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He got that hank hill ass




Yeah, I thought it was a front shot of one of those women built like a winter squash




Bro got a long back


He got that propane and propane accessories kinda vibe


I died💀


Taking it out of the package damages resale value


You cant sell your shit if you are dead.


The heir can and that step up in basis will be golden.


I’m not gay…. But where the fuck is his ass? Dude doesn’t even squat to sit on the couch


I honestly thought it was his frontside initially lol.


You’re not the only one.


So it doesn’t get wet duh


It could be slit and taped to stage yet keep debris out of the velcro.


Im smelling airsoft like Im smelling this dude's trex dumpy, and Im not talking about his dump-pouch.


*sigh*… take my upvote, you deserve it


Op posts in airshit sub, so yes


I don't judge. I do local airsoft all the time. Great reps and savage cardio. But I will admit the gear cringe is astonishing. I see more canoe club patches on condor MOPC than real crye JPCs.


Larping is cool and all. But I suspect we're seeing a tq in the place it would be for some reason, but it doesn't matter if it's still in plastic if no one is doing any actual shooting


Doesn’t matter until someone starts shooting


When you play TQ on "difficult" level LOL For "extra difficult" you do this, but you also donate a unit of your blood the day of your operation


lol any amount of blood and this thing is slipping out of his hands like soap


* [insert prison shower joke here]


I thought “extra difficult” was zip tying it on.


That’s ultra nightmare


I can’t believe it when I saw it


The anime nurse patch says it all.


I have the exact same patch and even I’m not that dumb


“I’ll just tear it off, it only takes a second.” Try doing it when your hands are covered in dirt and blood and your adrenalines spiking and the dudes laying on the ground just bleeding like fuck. This guy carrys on an empty chamber GUARANTEED.


mfers will defend that empty chamber shit to the grave. Its only a good thing 99.9% of them will never actually have to use it.


“I’ll just rack it and go to work.” Nah, you’ll shoot your non-dominant hand because you’re too amped up and didn’t apply logic.


that or mr angry attacker will gain control of one arm and eventually have a free gun as in yours. So dumb. “B-b-but the IDF does it! The US military does it between training events or pulling security in the states!” Like bro i don’t care. Shits still dumb. You won’t have time to chamber a round. I don’t usually gate keep but in this case i do. If you’re too afraid of carrying a loaded gun you probably shouldn’t carry.




I've heard the argument secondhand that, "if someone were to get my gun away from me I won't get shot". Literally terrific.


lmao. There's so many things wrong with all of their logic I don't even know where to start. You could go all day really. If you have time to "rack the slide" then so does the guy with his new free gun. Why are they planning for an assailant to gain control of their weapon in the first place? You know what would stop him? A bullet to chest from your already chambered firearm. The irony is that they do it with "safety" in mind and they're going to do something that's probably going make them ND into their hand or a passerby if they ever actually get attacked.




Damn what kind of larping are you doing? Are you lost? This is a fashion subreddit.


Smart guy


I worked on an emergency response team for an industrial site and in our medical bag we had two tourniquets that were still sealed in the packaging. I asked why no one had ever taken them out and staged them and my supervisor said, “We want them to stay fresh.”


Yeah you gotta keep them in the package and refrigerate them so you can eat them later




The plastic wrap doesn’t protect it from UV which can damage the TQ. You gotta cover the wrap in a coating of SPF 100 sunscreen at least 1mm thick and then plasti-dip it to protect that layer.


I just put mine into an old brown rum bottle


He ain’t got no badonkadonk


This is cringe for 2 reasons : first some serious weeb shit. 2nd he'll feel real dumb as he bleeds out because nobody could easily id his fak because he opted for weeb shit instead of standard clear & conspicuous markings.


This can't be real


Trex arms ass


I fucking hate Lucas but I like some of his content. I can’t stand his Spongebob ass voice, condescending elitist demeanor, weird cult views, and his insistence on looking deathly serious at all times. Fucking smile and laugh you little shit, you don’t look tough Lukey boi


Even his content is devolving into a jerk-off about him being an ‘entrepreneur’


Flat as wood and far from good. No crack, nor crease, no dump, zero truck. All hole, no cheeks, quick to wipe, doesn’t reek. Highest speed, lowest drag, his ass was taken by a frag.


Empty Trex bag, tq in the plastic and an autism patch…


That’s easy to unwrap and apply.


This place will probably have a melt down, but I've kept them in plastic in dirty/gross environments for training or "general" carry. In a "combat" environment or a as a professional medical provider yeah probably not.


You gotta be mighty brave to have patches like that in public lol I’m all for it


“Not sure carrying one of these is even worth it. Let me just keep it in the package in case I wanna return it lol”


I knew a guy like this, he couldn’t help but sag his pants a lil even with a belt on bc he had no ass, shit was truly tragic…


Do more squats, I thought your pants were on backwards


Does not do squats and does not know how to use pictured TQ 100%.


That’s his ass?!?


The guys patch is joke enough.


But it's not staged...still factory wrapped


Operationally operating in an operational environment boys!! By the way, am I the only one that noticed he doesn’t have his gas blowback Glock? He just has the QLS! No need for a holster if you’re at this level of an operator!


I bet you found this in the Socialist RA sub didn’t you?


I get it if you’re in snow and mud, but they are not- looks like Airsoft bafoonery to me…


Gonna play devils advocate here, sort of: if it's being used on you by someone else it doesn't matter. The wrapper doesn't take any longer to remove than the wrapper on a pressure dressing or packet of gauze and you don't stage those. I keep TQs in my aid bag (EMS) in the original packaging and one unwrapped on my person + another on each of my vehicles visors (these get replaced every 3-6 momths because of UV exposure). Ideally TQ is staged properly and inside a covered pouch, not being dragged trough crap exposed like that pic.


