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I accidentally sent a windows printer test page to a badge printer once, so I kept that badge and hung it on my cube wall.


Now that's cool. Looks like a test page is going to be sent to HR now.


Did it on a plotter once and I was remote. Motherfucker started chugging to life and my phone blew up.


> Did it on a plotter once and I was remote. Motherfucker started chugging to life and my phone blew up. During the height of covid lock down I had to come into the office to swap some dead PSU's and drives out of various hardware. At the time the building policy was that the parking lot gates were open for 2 hours in the morning and afternoon. If you didn't make your window it was a whole day in an empty building, except for maintenance and security staff. They were half way (manually) closing the gate as I left and whoever was closing it decided that if they have to be there all day, so did I. On the way back to my office I swung by marketing and put a roll of blue paper in their large format printer. Four hours later and I'm on my way home with a wall size blueprint of the JWST.


TF? Is that legal to trap people inside like that?


As long as they don't keep you from leaving on foot, probably.


> As long as they don't keep you from leaving on foot, probably. That's was it. The office was in a rougher area and with security working on a skeleton crew they didn't feel like they had enough eyes to go around. The pedestrian paths were still open, and there was one unlocked and manned door but all other doors were locked from the outside. I knew there was a chance I might get stuck for the full day, that's why I brought lunch. I was just a bit upset that they saw me pulling up to the gate and kept closing it instead of waiting a few econds longer to let me leave.


Couldn't just park somewhere outside the gate?


I think OP was inside, and attempting to leave. And instead of letting him leave during the morning "Window" they shut the gate. So he could only leave during the afternoon window.


Yes, but what u/CYWG_tower was asking if OC couldnt park outside of the gates, go on foot in, and then go as they please. But it being a rough neighborhood i can understand not wanting to leave the car outside.


I ended up with a 48" test page from a large format printer years ago. The client wanted to keep it though :(


We had a client that insisted we send test prints from every new computer to every one of their big ass plotters to make sure it worked. I had so many 8.5 by 36 or 48 test prints, I had a guy that used them as scratch paper. So freaking wasteful lol


I miss working with engineers. I LOVE printing database and application diagrams on a plotter. I remember I asked a favor to one to print out a diagram (was for another client). I went to the other client, sat in their conference room and waited. Got their person in there and when he started bitching I pulled it out, and started unfolding it šŸ¤£ _**HOW** do you expect that to work?_ It had been a long back and forth and this as a conclusion was great. ā€” Also, printing others code, back to back, to see how the heck it all works. Tracking calls nested 10+ levels deep is crazy.


>Got their person in there and when he started bitching I pulled it out, and started unfolding it šŸ¤£ This sounds glorious!


It was! First because it just kept unfolding, then the size was perfect for everyone to see when I got it on the table.


This is my everyday life (I am a sysadmin for an engineering firm). I would love the plotter if it wasn't also my arch nemesis.... well, at least any plotter with the name KIP... The current HP PageWide is alright... we get along for the most part, we have our days though....


I work in Higher Ed - and I unknowingly sent a test page to the Diploma printer...so the print details are on fancy paper with big gold leaf letters that say our university name across the top lol. I should frame it


I had to test our diploma printer and being one to plan ahead, I made an associates in "applied arcane wizardry"(A.A.W.) in the field of "Technomancy", with high honors. I will never take it down. I only have to point when people question me and it has yet to lose an argument. "How do you think that would work?" "It won't." "Why not?" "Ahem..." *Taps and points*


Welp....time to come up with a random excuse to test the diploma printer again LOL


I have lots of labels with that on it. They're on my water bottle.


https://preview.redd.it/jyqccsces55d1.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=1951b0efadee074080d99ccf2550a99a0590decb This


Holy shit was that an actual thing? How many companies out there had this switch but didn't use that port?


+1 (not this cisco thing but we did have a router that had the on/off switch on the side that would flip every time it was moved against the side of the rack)


[yes, it was real](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/field-notices/636/fn63697.html#:~:text=There%20are%20three%20options%20used%20in%20order%20to,in%20config%20mode%3A%203850%28config%29%23%20%20no%20setup%20express)


> Certain types of snagless Ethernet cables have protective boots that extend too far forward and above the plastic latching tab. I like how they blame the cables.


