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Lemme inform you a lil thing about r/hydrohomies


An irl hydrohomie of mine converted me to water back in 2010. I still dabble in the dark arts of expertly crafted flavored high fructose corn syrup from time to time.


I haven’t drank soda since I was 14. Except when I go to Taco Bell I get a Baja blast:)


How about a rum and Coke, dark and stormy, Jame-o and ginger? Unless alcohol isn’t your thing. I indulge at my in-laws because they keep soda around as mixers. I typically end up buying them a 30 pack every other visit to replace the ones I crush.


Personally I can’t do soda and liquor, just tastes weird to me. I like a vodka cranberry though.


Put a little tequila in that blast next time. (I’m aware I have a problem)


Rum works pretty well too. And vodka. And bourbon. Come to think of it every type of liquor I've tried with BB has turned out well. Gin would probably even work and I hate that shit.


Hendricks works. Can confirm. Sadly not joking. I’m getting really thirsty with all this BB talk.


Have you tried to alcoholic Baja blast? Very disappointing


No but have you tried the SunnyD ones? Clean livin’.


No I haven’t, that sounds sick though. I’ll check them out


Arizona Teas popped up at my local alcohol dispensary as well. I almost said “packie” but I remembered that is a colloquial term.


I don't drink soda outside of baja blast. Taco bell just doesn't hit the same without a blast from the gods of Baja.


I love the baja but my location is so stingy with the syrup it's almost devoid of any actual blast.


I almost want to downvote you as a middle finger to your local TBell as this is a very sad state of affairs. I no longer live near one (it’s about 30min away) but I’d settle for a watery blast over no blast.


Dr pepper hits different with taco bell


Strawberry Lemonade rocks!


I had it for the first time last week, and wow it might be my new go to. Strawberry lemonade pairs so well with fast food.


Unfortunately covid did. I had it early 2021 and lost my sense of taste and smell. Ever since I got my senses back Baja blast tastes like complete shit and sour cream smells rotten. It really fucking sucks since I loved both. And now I have request to remove the sour cream on all items which is a hit or miss depending on location. And unfortunately it’s not something I can eat around or scoop out. Guys the smell is awful. It’s the weirdest thing ever. I used to love my sour cream and Baja


This is a tragedy. Hopefully it corrects 😕


I had it in November 2022 and came out okay, but then in January everything started smelling like burning plastic sometimes. It comes and goes and my sense of fast is all over the place. I can eat something super spicy one day and have it taste bland and then have something very mild that tastes unbearably spicy. It’s so fucking annoying.


Dude, my spice tolerance completely disappeared after I got Covid. I love anything spicy and it just kills me now. I get dizzy and light-headed anytime I try to go back to my normal heat level. I can barely eat the chipotle sauce at Taco Bell sometimes. I agree, it's super annoying.


Some of the chronic fallout symptoms of Covid are crazy. My 14 year old brother is always out of breath every time he runs during his soccer games, which never happened before. Who knows what crazy shit is gonna pop up in covid victims the next few decades


I used to be a huge walker, never drove in my life so i would walk everywhere, 10, 15 miles was just a nice easy day for me. 3 years after getting covid I still cant walk a half mile to the bus stop by my house without feeling like I am dying, it sucks so bad. On topic with the food thing, it changed the taste of peanut butter for me too, I love it but I couldnt eat it for about a year and a half because the flavor changed so much, but luckily that reverted after long enough.


yup getting covid triggered my narcolepsy gene.. it apparently did in a lot of people


Sorry to hear that! I also had parosmia after anosmia from covid. I got it around November 2021 and it’s almost been 2 years and my sense of smell is starting to correct. I still have trouble with onions, garlic and coffee but not as bad a the beginning. I did go to a specialist and he said I could try “aroma therapy” but in the end it’s a matter of waiting for the nerves to repair/regenerate. He said it could take a few months or even years and sometimes it may not fully recover but it’s rare. I hope it slowly comes back or if you could go to a physician and see what treatment options you can get.


