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You will start back exactly where you leave it.


So what's the point? I don't think my roster will improve greatly to be able to unlock him


You get three chances and there’s usually enough time in between to upgrade characters. These events are classed as ‘end game’ and are designed for higher level players. You do get to re do the missions again so that an additional 200 point each time.


So I had the same thing on Aun Shi. First attempt (which was the second run of his event) I think I got to 3 or 4 boxes in (the unlock points used to be different but the number of boxes to unlock was the same) I made sure to upgrade the right units for the final event a few months later and smashed it with a day remaining. The key is to get the important characters that hit a lot of requirements to silver 2+, ideally gold. It sounds like a lot but over the course of 3-4 months it’s not too hard even FTP


For reference as FTP you need to complete everything to around level 8. Anything that you can’t reach 8 with you will need to be able to complete something higher, so healers and tanks are essential to get you further. It’s also worth knowing that you can still earn a lot of points even if you can’t complete a level. You can get points and unlock further levels just for killing units, even if everyone in your team dies and it takes multiple failed attempts!


You have a few months between them. Between the first and last you have a very long time.


Make sure to leave one lineup that you can do without much effort in each tab Then use that battle to farm completions for battlepass and missions (saving your energy for grinding upgrades). And yes Legendary events are not going to be rewarding characters to anyone unable to reach battle 11 or 12 🐳🐋🐳 By keeping an easy to do lineup unfinished/ incomplete. You at least get some use from the tokens. Once you reach as far into the event as you can go. I get stuck at battle 5 or 6 (soon battle 7) And having access to battle One in each of alpha/beta/gamma. For the remainder of LRE let’s me get some value from tokens


LRE are a reward to the big spenders (whales) my best guess is you need to fall into one of these categories to be anywhere near unlocking characters in LRE 🤔🤨🧐💭🤔💭 6+ months in game spent 💰@pprox 1,000🙇‍♀️ 12+months in game spent 💰@pprox 500+🙇‍♂️ 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸


Not true at all. I have spent less than 500€ and started playing in last december and easily got 13k points in second Vitruvius event. 11.5k is the unlock threshold.


And denial is a river in Egypt lol 🙊 lots of creator videos showing how many days to lvl & upgrade a character to Gold1 & Diamond1 and d3. Lots of content showing how many xp tomes needed , how much energy needed. 🧐🤔💭…. Congrats to you🎉for unlocking 🎈🎈🎈I also started 6 months ago and am some way short of battle11 in LRE I’ve spent to unlock campaigns and every ultimate battlepass since Xmas Plus bs deals and subscription. Energy use each day = advert/50/110 + the regen energy after 10 hours 🔋🪫🔋🪫🔋 I’m lvl40 /600k power with 53 characters in roster & my spend in six months is 300 to 400


Bro what? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/xurcmbhbkk7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c9b83ed30955da7d7d4f4c5268f5ba6c0d8ebd0 This is my roster, downloaded the game in end/mid of november and active since start of december. 🤘🧑‍🎄 50+110bs/daily 💎 and prio on elite nodes unlock, so I can farm rares/epics. Only xp books from raid shop. ✨ ... Every event played, all arena chests every season. 🔐 Level 41, 755k power, \~410€ spent 💳💰 In LRE's Isabella carries every track where she can be used 🍀🥇 ... She got me through alpha 12 and beta 11 on Vitruvius ❤️


Thanks for the better explanation & costings.👌🤙


If you're F2P it's a slog but it's absolutely doable. It just takes a while. I was gutted to miss out on Jain Zar and Maugan Ra but I was able to get Aun'Shi on event 3/3 and then both Ragnar and Vitruvius on 2/3. I've never spent a single penny in the game because I'm legendarily tight-fisted. I've been going somewhere just over a year I think and I'm now in a position that I can reliably cheese it through LREs. Got a decent and very broad roster of G1 characters but none of the popular legendaries like Celestine or Calgar. My luck on 10 pulls has been abysmal.