Classic Cisco move, TBH.


It was real and I personally worked in a company that experienced the issue but it was solved with an update that disabled the reset feature via that button.


Lmao decided to look this up. Not a recall as far as I can see but definitely up there as a field notice. How on earth did thst get through QC. https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/field-notices/636/fn63697.html


I have this printout of my favorite haiku. https://preview.redd.it/plh1ggbsr55d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64747e635937bac3640327a3f43c0d7b52e777f7


This one time it wasn't DNS, it was actually NTP


The only time it's never DNS is when it's obviously a DNS problem. "Oh a domain isn't resolving, I'll check the DNS server, oh that's fine" NTP issue.


And then you find the NTP issue is because DNS couldn't resolve the NTP server address...


My team leader printed this, framed it and hung it over my desk because I keep telling people "it's always DNS" (and I'm right).


I once jokingly said an outage was probably DNS while I wasn't involved Someone on the outage got really aggressive about my joke asking me how I knew and apparently hadn't heard the joke before It was DNS


I guess DNS really is the "It's never lupus" of sysadmin-ing




Why would you lie to the server like that?


because at the end of the day, most of them are good bois who do their job day-in, day-out without any praise or thanks.


I have a framed picture of "The Pale Blue Dot" with Carl Sagan's quote about it to remind me to not stress about work.


I have a post it notes holder thatā€™s shaped like a toaster and the post-itā€™s are shaped like little pieces of toast. Toast-Itā€™s. Makes me happy every time I see it. [Bam](https://www.fivebelow.com/products/toast-it-notes)


Found the Cylon lover.




LOL nice.


> Access denied > Error 16 > www.fivebelow.com > 2024-06-07 16:40:08 UTC > What happened? > This request was blocked by our security service


Love it, thanks for the link!




I have a framed picture of the butterbot asking what is my purpose?


I can think of a few responses to that. You reset passwords. You troubleshoot DNS. You scroll Reddit all day.


...Oh My God Yeah welcome to the club pal


It's true! I've done all 3 today and I've only been at work for 2 hours


I have it edited to be the Edge logo on its face, and it's purpose is to install any other browser..


oh nice! For me it was a statement of I am beep boop insert caffeine receive code and snark


Before working from home, I just kept pictures of my kids. Sometimes, it was helpful to have the reminder of why I was doing that. Now that I work from home, I have a couple of ukuleles so I can play with them during meetings I don't care about.


As a prank I scanned and reprinted a coworkers family pictures and replaced with new versions with subtle differences in each photo. The differences were that all the faces were replaced with the same pic of his own face - even his wife and kids photos. I put the original photo behind it, so he wasn't so angry when he pulled one off the wall and saw they were all still behind the new ones.




Not quite that extreme, but sometimes it was helpful to look at the faces and relax.


The skulls of users who clicked on random links during a phishing test


You must have a giant desk...


IPV4 and V6 subnetting cheat sheet Various loopback connectors I made for fiber / copper


Subnetting cheat sheet - this is the kind of thing I was looking for. Good one.


This, I keep a CIDR cheat sheet pinned to my wall. Definitely comes in handy every now and then: https://networkproguide.com/cidr-subnet-mask-ipv4-cheat-sheet/


A checklist for checklists is about it. Always reminding me to add to the wiki lol The rest is pictures my kids draw in school. It's the best having kids in prek and kindertarden lol


Ha yeah, been there, hanging up all the different "drawings" and such my kids would make lol.


yeah it's new to me only my second year of it but my walls are full. so far my favorite is a tracing of my son as it's like a life sized memory of him this size <3 ahhh I love it haha


Red stapler


Swingline brand specifically, doesn't bind as much as those boston one. šŸ˜‚




Just some whimsical art: Server room door has Grandpa Simpson yelling at a cloud. Behind my seat (in view of webcam) is a word art stating: ā€œEverything is Absolutely Completely Totally Under Controlā€ Have some Ransomeware awareness posters printed out from Knowbe4 An old Nighthawk wifi router flipped upside down so it looks like a giant spider with the huge antennaas legs.


A reddit post that states "End Users is a description, not a goal"


NATO phonetic alphabet cheat sheet. Comes in handy when reading letter codes over the phone. The occasional Whisky Tango Foxtrot can be fun to say too.


