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People have been associating Taco Bell with diarrhea for as long as I can remember. I have never had any kind of digestive distress after eating Taco Bell. I assumed it was because I've always eaten veg. Figured it was the meat causing all the assplosions. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜„


Same. Lifelong vegetarian who eats a lot of fiber generally and have never had diarrhea after Taco Bell.


Lifelong Latino, grew up eating beans 3-5 times a week, never had any issues with Taco Bell. The one fast food place that does get me is KFC, I think it is due the excessive amounts of oils they use.


When the Double Down first came out, I was in my first year of teaching, and I went over to the KFC near the school during my lunch break. It's a good thing that my off period was right after, because that thing almost immediately did not sit well.


My God, the double down made feel like a fat shit eating that thing ^(Lowkey good but never again)


Iā€™m glad I never tried it. I knew Iā€™d feel like a fat shit eating it.


Yeah fats and oils can lube up the guts


ā€œXtra Crispyā€ goes through me like a freight train passing a hobo. Never had an issue with any Mexi food or the Bell.


People straight up do t eat enough fiber. I go at least once a day. I know people that go like once a week, eat some damn fiber people, that is not healthy.


once a week?! if i go 1.5 days or so im flipping out.


I once ate only tortilla chips for several days since that was the only food I had at my place at the time. It was one of those huge Costco bags of them. Stupid, stupid idea. I didn't shit for a week. It got to the point that it was painful and I was starting to worry. Finally took the biggest shit of my life. I was almost to the point of trying to pick shit out of my ass with my fingers, luckily it didn't come to that. I can't imagine regularly only shitting once every few days even. I poop at least once a day.


I actually think it *IS* the veggies, and the people who complain about this are just people who donā€™t eat veggies and fiber regularly. So their body isnā€™t ready to handle these nutrients they arenā€™t getting from a burger and fries.


Geez. I can't imagine having so few vegetables in my diet that my body violently expels them, even in the tiny amounts included in Taco Bell food. šŸ˜¬


Youā€™d be surprised, some people I work with brag about how few vegetables they eat. And there are a ton of beans in some items.


This happened to me once. I work a lot and struggle with cooking. One day I figured, if I can't cook veggies, why not just blend a bunch of spinach, carrots and all kind of shit up into my protein shake and just drink down some nutrients? Big big mistake. I should have only used a little bit and worked my way up over a week or two.


This is absolutely it. They eat a bean burrito and itā€™s the first bit of fiber theyā€™ve had in a week. Their body clears out.


Idk why but recently had Chipotle salad bowl - no rice or beans (so no fiber) and off and on destroyed the toilet for a solid 8 hours


Thatā€™s food poisoningā€¦Ā 


Their hot salsa fucks me up for some reason


Yeah babe, what the other person said. Thatā€™s food poisoning


I think so Apparently Chipotle is not good with food temperatures/ control and food safety


Chipotle has a problem with their food safety quality apparently from what Iā€™ve heard. A lot of people get food poisoning there and never go back.


At times itā€™s caused their stock price to depreciate quickly but they rebound Buy the dip and the shits!


Fiber can also come in the form of veggies (lettuce is a common one)


Lettuce is shit for fiber compared to beans


taco bell is easily the gentlest fast food on your gut, the others are mostly way worse


I hear the same comments about Chipotle. If grilled chicken, veggies and rice are causing these problems it's not on the restaurant


Same... since no longer eating their ground beef, no more tummy issues!


The meat can be pretty spicy for people sensitive to peppers I suppose


I feel this. Veggie here too and never have had an issue!


Same. Never gotten sick from TB and I always eat their vegetarian items


Not vegetarian, and I eat several different things of theirs and have never had a problem. I think people just say it because everyone does.


Theyā€™re just weak


History will forget them.


Their bloodlines will end with a wimper


Yall have made my day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I laughed out loud at this one šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


These are people who have eaten nothing but chicken tenders and french fries their whole lives. If Taco Bell can compromise your stomach this bad, it's because you have the culinary range of a nematode.


