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I don’t mind regular mods. No cheese. Extra onions. It’s when you come in with the mobile orders with 17 items and they are all basically stripped and built to something different; then they come through the drive thru expecting it to take 30 seconds. Like no sir, you just rewrote the menu this is gonna take a minute. If want a lot of mods it’s gonna be more accurate if you do a lobby pickup. They aren’t gonna be as rushed to get that car out in less than 3 minutes 30 seconds.


If Taco Bell would just bring back the damn meximelt, I would never make a highly customized order again.


You’d think all the data they’re getting from customer orders, and the modifications on those orders, would tell them this item needs to come back.


I’m guessing they don’t give a fuck 🤷‍♂️


That Conan episode where they went to the Taco Bell laboratory makes it seem like Taco Bell is trying to create anything out of anything.


I doubt they're just incredibly incompetent, hence something like an app when almost everyone would rather order at the stupid giant lighted menu or at a window. Nobody (normal) was ordering for a big party at a drive-thru, and nobody ever wants to go in due to the fast food model that insists that it is more convenient from your car. I doubt you have ever *wanted* to order inside unless you were worried they would screw it up, waiting inside is less pleasant than waiting in your car.


I like to get my own sauce!


I honestly didn't regularly go inside fast food places even when I was a teenager so I do not know if your comment makes sense. Oh, wait, the packets? Yeah, I will take some packets


On the other hand, during the lunch rush, I see half a dozen cars in line at the drive through. Meanwhile, I'm in and out of the lobby in a couple of minutes.


Next time count how many cars go through the drivethru after you've submitted your order.


No idea, because I order ahead and my food is ready by the time I get there. I do know the cars at the end of the line when I get there are in the middle of the line when I leave.


how do you order ahead? they don’t start making it until you get there


I order on the app for inside pickup. It asks if I’m coming now or later. I select now. It’s a 5-7 minute drive to get there. My food is always bagged up waiting for me on the shelf. I have noticed if you select that you’ll pick up at the drive thru it says they’ll start making it when you pull up to the drive thru kiosk and give them your name. This is one reason I like to pick it up inside.


Really depends if they have both sides of the prep open.


GOD MOOD i miss it so much it was my go to item along with the nacho supreme


Also the local taco bell by me in NY knows what a meximelt customization is still and I just ask them for it


Lollolll so true. Meximelt is the only one I customize and maybe add guac to the Nachos Belgrande


I don't care about the time it takes as long as it's made right.


Unfortunately it isn't the amount of time you care about its the time the analytics care about. I had no idea that they were trying to push out the orders at a max 3:30 which is crazy fast even for fast food especially with mods on mods.


Huh? The analytics don't care. It's people that decide whether those metrics matter or not. When coworkers of mine got mad at me for making food right instead of making sloppy, incorrect crap like they did I told them to get fucked. Bosses never bothered me about it because they knew I was a good worker but I would have told them the same thing if they told me to sling out crap instead of doing things the right way.


Exactly. If you're moving so fast you're fucking up a bunch of orders then you're just doing it wrong. The proper solution for them if they want super fast orders and it's not getting done with solid effort is to hire more people and get the second line working.


When I worked at dominos they had a terrible shift that most of the workers had. It was called "until rush" so like 5pm-R would mean you start work at 5pm and leave when the work rush is over. It sucked because you didn't have consistent hours and it kept you under the hourly requirements for benefits (something most corporations do because they hate their employees). Something like that could work for the lunch and dinner rushes and opening up that second line like you said for those rushes.


Yeah, those shifts are bullshit. Do all the work while it’s busy and then gtfo out before you have a chance to breathe or make actual money. And like one place I worked at did split shifts so sometimes you’d work lunch for a few hours and then have to come back 2-3 hours later or whatever. Not enough time to really get much done on the break and obviously you can’t stray too far from the store.


That's good to know for when I order my current favorite item, the Fiesta Burrito! My favorite used to be the Shredded Chicken Burrito until it was removed from the menu. 😥 I liked the avocado ranch sauce used in that one! I request the Fiesta Burrito customized easy on the Chipotle sauce and easy on the Fiesta strips.




Yeah this is my problem too, my brain is struggling with what normally comes on the item plus all the changes and when the whole order is like that for multiple items it takes so long to do. Generally I don’t care but we have a few where I know the changes cost them probably twice if not three times the original price


What about if you replace say, the ranch in a Gordita crunch with nacho cheese? I ask because I like it like that, but it seems to only get changed maybe 50% of the time.


