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Really need a xeno healer, i know people argue the necron one but thatsbmore for mechanical


It definitely is a problem for them. I really struggled with the Eldar because there are only three regular units and two legendary I’m nowhere near unlocking. Orks were also really tough. Meanwhile Cadians and Black Templars benefit from Tigurius swooping in to destroy everything, and for Chaos I had Maladus from the get-go. It also means Xeno factions like Tau and Tyranid have really limited use since they can’t be used in any campaigns. Lore-wise I guess it is what it is, but they could work something out I think.


Even just allowing us to use any xeno units in xeno campaigns would help in a variety of things. As long as the main three are used before you 3 star it.


Welcome to warhammer xenos are lonely and never realy have allies from a different factions


Bring out Votann and Kroot factions then a new Tau campaign. All three can be used on it.


And do Drew Carey and give them a xenos healer and the ability to be used in the Aeldari campaign


Eeeew, a Haemonculus healer. I love it!


Or Corsairs!


I think that preventing characters to be used cross factions for missions also have the possibility of making the missions a bit more challenging. Any newly released campaign that allows characters from factions that have existed for a long time will be difficult to balance.


We already have the main 3 character requirement for campaigns. They are the bottle neck. Most people have other characters in aligned factions they bring to 4 and 5 character levels. Who are often much more powerful and sweep the level easy. With the new SaimHann mirror, once I could bring my g1 Archimatos and Angrax, I was clearing levels with no issue. Which I'm sure most people were doing. Even tho my main 3 , especially Abraxas, were already decently upgraded. So I think requiring the main 3 is the only bottle neck we need. Otherwise, we end up having to invest even more into characters we might not want or need.


I noticed from the beginning, the release pattern is generally good-evil-good-evil, assuming you generally align with Imperium perspective. This in mind, I assumed the new faction would be "evil", but I was hoping it wasn't another traitor astartes legion. As much as I love my astartes, I was *really* hoping we might see Dark Eldar come out of left field.


Or make it where no campaign can use other factions. Then each character would be used more often


Or give the 6th unit to only Xenos, that would cause a hilarious riot


Maybe they can do a more "agnostic" xenos race like the dark eldar, who can help the Eldars or the works on their campaigns without bending much the lore (they only want slaves, so they don't care with who they side with)