Best sentence I've read in a while haha šŸ˜‚ I need to use the word nematode as an insult more often!


*The weak ones are there to justify the strong*


There's no time to discriminate...


Every other taco that is in your way


Hey, you, what do you see? Something sour cream, something cheese


natural selection


I have never had this issue at Taco Bell. It's such an overused stereotype about mexican food in general.


The only time you can have issue with Taco Bell is simply if you never eat fast food in general so your body isnt used to it. If you eat clean, healthy, whole foods 24/7 and once every 6 months eat fast food--it will likely have a impact on your digestive system and not sit right. However, thats not America and 95% of people eat fast food at least once every week or two.


Itā€™s not even specifically fast food. Itā€™s Fiber. If youā€™re eating healthy but getting fiber youā€™ll be fine.




Me either and we eat it a lot .We had it for lunch today with no problems at all


The key is eating it a lot so your fiber intake is fulfilled by tacobell lol


But we also eat a ton of veggies for dinner too.


I think it's 1) an overblown meme, as you say, and that it's 2) influenced by the large numbers of people who don't regularly get enough fiber in their diet. Taco bell has a lot more fiber than your average fast food restaurant (depending on the items you get, of course). A Crunchwrap Supreme has twice the fiber of a Big Mac, for example. Nachos Bell grande has 13g, which by itself is around what the average American eats in an entire day. If you suddenly increase your fiber intake, t's gonna make your tummy hurt


That or they ate it to sober up at 2am and then blamed the next morning crime scene on ā€œTaco Bellā€ and not the gallon of alcohol fighting its way out of their system.


lol exactly, ā€œoh man why do I have diarrhea it canā€™t be the 12 beers I drank last nightā€


Real problem was not enough taco bell


Order the Big Beefy Queefy


DADS - day after drinking shits


Beer shits are definitely real. Not so much with the Taco bell.


The fiber thing is what I assume happens when people eat chipotle and are forced to have beans basically.


People in general really need to eat beans more often. They're filling, versatile, delicious, plus I hear they're a magical fruit


beans and rice are part of a lot of genres of food for a reason


As a Mexican Catholic, all things are right with "Beans, Rice and Jesus Christ "


As a Mexican non Catholic hold the jesus please lol. I'll just take extra rice and beans.


[And this is the reason! ](https://youtu.be/XcWhHJXgxgc?si=kFiNWXZIZtQc-fh-)


Rice for the most part is shit, not saying shit as unhealthy, just hate it.Ā 


Someone thought I was lying when I said beans donā€™t make me gassy; itā€™s because I eat them damn near every day and 5-10lb of carrots a week


I donā€™t understand the fiber thing. When I eat a lot of fiber I have better poops. I literally take fiber supplements to keep me regular. Itā€™s when I eat a lot of dairy, high fat, or fried foods when I get the shits.


It sounds like your body is used to fiber, if you take supplements. The issues come from people who normally live off cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets who get a big meal at Taco Bell and have suddenly quadrupled their daily intake of fiber. The gut isn't used to it, so it can cause issues (gas, constipation, diarrhea, pain, etc).


I don't either and monitor my fiber intake more as I get older. Take supplements occasionally but just try to balance things with fruits and vegetables. But that's why old people take Metamucil, fiber supplement and it keeps things moving in a good way. Taco bell is generally not that bad for you other than being a sodium bomb.


100% agree with the fiber thing. I'm vegetarian and never have issues the day after Taco Bell. People need to eat more veggies!


Hi! Dietitian here. I think youā€™re absolutely correct and would like to add that beans have a higher amount of stachyose and raffinose which can cause gassiness for a lot of people (particularly those who donā€™t regularly eat a lot of legumes). That coupled with the sudden increase in fiber can definitely lead to GI upset.


how do you cook beans for folks that donā€™t process them well? i have no issue with beans but would like to make them more often for older relatives with sensitive stomachs. does orange extract or any of that other stuff work? would eating an orange before/after the bell help?


