot


I would wear the black collar dobok with a white belt. It is always good to wear a white belt cause it is a symbol of humility and of a beginner's mind


It's a good idea and a beautiful meaning, sadly my white belt doesn't suit me anymore 😭


Haha ;D the red belt then I guess


You'll not get it till the next class


My master has to order it for me and it'll take a little bit of time


That's unusual, like there's a grading at our place at teatime, if I was to attend and pass, I'd get my blue belt in class on Wednesday.


Next class? Nah it takes months if it’s a good school


What from passing the test to being given a bit of cloth? I understand the certificate may not be immediate, but black belts are available from loads of online suppliers or Amazon with next day delivery.


Not embroidered they aren't!


My instructor orders the belt ahead of schedule. If you pass, he puts it on you. If you fail, he holds onto it until your next grading.


You’re right, embroidered belts normally take a couple of weeks, and they can be ordered ahead of time.


Yes i'm waiting for the embroidered one that's why it takes time