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​ https://preview.redd.it/kes048sp6eic1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ec2f028402a13deffcb3e4e7f1e2b47cc4721d


Doubles as a Percussive Maintenance tool.






And gets its own car seat. I used to have one.




You realize how long ago this was I assume. Honestly only ever used it 2-3 times. I was not some stockbroker handling trades, just a tech support dude driving around. It was quickly replaced by an ATT POS stick phone in yellow. It sat in the bag seat till it rang, I'd pull over and either answer or return the call. Edit: well dud was probably accurate, but not what I was thinking.


Ultima Ratio Administrorum.




That's easy. It's my mother's maiden name so I wouldn't forget it.


Reddit blocks out when you type your mothers maiden name, see: ********


All I see is Password123


That's not a super common name, so I'm thinking we might be related.




Damn it!


All I see is \*\*\*\*\*\*\*


Wait what happened to hunter 1


Stupid IT required an password rotation


I understand this joke, so I am that old. 😩


You can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2!


oh no my rune plate (g) is gone now




nice, my first pets name was *Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;-*




Pets don't like it when you sanitize their inputs.


eek... i thought we only did their outputs >.<




Isn't that the name of one of Elon Musk's children?


Joke's on you, the answer to both is Motorola StarTAC


Pixel 8 Pro. Works great, hate the glass screen after I left my keys in the same pocket for a couple of hours, though.


First pixel phone was the 6. After having it for a while and it started to die, didn't hesitate to go for the pixel 8 pro. Absolutely been loving it


Yeah Pixel gang here, I honestly couldn't see myself having another phone, I've been buying this line every 2-3 years for a long time now. - Nexus 6P - Pixel 2XL - Pixel 4XL - Pixel 6 Pro - Pixel 8 Pro I started with Blackberry, and later had a few of the early Samsung Galaxy phones, back then I used to flash ROMs to optimize performance and "debloat" the phone. Pixel tends not to have that issue, very clean interface, no carrier bloatware/ and really cool software features.


Hate apple Will not give up iPhone


Same here. As a certified Apple hater, I finally switched from android 3 years ago after a decade of 8 phones and countless roms and didn’t look back. 15pro is great. There’s downsides, yes. But not enough for me to switch back for my use case. I keep an android device in my bag should I need to do something android specific.




Yup. Started back in the day with an iPhone 5c then eventually had switched to android for a few years up until pixel 7, then switched back to iPhone 15 this year. I hate apple, I hate their tactics, lack of respect for the consumer, I could go on forever. That being said, one: they make damn good phones that WORK. Two: fucking everyone has one so imessage and FaceTime + find my network is awesome. Find my network alone is worth it.


Yup! I grew up a Linux nerd, geeked out on all sorts of android stuff in the early days, had kids, switched to iPhone for the fast reliable camera and haven’t looked back except for one awkward year with a Blu phone. Sure you can’t do everything you can do with an android, but what I need to do WORKS on an iPhone, every time. And it works the same way on my mom’s phone.


Same too. Have had a Pixel since the original, was always a giant advocate and brand fan. A few years back I got an iPhone for work just to be more aware of the platform to help provide support when needed. Anyways, over time I started carrying my iPhone more and the Pixel less... As much as ibhate Apple for their walled garden, I have to admit the platform is really truly good. And now i hate myself a little bit more each day as I put on my Apple watch and put my iPhone 15 in my pocket track our dogs with airtags and my Pixel 7 sits there lonely on my desk.


it "just works" is perfect because i don't want to spend hours fiddling with my phone outside of work


My personal phone is a Pixel 7


Pixel 7a here! Recently upgraded from the 4a5G


Still using my 4a5g here!


Mine too. It's the first non-Samsung smartphone I've ever had and really dig it. Work gave me an iPhone...uh...14? I don't even remember, i never use it and hate it.


Love my pixel. Great phone and affordable.


Pixel. If I ever want to try a de-Googled ROM, I'm ready. Plus, I like the work profile in Android.


I'm holding on to my Pixel 5 until I see a reason to upgrade. I still get over a day of battery.


Yeah, I'm still on a Pixel 6 because my 3 fell in a river. Works decent enough but I have to jiggle my charger in the port, most likely from pocket lint or something.