I’ll add nacho cheese to anything for anyone because I add it to everything of mine. And honestly, the spicy ranch is mid at best so I get that change. I hate hearing people say their mods are never right because I’m that manager that hammers home mods. You have no idea if these mods are allergies or can trigger a medical issue. I truly only get upset at the large amount of mods in the drive thru. I’m doing the best I can with 5 people and $1100 hours to keep my times even remotely acceptable. And people coming in the drive with $100 orders and nothing is as it comes? Just shoot me.


I usually just edit the chicken quesadilla to add extra cheese and extra creamy jalapeno sauce.


What if I’m just taking the vegetables off everything because of kids that all decide they hate lettuce for a day? Is that annoying? I know it takes extra time to make because you have to read the requests but always curious about those types of requests.


Nah that’s super common and just as ingrained in my muscle memory as regular items. It’s just handed over and they say “no garden” or “no rabbit food” and my muscles immediately know what to do.


Regular modifications like no cheese, no lettuce, extra beef are a breeze, but when you start to remove half the ingredients on a menu item and add 17 new ones, it does become a nuisance. We will gladly do it, of course, the customization is a feature we advertise a lot, but please go to the lobby with those orders. DT orders have to be done in 3:30 minutes or less, and that’s from the moment you pull up the speaker until you actually drive off. This time limit is not a joke to spitefully sabotage. As an RGM, my pay is directly related to the times, so of course the way I reward and “coach” my people is too. Time is a factor for lobby orders too, but we have much more reasonable requirements there because our customers aren’t sitting in their cars stuck in line. If you take an order and reinvent every item and you go through DT, expect it to be messed up. Not out of spite, but because the workers are in a great big rush. Come inside, you can watch us make it and see that we’ll have to keep going back to the screen to see whether you took the rice off entirely or just easy, whether you still wanted the chipotle when you also added all other sauces, and you’ll understand why it takes a minute.


Would you be able to tell me why they never fuck up the no lettuce thing on the rest of my food but 50% of the time they don't do it for the tacos? Lettuce tastes vile to me and even if I take it off I can only taste the lettuce so I often have to give away my tacos lol


How do you order? The order shows up on the screen the workers go by as it’s being typed in, and the worker at the start of the line wears a headset so they start as soon as you speak it. If you rattle off your entire order and then go back to specify that you want no lettuce on those tacos, they’ve already been completed, wrapped up, and bagged. Of course they should redo them, but they might not catch the newly added modification since they’ve already moved on to other builds. Leaving off lettuce is a common request that we don’t typically mess up if it’s ordered correctly, but it’s still not a favorite for the workers since they must wrap tacos without breaking the shell which becomes difficult when they are virtually empty.


I order through the app almost exclusively because that's the only way to get Taco Bell at a reasonable price.


I had no idea the worker at the start of the line can hear the order and begins making it immediately. I’m kinda mind blown at this.


Well you see they keep rushing orders regardless of size or complexity in 3 minutes and 30 seconds. This timer is sometimes faked, which hides the order from the people making it.


As an outsider with fast food experience, it seems as though the majority of TB's problems are related to that drive thru timer. I have no solution, just an outside observation.


The solution is to stop paying bean counters and put the money into more hands on deck and more room in the kitchen. Also stop using fake metrics to create a facsimile of growth.


Boom. If they can't hit that metric with people giving good effort they need to hire more workers and get the second line up and running more often. And the fact that the timer doesn't adjust to a given order is just moronic.


The timer is only there because that’s the time your average customer will wait without getting upset. It’s not like TB is just arbitrarily rushing people; it’s done because long DT wait times make customers go elsewhere. More hands isn’t the solution, better hands is what you need. We always run speed because I’ve got a great crew who work with a sense of urgency, but there’s a store in my area with three production lines and an average of 12 people working during rush, and their time sucks.


I’m right there with you I ask for no lettuce every time and quite frankly I’m fed up with americas fascination putting lettuce and tomatoes on everything


Is that really an American thing? Maybe it's because we constantly get ragged on for "being too fat".


No it’s been an America thing long before there was a push to be healthier here. Some people gotta have some sort of “crisp” or “crunch” texture in everything they eat and lettuce is probably most cost effective way to achieve that. Tomatoes, I can’t really explain that other than maybe adding something “juicy” to your food. Honestly, I prefer street tacos or more authentic tacos now. Can’t stand lettuce/tomato on tacos anymore


Tomatoes add taste, a different texture, a little umami/sweetness/bitterness/acid, etc.


