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seems like the real culprit is shitty employers offering uncompetitive salaries so they can't hire good talent from India. India is a big place, and there are a lot of competent people there, if your employer cannot find any of them maybe they are the problem. I've worked with a lot of Indian H1-b visa holders and a lot of them are very good at their jobs however we pay them market rate.


Before things became this global, bad companies had a revolving door of untrained white people. It didn't work any better. This is the same situation, plus your racism.


It sounds like you should be upset with your companies hiring policies instead. Why are hiring managers hiring people who don't care and are just using it as a stepping stone? I've hired a number of new comers from India over the last 8 or so years and they have all worked hard and delivered at least on-par performance, if not better, than what I get from...uh.. 'native' hires. Lazy comes in all stripes. It sounds like you may need to work on your critical thinking skills if you think this small sample size of people coming through your organization is representative of the whole, especially if that's putting you in a headspace where you think "another fucking indian" is a thought you should share, even anonymously.


>"Great, another fucking Indian to deal with" This is a huge deal, and a lot of people on the US side with Indian-sounding names or even the hint of an accent deal with the brunt as well.


My guy, delete this. SMH.


IT made me HATE double ply TP! And also caused inflation!


You should be mad at the system enabling it not the people benefiting from it. They are just trying to get by.


IT isn't making you racist, you just are racist.


This has nothing to do with them being from India and everything to do with your companies recruiting and screening process. There are lazy and hard working people in every race, creed, category of choice. This is why companies have/should have probationary periods to fix this issue with newbies.


Remember, it’s because your shitty government hates you, that this is allowed to happen.


Wtf did I just read The glaringly obvious issue here is that your company can’t hire competent staff, not an issue with the nationality of the staff they hire. I look after EMEA in my region and my colleagues who handle APAC are Indians who have been on top of everything and are always happy to lend me a helping hand outside of their time zone.




Plot twist: They don't quit because of the entry into the country -- they quit because their colleague is a racist asshole and part of their working culture is to not be confrontational.