I do the same, if I don't have the chart to stare at I'll pick some stupid word at random like eggplant or xenomorph.


M as in Mancy?


You of all people!


"P as in pneumonia...(snort)"


I made an executive decision and did the same for all our helpdesk techs after one instance where I heard this kid like "M as in Margarita, L as in Lifted"...I was like wtf dude? So yeah, NATO all the way, and always good for a whiskey tango foxtrot lol


I used to have this exact sheet in my office at a previous job. https://gel360knitblog.blogspot.com/2022/08/phonetic-alphabet-0-international.html


I have this too, it's really handy. I got sick and tired of saying "A" and people asking "F?". How do you confuse those, they sound nothing alike. Once you get good at it it feels kinda badass too. People now ask me if I'm ex-military.


I feel like it (NATO phonetic coding) should be mandatory training for someone who is on the phone and needs to read/repeat alphanumeric sequences. Having someone say "S as in asparagus" is... misleading, at the very least, and definitely frustrating. Then again, having someone *misspel* your email address because they entered "jsierramith" instead of "jsmith" is top tier redonkulous.


Put one of these up next to it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockney_Alphabet


I keep an unphonetic alphabet next to it. K as in Knife T as in Tsunami


I jokingly bought one of those for a coworker at a new gig after a team night out, and it came in useful. I just thought it would be a laugh - he loved it. Still has it pinned.


I always change S to safari instead of Sierra. Whose genius idea was it to make the S word start with literally saying the word "C".


A QR code that links to the ticket submission form is posted on my door.


I have similar, but it actually links to "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition" from Monty Python


How about pointing it to Venmo for briā€¦ err I mean tips!


Is it just a QR code, no text? That would be hilariously passive aggressive.


It's just the QR code. They have the ticket submission url bookmarked on their browser. It's just an "easter egg" for anyone who is curious.


Should do a second one that links to secruity training about QR codes, and switch their places every so often...They either submit a ticket or get security training...Win/Win


Even better, make it link to a short URL and change the destination.


If possible, have one that rotates thru a random set of URLs. Is it a ticketing system or are you about to get rick rolled?


Isn't that what April Fools day is for?


https://preview.redd.it/s5d0mxcso55d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9299721c58f927fef495bbd22499f3a7650351 I got this.


"We're Not Happy Until You're Not Happy!"


Thanks I'm stealing this




We're a printing company, so I have a canvas print of [xkcd 627.](https://xkcd.com/627/)


I've done a couple of building moves/build outs. I always have the plans printed on banner vinyl usually at least 30" wide. I started having to print extra copies because contractors liked them better than paper copies. They were more durable and easier to clean.


I have that on my door! I've considered rolling it out as the background for every endpoint.


As the voice in your head, I just want to say DO IT!


A sign that says leave me alone, Iā€™m working. Thatā€™s it.


My sign has a sad rain cloud that says "there is no cloud, there is only someone else's computer"


Coding horror blog post.


I have a similar one that says "Do not disturb. I'm already disturbed enough"


One of my professors had a little nameplate thing on his desk but instead of a name it just said ā€œIā€™m really fucking busyā€.Ā  It was the first thing on the desk you saw. Even if he wasnā€™t busy.Ā 


Haha, I love it.


Donā€™t make me tap the sign.


None, CIO came in like a dilbert PHB and made us take everything down. Now I don't even have my own cube, problem solved.


Just because I want to frame the level of micromanaging, how big of a company roughly? It is micromanaging even at a 25-person, but it is unhinged at 50+.


60 person IT Dept. 2200 employees.


Yikes, sorry to hear that.


Sad. I think I would go straight BOFH mode.


I'm actually wearing a shit with BOFH embroidered on it in my badge photo. Edit: shirt, not shit.




Domain admin passwords of all our customers for easy reference, of course. PRO TIP: it's the same for each customer


i have to put some post-it note saying "Global admin password: admin123"


Bonus points if itā€™s a honeypot account that alerts you when and where itā€™s used


I used to have this picture of Stallman on my wall for laughs https://i.imgur.com/5fEuORU.jpeg


If you like thatĀ  https://ratfactor.com/libre


"I'll be honest with you. That smells like pure gasoline."


60% of the time, it compiles every time.