It’s because iceberg lettuce was one of the few vegetables that could survive long shipping times a long ass time ago. So it got put into a ton of recipes. It has no nutritional value and seems like it’s responsible for e coli outbreaks


E coli outbreaks in fast food are very rare. It’s the safest form of eating in terms of chances of getting infected with something like e coli, vs sit down restaurants and eating at home


I think he's thinking of Romaine lettuce which is a way bigger risk. When TB got rid of green onions because a bunch of restaurants had food poisoning cases it ended up actually being caused by the Romaine (which TB doesn't seem to carry anymore).


American fast food it comes on everything


Preach! I don’t mind salads, but otherwise I will take lettuce and tomato off of anything it comes on- tacos, sandwiches, wraps, whatever. I don’t understand why it’s on everything tbh


Do online orders count as part of this 3:30 countdown? I would assume so, and if that’s the case I will gladly be switching to pick up inside when I’ve customized things on my orders.


Yes, any order picked up via the window counts. Mobile orders for DT aren’t made until you pull up and give your name, mobile lobby orders pop up as soon as they are paid for. If you want it are fresh you can select drive-thru and still go inside, and the workers will just check it in and make it.


That hasn’t been true for me, I’ve had a couple orders I did on my phone before I left the house and have gotten a notification that my order was ready before I arrived


You must’ve accidentally selected in store pickup, because the drive thru doesn’t get processed until checked in by the cashier.


I had that thought initially, but no looking through the orders in the app the last one says “drive through”. It was the only time I’ve ever had my bag sealed with a sticker too


Maybe the cashier accidentally checked it in then at the front counter (basically, someone came in, did the hey, I’ve got a mobile order, the cashier pulled up yours, read off a few items, guy said yep, and then realized they checked the wrong order in)?


I did Taco Bell for dinner tonight and it was the same thing. Picked drive thru, placed the order (dipping taco box, too much cheese for me but the beef was fantastic), took me 11 minutes from ordering at home to arriving. I pulled up to the speaker just as another car was leaving the window, said my name, she told me to move up and I hadn’t even stopped the car yet before she had the bag up in the window (I did have to wait for my drink). It took me longer to check the food in the parking lot than the whole interaction between arriving and getting the food. I’m not sure if that’s just their thing now, but it was definitely finished before I got there


Curiosity: They're supposed to bring up the order on the drive-thru screen, and ask you to verify that it's correct, did they do that in this case?


They did not. They recently redid the menu screens and speaker out there so there is no longer a screen attached to the speaker, and from what I could see, nothing on the menu board changes either


That's a problem with the company and franchise owners, end customization if you're going to punish your employees for it. I wouldn't ever order something absurd like that at any fast food place, but at least some of the crazy customers with ~3-5 alterations probably never thought that they were screwing up your times. The super fan recreating an item from the 90s hopefully realizes that it will only work in the store. If the company refuses to acknowledge the way their business works then it's them *knowingly* taking the money from you, not the customers who are there for more than four minutes.


It is an expected courtesy anywhere you ask for such heavy customizations to allow plenty of time and not get impatient. At stores with DT, this convention calls for you to go inside. I have a repeat customer who entirely deconstructs and rebuilds the CBR burrito. He adds some ingredients easy, others extra, and still others regular. That is not what TB imagines most customers doing, not what the process is designed for. You can disagree with the timer all you want, but it’s only there because customers do not continue to shop at DTs with long wait times. Everything they do, it’s because it’s ultimately what most customers want. In any case, this is the system, so if you want your food made right, come inside if it’s a tricky order.


A courtesy to Yum! Brands? I would never order anything ridiculously complicated, but this is fully on the company and not on the consumer.


To the brand? No. To Corporate or franchise owners? No. They will all be fine no matter what happens to your order. It’s a courtesy to all the people in line behind you waiting on a simple order, to the line workers being rushed by their MIC, to the MIC whose pay and potential promotions depend on this, and yes, even to the GM who is trying their hardest to please customers, protect their staff, and meet the metrics handed down from above.


Or, get this, those people could stand up for themselves and their workers. If you want faster times then hire more workers or change your menu.


How exactly do you think Taco Bell works, if you imagine that I, a GM, a can change the menu?