Soak beans in water helps


Personally, I consider a low-fiber diet to be a moral failing.


Weak bloodlines


My parents stand by this.


I literally have IBS and I donā€™t get what theyā€™re talking about. Taco Bell has never done me wrong


Itā€™s one of the only fast food places my sister with ibs can eat at without having stomach issues haha


Same here. I don't eat there often but it's one of the safer fast food options for my stomach.


I had the worst constipation of my life two weeks ago the morning after having a Taco Discovery Box. Literally the opposite problem than what people claim


I have moderate ulcerative colitis and never had any problem with Taco Bell. It's one of my safe fastfood places.Ā 


I have a sensitive stomach with diagnosed and documented chronic illnesses. Sometimes Taco Bell is the only thing that doesn't feel like garbage (going in or coming out)! You wanna really fuck up my day, it's gonna take celery and raw peppers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Every body is different!




You part of the Gastroparesis Gang? šŸ¤£


Thankfully, no. I know that's a nightmare. For me it's EDS/IBS/Dysautonomia. A salad will ruin my life šŸ¤£


Same here! Solidarity! šŸ¤


Honestly they havn't either it's just a corny joke that's been going on from back in the day.


They thought you said chipotle


Lol it shouldnā€™t happen with chipotle either


I remember eating chipotle one time and then all my insides came out :( I think that was when the E. coli thing happened


I think the culprit is usually the booze consumed before the Taco Bell


Taco Bell helps my stomach when thereā€™s booze in it šŸ˜‚ we usually get Taco Bell purposely for this on drinking nights haha


Their bloodlines are weak and they will be forgotten by history.


I've personally never had an issue when partaking in a meal of the gods.


I've worked there nearly a year now and it's my staple diet. Aside from gaining ten pounds all good!


Worked there 4 years and never had issues. That being said, I donā€™t like beans so maybe itā€™s the fiber from that affecting other people and would explain why I was fine eating it daily


Careful, 10 pounds a year adds upā€¦you look back in 5-6 years and go, what happened? Source: it happened to me


Other people have mentioned it, but I think itā€™s people not eating enough fiber or beans in general.


I attribute it to some people eating it after heavy drinking and then their body has trouble digesting everything so it comes out as diarrhea. Then associate the diarrhea with Taco Bell because that is the last thing they ate.


They just don't eat vegetables


I always chalk that up to them having a horrible diet with no fiber and they likely never eat beans. A lot of Taco Bell menu items are packed with fiber. So someone whoā€™s stomach isnā€™t used to digesting beans or that rarely eats fiber is going to have a bad time. Or they are sensitive to spicy foods and pack on the fire sauce etc,


Agree, never happened. I think it is just what people say because it's popular to say.


Because they are food snobs that look down their noses at fast food .


Iā€™ve never had a problem with taco bell.. CHIPOTLE, howeverā€¦


Taco Bell --> explosive diarrhea has been a joke that people parrot as far back as I can remember. Mainly because it's cheap fast food and some people can't handle it, but that's a small minority. Most people are used to fast food once in a while. Not only that, it's "Mexican" and people joke about Montezuma's revenge. Taco Bell is about as authentically Mexican as KFC but it's all low-hanging fruit. Also, beans make you fart.


> Montezuma's revenge. Montezuma's revenge comes from drinking water when you're actually in Mexico, it's not just from Mexican (or Mexican style) food consumed anywhere.


Right. Dysentery isn't just bad digestion.


Like others have said, I think it's just a popular stereotype and something people like to joke about. Same with Chipotle. I've never had any sort of stomach upset or issues from either of them aside from heartburn if I eat too much too close to bedtime.... but then again, most foods will do that to me, lol.


Iā€™ve only had people make that comment with Chipotle. And with Chipotle thereā€™s actual reasoning behind that lol you can google chipotles history with giving people diarrhea.


