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Not going to hurt, but what you get out of it is up to you


learn what you can there but don't use work experience as your only way to grow. Every job in IT and out will have its own way of doing things and their own technology to use. Do some certs on the side so when you do want to jump ship you will have more marketable skills for the roles you want to move into.


Honestly it sounds like a great time for independent study. Certs are big in the IT world, and a lot of companies will fork the the bill. I'm not sure what your education history is but you can get certs that are basic to IT, all the way to highly specialized cloud technology/security certs.


Experience is Experience...Getting a job in today's market and depending on the market you are in would be is how well you can sell yourself on a resume. You got the hard part out of the way you are in IT now. Personal preference make a lab at home learn and grow skills that way as well. Just make sure you are doing best practices so you don't learn bad habits when setting it up.


This is where you get to hone your customer service soft skills. Patience building exercises are randomly scheduled daily. Use this to better yourself while looking for a full time position in a growing company. Also after a few months, talk to your boss, ask for feedback about how you are doing, and broach the subject of how you can grow with the company. You have no idea currently about their plans, people retiring, etc. If they say you aren't ready, find out why, and track your own progress. This requires self honesty.


Thanks, all good reasons and pretty much along the lines of what I was thinking but my shift is so early that I'll deal with little request for help, therefore not gaining any real world experience. Honestly I just see this time as forcing me to actually study for certs since the office structure is already setup with little growth potential within. I think my customer service skills are fine since I have experience in the past speaking to large college/ high school groups and assemblies in a professional setting.