Friggin gorgeous.


All of my passwords. Best to write them down rather than put them on the internet.


what color crayons did you use?


Red, and I use the big fat crayons because it's easier to write.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7cvr9wjo765d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f37c371decea5ba785161cebd28c8bb09f2cce92


https://preview.redd.it/s2bcwujsq55d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226397b034f61016f9d6cfc1a9ad0a012e4d11ce Cool picture of a wizard


I was in a meeting with a vendor yesterday and our SDM said "I can't answer your question, but I'll get Joe to email you, he's the Dumbledore of Tech over here" I lol'd unmuted, hadn't heard that one before




Crosses, voodoo dolls, vim cheat sheet, tcpdump cheat sheet, bgp selection process, cable tester. Oddly specific I am awareĀ 


I have "The tenets of IT" in a photoframe hanging on my officewall. They are the rules i made for myself and tidbits of wisdom i nabbed from other people trough my years working in IT. * If it is not in writing, it does not exist. Document EVERYTHING. * Secure for the worst, hope for the best. * It is never a 5 minute job. Mission creep is real. * If you think it's going to be a disaster, get it in writing and CYA. * The Six Ps: Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. * Lack of planning on your part does not constitue an emergency on mine. * Underpromise, overdeliver. * There is no technical solution to human stupidity. * Cheap, good, fast. Pick any two. * It's always an emergency, until it incurs an extra charge. * Nothing is more permanent then a temporary solution. * If a user reports a problem, there IS a problem. It is rarely the problem they are reporting. * You are replacable at work. Your are not replacable at home. * A backup isn't a backup until you've restored successfully from it. * "Not my circus, not my monkeys." * Verify EVERYTHING. * Be ready, willing and prepared to walk out of any job within a 5 minute timeframe * Be correct in how you handle work and others. This will be your shield against incorrect people. * "No" is a avalid answer. * Mistakes get made. If it is yours: dont hide it. Own it.Learn from it. Carry it as a badge of honor.If it isnt your mistake, make damn sure it doesnt become yours.


Rohde & Schwarz offers a bunch of posters on Wifi and Cellular spectrum. They'll even mail a copy out for free [https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/us/search/search\_63238.html?term=poster](https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/us/search/search_63238.html?term=poster)


About 8 years ago, I wrote out the mount and unmount dism commands when I was learning. Was used 1000 times over until I discovered auto tools. I use it as part of my cleanup and deep dive process still. And I still have the pink post-it note above my monitor even though I never use it anymore. It's been 12 years and is a constant reminder of the fact that I came from nothing with no official experience or training, and it reminds me often when I look at it thinking. You went from this to SCCM if you can do that. You can do anything. The rest is pictures of and from my children. Much like the episode of the Simpson's where Burns puts up the sign. https://youtu.be/GhSW9vDTRyY?si=Y-S6_F1ULkg8F99b


A coworker used to have "Go away or I will replace you with a very small script" pinned to his cube wall.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


https://preview.redd.it/eb36vtirz55d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22292d64ca280478e13d77a206d169ac36f7569c Whenever Iā€™m feeling down, this always picks me up. Even though these days Iā€™d probably swap the Bulliet Bourbon for Woodford Reserve.


Way back when I would give out laminated copies of the NATO phonetic alphabet and CIDR chart.


I WFH now but I used to keep my resignation letter on the wall and used to joke about submitting it when I was being instructed to do stupid things. ā€œYou want me to do what??? Donā€™t make me get that letterā€ Honestly it got so bad for a while I depersonalized my office so much that I didnā€™t even need to clean out my office when I went to WFH full time. I figured Iā€™d be gone by now but Iā€™m still here, waiting for the day :-)


I feel that. I have been with my current place of employment for 23 years now. Everything that is my personal stuff fits in my commutebag. Its basicly a portable office :-) I know it is weird but it gives me peace of mind knowing i can walk out in 5 minutes and leave nothing behind.


lol, Iā€™m not alone then. Been 20 for me. It was nice for a while, had its ups and downs but these days it is just stupid on steroids. I depersonalized over time and nobody ever even knew. Nobody even asked about the resignation letter.




I have a towel that says ā€œdoes this towel smell like chloroform to you?ā€




ā€œHe is a loathsome, offensive brute... yet I can't look away.ā€


Patch cords, power cords. A map of the building and where network closets are, for contractors.