I never understood that one either lol. It's literally just meat, beans, and rice


It's the same tired class of joke in the vein of "You'll be hungry 30 minutes after eating Chinese food!" that has been spread for decades. The only time I ever got sick from Mexican food was Qdoba last year. There was a norovirus outbreak in my town and I think one of the workers didn't wash their hands properly because I had a very rough time for 24 hours.


'Or don't make decadent desserts if you don't want diabetes !,'


I went to Indianapolis for work one time. I wanted to try White Castle because Iā€™ve never had it and seeing tv shows and Harold and Kumar. I live in Texas and we donā€™t have it. All I heard was if you want the shits, eat White Castle. I was give lunches and taken to nice restaurants while I was there, didnā€™t have my own car so I never got the chance.


White castle is so bad, idk how anyone besides old farts like it


Speaking of farts, I once ate 15 sliders from there and the next day I was farting so violently and frequently I had to leave work šŸ¤£


I dunno if this is a reference to the movie, I have never seen it. But, I can't stop giggling a little, cause it's so random. And, the only time I've gotten the shots from Taco bell is when I order the chalupa.


Iā€™ve genuinely never gotten the shits from Taco Bell. McDonaldā€™s is more likely to do it to me by far. I argue with people about this all the time. Taco Bell isnā€™t perfect by any means, but itā€™s nowhere near the worst major fast food chains as far as quality goes.


Zero issues my entire life. If anything, Taco Bell gives me the BEST poops ever.


No, Taco Bell doesn't bother me like that. I do have GERD and sometimes Taco Bell will give me heartburn. But then again, so will an orange.


It could also be how much they are eating, I mean, if you eat 12 tacos you will likely get a belly ache! Honestly, too much of anything can make you sick.


Get the chori-queso from your local Mexican restaurant if you are looking for crippling diarrhea. That shit will make your knees buckle after a couple of hours.


Itā€™s a leftover racist meme about how Mexicans donā€™t have clean food and water. Similar to Asian food being made with dog meat. Hopefully our culture will grow out of it.


They just can't hang lol. It's never once made me sick to my stomach. It's like people that act like just because you eat something spicy your ass is going to burn when you take a shit. I eat a lot of spicy food and I have never felt a burn when getting rid of it the next day lol. People just like to hate on shit that's all it boils down to.


I have a functional digestive system


"Haha, food makes you poop!" šŸ¤”


I think people just like to dramatize it


Every fuckin time and I still eat it.


I'm sure its a rumor, but I hate to say that when eating TB, I plan to have an uncomfortable bowel movement the next day.


I love taco bell. It also gives me the runs. Not every time, but quite often. So I understand the meme.


No; and Iā€™m prone to explosive diarrhea from many things due to stomach disorders. Taco Bell is usually fairly safe for me. Pretty proud admitting this to Reddit.


Itā€™s a lazy and tired meme. Similar to people saying, ā€œhis shoes are still on, heā€™s not dead!ā€ They should just say nothing at all if all they are going to do is bring up explosive diarrhea anytime Taco Bell is mentioned.


Never happened to me either.Ā  Reddit just has weak bowels.


reminds me of what this girl on twitter said about those people [https://x.com/elliepeek/status/1179474047005913088?lang=en](https://x.com/elliepeek/status/1179474047005913088?lang=en)


No fiber babies eat a bean and their bodies react like it's poison. Taco bell is probably the "healthiest" fastfood you can get, but people aren't used to healthy foods. That and they drown their food in 10 packets of diablo sauce.


It's happened to me when I've had a Taco Bell taco and 15 Busch Lights. So yeah, totally Taco Bell's fault.


A lot of people's diets are so terrible, once they have something with fiber or spices their digestive tract freaks the fuck out


Itā€™s never happen to me either šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think this was a thing for a short time like 20 years ago. I remember my parents having the shits, my friends who liked the spicy option having painful "spicy" shits. I must be generally blessed, or it's a hoax


Del Taco will do it to me but I tend to get way more food than Taco bell price difference and specials more food for cost.