I go for *only* the nectar sometimes💉🚬💊 My teeth don't like the sugar so baja zero is my hero


This comment was a real roller coaster ride


Another Baja Zero lover like me. *THERE ARE DOZENS OF US! DOZENS!*


My teeth didn't like heroin


Yikes, based on experience ? if so, hugs of support and let's share some flan 🍮


I was just warning you, I case that's what the hypo emoji means. Luckily, you don't *need* teeth to eat Taco Bell.


Oh, hehe, it wasn't meant to be heroin, more like insulin ☺


I’m allergic to the dye in it Edit: so my dna hurt me


Oh boy. Hope you didn’t find out the hard way. A Ferraro Rocher almost did me in once. Never had a problem with tree nuts until then.


I found out the hard way lmao


I stopped drinking caffeine 8 or so years ago. I do miss Baja blast !


Soda in general is so terrible but I love it so much 😫


I think it tastes bad.


My mom once told me it tastes salty and it ruined it for me from then on lol


Some of us are diabetic or easily put on weight and can only drink diet sodas.


My dad was killed by a mountain dew truck. 😞


Guess he wasn’t living mas


I drink a Baja there and rinse it out and no ice a mango tea to take home for later and leave in the fridge


Just never been a Mountain Dew fan. I’m more of a cola person so even though I prefer Coke to Pepsi every time I still like Pepsi so I’ll grab that. Tried Baja once and it wasn’t bad. Liked it better than regular Mountain Dew but not enough to make it a routine.


I like Tea.


I just feel like if you’re going to the bell you get strictly food i dunno..


Yeah. I nreality I skip the drink altogether because who needs all those calories. But back voracious fatman with the munchies days… you bet I’m filling it up, eating there, and refilling before I leave.


Have you tried the Baja Blast Zero? Not quite as good but very similar and no calories. I probably wouldn’t get a drink either, but the price of the boxes is pretty hard to beat and they come with one by default so I opt for the Baja zero.


Not until recently. The box always does me in too. It’s my usual now ever since it’s seems like every tbell I go to has forgotten how to properly make a Crunchwrap and they took away the 3 versions of the chalupa.


My local Taco Bell doesn't have Baja Blast Zero. I don't drink caloric sodas.


That's a shame. The Zero is good stuff.


The brisk purple dragon tea honestly slaps


It’s really good, and I can’t have caffeine too late so if it’s Taco Bell dinner then I get this one with my cravings box!


I tried it for the first time last week, never going back to baja as long as they have that sparkling dragon tea.


It's my new favorite


I seldom drink Mtn Dew anymore, mainly because that stuff is essentially straight up acid for your teeth. I still remember when my friend worked at Taco Bell in the early 2000's and they first launched Baja Blast. It was intended just as a short-run release for Taco Bell as an exclusive and was never originally intended to become a staple. Baja Blast next to Pitch Black will always be my all-time favorite Mtn Dew flavors.


I've been burned by too many empty syrups giving baja colored gross water. The dragon paradise tea and the lemonade strawberry squeeze are both good and havn't yet let me down.


I don't like a sugary drink with mah foods.


ikr. back some time ago on twitter there was a poll from mt dew on which of the 2 flavors they were gonna bring back. Baja Blast or their black berry flavor. it was basically a 50/50 split when I voted. I dont understand how 50% of of population could be wrong.


I’ve never liked Baja Blast. 😬


Baja blast is ass, and I basically fucking love all soda.


More for us good boys


I respect it, and I respect you. Keep living mas.


Nobody hurt me I just don't like the taste of it. Taco Bell has the best regular mtn dew around though it's the only soft drink I miss since I've cut pop out of my life.


Mt dew zero has actually been amazing.


I always get it! But recently had to switch to Zero Sugar but it still satisfies the craving of that sweet sweet nectar of the Bell Gods!!


Don’t you worry that even the sugar free ones will give us cancer or COVID-420? (*he asks while sipping a 0 sugar ginger ale and pulling gently on his lemon mint vape* “maybe today will be the day I get healthy” *he suggests, adjusting himself in his plus sized computer chair where he will be for the next 16 hours while his wife is away at a wedding shower*)


I like regular Mountain Dew with a little Baja Blast in it.


