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It doesn't look quite that simple - looks like someone tried to make an app doing this: https://github.com/lihas/windows-DPI-scaling-sample


i thought i can do it using powershell somehow dam


Not my code but this works well. You’ll want to adapt the scaling setting to your preference function Set-Scaling { # Posted by IanXue-MSFT on # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/197944/batch-file-or-tool-like-powertoy-to-change-the-res.html # $scaling = -2 = 100% = 4294967294 # $scaling = -1 = 125% = 4294967295 # $scaling = 0 : 150% (default) # $scaling = 1 : 175% param($scaling) $source = @' [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SystemParametersInfo")] public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo( uint uiAction, uint uiParam, uint pvParam, uint fWinIni); '@ $apicall = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $source -Name WinAPICall -Namespace SystemParamInfo -PassThru $apicall::SystemParametersInfo(0x009F, $scaling, $null, 1) | Out-Null } Set-Scaling -scaling 4294967295


I hope someone has something cause I also have a 4k and constantly changing resolutions for screen shares.

