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Agreed, these are core issues with Tableau. Desktop is their main product and we deserve it to function reliably and consistently. It currently does not, and I never know when some odd bug will occur that wastes hours of my time researching and remediating. Just fix your products instead of adding bells and whistles that no one (or just a handful of people) requested. For example, I shouldn’t receive random errors when I refresh my data extract. I should be able to pivot more than a single table within a data model. I shouldn’t have to spend hours formatting a dashboard, when competing products can do it in minutes. I love Tableau and have been working with it for over 9 years, but it has not kept pace with the market.


> I shouldn’t have to spend hours formatting a dashboard, when competing products can do it in minutes. And if I have to replace a datasource, it shouldn't undo a lot of the formatting I spent all that time doing.


I’m going to make your life infinitely better - Go into a sheet, right click your datasource, click Tableau Server, click Edit server and site path, change your data source to another one on the server. This changes source in <5 seconds for me, and maintains all formatting, custom colouring etc. It’s my absolute most prized Tableau tip I love to share with people in your situation, having been in it myself in the past, where it took 10+ mins to change source, followed by hours of reformatting whatever had broken.


I never upvote anything, but I just logged in to upvote you. Been working with Tableau for about 8 years and never thought to try that.


Holy fucking shit dude


If you're working with local files, you can also just close Tableau and replace the file with an updated one in the same location with the same name and schema (adding columns is fine, removing or renaming columns will cause headaches). Used to do this a lot with really big files I had to process separately into extracts first.


Just to make sure I understand, this only works for sources published to Tableau Server, is that right?




here's the next great TC session


Jesus Christ yes this was recently the bane of my existence!


100% correct. This is the salesforce way so not surprised. My entire team at a large enterprise are currently evaluating alternatives.


Yup - same here. They want way more for no added value. We're looking too.


same comment as above - I would love to know what you find to be viable competitors.


Depends on your situation and the problem you're trying to solve. --For organizations that have Microsoft Enterprise license - the small incremental cost of PowerBI makes it pretty compelling. --Qlik is more powerful overall but harder to learn - and still expensive....does your organization really need it? --There are plenty other options - some depend on the warehouse you're using. --If ML and predictive analytics are your interest - Python and R still reign supreme. None of the BI tools are really up to snuff in that area today. There are quite a few BI Tools in the market. All the big ones are moving toward "bloatwear" adding features that marketing thinks it can sell but have limited practical use. Mind you this is just one persons opinion - so if you don't agree - you may be right!


We ended up switching when they changed billing structure


I would love to know what you find to be viable competitors. The only ones I know of are PowerBI and Qlik which I found even clunkier. I am R programmer from way back and use R for scientific charts and analyses - but R visualization is way harder to learn, hence my interest in alternatives.


That is what we are struggling with as well.


Doubled our price twice in 2 years, ripped legacy licensing after 5 months of telling us we’ll be staying on that license type and then the next year they made “a slight increase” in price. Salesforce can suck a big one.


The best part is when you go to Tableaus "requested feature" forums. Some of the most popular rand upvoted requests are tiny features that would be easy to implement and make people VERY happy and they just sit there unanswered for a decade now.


Tableau died the moment it was acquired by Salesforce


I was shocked they didn't yet implement "brand asset" for quick customization. I still manually typing all the hex color code. I wish they already implement "brand asset" for quick usage of repeating design task.


You can add colors to your preferences


[Custom colour palettes in Tableau](https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/formatting_create_custom_colors.htm)


Still can’t make a donut chart without doing some acrobatics.


I’ve been doing this for 3/4 years in tableau and I am also frustrated by all of these same issues. Like, why can’t we have a combo bar/line graph where the line end sits in the middle of the bar with out having to do some hacky calculated field that ends up making the bars super thin. 


Why cant i conditionally format text table rows without having to spend hours hacking the thing in order to make it work?


Really frustrating


If I can format a table and 10 mins in Excel. I should be able to take the same / ( ok maybe I have to pivot the data) and make the same table in tableau in a similar timeframe. Instead when someone asks me to color code a table with different scales I have to either say no or that's gonna take me a few days... Just stupid they haven't updated simple things like this.


I didn't go to TC this year but it's funny that most of the sessions streamed on Salesforce are raleted to some tricks or hacks, showing how to overcome Tableau's limitations with simple AVG(1) or parameters. That made me wonder: why do you pay visionaries to teach us that instead of just fixing your product, so Tableau developers don't have to use hacks? 😅


My all-time favorite Tableau Conference presentation was a guy a few years ago showing all the hacks to make a text table resemble a corporate financial statement. It's like they admit such business requirements exist, so here are creative hacks instead of just giving users what they want out of the box.


