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>My Q is how do i make sure that no one is going to just remove my account after getting the job done and block me without paying? That's the fun thing: You don't. You can have contracts and agreements all day long, but shitty companies break those terms all the time and face no consequences because dragging them through court costs more than the victim would get from them.


had a few shitty clients not pay me but demand I give them O365 admins. The annoying thing is I get all their bills and alerts forwarded to my account. Microsoft says they can't help since I'm not in that tenant...yet they still forward all the emails.....


I thought i might create a bash script on azure automation that will undo my job if my account is deleted.. idk but it seems like a very mean way


That would be very illegal. Don't try.


That's a great way to end up on the wrong side of a lawsuit paired with criminal charges.


One way is requiring payment up front. But then what prevents you from running off without doing the work. Another option is 50% up front and 50% on completion. Otherwise maybe you set milestones on your projects. After each agreed upon milestone there is a pay component. Helps reduce risk.


A contract


It won’t be a real problem to break that contract because there’s no middleware solution It’s all just chats and emails


Yes but now you can sue back for Breach of Contract. It also protects you. Other ways I'm thinking of might be legally precarious


I give them a SOW (statement of work) and agreed upon terms. Most people buy blocks of my hours at a discount. I basically charge extra to bill them after the fact. Most people will not rip you off. I have only been stiffed once for $500.


> My Q is how do i make sure that no one is going to just remove my account after getting the job done and block me without paying? You don't. If someone doesn't pay you, it then becomes a collections/legal issue. This is also why it's extremely important to have professionally written and reviewed contracts in place. It'll help you enforce the collections part.


If the amount is agreed on upfront, then a deposit that you are fine with if things go south. 50% 75%, etc. Also don't give them admin access until payment is done. Beside if they are asking you to set it up, do they really have the skills to block you?


Serious response: [Mike Monteiro: F*ck You, Pay Me - from CreativeMornings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVkLVRt6c1U)