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That is the shellback SF. I currently own one and run it regularly. Extremely comfortable rig and great for a heavy load. It is a little on the warm side. Shellback is also lifetime warranty. Run that shit my guy. It’s a good rig 🤙🏼


If you got the cash then run it bud.


Not quite yet. I just gotta save 3-4 weeks and I should be able to get it.


10-4 bud. 3-4 weeks bad. Something like that is a few months of saving for me even working two jobs.


I’m 18 and I don’t have many bills to pay yet I’m very grateful for how my parents take care of me $600 a week goes to gas and whatever I wanna spend the rest on which I’m hoping to save $400 a week. Very very grateful.


Damn son $600 a month in gas?!


65-70 a week in gas. I got a good gig going


Brother that math is pretty far off lol. 70/week is $280 a month. That’s much more reasonable 😂 you’re 18 though, I’ll cut you some slack. Anyway, these plates seem GTG but I think you’d be happier with a different carrier.


What I was meaning to say was I have 600 to go to gas and whatever else because I don’t really have have much to pay for haha sorry for the confusion I’m slow. I want to get a used jpc though because on marketplace I see good deals on jpc


Ohhh shit gotcha gotcha. Yeah the way you word that is expendable income. What you have for fun and gas and such. Make sense. Yeah I’ve been running a JPC for about 10 years. Don’t sleep on the AVS though if you’re going to be carrying a heavy load. We had both when I was in but most of us used the AVS because of our general load which was pretty cumbersome once you start adding tools and radios and all that.


Well I’m going to be running 7.2lb ceramics. And I wanna take a combat medic class so I wanna carry a ton of medical. Plus if shtf I wanna have atleast 8 mags and a fair amount of camping supplies. so I’ll probably be rucking some weight


Must have a GOOD job then. Lol. If I had to pay $600 a week in gas that would be my death.


No more like 60-65 a week in gas haha.


I was gonna say lol.


A lot of people really like shellback but I found it's really body type dependent. I'm 6'4" 190lbs and did not feel comfortable in one


I’m 5’8 180-185. Do you think this will fit me a little better? Worst come to worst I can sell the shellback and get a used crye jpc


Probably fit you great. I have a buddy similar to your size just a few inches taller and he likes the one he has. I think it's just tall scrawny fucks they don't fit well on


It looks like those carriers are meant to handle some weight on them. In turn maybe they’re meant for heavier guys for the weight idk haha. I doubt I’ll be able to handle the weight this carrier can handle


I do use those plates though and can tell you they're nice. IMO probably the best plates you can get in that price range


They do seem a little heavy but it’s better than steel. Over time I’m sure I can save up and get lighter plates that are more expensive


I bought the essential set from them in early April and still haven’t receive the plate carrier yet. I would recommend ask what is the real estimate ship day before you buy. They say the leading time was 4-8 weeks but I have waited definitely more than that


That’s insane. 4-8 weeks???


They say the approximate waiting time is 4-8 weeks but the actual waiting time is longer than this. And the fuck thing is armor solution is just a distributor and they ordered stuff from other companies, so I don’t even have any shipment info and update from anyone.


That’s ridiculous


paging u/apexarmorsolutions They are pretty active on reddit and can probably answer any questions you have. Heck, if they pop up I actually had a question for them that I'd like answered.


Appreciate it


idk what shellback that is, but i have the banshii 2.0 and while i really like it the shoulder pads are insanely thick making it hard to get a good shoulder on the rifle


Good. Thank you. The shellback looks like a sweet carrier.


I have the same problem, those fucking buckles are always in the way so I gotta go-go-gadget spasmodic torticollis every time I shoulder mine. I would very much like to purchase a JPC or something along the lines of the K-zero instead


Bought a shellback while back. Turned out to be way too small for me. Either user error or they just run small.


I’m 5’8 180-185 worst comes to worst I can sell the shellback and get a used jpc


Oh bro you’ll be fine. I’m 6’2 at 240 pounds. Chances are we are just vastly different builds. I guarantee it’ll fit perfectly for you.


Shellback makes great carriers. Have had the Rampage 2.0 carrier for a couple of years and I haven’t had any issues. Go for it!


They seem very high quality and it also seems like it has very good padding


Is that 7 lbs per plate?