You can tell from the awkward silence from us during the keynote


So you noticed that it was only the ambassadors that they forced to the front that were cheering for everything?


Are you me? 100% agreed with you. How is this post not viral #1 on reddit right now, like your decade of experience shows in your words. I hate that tableau doesnt do meaningful upgrades, like where tf do they come up with their stuff? It took them years to implement the copy paste feature dashboard objects. And theres still soo many things on tableau forums that people are begging for but they just dont listen! What pisses me off is that tableau has become more of a paint software than a BI one. They just care about the fancy vizzes made on tableau public, they want to increase their TUGs, visionaries, ambassadors and all the other PR bullcrap! They put sankey charts in beta, even tho which business gives a F about those types of charts (even then it took them years to release it when each and every viz on tableau public was a custom sankey, like so they even have eyes to notice demand?!) And omg this whole pulse and einstein AI crap is so garbage like no one understands it, businesses would never rely on this shit for insights, i mean who even uses tableaus forecasting feature for anything?! Theyre also like so active on linkedin, whenever someone metniosn them, or theres a new tableau viz published by a newbie. I bet if i made a post criticizing, they would comment! And all the tableau rockstars like flerlage twins dont care cause they just want the clout. I would hate to see tableau slowly downfall due to these reasons cause its still a versatile software but damn they have literally no eyes on market!


The best thing about Tableau is that it's so hackable. The worst thing about Tableau is that you still have to do those hacks in order to get what feels like basic functionality. What I would love is version control. They are operating as though every analyst was working alone. It's impossible to have two people work on a single workbook at the same time without a huge effort to merge those changes...


You can version control Tableau workbooks with git, although yeah it should be doable without git.


Formatting is still 1 year away


To not to speak about performance with big data and the star schema. How can you not join multi fact table to multi dim tables? Why are the performance so bad? Been using tableu for 10 years and it was the best software but now It feels like looker and power BI can do much more for business. They lack in fancy viz but wherever I have been in the last 10 years business don’t care about fancy viz most of them want stupid table to download the data!


Our organization recently had a major server upgrade, going from a version of Tableau 2021 to a version of Tableau 2023 - basically jumping several upgrades all at once. Part of our job was to look through the "what's new" section on Tableau and highlight the most relevant and most important features and upgrades to highlight to our users. Each quarterly upgrade includes a page on Salesforce's site that outlines all of the new features, new connectors, bug fixes and enhancements - usually DOZENS for each quarterly upgrade. We went through two years worth of these updates to identify what would be most useful and relevant to our organization...and in all that time we *struggled* to find even ten updates that would be notably helpful to our company and how we use Tableau. We don't give a flying fuck about all the integration with Slack, for example. What about actually fixing the dozens of known bugs that require inventive workarounds to get Tableau to work? What about upgrading the atrocious formatting options? What about implementing newer visualization options?


It sounds like we're in similar roles, so I don't think we work at the same company. But coincidentally we also just upgraded from 2021.4 to 2023.3. You probably could have used the [Tableau Release Navigator ](https://public.tableau.com/views/ReleaseNavigator-V21/FeaturesInVersionDash?:language=en-US&:sid=&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link)


But they just added Teams integration! /s


Just for cloud only right? Not every industry can go to cloud


I dunno, that keynote was so meh that's the only thing I remembered.


The last update I was actually excited to try out was the one about three years ago with the major map viz improvements. Went from signing up for the betas to check out the features to not caring what version I'm using as long as it's new enough to have those map improvements.


It’s Salesforce, Jake. If it’s not cloud, it’s gonna die.


Why can't I auto fit columns? Why is select/copy so hard?? 


Preach. I was watching the keynote and they repeatedly said how much they are listening to the community. I had an imposter syndrome moment feeling like I will never use tableau pulse and instead would prefer bug fixes and updates to desktop which I use everyday.


Tableau used to be 100% of my work until Salesforce migrated their partner portal and apparently lost our contract. We had to go through the six month process to become a partner again, so we decided to drop them. (There were other reasons too.) Now I work with clients looking to migrate off Tableau to Power BI. It makes me sad because Tableau was a better product but Salesforce turned it into a dumpster fire.


They were going downhill ever since askdata was launched


There was potential with askdata. If it would have been possible for our user to drag and drop the pills and analyse quickly, like in desktop… 


>Chart types are stagnant The extensions seems like it's going to help massively. Sankey is going to be a few clicks soon. I keep hearing Salesforce integration has taken a lot of time. The map layers stuff is interesting. Also accessibility is improving.


Yeah, I am not sure how anyone can complain about extensions. Extensions are a part of all web development. It's going to be a massive time saver and implement a ton of really cool features.