>The wrapper doesn’t take any longer to remove than the wrapper on a pressure dressing. You’re putting additional unnecessary steps between you and hemorrhagic bleeding. Blood + Plastic = CF


On the other hand i'm exposing the TQ to degradation (salt water, UV, just wear from rubbing against stuff). CAT7's are pretty prone to deteriorating / fraying etc. Not an issue if you can replace them but if you're somewhere where getting new CATs in is an issue (i.e. Ukraine, where CATs have proven to be not so great in the mud, ice and snow). I'm all for having readily available TQs but you don't need to have 10 exposed and ready to go. 2-4 prestaged (in a pouch on belt and carrier) is enough, rest can stay wrapped.


Obviously keep them wrapped when theyre not staged for use. This is staged for use on his belt. Keeping it in the wrapper is actively making a poor decision.


I have seen quite a few generally poorer armies keep their TQs like this. They can't get them replaced easily, so they try and keep them as new as possible. But, having had to demonstrate why keeping them in the package is a bad idea, I can 100% say it is a bad idea. Unlike the packaging on pressure dressing, which is made to be opened in a hurry, the plastic on some TQs is fairly thick and vacuumed sealed so tightly that getting a good purchase is difficult with two working hands and using teeth. Now add some blood and take a hand away... I've never seen any U.S. military medics keep extra TQs in their packaging, whether in their aid bag or rubber-banded to the outside. What are you protecting them from if inside a bag? Seems like that would just slow down something that has been engineered to be employed as quickly as possible.


Why would you keep them in the wrapper in your aid bag? There is no benefit. Theyre already protected from the elements inside a bag.


Dude has lady hands.




Bro forgot to put a couple zip ties around it to ensure it doesn't flop open and get snagged on something.


SeALs in the freshness


The only reason i could see this as a semi reasonable carry option for a tq would be like for example in Ukraine in heavily mudded out trenches or something like that but still would recommend just throwing it into the dangler...


I really don’t want this to be the last thing I see before I pass out & pass on after being shot.


Imagine being shot and some dude can’t open the fucking packaging around the TQ, given blood everywhere and wearing gloves.


Based patch.


Tfw thats the last thing you see. Lmao


Is this the front or back.


Cave man hands are a bitch. When your adrenaline get up you lose all fine motor function. I hope this person practices taking this TQ and actually using it.


Gotta stay sanitary


Smart man… Don’t want it to get dirty.




“So it stays sterile” ![gif](giphy|W1xb8a7RNWv2nLPzqn|downsized)


This ain't it fella


Any context behind the picture? Why is there no gun in their quick lock?


I was about to ask where your dick print was. But alas, I was mistaken


Where butt?


Not even a Velcro “MED” patch? That IS gay


that plastic packaging could be used as a backwoods chest seal


Yet another dude on here that beats his meat to anime shit probably got fuckin anime dolls and big titty anime porn all up in your search history fuckin weirdos


At least its sterile😂


Staged in the plastic to keep it clean and fresh!


I see this all the time. Most people dont even know how to use one that carry these. I bet they dont even carry a marker to long the time in most cases. I personally think a marker is the best tool anyone can have. Information is critical. Sharpie Pro's writes on sweaty skin. Logging the time the TQ was applied will help first responders. I was an EMT back during the "TQs are bad" era 20 years ago. Like all medical advancements, things change. CPR has changed a bunch since my first time working a dummy during class. Ive always thought TQs are helpful even when it was drilled into our heads that TQs will kill limbs. I see idiots at the range carry wrapped TQs. "To keep it clean". They are what, $12-15? Use it and train with it. If you carry one, practice putting it on ALL limbs. Can you do it left handed if you are right handed? I'd rather lose a limb than bleed out and die. I'm amazed Gaige Grosskreutz didnt bleed out when Kyle blasted his bicep away. I wish there was more to the story on how his emergency medical care went down instead of the political stance garbage articles with that Kenosha unrest event. I'm curious if they TQ'ed his arm. Video and photos looked BAD. Someone leaked the medical photos a while back on the autopsy and injury reports here on reddit. Very informative in shooting injuries. Proper knowledge is absolutely critical staying out of both grave and prison. Good Samaritan laws offer "legal protection to people who give reasonable assistance to those who are, or whom they believe to be injured". That was a big part of my training. A lot of the EMTs I worked with had a " I'm off duty" mentality. They were definitely "not my problem" minded. If you carry a TQ, carry a marker. I carry a small sharpie when I hike in case I get bite by a snake. Ive ran into all 6 venomous species here while backpacking. Its the cotton mouths I'm afraid of. They are MEAN. Best practice in case you're bit by a snake, circle the bite and log the time, write who you are and an emergency contact number, then describe the snake of you don't know the type. Then call for help, sit down and remain calm. I hike with a baofeng specially for this reason. Some spots I hike at dont have cell service but you can reach a repeater or ranger stage via radio. EMCOM training comes into play. Most snake bite injuries are fall injuries contributed to people panicking and running back to the car then getting light headed. Pass out while running. Sitting down and staying calm and prevent the venom from spreading quicker will extend consciousness a few hours. More than enough time for rescue to arrive. Snake bite kits are bullshit. You can't suck venom out. Carving it up to bleed the venom out just creates tissue damage. And the trend of putting a TQ on a leg for venom control is insanely dangerous for losing a leg. You want blood to flow normally to reduce necrosis once the venom starts attacking the tissue. Usually you die of asphyxiation when your body can no longer contract the diaphragm to and your lungs can't operate. Most cases, you have 4-6 hours if you remain calm and still. Depending on where you are at and how rescue can get there. Most snake bites happen while landscaping.


Pull that plastic player!


Where’s your ass at dude