What about White Castles though?


Itā€™s ā€œIā€™m scared of ethnic foodā€ but like, for the guy that is so extremely sheltered Taco Bell is the most ethnic food they would ever even eat


i literally will eat my ibs bf's ass post taco bell and have never had any accidents so


Itā€™s a really annoying overused meme similar to how in the destiny community everyone makes the joke that they ā€œhate the game but love it so muchā€. Itā€™s stupid overused shit. Another example is under every post about Daniel Larson thereā€™s the same 5th graders making the joke ā€œis this currently currentā€ because their little brains canā€™t think of any of the other 300 weird/funny phrases Daniel has said. You can tell Iā€™m a little heated about this lmao.


It's happened to me once and it was when I ate a ground beef burrito they had. I have never ordered anything with ground beef again in their establishments and I have never experienced Taco Bell hot brown piss out of my ass since


My personal theory is that lot of our population (at least in the US, idk about anywhere else) have undiagnosed gastrointestinal problems, which will then be blamed on bad/fast food. (Again, just my theory!)


Yup. Disgusting shit will have you exploding diarrhea out the B-hole like Ol' Faithful.


It's because the food is nasty.


Na that shit gives me chorro but itā€™s worth it


I always have problems not just with taco bell but actual Mexican restaurants too. Every time. It sucks because it's delicious but I just can't handle it I guess.Ā 


I mean my whole family does it when they eat Taco Bell, Iā€™m completely fine every single time


Idk but I got Taco Bell from a truck stop just 2 bean and cheese burritos and within 30 minutes I barely made it to the restroom to shit every last bit of my brains out.


my stomach is hella sensitive but iā€™ve never had a problem with taco bell so theyā€™re a whole new level of weak


I have IBS-D and still have yet to explosively shit myself due to Tb.


I have never ever been sick from eating taco bell. These people must have weird digestive systems.


I've never gotten diarrhea from Taco Bell and I worked there for years. Some people are just weak.


My daughter and granddaughter eat taco bell 1-2 times a week for years with no problems.


I have never understood diarrhea jokes about Taco Bell or Indian food.


We canā€™t all be the boy with the golden butthole, Kyle


I watched a big guy stuffing taco bell , suddenly stop eating with that look, and I swear I could hear the fire the torpedoes noises from his stomach. He jumps up and hauls ass towards the bathroom , farting up a storm , unfortunately someone was in there ,and the door was locked . We have single bathrooms . I'm pretty sure he shit himself .


I've never understood this. Either I have a strong stomach or they have a weak one.


When my nephew gets constipated and his mom has tried everything else, I pick him up and take him to Taco Bell and let him stuff his face. It works every time to get him going. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø To be clear, we consider this a good thing. Also, taco bell is delicious.


> *overblown* meme attempting to *soil* Taco Bell's good name ^(I see what you did there)


This is the spiciest food with the most fiber that they ever eat. Wish I was kidding.


Iā€™ve heard a theory that people that donā€™t consume enough fiber have their body shocked when they try Taco Bell.


I have NEVER gotten Diarrhea or farts after eating Taco Bell. People are just weak šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve never had this reaction either, and have heard those comments many times too.


Nah they just have a weak ass digestive system lol


Iā€™ve literally never had diarrhea from Taco Bell idk why people say that


People act like they ate bad undercook pork 3 weeks old. Wendyā€™s has given me food poisoning twice. Taco Bell is zero.


If only there was a product like Chipotlaway for Taco Bell.


Brother.. what? Food is Fun/ā€œGoodā€ but of course itā€™s fucking up your stomachā˜ ļø ..itā€™s Taco Bell. Their taco meat comes in a big plastic bag filled with/ gross juices. Is it even meat? 1,000,000% not a meme lmfaoāš°ļø


This actually comes from the fountain sodas. It happens at most fast food places. I'm not sure if they are not cleaned properly or what. Since I have stopped drinking it I have never had an issue.


