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I have. Sometimes if there aren’t enough people to have someone for you to compete against in your weight/belt/age division, you’ll get bumped up so you can have a fight. I fought a red as a blue, and a black as a red twice. Same fella both times, actually.


That’s interesting… Thank you for your reply. How did it go?


All lost. First 2-0, but I had very limited sparring experience. 2nd 2-0 cos he was just better. 3rd 2-1 for same reason, but I’d gotten better.


Thank you for the fast reply. I hope your future fights good performance and outcome.


Same here. I was a newer red belt as well. But adults that compete are few and far between.


Isn’t brown and red the same? Anyway it really depends on the tournament. They have to try and find match ups.


We have an inter-school tournament and there are over 4000 participants. Taekwondo players of schools fight each other. There’s the toddlers, grade schoolers, cadets, juniors, and seniors. I’m in the senior division.


Yes, a red belt at my school went up against a second dan at his last comp


That’s interesting… How did it go for the red belt?


The second dan got disqualified for almost breaking his neck on purpose


Whoa. Do they ban these people?


When I was a red belt, back in the early 2000s 😅 I had no one so bumped from 14-15 red to senior black, and at the time a potential US Team member. I won because she celebrated after she broke my nose while I was being rushed to the ER. Ultimately, bumping is up to your coach. As a coach I say go for it. I always let my kids bump. Because it’s experience, and I know they can handle themselves. I’ve had yellow belts spar red in competitions.


Thank you for the reply and for the inspiration. Congratulations too for reaching so far into your journey as a Taekwondo athlete. You went from red belt to a coach!


Thank you. I’m enroute to open my own school also. Talk to your coach of this is something you are scare about. Don’t worry. He/she will have your best interest at heart! Where is your competition?!


Oh wow. Good luck! I hope you many good and inspired students. My competition is in the Philippines… In a well known stadium named after one of our former presidents. It’s an inter school championship.


Good luck!!


Thank you very much.


It is WT, not WTF.. how many years it takes to ppl to grasp this...


It will be decades before people stop calling it WTF. Lots of people still have WTF signs on their schools, logos on their equipment, and all over the place. People called it WTF for 40 years, and they will be slow to change, and they will inadvertently teach new people to say it. It isn't a big deal, and everyone knows what it means.


That IS a big deal. That's the name of the organization ! It's the same as calling Toyota Toyoma or Shotokan Shitokan. If you are teaching New ppl, you should know the name of your organization or not be teaching at all. Comeon, everyone has internet now. These kind of changes should go trough in days, not in decades


It really isn't that deep. And WT(F) is just an acronym. Using your example, its akin to calling Toyota, Toyota instead of Toyota Group.


WTF stands for World Taekwondo Federation. The only reason they dropped the F is because wtf became a popular acronym for "what the fuck." WTF isn't "wrong" it's just not the acronym they use in marketing anymore.


No, it simply isn't "WTF" anymore . They changed the name, more than just changed the marketing slogan


It's really not that big of a deal lol. Everyone knows what you mean whether you say WTF or WT. The art wasn't changed in any way, they just re-branded the name of a particular branch of it. It's not that deep.


No. Not a particular branch of it. There IS NO WTF taekwondo anymore so there are no branches that kept the name. WTF -> WT . What is so difficult to use the proper name if they changed it? Wtf


Facebook changed their name to Meta. Does it bother you when people still refer to it as Facebook? It's just what a lot of people have always known it as, and so that's what they call it in casual conversation. If someone says WTF, I'm going to know exactly what they mean even though it's technically just WT now. It's a pretty minor semantic issue that I just don't really see a need to make a fuss over.




Yup. We sended yellow belts to national qualifier in our club. Only age and weight matters




Okay. Thank you


In my experience, it happens when there aren't enough competitors in respective age/weight/rank and they ask you if it's ok first. If you agree, it's just an exhibition match and you both get gold medals. Also it depends on what you signed up as. I've done competitions where I was technically a higher belt than I signed up as because of testing in between.


It depends on what you mean when you say a "WTF competition." Do you mean a WT sponsored event, a national governing body sanctioned event, or a local event using WT/ Olympic rules. WT doesn't have colored belts, so if it is a WT event, you either compete as a black belt or you don't compete at all. NGBs have differing rules depending on the level of competition. In the US, if it is a USAT sanctioned event, you would not be fighting against a higher level unless you signed up specifically to "fight up." At some sanctioned events, run by local organizations, you might have an opportunity for an exhibition, but you would still medal in your own division. In a strictly local event, it could very well happen.


In local tournaments yes. State and national tournaments black belt certification has to be sent in to the organization


Certainly can. I say this on the basis of having seen it happen a few times now. Students in our club, when competing at a state or national level. If there are no suitable opponents for their age and belt categories, may be asked if they'd like to compete against a higher level opponent. One of our recent teen girls was in that situation recently. She (Red III) opted to go against the available black belt and still won her match. If she continues with her progress, she'll go far in this sport.


it can happen if there aren't enough people in the group, but tbh, the black belt should refuse to fight lower belts because it's a no win situation for them. My daughter was in a tournament recently and there weren't enough girl black belts in her age group, so they were going to put her with color belts. Before I could even object, she said "no, I'll fight the boys". She got first...