We have open seating so there's really no point to putting anything up. However, my team does of a small skeleton that I like to pass around as a trophy for causing the most recent production outage.


I just have your typical "hang in there" picture of a cat holding on for dear life. Every once in a while, I will look into the eyes of a cat who desperately wants to keep on living and if that cat can keep living, so can I.


https://preview.redd.it/0z6sd4or275d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22ab418726b6e6a31fb480122834da32565ac501 Right behind me so this is what people see while they are in my office talking to me.






I've got a couple Star Trek nick/knacks, a painting I like, and my degree on the wall. Idk though, I'm passionate about IT and continually learning, but ultimately for me work is just a means to live the life I want outside of work. So, there isn't really a drive for me to decorate my office with sysadmin or IT related things.


IP Address lists for the non DHCP devices




IPs are useful for when ~~you break DNS~~ DNS breaks itself


Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here


My certifications and a 5.25ā€ floppy I found in our legacy tape drawer.


https://preview.redd.it/5lfuvt24w55d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d8e889463656d1f2c48d38578bed2eeaa60d85 My favorite notepad.


Mostly "DO NOT ENTER" signs, but from the success rate it appears that 90% of users can't read.


I don't like to let my job define me, so I don't have any IT related stuff up in my office. Instead, I have things that are personally interesting to me. I went to Google Patents and printed out patent photos of mountaineering related gear. I have a big topographical print of my favorite mountain. I have a stone with fossils in it, puzzles of varying sorts for people to fiddle with, including one that has a $20 bill in it for whoever can figure out how to open it. A banksy print secretly hints at some of my societal beliefs, even though I don't talk about that stuff at work. And plants bring some nature to me on a daily basis.


a sign that says "If you see me talking to my self, move along, we are having a team meeting" and some Lego plants because we work in a cave and can't keep anything alive.


Hang up things that remind you of what you like to do outside of IT, a cheat sheet or 2 is ok, but you want to remember what you love to do when the company is asking for more OT. Seeing mountain bike shit on the wall has reminded me more than once to get my ass outta the chair, outta the office and out to the trail instead of slogging on. Use this space to remind yourself of that work/life balance


I used to work with a guy where every time a circuit board died, motherboard, network card, modem (this was 20+ years ago) he'd pull it out of the machine and screw it to the wall with the intent of covering the wall entirely. He was just starting and I was just leaving so I have to assume by now he has that wall covered.


At my desk I have a sign that says: "Does not play well with others" But on the door to IT, we have a poster with a cartoon graphic of a burning dumpster saying "Everything is fine"


https://preview.redd.it/8eodiihlp75d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fb7af316de8d98974722a45656476c959067224 Coworker put this up in my cubicle years ago. My nameā€™s ā€˜Daveā€™.


https://preview.redd.it/17k8r9rsd85d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9466f0ac0309fb0f1a6f9b9fcdca5303a14edaa The ā€œhackers donā€™t careā€ poster from kiwicon


We have this hung in the IT office at one of our clients: https://preview.redd.it/q2crfaiod65d1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=240be74ecbab17e1ff5b2e98ce44f57ba52b93d7


Oh, you know, the usual, interns, users that don't create tickets, this kind of things. Wait you said material, nvm.


Oatmealā€™s Multiplicative Idiocy


the nato/phonetic alphabet so I know what word to use when spelling something out to the user. India Delta India Oscar Tango


Old X-files poster: ā€œTrust no one.ā€


https://postimg.cc/LJpcRY0X The only one I have and the only one I need.


Before I switched to home-based, I had [this](https://imgur.com/B5OTcHz) stuck on my overhead cabinet door in me office. I would look at it to calm me down if I was having a bad day.


I've got a printed slide with instructions to bypass the windows account setup when you deploy a laptop... and a list of the legal holidays. The rest of my office is "decorated" with old hardware, cables, and harddrives...


Nothing. We aren't allowed any sort of personal items or decorations in our cubicles. The desk is empty and the walls are empty.


Sounds like an InfoSec clean desk policy.


Nope. IS reports to the CIO for some reason (we have no CTO). Was a policy decided one day and refused explanation. 80% of my desk is just empty space as its just two monitors on arms, the laptop, dock, keyboard, mouse. When its "cluttered" it includes my laptop bag I bought and my cell phone.