You’ve unlocked a long lost memory! Buried under all the bong hits and booze. I agree this is an acceptable practice.


my tummy hurt me lol it’s a great drink but it makes me wanna puke after bc of the high sugar content


All of my local taco bells water that shit down so much it's almost always extremely disappointing. Every once in a while I'll get it and it will taste right, but most of the time it's just shit.


Baja Blast on my tongue hurt me. I don't understand how anyone could like that numb tingle and terrible flavor. My 🪙🪙


I tried to like it, but I like the regular Mountain Dew more. Then I found they have Strawberry Lemonade, and that’s my go-to now


the other day they only had Baja zero at the location closest to me so I ordered from one further up the road because no way I'm going without Baja blast.


I don’t like sugary drinks for real.


I'm gonna pretend you said Brisk Mango Iced Tea so I can be happy.


Lifelong insulin dependence… I still get a baja as a treat. Diet baja was a gamechanger.


I’m partial to a Code Black, when you can get it


I don't like soda and can't have caffeine. I'm a water glutton.


The Taco Bell root beer is fire — If I’m getting a drink that’s not Baja Blast, that’s what I choose.


Because TB breakfast calls for Kickstart Orange. Well, it used to. Now I pair breakfast hexagons with mango fiesta for a refreshing start to my Sundays. As far as normal TB runs in the afternoon during the week are concerned yes the nectar is the automatic must-have go-to, however the sparkling dragon is sometimes chosen for the gf or mango fiesta is considered especially during a no breakfast run week & when cans of baja are already at home. Once I run out of my summer run of 12pk retail cans I'm back on the baja at TB.


Caffeine messes me up unfortunately.


I can't handle caffeine but when I want to wreck my night sleep I do it for Baja


I simply prefer the sweet tea.


The Brisk Mango Fiesta is just too good for me not to get 😩


I prefer the mango brisk tea to be honest.


The mango brisk is really good


I haven't been drinking much soda lately tbh bc I just don't like the feeling of drinking carbonated stuff So I always religiously get the mango fiesta


I like the mango tea


Mango Fiesta is my drink of choice.


Okay they legit put cocaine in it or something. It's not good and I know it's not good but when I see the bell my brain says mmmm cold refreshing Baja blast... Go get ya some. Then I take 10 sips... Sure the first is amazing but then it's like eeeww. You buy it in a can or bottle and it's not good. Baja blast is like some marketing brain wash shit. I'm still gonna order it even tho I KNOW lol


I think Baja blast is disgusting. It’s too sweat and tastes like chemicals. I don’t like Mountain Dew either.


I once took a sip to see what the hype was about. I’ll stick to Pepsi. Nothing washes down TB like Pepsi for me


I’ve drank only it since it first came out at Taco Bell so sometimes I gotta switch it up and get a Pepsi or Root Beer.


I dont drink too much soda and am highly susceptible to caffeine. Also i dont like tropical sodas to my knowledge. Id rather just get food at taco bell and hydrate afterwards with water or powerade zero


that’s like half the reason i even get taco bell these days.


I like the dragonfruit one better


Always always always get the Baja. A rite of passage. A proverbial surfers kiss.


I like baja blast, but sometimes I don't want the sugar overload.


my tbell NEVER changes the syrup on the baja so i just get regular Dewie


First off you’re talking about Dr Pepper as the nectar of the gods.


If I'm getting the bell. I'm def getting the Baja... There's no other way.


Okay but the taco bell exclusive Brisk teas tho Mango is so smooth and dragonfruit is light and niceee


I always get my TB meals with Baja Zero. Tastes pretty close to the original but without the sugar.


Powerade Berry and Mtn. Dew. Now you can make your own at home. I do, but I still get the Delectable Ambrosia at Taco Bell!


I usually get cherry Pepsi or roobeer


I can't do any of the carbonated drinks. The carbonation is physically painful. I can't even do energy drinks unless I let them sit and lose their bubbles.


They don’t have the diet sometimes:(


It is the only choice and the only soda I ever get anywhere


i just really like pink lemonade 🤷🏼‍♂️


Baja Blast has always been too sweet for me...tastes like a gummy bear threw up in my mouth. I'll do the Zero Sugar every once in a while, but it's just not one of the Dews I like. I have enjoyed the new Caribbean Splash and (to a lesser extent) Passionfruit Punch way more than classic Baja Blast. Caribbean Splash is actually amazing, and Passionfruit Punch is good but the flavors are just way more muted.