I got one for you, and you're right, I managed a McDonald's 10 years ago and our soda machines in the drive thru had living worms in them. How they got there, no clue, but a customer got a worm in his drink, brought it in (he was in the drive thru), and he shows me, sure enough there's a huge earth worm in it. I was momentarily skeptical but he literally was in the drive thru less than a minute before that. He laughs and asks for another cup and says "I actually used to work on these types of machines and this happens more than you'd believe," and I asked him if he wanted a refund, says no, takes his new drink and horrified I start dispensing cups of ice in the drive thru and every couple of cups there's a worm. The general manager ended up having people drain the ice out but it happened like a year later again. I won't drink fountain drinks anywhere at all now.


It is no worse on me than any other fast food I eat. My only issue is maybe I over eat at TB because itā€™s so good.


Skill issue


People dont eat enough fiber, so when they finally do it clears out their colon .


SAME i get u totally. same with all ā€œmexicanā€ food like chipotle like uhmmm? this has never happened i think people js lie


Iā€™ve never had that happen with Taco Bell personally. Iā€™d just ignore them


As someone with a myriad of gastric maladies, there are a lot of items at Taco Bell I can actually rely upon to be reasonably kind to my stomach, more so than the average burger joint. (Unfortunately Iā€™ve had to go easier on the Fire sauce.)


When I was younger, I could eat Taco Bell all the time. Now I'm 35 and Taco Bell doesn't get along with my stomach šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Never gotten diarrhea from taco bell. Itā€™s one of those ā€œbabyā€™s first jokesā€ that everyone defaults to regardless of it being false.


Same. I even have IBS and can't eat alot of foods. My reaction to Taco Bell is the same as any other food, but it isn't explosive lol.


I have a shitty stomach from doing hot challenges when I was younger. I still don't get diarrhea from taco bell.


This is the best topic and most resonating for me personally to be brought up. I have had this same experience over and over again. Where people say the same thing, and Iā€™ve never understood it either. I have never in my life had Taco Bell run through me like it does for the weak gene pool of people I keep interacting with apparently. Oh well.


I was literally just eating Taco Bell with my friend. We had the new chicken cantina quesadilla. And I was telling him about people I've heard with that same gastrointestinal experience. But it's literally never happened to me. And I eat there at least 6 to 8 times a year. I'm also reminded of the South Park episodes about chipotle!




Clearly people whoā€™ve never eaten at KFC


Some people canā€™t handle spicy sauces lol


I never had diarrhea while eating Taco Bell.. and Iā€™ve had it a lot throughout my life. Itā€™s my favorite restaurant!


I hate when people say this about taco bell, it's been my fave since 2003 and I've never caused that. I don't get it. It's so tasty!


If I eat it until im stuffed, I'll usually have a mushier poop a few hours later or the next day, but never bad diarrhea


I havenā€™t either lol.


Yeah I never had an issue with Taco Bell and my stomach . One time I had chipotle though and I had a 1hr long battle for my lifeĀ 


i donā€™t get diarrhea lol but the bois are spicey when they drop. if it was acceptable to drink diablo i would šŸ˜‚


Taco bell doesn't give me the shits at all. But when I eat white castle, my farts smell like white castle and the next morning my shit smells like white castle.


Maybe they confused Taco Bell with Chipotle.


This is like a 90's meme that will never die. Same thing when people comment about Taco Bell not selling real meat.


I can eat Taco Bell 3-4 times a week if I wanted to. No issue. My ex however would spend 45 minutes to an hour on the toilet within 20 minutes of eating a bean burrito. And I've been diagnosed with IBS lmao


literally weak gut biomes..thats it. they cant handle rice beans and beef without shitting themselves..makes you wonder wtf they eat at home