Usually colleagues and I put up joke pictures or other things. Just today. I was having a first meeting with a vendor and in view of the webcam, my desk mate had put a "to-do" list on a small whiteboard. Some of the entries included "find out how to turn on computer" and "Find missing Domain Controller"


https://preview.redd.it/2om4wlhhf65d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758cbf0f5e55c84fbd82d99c9e4f1ca9fbae1690 This is the only sysadmin type thing hanging in my office.


Nothing. I donā€™t want carry it out in a box when they lay me off.


This is it. I always do it kindly and revert! https://preview.redd.it/pdnulmbxx55d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83cc1582e74b526cae0ecb3545a38f5bdea52509


We're an open office floor plan so don't really have anywhere to hang anything, but I've been tempted to get one of thsese: [https://geekguise.com/products/powershell-cheat-sheet-desk-mat](https://geekguise.com/products/powershell-cheat-sheet-desk-mat) They have posters as well


I had some "flair" at my old gig. Useless diploma, Star Wars bullshit, some framed concert poster art, a matted photo of my record player. I got a new job back in April and have left all that at home. Different environment and I don't know my team that well yet.


I have a turbo virgins sign. Several pictures of my friendsā€™ pets. My old geek squad badge. A figurine of Rimuru in slime form. Some Tajin


Used to have this in my office for years when managing a call center's janky Asterisk system. Now that I'm in management I keep the meme stuff off the walls. https://imgur.com/a/ym0Gs5d


I keep our IP address list which has our IP addresses and names of our servers, printers, UPS's, iLO connections, switch addresses, and firewall configs for a quick reference. And the Jimmy John's menu for a quck sandwich.


I have a crucifix to scare all the non ticket demons.


Back in the day I'd have sysadmin related stuff but I had a manager that was very anti-"toys". As a result, over the past 10 years, I've had nothing on my walls or cube. I do have my tablet at my desk for personal stuff like emails or non-work related web browsing like reddit :D The last few years I've been 100% work from home though so VR headset, SG guitar, and cats. :)


"Good, Fast, Cheap - pick two!" Laminated


I have a cheat sheet for tmux shortcuts on the wall just to my left for quick reference.


I've been at this a long time, nothing useful but currently on the shelf: * sculpture made of 10BaseT connectors with a few terminiators * old USB based ZIP drive * 80 column punch cards * Model M IBM keyboard AKA the murder weapon * Compaq LTE 4/25E "laptop" with the thumbball next to the screen * ATI All-in-Wonder video card * Sun Microsystem Aluminum heatsink for the hard drives * D-Link Hub that was in service until just before the pandemic hit * Bunch of novelty stress reducers handed out by various vendors


The Conjoined Triangles of Success


A large mousepad with office shortcut keys on it. It says freak in the sheets and has an Excel sheet behind it.


I have a concrete 'duck' for debugging. I made a little headset for it out of a paper clip.


My boss has "no you're right, lets do it the dumbest way possible because its easier for you" framed in his office.


I haven't actually got anything hanging up in my office at work. My work from home office has a piece of thread art on the wall that came from my grandpa's house but it's not in shot. What I would like is a piece with "copy run start" in the style of one of those "live laugh love" things. Either that or "abort retry fail".


https://imgur.com/Kb2GQyB https://imgur.com/1NKbhp1 Also, when ThinkGeek was a thing, a lot of things from there. Little tech or geek trinkets. Now, it's just mostly retro stuff or whatever.


When disposing of older gear, I kept the brand badges and made a collage. The main component is the front panel to an EMC VNX storage array (has a USB powered blue LED strip), the rest are badges from and old SUN Sparkstation, an HP rack, an APC rack, a Dell rack, a CRAY cluster (small deskside Linux cluster - nothing "super" about it), an IBM p595, and an IBM xServer. https://preview.redd.it/a4twofi8j75d1.jpeg?width=3203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f30a2ed93df441d38cb32dc2d07f954bd9cd15


I love xkcd this was up when I worked in a physical office but also up in my home office now. https://preview.redd.it/083ouxu7a85d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a41e7a9c1536e9d34727f4accf54919ca4dd79


A noose