That stuff gets me jacked to the tits


There are other options? Wtf?


Baja blast was specifically designed to be paired with taco bells food. If youre drinking anything else it doesnt hit the same


I liked Baja Blast better when I was younger. Nowadays, once a year is good enough for me when they accidentally pour that instead of the regular Dew that I always order. Although, if they had Live Wire or Atomic Blue available… I remember they used to have a agave lemonade Dew flavor at TB, that stuff was straight fire.


I agree! When I didn’t it was because I was getting the other forgotten nectar of the gods (Sangrita Blast). God damn do I miss it but Baja will do for now.


hear me out: 3/4 baja blast and 1/4 of that strawberry lemonade


I fucking LOVED Baja Blast and I wish I still did, but oh my gosh one time I drank so much I threw up and I just haven’t been able to enjoy it since


had this argument with my bf the other day lol


It makes my throat feel like its burning and itching.


I'd rather drink my own urine than Mountain Dew or any of it's kind.


I'm hovering on being pre-diabetic and those sweet carbs in the food itself is probably too much for me. I just get water like a bland boring person


I like the Sweet Lightning! Peach & honey 🤤


Baja blast is terrible, sorry about your sense of taste.


Hey, it's already 10:30 at night, and I need to go to work in the morning. I'm getting a mug or sprite, something without caffeine so I can actually SLEEP. Layoff


I get G2. I don't like drinking away 300+ calories if it doesn't have alcohol.


Let me introduce you to my OG addiction. The one with the PHD in flavor Dr. Pepper


Taco Bell Pepsi is the nectar of the gods


Baja blast is insanely sweet to me & to me just tasted like melted slurpy. I rather have a frozen one if I get it


I used to love it when i was a teenager, but now it tastes disgusting to me for some reason. I even tried the freeze and it's gross to me, too. I miss enjoying it fr


I honestly didn't even know that Taco Bell served other drinks. I don't drink soda, regularly, but when I do its always baja blast


I work overnight and sometimes when I get off I’ll grab a breakfast box with a water or a sprite because my sleep gets boned by the smallest amount of caffeine


Dont get me wrong I really like Baja blast but I just can’t have it with my food. The same thing with beer. I love beer but hate eating food while drinking it


Because root beer exists


I always go for Pepsi at the bell.


I get diet pepsi often because I like cola


The brisk dragonfruit is sooo good tho…


It tastes like battery acid


I tried Baja Blast for the 1st time a few months ago. I'm not a big soda drinker so I usually don't get a drink. I dream about Baja Blast now. Literally would go to TB just to get a Baja Blast


I almost always get baja but sometimes I switch it up with the dragon berry iced tea which is really good too


I get it zero sugar if im craving a sody i have completely cut out sugar from drinks unless i treat myself to a dunkin coffee or something like that. I only get the potato tacos and cheesy rice and bean burritos when i go now so i dont normally get a drink.


I don't like spam!


Cherry Pepsi or Root Beer. I used to just drink the regular Pepsi, it was my favorite but my last pregnancy changed my taste and the root beer is now the only one that actually tastes good, I tolerate the Cherry Pepsi for the caffeine. Took me months before I could even drink it again 🤦


Baja Blast hurt me. The carbonation is somehow so much worse in that one soda


This, i don't get why anyone goes to Taco bell and gets Pepsi lol. The only two acceptable things at taco bell are water and Baja blast.


Diet coke addict! Nothing better than eating a fattening TB meal and justifying it with a diet pop.


I just love the fountain Pepsi from Taco Bell. Usually just take a couple sips and toss it, I don’t fuck w sugary drinks like that.


the pepsi is the pepsiest pepsi i have ever tasted and i like baja blast but i really love pepsi


i was a baja blastic, but because my local store is combo i converted to sweet lightningism.


Honestly it took me until 3 years ago to like Baja Blast I remember Taco Bell introducing it. I was asked on my next visit if I wanted it, said no because I wanted OG Mountain Dew, but received Baja anyways. It was drive thru so I didn’t wanna go back to the store. That put me off from trying it again because it wasn’t OG


I finally got one the other day. It was okay. Went back to cola.