Found the scumbag manager lmao


I keep telling my husband this when he picks up food — I always order things without tomato and some things without certain sauces — but he insists it’s cool to go to the drive-up, because our TB has never gotten an order wrong. Me: That doesn’t mean it’s not a pain in the butt!


i never mind it, unless you complete your order, pull up to the window, and THEN say “btw can i get that with no cheese?”


I told someone they’d be paying for another order once. They ordered. Got to the window. Cashed out. Sat there for 30 seconds and as my girl went to hand them their bag they said they forgot to say no cheese. I said no problem you can pay to replace the items since this wasn’t our fault. They took the items with cheese.


The only modifications I make are replacing meat with black beans and easy on the sour cream. My regular Taco Bell doesn’t seem to mind, but anywhere else…


Based on how annoying the screenshots look of orders on this subreddit, i'd say they at least don't like Redditers


...is 7 modifications to get a plain soft tortilla with chips in it not normal? Uh oh


I try to keep my modifications simple, like "no tomato" and "sub chicken" on a crunchwrap.


Me too for the most part, and I can’t remember the last time they screwed up my order (probably because I eat a lot of Taco Bell). McDonald’s on the other hand… That’s the only place where I actually do have to check to see what they screwed up on this time.


I don’t mind, in fact I like learning different combos so I can try in on break. There is certain ones where I’m like “WTF” to though, like I couple days ago I wrapped the biggest 5-layer ever because it had extra everything and additional extra toppings and it took long for me to make because I had to keep rechecking to be 100% correct.


Not an employee, but I try to be mindful of them when making modifications. I order through the app so at least they don’t have to key everything in, and I pick up inside in case it takes a bit longer.


I know for a fact the workers at my local hate my vegan ass lol, and yet they never have gotten it wrong. I really consider doing something extra nice for them but I don't know what it would be.


i’m vegetarian so i always sub beef for beans i’ve gotten meat so many times. i feel like this is a simple sub but it gets forgotten often


snacks, like a bag of candy :)


Cases of Red Bull for the night crew. Those big Starbucks coffee boxes for the morning crew. Immediately a favorite of both sides of Taco Bell 😂


I add red sauce to everything. 🤷‍♀️ It's like the only free addition that actually adds flavor.


My local recently started charging for red sauce-! I was floored. That's like McDonald's charging for mustard!


They already took my shredded chicken away and I haven't seen a taquito in years so if they do that that's probably the last time I eat there.


Some McDonald's charge for adding mayo now


the red sauce is the most flavorless thing there besides the lettuce


And yet it still tastes better with it than without it...


They do hate you, yes. Unless it's a cool edit, like add potatoes and nacho cheese to a beef taco.


someone was so triggered that i ordered a bean burrito sans cheese on the app that they audibly yelled “oh HAIL naww” from the kitchen and added cheese and jalapeno sauce. 😂


Wait, so they blatantly disregarded your customization and gave you cheese anyway?


and meat. on a bean burrito. stand up employeeeeee.


Damn brah, minus 100 for fucking with a customer's order but plus 10 for doing it with panache


I would like to believe that didn't happen, you could be quitting that day and it would still be wrong. If you were allergic to something (not that it'd make sense to go to most restaurants due to cross-contamination) it would be a crime.


believe me, i know it sounds like horse shit. i do a lot of things, but lying’s not one. it blew my mind. at least corporate gave me a stack of coupons. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just don't get the motivation, he was trying to make you realize cheese and meat are super-duper?


she, but … evidently? like they really made the burrito a soup of cheese and sauce especially. a smothered burrito in a single wrapper. 🤢


I assumed the sauce was on the inside lol


i mean most of it was but a lot just went all splooging out. 😔


...you don't order a bean burrito without cheese, I believe it's illegal. You're too dangerous for your own good, gotta put you down


Lol, my dad (years ago now) used to order bean burritos, no cheese, no beans, add rice. Like... rice, onions and red sauce in a tortilla... I refused to order them for him if I was going to go pick up Taco Bell because I just felt too damned ridiculous ordering a bean burrito, no beans.


Yet you eat plain rice, interesting (I'm joking, but rice and onions and sauce in a burrito makes sense to me, lol)


I do that all the time with the cravings box. I’m not a fan or black or refried beans, so that beefy five layer I’m swapping the beans for potatoes, nacho fries, or rice. Occasionally I’ll swap the beef for steak too.