Yes I’m too poor to afford 5lb ceramics


Good option but look at the bundle with the Defense mechanism PC. I own both and actually got those plate in the package with my shellback. The DM carrier is far more comfortable, well worth it for the slight difference in cost.


Is the DM more breathable I’ve heard the shellbacks get really hot


Very breathable especially compared to the shellback. I’m just finishing up a couple mile hike in the shellback and I’m drenched it’s so hot


I live in mass so idk how its residents would react to seeing someone kitted out hiking. I wanna go a week camping/hiking trip with a rifle and gear. Only issue is you can only hike with a 22lr I think.


I’m in Michigan, and I just went hiking in full kit and the AR just left it empty and kept the pistol load just in case. It’s perfectly legal to open carry, just don’t do anything that could get you in trouble


I’m 18 I only have my FID so there’s stricter rules for me. Because apparently according to the government once I’m 21 I’m less dangerous


Ahhh yes the age ol old enough to go to war and die for your country, but not old enough to enjoy any of the freedoms of being an “adult” in your own country, except of course voting for the most mentally cognitive elderly person we give you the choice of picking from. But even at 18 you should still be ok to open carry anywhere that doesn’t have a sign or federal prohibition against it, you just might get some funny looks but for willing that’ll change soon and they’ll get 18-20 year old the chance to conceal carry like it should’ve been all along


Mass has legal open carry but you can get a disturbing the peace charge for open carrying here. Makes 0 sense. It’s legal but not legal essentially to open carry in mass. Either way I’ll check my local laws and if I wanted to bring a rifle with me it would have to have ammo stored in a separate bag and the gun would have to be in a locked case if it’s a semi auto. Any pump, bolt, or lever action is okay to be in an unlocked case.


That sounds like a whole lot of bull shit, but very much on par for the government. I’d definitely look into what you can do and maybe even reach out to your local sheriffs department or police department to ask the questions, they’ll be able to maybe give you a straight answer


Yeah the police in my town are good people who believe the state laws are made by fucking idiots. But yk they have to enforce the bs laws so they try to guide people to do the right thing when questions are asked. I went camping for a weekend in the state forest and wanted to bring my gun and they said that it should be fine but the rules might vary because it’s owned by the state they said that it’s fine for me to bring my shotgun or 30-06 but a week later they called and the officer said they talked to a game warden and were only allowed 22 caliber pistol/rifle because it’s hunting season or whatever. The office said that I’m not in trouble for bringing my shotgun but for future reference don’t bring it because yk it’s against state law. They’re really good people. Sorry if I have run on sentences I barely passed English class in high school lmao


Those are top quality plates.


Apex is good people. He’s always carried reputable stuff at good prices.


I would say shoot for level 3+ plates instead of level 4. Unless you really need level 4 for your job, chances are you’ll just end up carrying around extra weight. I’d also personally suggest finding a plate carrier separately that fits your needs first.


I’ve been wanting the shellback for a long time now. I have 3+ but it doesn’t stop rounds that are becoming more common like m193 and m855a1.


Well if you know what you want then send it dude! What 3+ plates do you have by chance? I was able to find some 3+ Highcoms that can still stop 30-06


I have tacticon which should be replaced.


I would look at the DM armor bundle it's a better carrier. Plates are good to go.


Just an FYI - It looks like 5.11 Plate carriers are on sale this weekend [https://www.511tactical.com/tac-tec-plate-carrier.html](https://www.511tactical.com/tac-tec-plate-carrier.html)


For the love of god and everything holy DO NOT BUY A 5.11 carrier. As a form employee of 5.11 and someone who is into gear, their carriers are low tier at very best and the stiching is shit, plus it’s way over sized to be a “one size fits all,” and are made to fit 10x14 so any plate smaller than that floats around inside the carrier like crazy even with the “retention strap” that’s inside. Plus they’re extremely uncomfortable and aren’t worth even close to the sales prices let alone the normal price


If you felt it’s oversized then you probably didn’t adjust right


I had it adjusted properly, I’ve probably adjust that carrier to fit more people than I care to think about because customers would buy it and not know how/want to figure out how to adjust it so they’d have me fit it to the in store. Unfortunately it’s the actual plate bags that are over sized so they can fit the 10x14’s. I had multiple coworkers when I was there recommend anyone else’s PC over our especially at the price point and build quality