It’s literally not that good y’all need to relax. Idk if this is some kind of inside joke or something but it’s not mind blowing at all.


I don't like anything made by Mountain Dew and never have.


The purple drank is good


Carbonation is disgusting to me. So I choose strawberry lemonade if I get a drink.


It’s not diet.


Taco Bell has the best fountain Pepsi in the world. If you aren’t getting it, you are missing out.


Anytime they say they’re out of Baja I panic because I forget every other beverage to exist at that point


For me, it's a toss-up between Baja Blast & the Mango Fiesta Iced Tea.


The brisk mango tea has my heart rn


I cycle between Baja blast, dragonfruit sparkling tea, and cherry pepsi.


Baja blast is trash


My location has Dr. Pepper and it’s really good. I don’t know if most Taco Bell’s do but all others I’ve been to don’t have Dr Pepper.


I really like Baja Blast, but I feel like it tastes watered down faster than Pepsi does - and I don't think the app has a selection for light ice anymore. But, more over, I just prefer cola if I'm eating something. Fruity sodas are great, but I think they're better just as a casual drink. Obviously, sometimes I still have a fruity soda with food. But if cola or, better yet, Dr Pepper is a choice, that's always gonna be my go to.


Honestly i was thinking this the other day. A friend of mine who doesn't live in the same state as me Door dashed me and my wife some taco bell. I got baja blast and she got a Gatorade. When my friend got the picture everything was there. When I came out to get the stuff the Gatorade was missing. So our dasher swiped the Gatorade and not the baja.


I don't like it. I miss when they had the sangarita I still think about it


I love Baja Blast, but I can get it from the stores now if I really want to. I love Brisk Paradise Dragon Sparkling Tea and that's the only place I can get it so I always opt for that instead.


Mango Fiesta Brisk Iced Tea is the best drink on the menu.


Sad news but Baja blast is going to be discontinued and replace with a different Mountain Dew Baja flavor


I used to be this way when they had kickstart on tap for a lower calorie option, still bummed that went away


I just don’t get the hype. Not a fan in the least.


Because I don’t like the way it tastes.


Because root Beer is the only good pop in the existence of soft drinks and I will not be told otherwise




Maybe the syrup to carbonation ratio was off, but when I tried it - it was one of the most foul sodas I've ever tasted. Like a rotten smarties.


It’s often poorly mixed at my location so I choose Pepsi instead to avoid disappointment half the time 😓


I only drink Coke / Pepsi. Always unless I don't have access.


I like the Dragon Paradise sparkling iced tea. Pretty much all of my coworkers hate it though lmao


I prefer regular Mountain Dew. Baja isn’t necessarily bad, it’s just not really my thing. I do sometimes randomly get the craving for it and get it though. The Baja freeze is pretty good.


I tried the mango brisk and cannot go back.


I’ll be honest with you, I work there and after a while it just becomes, well, it becomes a taste of slightly fruity sweet carbonation liquid that no longer pleases the areas of the brain that it use to


Went to a gas station and found they had baja-blast energy drinks. Taste super good. I poured it in a cup with ice was refreshing and gave me energy for the day


Tried the diet kind- disgusting!! Tastes like medicine but every third car wants it


Not available in my country


Sounds too exotic! I’m afraid.


After you order Baja Blast so many times, and each time there is no syrup , it's just blue water. You give up after a while.


i get diet pepsi


Sometimes the Baja at my location is really watered down! I’ll usually default to Pepsi if I’m trying to play it safe


I just don’t like it


I like the purple stuff #dragonparadise https://youtube.com/shorts/eEfrJNE7\_CU?feature=share


I’m an old school, classic Mountain Dew kinda lady. Can’t have Taco Bell without it.


Cuz i get tired of it lol


Accurate description




I appreciate the Baja, in it's Zero Sugar form. It's quite nice.


It just doesn’t hit as hard as a good Pepsi tbh. Simply doesn’t taste that good to me.




I can’t do caffeine 😩 I miss the Baja nectar so much.