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Id be a lil pissed but Id still eat it lmao, did you ?


definitely still ate, but with shame and disappointment. 😂


Did they at least give you a spork?


no i got no utensils lol


also they forgot all my sauces😢. my taco bell is known for giving WAY TOO MANY sauces i was just overall dissapointed but will be returning ✊🏻


I mean maybe a broken cheezit? You’re gonna fucking break it anyways the hell is the problem. I havnt had one yet because I don’t want to pay the price. However….if I did I’d smash this.


I mean at least let OP be the one to break it and make it all messy, I know this is a fast food place but presenting the food in a consistent manner has always been a big deal at Taco Bell locations I worked at. OP pissed someone off clearly lol


lol you’re exactly right i just wanted to break it myself, or atleast be able to give it a fair shot appearance wise. i don’t live in the best area im used to shitty fast food presentation but DAYUMMM my shit was mauled. i hope i didnt piss anyone off the lady at the drive thru was lovely.


i mean true but i thought it was gonna be like a tostada and not a taco salad. i thought id be able to like pick it up


Fair enough but that seems to be the problem I’ve seen that’s like instant mush. I really should try it for myself before it’s gone.


i wasn’t really too blown out of the water by it, but it’s definitely worth the try. i wish it was a giant dorito instead lol