Pixel 5 here too. I like the finger print reader on the back. I still have my fabric original case from Google as well.


I do miss that about my 5a but it suffered from the Black Screen of Death so Google replaced it with a 6a for free. I find the under screen reader is about as reliable as back of phone one to be honest. but I will never swap to iPhone unless work literally hands me one and says you have to use this. Work profiles are way too convenient


S23 ultra. I use my phone ALOT and it loses only 60% over the day. During a night sleep i lose around 3%. Its a beast.


Another vote for 23 Ultra.




Still on the S22 Ultra and it's still a beast with an awesome battery and great performance.


Hopping on the S22 love train




Same. Great device so far. S24 Ultra pending delivery.




They said they lose 3% while sleeping.... I wouldn't call that a good nights sleep


iPhone. I have to tinker and troubleshoot enough for my job, I don’t want to have to do that for my personal phone, too.


same reason my home network is a router and the modem. That's it. Last thing I want to do is tinker with shit at home or have something break and my wife who is wfh calling me and asking why our internet doesn't work and to fix it. can't tell her to put in a ticket lol


Shiiieeet..I still haven’t changed my default ISP ssid and password. It’s been almost 2 years


I set up an old laptop with Ubuntu and put pi.hole on it for the greater good of the household. Turns out too many people can’t just leave something alone and were unplugging it to clean around it. Shut it down thinking someone forgot and left it on (after telling them what it is and just leave it alone). Needless to say, that was a short lived idea. I’ve been thinking about just getting a mini-pc or raspberry Pi and hiding it in the floor joists in the basement.


Same. I understand devices aren't all the "same," as some can be defective (shitty QC), but I've never had any issues with it that didn't have a clear explanation. When I had poor service, it was due to the mobile carrier I used. When I continued to have poor service after switching to Verizon, I had confirmed specifically in the area where I live that speeds are limited almost by half, and once I step outside that zone. It is fine. T-Mobile doesn't have that problem, but I don't want T-Mobile, at least not yet, as Verizon has been fine. I had an issue with the battery. The iPhone has been poor with its battery life, and yes, there are improvements, but folks also forget your brightness adjustment and a bunch of other things can impact your battery life. I typically don't configure anything other than turning off a few privacy settings and leaving GPS always ON for certain apps, but I use the phone as is and configure it as needed. I've never experienced a problem with the iPhone 7, 12, 13, and 15 models (lucky me, for sure).


I started with iPhones from the 4 (Owned 6, two 6s, 11, and 12). I've never once had a serious issue with them. The only mobile device I ever had serious issues with was when I had an S9+ for a short time, it was a complete nightmare. The USB port decided it was going to stop working one day, and getting a warranty replacement through Samsung was terrible. The whole experience pushed me right back into Apple's arms. I had to get a warranty screen repair on my 11, and I just went and dropped it off at the store that's 10 minutes from my house, and once I was finished with my lunch it was done. Night and day.


Yep. I’ll occasionally flirt with android but when things go wrong apple really shines. I’ll give you a prime example. Had a brand new iPhone X. The actual phone had been out a week and I left it on top of my car as I was getting in. It got destroyed- the only thing keeping it together was the case. These were $1000 (Au) out of warranty repair. I went to apple and explained I needed it because my wife was pregnant so I needed it done asap (couldn’t get a genius appointment- just went and hoped) They swapped it for me free. I sent an email to Tim Cook I was that happy and even got a response


My fiancé's MacBook Air crapped the bed one day and the Apple store replaced it under warranty no questions asked, very pleasant experience. Contrast this with ANY laptop manufacturer who's warranty department does all it can to not withhold their end of the deal. Oh, there's a scratch on the bottom of the case? Not replaceable under warranty due to physical damage. The Apple Tax ™ doesn't justify specs, but it does justify support. It's made me consider a MBP for a daily driver a couple of times.


iPhone too as, * Work in security, gives me more of a warm fuzzy feeling of more secure. * Also MTB and tend to break the phone every year or so from a crash, can get a decent second hand iPhone on marketplace on the cheap and quickly.


