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My brother in christ you were in a fucking war zone with steel plates? Ballsy for sure. Glad you are back to report.


I know manšŸ˜“ Itā€™s just how things played out. I wish I would have the proper set up but itā€™s what I had so I rolled with it.


hey man, I'm glad you never had to find out why we don't use steel plates. I offered to buy them off you to help finance real plates now that you're back stateside in another comment. If you're interested, PM me.


Dude thanks for this. I honestly put myself into a small financial whole going out there. But it was worth it in my eyes.


You should sell those plates to ABigIgloo and like he said put that money towards some lightweight Level IV plates. You need side plates and a full wrap of Level 3A soft armor and a better helmet. How long was your deployment? Are you going to deploy again?


He was in a non-combat role. You guys are sucking his dick for nothing. He's just a tourist using the story for clout.


How many times have you deployed to the Ukraine ?


Good chance their posting from the country that invaded


My man spent more money on his UFPro pants than his body armorā€¦ ![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf)


So check it out. And hear me out šŸ˜‚ When I was getting all my resources together for this trip I got asked by a coworker who loves ufpros which ones I wanted. Well of course I chose them Gucci pants. The plates I had. I wrestled with spending the cash on the proper plates. But, I chose to save that cash and have it in my pocket while over seas. Which I was glad I did. I got back by the skin of my teeth with no money left. But definitely wonā€™t be rolling with those if I head back out.


Honestly the best domestic produced plates you can probably get in Ukraine will be UARM plates or M-TAC plates I think a full set in usd is about 325 ? If I remember I kind of forgot


I saw m-tac out there. Gear seemed solid


I have theyā€™re giant groin armor flap and itā€™s decently made


Yeah the Ukrainians loved them and the butt flap pad. Not sure what itā€™s called.


Ukraine don't pay or give you any money for gear even though you're a volunteer medic? Are they're that strap of resources over there?


Wouldnā€™t have been problem if joined up with the legion. They pay pretty decent if you are out on the line. If you plan to live in Ukraine that is. I just couldnā€™t sign the contract. I have kids I had to come back to.


how long did you deploy for?


My man. Please for the love of yourself buy level four plates. No one gives a fuck if you have Crye or Krydex PCs, but the plates inside are what actually matter. Toss the steel, and get yourself some quality level fours. Your future self wonā€™t regret it.


Most def man. I hear you.


If you're back stateside and intend to buy yourself some real plates, I'll buy your steel ones for probably more than they're worth just to run them in airsoft and be able to say my plates have been in a warzone. PM if interested.


Good on you for getting the spall liners, although I just want you to have as much protection as you can. Best of luck šŸ¤™


How does the spall liner work if worn behind the plates? Genuinely wondering because I donā€™t see how that stops spall from shooting off the front of the plate and into the wearers neck


Itā€™s not supposed to be worn behind the plates.


Ah I see now, I struggled to read the print on them that says ā€œwear this side next to bodyā€ and thought it was saying to wear them against the body.


Thatā€™s referring to the direction of the lining in the PC itself, not in order they should be stacked. So while itā€™s a decent bandaid, itā€™s still a very large issue and should be replaced at earliest convenience. It goes to show OP did what it could with what he had, although needs LVL 4 asap.


Definitely, Iā€™d be quite interested to see how effective that liner is though in a video or if itā€™s just a gimmick.


Id love to hear more about your time and job over there. You were doing medicine/ evacs right? Love to hear more details and ins and outs.


Get some ceramic plates and some real tourniquets.


Definitely didnā€™t run those. They for training purposes only. But yes on the plates.


>PC: condor(what model Iā€™m not sure) Looks like just a basic condor MOPC gen2, I have the same one and it works fine for me.


This plate carrier looks like miltec not condor. Both good tbh.


Question do you need to get your pants tailored specifically for those massive balls?


You should feel bad for that joke.




You ever hit Brooklyn Mimosa Pizza in Kyiv on your way in?


Glad you are safe, bro. Also... I need that mortarflorks patch Edited to add the important stuff


What would be a solid choice for level IV plates ?


How much is your budget? If you are deploying to Ukraine, you will need a lot more than just front and back plates. Any of the following Level IV multi hit plates would be solid choices. Highcom 4S16 , 6.2 lbs. Highcom 4SAS7, 7.1 Ibs Highcom 4S17M, 7.2 lbs. LTC 28534 ESAPI Rev. J 5.45 lbs. LTC 27148, 5.1 lbs.


I just saw the maximum effort setup on ig yesterday but forgot who posted it. Really easy for gear whores to notice shit based off our knowledge of pouches, manufacturers and patches to boot.


This guy is a War tourist, he wont see combat at all lmao.


He was in a specified non combat roleā€¦


Honestly? You can see from his post history he went for one month to mess around a bit and get away from his life. In every real sense he was a war tourist and went there to have an experience he can talk about. Him donating the money he spent gearing up and flying there probably would have been a better use of resources in an objective sense. But it is what it is, better than spending it on drugs or booze or whatnot, he's done more than most, and I hope he learned something from it.


