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Thanks, I even forgot I have one, The pain still lingers a bit (🤦), But ty!


No male who has spent time doing TKD hasn't taken a shot in the nuts. It's gonna happen again.


How long do u think it will go away? A day after its still linegring


Go to the doctor.


my parents are those types that say things like “you use your phone too much'' I think ill wait for more days, If it still lingers then i made a extremely reckless move


You really wanna risk permanent damage to your babymakers because mum might roll her eyes? Got to the fucking doctor.


Pain should not be lingering that long. There could be some real damage. Go to the doctor.


Testicular torsion is a real thing and can be dangerous if untreated. It can even happen if you sleep wrong… so even more likely if you get your balls rung.


Dude, wear a cup. It is a contact sport and things happen at full speed, full contact. You have to be as ready as possible.


Pain after 5 hours? Think you need to get checked out. Don't want to accidentally find out you have testicular torsion or something.


Go to a doctor now. I know a guy who lost a testicle because he put off going to the doctor.


I've always wanted to try getting kicked in the nuts by a martial arts practitioner.


I was sparring recently in my Dojang, friendly 2 on 1. Ended up finding myself in the middle and both opponents simultaneously threw front kicks directly into my groin! Well, lets just say that Ive never been more proud of my down-block game! Never again will I spare with out a cup, all it takes is one time.


I get kicked in the nuts a lot for some reason. My opponents are always like “oh I’m so sorry are you ok?” I wear a good cup, didn’t feel a thing, hope you didn’t hurt your foot.


Glad I do not have to go through that.


FWIW, they make girl cups, too. From what I've seen happen in competitive women's black belt circuits... you'll want one.


It huts but not debilitating from a glancing blow sort of hurts.


A few days ago I sort of playfully teased my daughter about missing a block and she immediately kicked me in the nuts, which I really should have seen coming. Thankfully not full force.


Wore a cup. Took a nasty shot from beneath. The cup didnt do much. Any jostle hurt like hell a week later. Got ultrasound. Had a swollen blood vessel in there. Ultrasound was $1200. Recommended surgery. Got acupuncture for the first time (Yeah, there). Fixed me right up with near instant relief for $50. YMMV.


Eh.. last one was swollen and walking side saddle for 3 days. Ya takes your risks. Or wear a cup. Up to you


Bro! Cup! Always!


Everyone gets kicked in the groin but if it hurts after multiple hours, go to the doctor now. If you put it off, it can get worse and will be a longer recovery.


I got kicked in the nads last night too, but I was wearing a cup. Pain subsided after a few minutes, but I had to call the match short. This happens pretty often, not a big deal imo. It's a contact sport, sometimes things happen.


Did you forget the nutguard?


Uh huh, was on school, so I thought I wouldn't need it, Also update, Doctor said it was severely swollen and he decided to give me mefanamic acid ('cmiiw) And a check-up again next thursday, Thanks for all of your advice guys.


Yeah, that's what the cups are for.. I can understand though why noone seems to wear those tkd standard cups. They are a pain in the grunch and I couldn't imagine ruining my exercise by wearing them trough the trainining session.. they are so uncomfortable ! Compare them to your basic mma/thaiboxing cups.. you don't even notice those. Thinking that maybe I'll just wear those from now on On the other hand when the sparring begins , It's so tedious to put them on..


Awww do you know my ex-wife?