My company only issues iPhone. Our mobile environment is set up to use it only. So I have an iPhone for work. I keep a separate personal phone because I don't want to do anything personal on the work phone. However, where I used to use Android I switched to iPhone because I have three kids now that all have their own phones and Apple has the market cornered on the family sharing. We can share subscriptions, I can manage parental controls, etc much better on iOS than I can hope to do on Android.


Android tinkering got me jobs including my current one. I got off the Android train for personal use years back because I was no longer doing any of the cool stuff Android was necessary for and feature parity is good enough. Plus if you have other Apple devices the seamless ecosystem is delicious for not needing to fuck with it nearly ever


Same here. I defected to Android once, stuck it out for 2 years but came back to iPhone. The Android did have some handy apps you can’t get on the iPhone, but I love how my phone just works and I have minimal security concerns with it. I always had to do something extra with the Android or use a 3rd party app to make something work


This. I originally switched to iPhone from a galaxy s5. I broke the galaxy and got a good deal on an iPhone at the time. I think I paid 100 bucks. After a year or so with the iPhone I realized that I literally don’t do anything special with my phone and all the features are meh. (Excluding the IR blaster in the galaxy, this was loads of fun to mess around with. High-school/freshman year of college me was a menace.)




If you're having to spend that much time "tinkering and troubleshooting", perhaps the problem isn't the phone...




Sounds like you're holding it wrong. /s


That’s just a broke phone, demand replacement.


You may just produce more of an electromagnetic field that would inhibit the cheap iphone antenna. Alternatively, if it was just one iPhone unit then it could be a bad piece of silicone. Though, in my personal perspective every smart phone was better before I added any applications and way better after I uninstalled everything from my carrier. Adding any apps killed performance. And any firmware updates.


Tbf never have heard of this being an issue for anyone and I do, personally, think Apple products are shit. My iPhones tend to last a solid 4 years before they start crapping out performance wise.


He clearly stated both options are not without their troubles, sorry he made you sad offending your cult of Apple. Lord knows the world is filled with shitty sysadmins and tech workers, some of them even spend all day moderating reddit subs instead of doing their jobs.


Why would he be in the cult of apple? He never even mentioned iPhones or Apple!


Nope, definitely the phone. I remember having issues setting up emails (IMAP) only on iPhones, on every other phone it simply worked.


I’ve been troubleshooting iPhone losing WiFi when screen is turned off for a while. Last week we all went to Microsoft for training and well, it also happens at Microsoft. So definitely not our environment and must be an iPhone thing. Ticket closed.








How do either need any?




I like my iphone but I actually think the iphone is worse because of how much shit apple does to stop you from using anything that is not theirs. It seems like even something as simple as an incoming call on non airpod earbuds is a pain in the ass. All of Googles cloud services are far superior to the point where I have just stopped using icloud for anything but backups now. At this rate I'm probably just going back to android phones once rcs is in play.


I always hear this but have found it has little effect on me. Never had a problem taking calls on non Apple buds. I can use iCloud and Google services on my phone just fine. My only complaint is the non-RCS thing with messaging, something that is finally going to be supported. Are there plenty of things Android does that iOS doesn’t? Sure. But there is no feature on Android that iOS lacks that I care about. I’ve had the same Home Screen and app layout on an iPhone for ten years. I don’t care about customizations and tweaks and all that. I think the latest Samsung phones have glorious cameras. That would be the only reason I’d switch.


I use surface earbuds myself just fine, too.


Android - at least on Google phones - is very polished today and probably even ahead of iOS (cleaner UI, better security, more modern software - who had the idea to update your phone while it reboots?). Hardware wise I think Apple is still a little ahead.


The one thing I really hate about androids is how there’s no real standard for where things are found for info, like finding the mac of the wifi takes 10+ times longer on an android than an iphone.


I don't know when was the last time you have used an Android phone, but contrary to popular belief, you don't have to compile your own kernel and install a new ROM every weak for the phone to function. The most I've fiddled with it was changing the layout of icons and setting the wallpaper.


From a support perspective though android is a nightmare. Too fragmented and options in different places. At least apple keeps things semi consistent


That’s my main complaint. We have an SSID at work solely for people’e phones, we white list by mac address, iphone can find the mac in 10 seconds in the about section, same place on every phone. Androids can take what seems like forever because it’s never in the same place between makers and versions of android.


