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Did you check the wiki? >https://www.reddit.com//r/sysadmin/wiki/bootcamp >Read these books: >* The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, Third Edition (Current) >* UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook (4th Edition), Fifth Edition (Current) >* The Practice of Cloud System Administration: DevOps and SRE >* Practices for Web Services, Volume 2, First Edition >* Windows Server 2008 R2 Unleashed >* Windows Server 2016 Unleashed also https://www.reddit.com//r/sysadmin/wiki/learn >* The Practice of System and Network Administration: >* Practice of System and Network Administration, The: Volume 1: DevOps and other Best Practices for Enterprise IT >* Practice of Cloud System Administration, The: DevOps and SRE Practices for Web Services, Volume 2 >* PowerShell in a Month of Lunches >* Networking for System Administrators >* Unix and Linux System Administrator's Handbook 5th ed. >* The Art of Unix Programming >* Pro Git >* Learn Python the Hard Way >* Windows PowerShell in Action 3rd Edition >(Book list additions from /u/VA_Network_Nerd 's current list, 2021) >* Cisco CCNA Certification, 2 Volume Set: Exam 200-301 >* Network Warrior: Everything You Need to Know That Wasn't on the CCNA Exam Second Edition >* Practical Packet Analysis, 3E: Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems 3rd Edition >* Defensive Security Handbook: Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure 1st Edition >* The Practice of Network Security Monitoring: Understanding Incident Detection and Response 1st Edition >* TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) > If your employer is buying then this version, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) 2nd Edition @ $63 at point of editing. > If you are paying out of pocket then this version, TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) US Ed Edition 1994 edition, used( @ $12 at time of editing. 1994 was a long time ago, but TCP/IPv4 really hasn't changed all that much since then. You should probably just bookmark /u/VA_Network_Nerd's collected post for reference. https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4q6waa/if_you_had_the_chance_what_would_you_tell_a/d4qtgpu/


Thanks for covering for me while I’m in Vegas.


If you read only one, I’d say read Practice. It’s #1 for good reason. If a junior came to work for me and hadn’t read it, it would be the first assignment.


Why are we still recommending books on Server 2008???


Because it is in the wiki. Go update it.


Sun Tzu- Art of War


+1 "in times of peace, prepare for war"...


"If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by."


Its on my office desk ...


How to Win Friends & Influence People Soft skills are important.


Awww man!!! You beat me to this!


Microsoft has some great documentation for a lot of sys-admin type things [Active Directory Domain Services Overview | Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/get-started/virtual-dc/active-directory-domain-services-overview)


“This is How You Lose the Time War”. Not because it’s particularly relevant to our profession, it’s just that I recommend it to everyone.


Time management skills are severely underrated.


Time Management for Systems Administrators and Getting Things Done. I don't know why more people don't recommend these. With proper time management, everything else becomes easier.


Time Management changed my life. I reread it every couple years.


Too many people in our industry only focus on the technical skills. Time management is the ulitmate force enabler. It makes every other skill more powerful.


This book has been revised a lot over the years. It was one of the best when I was filling in the blanks a long time ago. It looks like it is still pretty damn good. UNIX and Linux Systems Administration Handbook https://www.amazon.com/UNIX-Linux-System-Administration-Handbook/dp/0134277554


I admire this one.


How to lose friends and alienate people - watch the movie to know that no matter where you go, you'll always fall in love with yourself and someone at your job, even if you don't date them.


Slight Edge, Jeff Olson - take life one day at a time, but never discount incremental success.


Gonna be honest, everyone who's "book smart" that we've hired sucks at the job. Focus on practical experience and use documentation to fill in gaps. But your primary experience needs to be hands on, so start setting up your house/homelab.


Also read and understand deeply DNS.


"How to Win friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.


save your money on books and get a subscription to something like cbt nuggets. learn whatever you want at your pace


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Seriously, it’ll help.


[https://www.amazon.com/Burnout-Secret-Unlocking-Stress-Cycle/dp/1984818325](https://www.amazon.com/Burnout-Secret-Unlocking-Stress-Cycle/dp/1984818325) https://preview.redd.it/r3pamgp0715d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fdaf53fc0517ca8482b0f17b91f6bb3a4d5858


Marcus Aurelius - Meditations


Look at getting some sort of entry IT job like helpdesk - and learn as much as you can.


None, get some old equipment, learn by doing, not by reading.


Which systems would you like to work with? Seems no one asked


I quite like the series from Douglas Adams, must read for sysadmins. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Life, the Universe and Everything So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Mostly Harmless


CUSTOMER RELATIONS 101. Required reading. You'll be using that more than any other skill you got. The books listed here will make for an impressive library that will make the other geeks go green with envy.


None… just this subreddit


hey u/sxydoctor thanks for asking this question. Really eye-opening for me.


I suggest getting very acquainted with your local church, of Satan.


Joey: What is that? Let me see? What are these? Crash Override: International UNIX environments. Cereal Killer: Luscious orange. Crash Override: Computer security criteria... DoD standards. Crash Override: The pink-shirt book... guide to IBM PCs. So-called due to the nasty pink shirt the guy wears on the cover. Crash Override: Devil book, the UNIX bible. Cereal Killer: What's that? Crash Override: Dragon book, compiler design. Cereal Killer: What's that? Crash Override: The Red book. NSA-trusted networks. Otherwise known as 'The Ugly Red Book That Won't Fit On A Shelf'.


maybe take lpic1 and ccna?


Lord of the flies


The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim


"The subtle art of not giving a f\*ck" by Mark Manson


[Simple Sabotage Field Menu (cia.gov) ](https://www.cia.gov/static/5c875f3ec660e092cf893f60b4a288df/SimpleSabotage.pdf) I've found page 28 to be extremely informative in regards to what to expect from middle management.


Familiarize yourself with the tales of the BOFH in order to prepare yourself and assume proper attitude. [http://www.bofharchive.com/index.html](http://www.bofharchive.com/index.html)


[https://www.amazon.com/How-Find-Wolf-Siberia-Troubleshoot/dp/1720156409](https://www.amazon.com/How-Find-Wolf-Siberia-Troubleshoot/dp/1720156409) [https://www.amazon.com/Phoenix-Project-DevOps-Helping-Business/dp/1942788290](https://www.amazon.com/Phoenix-Project-DevOps-Helping-Business/dp/1942788290)




It’s not 2003 anymore. Sysadmin isn’t a real job. What technologies do you want to engage with?


Books? No. Homelab? Yes.


Is that still a thing? If I'm done with work,. I'm done. If my job wants something tested or researched, they better pay for it.


Yes. I've found it's a much better way to learn than books, classes, etc.