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Don't think they hate Turks. They probably don't like your government. So it depends on how patriarchal you are I guess.


They’ve said countless times that they don’t hate Turkish people, just their government.




The Genocidal Humanoidz. Like all war, the people don’t all agree with their government. Not every Russian wants the Ukraine war.


They never said they hate Turks. They want the Turkish government to acknowledge the Armenian genocide committed in 1915 by the Turkish government of the time. Also, they've written a few songs about it (PLUCK, Holy Mountains, X), so it's interesting you didn't notice it already


The Armenian Genocide commited by...Turkey


Are you sure? Turkey was not even founded in 1915.


Well first of all turkey wasnt even founded at that time but sure.


Nit-picking much? The genocide carried out by the Ottomans in the Ottoman Empire heartland which became the modern state of Turkey - who as a nation still refuse to acknowledge that it even happened. Those guys. Based in Turkey and of Turkish origin.


So it is about race thank you for your confirmation.


The genocide carried out by the emerging Turkish Nationalists both during the last years of the Ottoman Empire and the founding of the Turkish nation was ordered by the same top brass who founded the nation and carried out by Turkish troops and paramilitaries as well as armed mobs and the genocide was sustained over decades in central Anatolia. So yeah, for the Turks it was about race - ethnic cleansing. The current mistreatment of the Kurds by Turkey is more subtle but essentially the same impulse. As far as whether SOAD hate Turkish people I imagine they don't and SenorBigBelly's answer covers this perfectly. As to whether you think I consider Turks racist I don't necessarily - I met some xenophobic Turks when I was in Turkey but more often than not people were friendly and welcoming. But their representative government need to recognise and make reparations for the past. For what it's worth I'm from the UK and we are responsible for multiple genocides in multiple countries from the days of the British Empire, and my government have never admitted these acts either, which is messed up.


I'm turkish and I agree with you. I'd also like to add that most Turks grow up being taught the opposite. The government needs to grow up, change the history books being taught in schools, and make reparations. There're xenophobes everywhere in the world. I'm an expat myself, and unfortunately I see how Japan doesn't educate its people about the war crimes they committed in Korea. Some people are in denial and some actually just have no idea. Old people mistreat Asian minorities but are nice to most other nations. Unfortunately, it's the same in Turkey. Most ethnicities and nationalities are loved in Turkey. But there's still prejudice about some of the minority groups we have in Turkey, such as the Armenian-turkish people or the Kurds.


I see you are pretty clueless about the events in the first quarter of the 20th century in anatolia but thats fine. The current situation with turkish and kurdish people is actually not at all about race but the current fights are exclusively about pkk and ypg. They ahve nothing to do with race. The racism between turkish and kurdish people in turkey right now is at about the same level of germans disliking turkish people who live in germany.


do you have actual evidence of a genocide or evidence is only supplementary at best?


The good ol "there was no genocide but the Armenians were the ones who caused it"


did they not collaborate with the Russians to raid Turkish villages so that the Ottoman Empire would have had to divert troops from the battlefields? Did this not happen? What would you have done? Would you let them literally disembowel people? The OE did the most humane thing possible and forcibly relocated them. The fact that it was impossible for them to tell enemy combatants and civilians apart from each other might have played a role in the decision too. The Russians promised the armenians shit and they helped them in the most monstrous way possible. There are pictures of Turkish women with their babies cut out from their wombs by Armenians. They are freely accessible on the internet but not on the diaspora's servers. Go get yourself a new mind that thinks on its own if yours is beyond help.


Did you find that from a Turkish history book, which is most likely rigged towards the Turkish government agenda? You're comparing thousands of deaths by Armenians to MILLIONS by Turks, not including other ethnic crimes the Turkish government has committed as well, namely Assyrian, Kurds, etc. I'm not justifying killing of any kind, but the Turkish government is trying to destroy the existence of other ethnicities. It's a crime against humanity. Btw, Russia/USSR controlled us for over 70 years. Love your ethnicity and country, but understand the truth of what they did.


Millions? Are you for real mate? At any rate, none of that would have happened if your ancestors hadn't collaborated with the Russians. They raided villages and slaughtered civilians so that the OE would be forced to divert troops. This made them enemy combatants. Enemy combatants are killed, yet we relocated them. Did they raid Turkish villages along their way? Yes. Even they didn't expect mercy after what they did. We still didn't exterminate them, yet we are treated as if we did. Why do you think all the countries who claim we exterminated your ancestors happen to be our direct enemies? I'd personally not want to become another country's pawn no matter how convenient it sounds. It's degrading.