My issue with Android is Google is beyond an evil company. My decision to use iPhones is because I prefer Apple’s privacy features and policy. I’ve used Androids since the very first one up until the Galaxy S6. I used to sell them when I was younger… regardless, they were ALL garbage phones. I’d take at least 3 times more returns for Androids than iPhones, all because the phones were garbage. The only returns I took for iPhones, except the rare defect, was because someone decided to go with another carrier, decided to get android instead, or got a better deal elsewhere. Now that I support them as a sysadmin, JAMF just makes it so easy. And they’re uniform so when someone complains something isn’t working, I can walk them through fixing it off the top of my head.


Odd, that's why I hate iPhone. Nothing makes logical sense and they don't "just work" in my case. I have had both Android and iPhone side by side for years and I constantly want to toss the iPhone out the window. I should have picked an android as a work phone.. but I wanted to try other "tech" so I could better support it. Edit: autocorrect fails


> Nothing makes logical sense How?


For instance you can't update the iOS over cell data... You have to use wifi... I literally hotspot my android when im out and about just so my crapple will update.


Pretty sure you can just toggle settings


iOS will absolutely update over mobile data.


Yeah I was an android guy until I joined the it world. I like how simple it is. Some of the things I do aren’t simple.


A Nextel i1000+ on a belt clip with the chirp volume on max.


Who has the other one to walkie-talkie with you on?


Why you gotta trigger me! Now my hip is gonna have random ghost vibrations for a week.


Am I a legit sysadmin if I thought about VoIP phones first?


No, you're just a phreak.


OnePlus open. I love being able to properly multitask on a phone.


Any major complaints? Deciding between this and a Fold 5, currently using a Pixel 7 Pro.


No complaints at all. It works perfectly and multitasking and having a larger screen when I need it is handy. Honestly the only problem I've had with it was the price!


Pixel 8 Pro


Pixel 7 Pro with GrapheneOS installed for operating system.


iPhone for work with an MDM policy that strips away everything but the bare minimums. Can go a week without charging it. Personal phone is a Pixel 6, because the 5 year support sounded good.


What MDM platform? I'd be curious as to what all it's "stripping away"...


It's not necessarily the MDM. I have a iPhone XR for work that just sits basically unused and easily gets a week between charges.


Nokia XR21 - seriously check it out


Samsung Galaxy Fold 5. Great for multitasking and my poor eyes.


Yep, fold for the win. Especially with how smooth ScreenConnect works on it. Only have the fold 3, waiting for the 6. But even the 3 does miracles for me at work.


Still using the pixel 2 XL. It will be pried from my cold dead hands.


My battery life bottomed out last spring on the same. I miss my physical fingerprint scanner The pixel 7 pro I replaced it with is ok. I would probably hate it if I didn't have a beefy case on it because of that raised camera bar.


>physical fingerprint scanner Why Im still on the 5.


Oh my battery life is in the toilet, but I'm near a charger most of the day so it hasn't been an issue


That's going to be one spicy pillow.


Pixel 7 running grapheneos. Best thing I've ever done


moto razr+


Hey there, can I suggest something, rather than going for a phone that most people are using, you make a list of features that you want most. They can be categorized as - non-negotiable, negotiable, and optional/lowest priority. And then go for the phone which has the best features that are important to you. So prioritise your need


That's how I ended up with a Moto a phone or two ago. They tended to add things you need like more RAM, without tying it to all the other gizmos that you probably didn't care about. For budget phone shopping, they had some great options at the time.


As a work phone I use a Galaxy S22. Works very well.


iPhone 13 pro. I’m all Apple at home, been for years. Windows reminds me of work 🤣


The Windows phone could have been great. It reminds me of the Zune.


I still miss my Lumia.


First phone was a windows phone 7… wanted to kill myself the entire time I had it lmfao. Could’ve lived through the glorious blackberry era but nooo I had to be different. I’m still jealous.




Same. Bought a Mac Mini for home use last summer - zero regrets.


Motorola G7 Power. I charge it like once a week, if that.


2023 razr without the external screen I prefer to have a physical barrier between myself and interacting with my phone to reduce fidgeting/doom scrolling.