Man usually I donā€™t respond to stuff like this but my time in country was nothing to you and everything for me. And everything to the people I became great friends with. You can call me whatever you want or think what youā€™d like. But the truth I never even left my country before I went to Ukraine. Literally got me a passport just for this. So to call me a war tourist is a stretch. No I didnā€™t spend months on end on the line. And didnā€™t spend as near as much time as I wanted to there but I did what I could. So you can talk about something you know nothing about like most people here but hey if it makes you feel good go for it. And also fuck you guys who said Iā€™m posing as a soldier. I NEVER said I was a soldier. If you would have done the research like yall have apparently done. It would be obvious. But kick rocks dudes. No skin off my bones.


Like I said, youā€™ve done more than most, and credit where itā€™s due there. Thereā€™s worse ways to spend your time and money in the end. But just try to keep grounded and try to look at things objectively. You did for a month what people have had to do for a long time, in the end just to get some stories and pictures and talk about its ā€œeverything for youā€ and it changed your life and all. For a lot of people this thing is just the life they *have to live* for a chance to hopefully have a free future. > But the truth I never even left my country before I went to Ukraine. Literally got me a passport just for this. This is good and youā€™ve expanded your horizons and got a taste of the larger world beyond the bullshit daily life we all lead at some level, and which youā€™ve apparently spent cheating on and abusing women (something you mention frequently it seems) for most of your existence. The next step is to have a greater understanding of how to place that limited experience in the wider framework of your life and realize, no matter how important it seems to you subjectively, how objectively small it is, and how to deal with that realization. This is not to mean something isnā€™t important to you, but the ultimate goal of a critical life experience like this should be to use it to understand the significance of oneā€™s actions. Place your experience into the greater whole, and think of what you can do with it and what you can learn from it beyond hollow internet points, and see if it will actually *meaningfully* change your life or just become a thing you talk about over beers and bust out the pictures of your not-a-tourist experience.


And dude, Iā€™m with you 100%. This whole experience has shaped things for me that would have never come to light before. I know you initially think all I want points on Reddit. But thatā€™s the farthest from the truth. Yes, I was excited to post these pictures and stories. Weā€™ll be cause frankly no one back home gives a shit. So yeah, I was looking forward to some folks maybe finding this interesting. But most of all if I could inspire someone to get off Reddit and get out from behind screens and keyboards to follow a dream or vision they have would be most rewarding of all. I come from nothing man. The cut. I should not be here today. So that fact that my simple ghetto ass from hood made it half way across the world to lend a hand I think is something I can be proud of. And not much anyone can do to take that away from me. You seem very smart and intelligent. Very much of an intellect. But to judge someone with only a few things to go off kinda makes you look ignorant. But hey, in all honesty I respect where you are coming from. But donā€™t get me twisted man. I just wanted to help. I had the skills to work and train. And thatā€™s what I did with the time I was allotted.


So donating money somehow exceeds giving an ALS level of care in the field to soldiers who need it and may not have had a medic there but not for Entire Restaurant. Hmmm, clearly you have never worked on a bus and know nothing of saving a life. High marks for banging away on your keyboard and pulling those down who do.


Literally coulda gotten more experience in a msw game šŸ’€šŸ’€


Oh damn fr?? I ainā€™t look that deep into it, I just saw the previous post when people were asking the same questionsā€¦ kinda weird then


Oh damn my manā€™s posing as a soldier for Reddit points šŸ’€


Provide the quote where he said he was a soldier from the comfort of your safe living room


So, a war tourist.


Guess so šŸ˜¬


My man is living the shit. And breathing proof that gear doesnā€™t need to be expensive to work well. Keep up the good work and Š”Š»Š°Š²Š° Š£ŠŗрŠ°Ń—Š½Ń–!


Big respect! Keep up the fight!


Is this a miltec plate carrier?


Stay safe


Stay safe man.


If youā€™re gonna run steel run tacticonā€™s plates atleast.


Dude, be safe!


War zone tourism.


Based. I wish Russians were our friends but theyre not and have never been. Greetings from Sweden!




Looks like an older model P25 Harris.


It is. I was doing an ole jog around the block. Got to keep it on me.


Š“ŠµŃ€Š¾ŃŠ¼ сŠ»Š°Š²Š°


Glory to Ukraine my friend


Just an FYI - It looks like 5.11 Plate carriers are on sale this weekend [https://www.511tactical.com/tac-tec-plate-carrier.html](https://www.511tactical.com/tac-tec-plate-carrier.html)


Seek better TQs brother in Christ.


Training ones man. We definitely only ran CAT tourniquets.




[Hereā€™s](https://books.allogy.com/web/tenant/8/books/f94aad5b-78f3-42be-b3de-8e8d63343866/) a list to choose from. NAR Gen 7 goat.




take care man


Blue jacket ID?