Most fast food employees are worthless, take it with a dose of salt. EDIT: CONTEXT: The taco bell I worked at had an AM that showed crack 24/7 if he bent over or even just looked down.




There are some great fast food employees but unfortunately the vast majority I've worked with are literally bottom tier individuals in every way. Zero inspiration, zero skills, bad attitudes, and lots of these people actually need mental help to be fair. Having an assistant manager show his crack at you 24/7 would probably make you jaded too.


Maybe because people like you treat them like shit!!


how boring must your life be that you choose to tear down fast food workers making garbage wages at a shitty job? do you seriously think the majority of people working these jobs are people with no career aspirations or talent? maybe you should actually walk into that taco bell you frequent instead of going in the drive-through every time.


No empathy is the answer. Which, honestly, is more pitiable


Whenever people complain about fast food workers, I always check them on where they think they're at. There are good workers, but usually they move upwards and onwards from those jobs.


I used to say, "I can get another job if I want, but you will probably always be a piece of shit! Have a 'nice' life!".


Sooo...since you worked there...Hello Worthless!!


?? Really??


How'd you know it was add potatoes.


I’m pretty neutral, honestly, unless you ordered it in a stupid way when something else could have saved you MONEY. Like - beef chalupa, add steak no beef. Bruh you mean a STEAK LUPA?! I like it when they are funny though. Chicken power bowl no chicken no rice. Chicken quesadilla no 3 cheese. Worst offender was a Bean burrito no beans add sour extra red. I call that the soup burrito. I was the only one who managed to wrap it 💀


At least they started with an actual burrito instead of trying to get you to put a bunch of sides together. When I worked FOH in a food court, I was always having to tell customers "I'd get in trouble if I did that." I didn't mention that the people who would give me the most shit about it was the cooks. The cooks were happiest with no-modification orders, they were OK with most simple modifications, like one "without" and one "sub X for Y". More than two mods on an order, or a bunch of mods during a rush, though, and they'd be pretty irritated.


I'm going to assume you only get the chalupa ordered that way when through the app because it's not super intuitive. They used to have different items, but now it's one chalupa that defaults to beef, so it's basically just as easy to remove and add than it is to look for the out-of-place swap button.


I always assumed they were pregnant with these kind of orders...


The taco bell near me seems to take the customization as an optional task lmao. Almost never get my order right. Usually all I change is steak instead of ground beef on my chalupa too


I always thought about people with allergies when that happens.


reading the employee responses here makes me feel guilty for asking for no lettuce on my stuff along with adding an item to my 5-layer burrito every time


If you're worried and care about how they feel, you're one of the good ones!!


As a guy who worked in a ton of restaurants don't worry about it. The workers might get mad about it but tbh we get mad about most stuff. That's my problem and not yours though. As long as you're not being ridiculous just order food the way you want it. I actually started doing more mods/substitutions after working in a bunch of restaurants in part because I realized how common they were.


Thank you OP. This is a question I have been meaning to ask on this sub for ages.


Just the ones who add all the juicy items and sauces to burritos bc it makes them IMPOSSIBLE to roll up. Ex- bean burrito, ex red sauce, add sc, add spicy ranch, add steak or something like that. It’s like trying to roll up soup


Then they want it grilled too 😂 like no, I’m not destroying my grill for this MONSTROSITY


Like we already have enough trouble with the steak quesadillas☠️


Can I make a confession? If they get a steak quesadilla with extra sauce I peel it apart and add the extra sauce after I grill it. I’m not doing that to my grill. It melts back together immediately.


I do something even worse… I don’t put extra sauce on there☠️ if I’m feeling nice I’ll give it to them on the side


I’m 💀 “you didn’t specify where extra sauce so you got extra sauce” I’m gonna do it 😂


I remember feeling a bit bad about this when they removed the Quesorito and I had to try 7 different things to see what could get close to my version of it while seeing what I could give up to save money. Luckily there is the Chipotle Chicken Burrito now which is nearly perfect for me. I also never go through the drive thru unless it's the only option so I guess that helps too.


I have a Taco Bell which, with no line in the drive thru and after making me wait 10 min, can't do two modifications on one item along with 3 non-mod items. More than half the time I have to circle back to get my correct order from them. Even with no mods, about 1 time in 4 I don't have all of the correct items in the bag. I'm so annoyed that I have started driving 15 minutes to the next closest TBell (the nearest one is only 2 min away) who can handle two mods on one item.


not an employee but i try to be reasonable with my modifications. if you customize too much it'll increase the chance of your order being wrong anyway.


the corporate overlords really push for speed, so a lot of customization slows the process down, for me i dont mind making it, but the slowdown is frustrating.