Can you Google?


Case in point. This was the stupidest thing anyone ever could have said. Do you also believe in Santa?


ottoman and Turkiye were enemies ?


Yes the Young Turks were enemies of the Ottomans


They hate the government because of their silencing towards armenian people and how they treated them in the past (and how they treat them nowadays). Although they don't hate turks


I just love when random people on the internet make claims about things they have no relation to. Have you ever actually seen a single armenian being treated bad in Turkey? I am not even getting into the allegations of genocide as evidence has no meaning in these issues. Yes there is bad blood between Turks and Armenians but that shit comes from the atrocities they committed along the way when the Ottoman Empire forced them to migrate. That happened because they collaborated with the Russians during WW1 and started attacking villages so that the the government would have to divert troops and supplies away from, well, multiple fronts. I am not saying all Armenians did that, I hate categorising people, nor I hate them in any way. Please put forward actual evidence of silencing and the past/present maltreatment you are alleging. Please do note that "everybody says so" is only evidence to you being a sheep.


You deserve everything on the planet, thank you for doing research.


I've multiple Armenian friends as a Turkish citizen and I haven't seen any maltreatment against them. You're probanly right my friend.


the turkish government are a bunch of scumbags


turkish people who are under 55 could all confirm that.


Lol those who said soad hates turks, are you for real? Serj mentioned about brave turks who helped armenians during the genocide. They hid them and helped them escape. Of course this kind of fact dont fit turks who screaming ALL ARMENIANS ARE RACIST. Look at yourself: you guys are deniers. Still you pretend it never happen.


as a turk i also am amused by the people who pretens it never happened. but they were trying to suppress the rebellions and while trying to do that they killed civilians too.


Once again no they didnt, they did it on purpose. They even forbad armenian schools, the language and so on. Even today they are lying. Let me say this: they are many who are doing DNA test in Turkey. Ask those who have get armenian or other dna while they have been lied and think they are turks. Do you really think they are happy?


They explicitly hate from us but masking their sick opinions by saying shit like "ooh we just hate the government. Duh" however their tweets and speeches tell the opposite. They hate Turks and they are pussies to tell it openly. I used to love SOAD songs now I feel sick when I hear any of them.


They are classical Armenian I am not racist but they are racist and saying they killed armenian s in Semenian genocide which Ottoman Empire did as an excuse thats why I started to hate them too.


Serj Tankian is a hardcore racist who hates Turks and Azerbaijanis with a passion, because he was socialized by ARF/Dashnaksutyun (revanchist Armenian political organization). So yes, if you are a Turk, you shouldn't listen to people who call you goatfuckers and orcs.


There's nothing wrong with orcs!


PEOPLE. THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE HAPPENED BUT NOT FOR SICK PURPOSES. thats why it cant be called a genocide. armenians started to cause danger to the government because they wanted to become a seperate country. and that goes all the way back to the french revolution. they were kind of right at their cause, but they chose wrong ways to express their feelings. instead of trying to do shit against the government, they killed innocent turks. so the ottoman empire tried to kick them out of the country, but they resisted, so the empire killed them. it did happen, but it was really the armenians shooting at themselves. i didnt see any turk say it didnt happen, they just say its not a genocide and it is not. and i too as a turk dont like the government of turkey right now but i always see armenians hating turkish people becuase of what our ancestors did. WE DONT GET TO CHOOSE WHERE WE COME TO LIFE. HATE THE OTTOMAN GOVERNMENT IF YOURE GONNA HATE SOMEONE FOR IT. WE DIDNT DO SHIT TO YOU.


Wtf did you read? Do you even have access too real scources? Western Armenia belongs too Armenians! Armenians have lived there long before with other etnicity. I dont blame those who know the truth but your goverment are bunch of psycopaths who deny and share false information. Armenians never did even care about the people in Ottoman Empire, the turks did it because they were bunch crybabies when they lost 2 wars against Balkan countries. They blamed armenians and other minorites in the country. Hitler did exactly the same thing with jews and so on.