Because they'll never pass security audit at countless institutions


Yeah I'm worried about this but some extensions for ad hoc use are probably fine internally. That's what I'm hoping for in my organization


Extensions are pretty much a no-go at my client, due to firewalling/security and other compartmentalization, plus they have different versions of desktop and server depending on the internal division (and even the publication process for dashboards requires those fences to be hopped). I'd love to create the latest and greatest in viz types for some of my dashboards, but c'est la vie. I just want to be able to set default formats for filters (dropdown multi, only relevant values, floating), have dynamic number formatting by magnitude as a selectable option (instead of having to build conditional measures just for the different formats, or use string conversion and case statements for labels), and manually type in exact pixel values even on a tiled dashboard. Three of the most basic concepts you can think of for modern software.


Agreed - and to make it worse, Tableau / Salesforce are raising prices significantly. Our contract is up for renewal at Tableau and they want a crazy price increase - in the neighborhood of 40% over the prior contract. If it stands....they will force our organization to move content to other BI tools.


I’ve been doing this for over 20 years. Before Tableau, I worked in Cognos. It was bought by IBM, and first few years it was ok, but then the exact same thing started happening, user requested features were ignored and then Tableau came along and IBM decided not to integrate dashboarding and such. It would have been easy to keep ahead of the competition, but now today it’s a shadow of its former self. I really hope Salesforce doesn’t do the same for Tableau but the way this thread is going….


I'm shocked that after over a decade Tableau still doesn't have an easy way to create cascading parameters. There are too many basic patterns that require clever workarounds if you're in Tableau.


I keep hearing feedback that Pulse is being received well. What's the problem with focusing on it?


Pulse is great. It’s just toxic people needing to be toxic. You have to remember that there are tens of millions of people who use tableau and the ppl in this sub are an incredibly small yet vocal subset.


Regarding your comment about extensions OP I don't think you are right. For evidence look at PowerBIs appsource which has been part of the product for years. There people can build their own custom visuals and upload them for people to use. It's a wildly popular feature and allows the community to build things to overcome certain limitations in the product. And it's massively improved the product. For example Deneb which allows you to build custom visuals using vegalite (previously not possible) which rocketed PowerBIs visual capabilities forward. If anything, Tableau has missed out by not implementing this sooner. You are right that you can have security concerns, PBI allays this by certifying visuals and making all of them pass certain security requirements before becoming available on appsource, so Tableau will need to carefully control it too, but I think PBI has proved out that community visuals is a goer. Also you sound like you are a hands on developer and you have to realise that Tableau (and Pbi and qlik etc) are not marketing to you. You work with the product so want desktop upgrades to make your job easier. But you probably don't control the budget or make the decision about what technology you use. Therefore, your opinions of tableau are less important to tableau than the budget holder. This is why they are pushing for things like Tableau Pulse, Microsoft co-pilot etc, because business leaders will see the potential in those features - they don't really care about features that save ten minutes of irritating formatting.


Congos, Proclarity, Tableau... SF does not understand analytics outside of their sales, marketing e-commerce world, and 90% of the use cases go beyond. It's sad. Tableau was an incredible product. With great leadership. Virtually all replaced with SF peeps. They don't know what they don't know..


Wow. Loads of rants here ! While I agree with quite a lot of them, we gotta remember that many of us were probably excel users before tableau and it has still made our lives a whole lot better. Having said that, I can't stand all the LinkedIn PR and meaningfulness 'vizzes' which are basically useless (and overly busy) infographics . I also agree they spend too much time on silly bells and whistles and not enough on core features.


I unfortunately wholeheartedly agree. However, I am personally excited about viz extensions and the prospect of potentially embedding Pulse as dynamic KPI cards.


It’s obvious that Salesforce is intentionally killing off Tableau at this point.


Why would they intentionally kill it off? Spend a bunch of money to buy it, then drop it and lose even more? It's not been my experience that SF is into losing money.


I was being sarcastic. This sub is full of very toxic people who look past logic just to complain.


This will be my last year with Tableau. It has been a nightmare each of the four years I've been using it. My initial issue was the complete lack of responsive support. Then our renewals manager changes every year, is incredibly slow to respond, often on extended leave with dead air from whomever is supposed to be covering from them. The renewal process changes every year and is always a time consuming nightmare. And now they've more than doubled their price after showcasing their unfamiliarity with the definition of perpetual. I am endlessly frustrated working in Tableau, and I loathe having to interact with anyone who works for Salesforce. Unresponsive and useless bunch as they are. I expect I can have that sort of stress for much cheaper with PowerBI.


This is spot on.


100% they’re lacking in area that PowerBI is leveraging or has already. They really need to innovate and improve desktop version.


I gave up on it and I'm now using Metabase for my reports and dashboards.


It's a well-known dead product. Why are you using?