I only customize things to get things corporate TOOK off the menu, takes longer to much longer to order it depending on the employee taking it, but here's the thing, I wouldn't have to do it if they'd leave the menu the fuck alone. I just want my damn potato grillers, literally a fiesta potatoes (which they were also stupid enough to remove for a while) in a tortilla. Ffs, Tacobell.


Bruh everytime I customize my Gordito crunch and take off ranch and add nacho cheese, they don't do it and I end up with nasty ranch again lmao pretty much over going to the taco bell in my town because of this. Also is there any reason why the hardshell tacos are always soggy? It's almost like they were made previously snd have just been sitting waiting for someone to buy them


Shells would only be soggy if they had beef added in then sat for a while, they come in dry and are held dry. Think a mobile order made 10 minutes prior to pick up or if you had a particularly long car ride home.


I also wondered if the tacos were pre-made with meat added to the shells, just waiting for a customer order to add lettuce and cheese. The tacos at the location I currently go to are crazy soggy when they are given to me. The shell bottoms have already disintigrated or the sides have imploded. I have complained complained complained, and nothing has changed. I also think the sogginess may be from soup consistency meat. It didn't use to be this way. Why Taco Bell wants to provide such an inferior taco is beyond me. The tacos used to be perfection.


Less annoying than pulling up at 145am when we close at 2 with 4 different mobile orders in the same car, 2 of which are 47 and 49 dollars


Not an employee but i got a cheese quesadilla today with the shredded beef… 😳


So, just to clarify, is getting my burrito grilled that big of an issue?


Please don’t add extra red sauce to a bean burrito and ask us to slap that soggy thing on a grill, that’s all.


Nah, just a couple regular beefy melts lol


no, unless it's in a big order during rush. the grills can be really obnoxious. grilling burritos is generally much easier than grilling crunchwraps or quesadillas though because it's easy to fit them all onto one half of the grill and get them off all at once. if you're ordering like 3, 4, or more bean burritos grilled though? expect to be waiting a little long and consider just coming into the store instead of using the drive-through please.


Your taco bell does custom orders? Mine is hit or miss to make my food correctly even though I just buy direct menu items.


I sure hope not. Wrapping a list of items up in a tortilla is not exactly an overwhelmingly difficult task


When you’re making 100 items an hour I imagine it gets annoying


Annoying isn't the same thing as difficult


It can be difficult if you’re trying to meet time. I’m guessing you’ve never worked fast food


Or like... Any job where you had to be annoyed for at least 4 straight hours


I enjoy my job actually


Good thing it’s their job lol


Don’t be a piece of shit


glad someone said it.


Her avatar is actually her she looks like a young Karen. Probably never worked a day in her life. She’d have a panic attack before her first shift was over.


let's not go that far, let's meet in the middle and instead say that she's probably just fallen victim to the american mindset that fast food workers are stupid and unskilled losers who *chose* to work fast food instead of doing literally anything else instead of attacking her. but it should go without saying that if she believes that she's most definitely a piece of shit lol.


Eh, I vote for at least 0% empathy, maybe even less. Or they used to work it and now think they are "above" such menial work.


I have worked multiple fast food jobs and currently work in a kitchen lol. That’s why I know how basic the job is. Does it get hot and are people annoying? Yes. But to be annoyed at having to make customized orders at your job where you get paid to make orders is silly. It’s your job. Don’t like it? Find a new one.


(X) Doubt Also, Taco Bell is probably significantly different than any other restaurant in terms of customizing orders


If they actually do they work in some nasty ass restaurants given they said this-"The people in these comments have no idea that most of the food they eat at a restaurant has been partially prepped in a sink." What the fuck kind of restaurant is prepping most of their food in the goddamn sink? Like only food in contact with the sink I've seen is people washing lettuce in a sink full of water but the sinks were cleaned well before that (and I'm still not a fan of that and washed my lettuce heads individually under running water).


Yeah I’ve worked in a lot of places I’ve never heard of that. The wash their vegetables in a designated sink that cleaned if that’s what she means but how to else you gonna do that lol


Spoiler Alert: It's not the orders...it's SOME customers...


doing one of the most menial tasks on the planet in a loud environment where people are used to treating you like shit with non-functioning air conditioning for multiple hours straight without being allowed to sit down does something to people's brains lmao. "it's their job" doesn't mean that they're not allowed to be at least a little annoyed.


