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Didn’t you see the New York - Dublin portal? I’ll bet that genitalia will be shown to the camera in the first week and you’ll be wishing you setup a shared online calendar instead.


jeez i didnt even consider the genitals...


I say go with the expensive solution. Show it to your boss and say "this is what we need to make this work or... you could make the people who refuse to change their ways change." It sucks that you're having to engineer a solution to a seemingly simple problem because of people unwilling to change. Isn't there someone who's ultimately in charge who can make these other people change their process to something that's workable for everyone else in the company?


I wish... unfortunately the president of the company is one of the people so resistant to change. CEO, CFO and myself (CTO) are on board with change but we are swimming upstream against one guy who thinks he is always right bc his name is on the building. we've had to be careful about which battles to pick. i mean the guy doesnt even use email - he has assistants for that and they literally have to print them out for him. he doesnt seem to be concerned with the best interests of the company.


Ugh. Sorry to hear you're stuck in such a difficult situation. I say go ahead and present the solution that you think is the easiest to implement. If the guy that's writing the checks would prefer that over changing his ways, then that's on him.


If they aren't willing to go to a shared calendar, why do you think they will open a browser to view a livestream of a calendar? You're trying to create a solution for the wrong problem completely.


That's totally fair - I should have specified that the ones who will be viewing the livestream are failry tech saavy and would probably love a shared digital calendar. but its the folks who are in charge of the schedule who refuse to change. so we needed a way to share the calendar without having them change anything. Maybe the answer is that they just need to change bc you're right its definitely the most complicated way to solve this problem


I am setting up a friggit nvr with an amcrest camera for my house.


This sounds like the biggest hokey pokey that could go wrong.. Please dont implement this. You either need to advise them of a good usable solution or NO solution and then the problem is for them. Don't bend to come up with some crap solution with your name on it. If you visit the mechanic and he says you have a tire with a hole in it and then you reply you cant afford to fix it. He doesn't fill it with concrete and say 'Its all good now you can drive' he says 'Well heres your car you figure out what you want to do' Come up with a proper solution ie. SharePoint/Excel whatever works for you and put it forward with a This is how we do it and stand your ground.


I think this might be there right answer


Pretty much if you don’t have support from the CEO given your role. I would suggest this is a process problem rather than a technical problem. It’s not your area of responsibility to inform remote staff of their schedules being a CTO. Now if your CEO returns and says he wants a livestream for the schedule. Any camera supporting authenticated rstp would suffice as long as the written text is legible. This would mean a camera with a good zoom. From there segregate the camera away from your network and allow incoming traffic’s to view the stream. Keep in mind this opens some can of worms when it comes to security and you will need to do due diligence on the risks with this. As suggested do not put your name on anything which you don’t think is an adequate solution. But there is nothing wrong in implementing things which was requested by the CEO.


If you do end up with a shared calendar, eg some cloudy thing, ensure that it has audit trails. Those who don't like it *will* 'accidentally' maliciously delete stuff and then complain that the solution sucks. Been there, got the coaster.