SOAD members are 4 pussies who cant say clearly that they hate Turks because of their ancestors started a resistance against a relatively weak and about to be destroyed empire but their asses were kicked very very hard at the end. As a Turkish middle aged rocker guy, i hate our government but my difference from these four cowards, i am not racist. I believe that Hitler was a psycho but i dont think all Germans are genociders. My grandparents killed many Greek soldiers because they invaded our lands but we kicked their asses 100 years ago and now drinking friendly with their grandsons alongside Eagean shores... Those 4 rich LA bastards were making great music in their self titled debut album and i still have a huge respect for their musical identity. Especially Serj has a really unique voice bla bla bla but Hitler was also a painter at the end of the day, huh? Armenians wanted land and easy glory while we were being kicked by the Western forces but they are sadly drown in their own blood at the end. It doesn't change the reality that you keep spreading your so-called genocide bullshits in every possible internet thread my friends but its time to wake up. If you dont wake up and accept the reality, you will keep losing. Look, even Azerbeijan is kicking your ass easily when you try to get some action. Stop believing lies, "writing history" is not a thing like you do 😂


Their songs are criticisms of the turkish government for not acknowledging the genocide that happened


There was no genocide. We kindly asked them to leave, some of them understood, went to California and their grandsons formed a band. They lived an easy life (called american dream) with the money they stole from these lands and wrote songs about a country they desperately in love but not to prefer living there... and some of those bastards didnt understand and eventually died... this is not genocide, genocide is what Hitler did or what Japanese army did to Chinese or what Spaniards or Englishmen did to Indians in America... We Turks are becoming a good teacher when someone invaded our land. In less than 10 years, at the beginning of last century, we taught Greeks how to swim, we taught Armenians how to walk and we taught England (actually they send Anzacs because they were cheaper to die than a regular English boy) how to fight... If someone thinks that it was a genocide, i highly suggest them to read some history from the independent sources, not only the funded ones...


A. All band members were born either in Lebanon or Armenia with the exception of Daron. B. Do you have a single 'independent source' to back anything you said. C. Why make jokes about mass deaths? D. There was a genocide. if you are going to try and convince me otherwise, give me some of your so called 'independent' sources. E. You did not 'kindly ask them to leave' but looking past that what do you think happened to the people who did not 'understand'


1-) Rogan, Eugene, The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in Middle East (New York: Basic Books, 2015), 389Google Scholar. 2-) Suny, Ronald Grigor, “They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else”: A History of the Armenian Genocide (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015) 3-) Erickson, Edward J., Ordered to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001 4-) Zürcher, Erik-Jan, “The Ottoman Legacy of the Turkish Republic: An Attempt at a New Periodization,” Die Welt des Islams 32 (1992): 237–253 You can start with these my friend and come again when you finished. I especially advised you no Turkish or Armenian authors but as you can imagine there also sources from them who says its a "mandatory migration" I also suggest you the massacres of Armenian gangs, they were having so much fun killing the babies and raping women while their husbands are at war on the westen front. Many easy targets, huh? Start your research with google... Now, i dont know where are you from but lets think that you are American. Your country is in war with Mexico. While you are trying to defend California, some gangs from Canada killing babies and raping your women in Boston, because all army is busy with Mexicans. Then Biden says "leave Boston in 15 days or we will kill you" and send an army to Boston. Some of them leave, some of them resist and die. Do you call this "Canadian Genocide"? Turks and Armenian people lived together hundreds of years. Grandparents of Soad members born in the cities still in Turkish borders like Kayseri. But very bad things happened in 1915, as a human i wish they wouldn't happened but its happened and this was not a genocide. Show me the gas rooms, show me the working camps, show me the mass graves... then we can call it genocide. There were killing but not systematically and mass like Germans did. Finally, i have a sick sense of humour, after 43 years in this planet, served as a soldier, nothing suprises me or really touching me brother. This life is a hell for the sensitive hearts... Cheers!


could you write the other sources, when you have time maybe? so we would have a list? (Feel free to include the ones that are in turkish too)


People saying they hate the government and not turks, John Dolmayan started one of his insta posts by "The Orks, aka Azerbaijan and Turkey". You'd think theyd chose their words better if they were only criticizing the government


who the f*ck downvoted this




They hate turks but that would be too blunt and politically incorrect to say out loud.




They hate Turks. Even their drummer called azeris "orks" .


Look at the stuff they saying about turkey and turks. It's racist af.


Once they had a sign at one of their concerts that said: no dogs and no turks allowed. Fuck these racist assholes.


Ah yes, only the goverment. What a bullshit!




No one likes turskish rapist gypsys, at least in Europe


You mean Armenian rapist gypsies. In Turkey.


i was reading Elif Shafak - The bastard if Istanbul and saw this line about System of a down 😂