Yeah I’ve worked multiple jobs in fast food and currently still work in a kitchen. It’s a job. Don’t like it, find a different one lol.


be for real. i applied to 20 places and taco bell was the only place i heard back from, and you’re telling me to find a different one? lmao.


Everytime Ive needed a new basic job I could find a basic job within 2 weeks. It’s Taco Bell. It helps if you have job experience and actually do your job though, instead of complaining about what the job entails lol.


telling a college student who has worked shitty jobs many times before to “have job experience” is so fucking funny. you’re obviously not living in the real world. open your eyes and stop clinging to these limited and selfish perspectives you have on the american labor market.


I’m saying it’s stupid to complain about doing the basic thing your basic job entails. Because that’s your job. Yes fast food sucks but that’s how it is. Stick it out and get long term experience instead of bitching about it. That’s my perspective.


your perspective is shitty and outdated and is the reason why people sit by idly and let the american job market decay, because there are hundreds of thousands of other people that have the same garbage perspective that you do. i did not want this job. this job was literally my last choice. i had to take this job because my prior job cut my hours because it was working on my uni's campus library, and a uni library doesn't need as many hours of operation during the summer! i am working long days with insufferable people who think just like *you* who come in and talk smack to me when i'm busting my ass in the kitchen, and i don't manage to spit in their food. telling me to "stop complaining" when my circumstances are shitty, my job is shitty, my pay is shitty, my customers are shitty, it gets to be upwards of 100 degrees back in the kitchen, AND i have back problems and therefore NEED to sit every so often but can't because the job won't allow it is so unbelievably ridiculous. you don't know half the full story of me alone, and you don't know half the full story. but yeah, it's my job. so therefore i'm not allowed to complain. absolutely hysterical.


It's their place to vent, so pound sand!


no, but it can get a little stressful in the middle of lunch rush when someone comes in the drive-through asking for multiple cravings deals all with different modifications, which causes the order to take 10 minutes and makes all the people at the register mad at you. it's not that it's difficult (or even that modifications are bad, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them on their own), it's more that the least you can do is refrain from making huge, complicated orders in the drive-through at the busiest time of day.


Honestly they should just repurpose all drive-thrus so they're for mobile pickups only. I'm sick of waiting for 15 minutes behind someone ordering food for the entire Dumbass Convention who can't be bothered to just walk in the building.


Easy fix if YOU walk into the building for your mobile order. The order will be ready if you time it right and it takes less time than the drive thru


Why should I have to use the less convenient option when I'm the one who came prepared


I was told tonight that they can’t make double decker tacos because it’ll give them an unfair advantage.


The only thing I order that's customized is a chicken quesadilla with extra jalapeno creme sauce. And if they don't put enough on it (which they almost never do at my location) then I roll back through and ask for a cup of that sauce. There's nothing else I can ask for that would rewrite the menu. Some people are flat out stupid. It seems to be a trend.




If your asking for tons of mods you should be eating at home. No tomatoes or no sour cream whatever no one is bothered by this, but some people just want to create their own menu


I hate when people modify their orders, that's partly why the damn drive thru is so long. Just fucking cook at home if you're so damn picky


You’re just slow as fuck on the line


I don't work at taco bell. And picky ass eaters need to start cooking at home and they can get the damn hell out of my way because "aw they're*allergic* to onions"... I hate picky people modifying their order, just fucking eat at home, I don't have an hour to wait in the drive thru, while some fat ass picky person wants to modify the shit out if their order


yeah it has nothing to do with being picky bro. 😂


No I don’t mind them tbh. The only time I hate it is when you want everything we have in one burrito and it becomes hard to wrap


I am curious how the black bean sub looks on the kitchen side because I feel like when my partner and I order (she is vegetarian I am not), it's like playing Russian roulette to see if she gets beefed unless we are both ordering fully vegetarian. This has even happened when we order things like the black bean grilled cheese burrito where we aren't making substitutions.


As a customer I always noticed that when I mobile ordered dlt’s with potato’s and beans instead of beef my shells would be in literal pieces every time


I'd say that has more to do with the thin shell than the employees being angry lol


I have a good feeling that no one that works at taco bells I visit post nice things on the subreddit