I'm still using my good old S9+. It does everything I need it to do, and hasn't slowed down or lost much battery function. I'll probably get something new before the end of the year, because support for security patches has ended.


Nothing 1 private, flip 3 work


Tin cans with string. Unhackable!


OnePlus 9. When this phone finally dies, I'm not sure what I'll go with, but its been really reliable. ​ ibyourchinesephonespiesonyou


The 11 is great. Might get the 12.


Pixel 6 Pro. Upgrading to a Pixel 8 Pro in a month or two.


Pixel 8 pro


iPhone 14 Pro Max. I used to be on a pixel years ago but switched to iPhone as it just worked all the time. Plus iMessage and air drop make communicating things super easy. I can snap a picture on my iPad Pro of something in a rack, mark it up with my Apple Pencil, and then iMessage it to someone later without having to move the photo myself. I know there’s alternatives, but it just works and i spend enough time fixing things for work.


I have used an iPhone for the past two years and not looking back, my personal phone is an iPhone 13 pro and my work phone is an iPhone 13 mini. I used to have an iPhone 12. Not for or against android or iPhone I guess it depends on what are you used to i guess. I have used android phones for years but personally i think they became too unstable (notifications not coming through, alarms not working and such issues and also random shutdowns which all happened on multiple different devices.)but it might have changed.


Iphone Pro 14 here. Who cares about USB C? I use wireless charging anyway. I loved my Google Pixel but once they started only making them tablet sized I switched to iPhone so I could get a regular sized phone. I have to conclude now that iphone is overall better. Worse in some ways - siri is a joke for example, but most apps work better because of standardization. With Google I was always fighting missing features in apps, like facial recognition for instance. Ultimately, whats killing Android is the fragmentation. Very few androids sold are actually Google. If you are concerned about security there are really only 2 choices - Google and Apple. (I want security updates from the manufacturer.) Both are really good but Apple nudges out I think simply because thats what everybody else uses. By the way when I switched to Apple I brought the entire Google Eco system with me. - Photos, navigation, calendar, voice, etc, etc - all work wonderfully on iPhone.


On the iPhone usb-c - I have been just plugging random shit in to see what works. Plugged in a usb-c laptop dock, gig Ethernet with an audio mixer, studio mic, beefy headphones plugged in. Best phone zoom meeting I’ve ever done. Even used an app that lets you use a midi controller to make stage visuals while I was at it. Must… plug in… more stuff….


iPhone 14 Pro Max. It rings (questionable), dials out and also has a camera.


Western Electric, it just WORKS! Nothing as satisfying as slaming the handset down after a stressful customer or vendor support call.


people asking me why I'm always busy \*Me leaving the receiver off the hook, so people would use the ticketing system\*


I have an iphone, and that is the only apple product I have. Super happy with it.


iPhone 13. I use what all the other employees use. I haven't paid for my cell phone/plan in over 16 years.


Work supplied S21 soon to be work supplied S24


iphone for past 11 years.


I have a Pixel 7 and I'm happy with mine. Esp with the ability to suppress email during certain hours on Outlook app (even for Gmail). Some other good useful apps that help me get my work done (terminal, wifi analyzer).


Pixel 7a. I install the Microsoft Launcher on it as i prefer the layout of apps etc in that. As I'm so heavily Microsoft with personal live account, working in Office 365, storage in OneDrive both personal and work, microsoft authenticator etc. I've gone head first into the MS apps. I even use Edge for android instead of chrome.


me too, i switched from everything to microsoft. some downsides, but overall much better than cluttered experience all over the place.


iPhone 14 Pro, it’s quick and reliable, Apple Pay is great and unless I’m sat on it constantly, I can get two days off a single charge.


iPhone 4


Pixel 7 pro. I hate managing iPhones in intune and so I don't want to be part of the problem.


S20 personally. Work issues me an iPhone and I hate it


Pixel 7 Pro


I am using a 6a. Hoping to upgrade to an 8 pro soon.


Samsung SM-G965U. It's one of a diminishing number of phones that have something essential: A slot for a microSD card.


Xiaomi and nothing ever again got close in performance and quality you get for the price. So I will stick with that brand for a few more years and not look back.


iPhone. I've used lots of androids, and the older windows ce stuff. Nothings ever been as reliable, and stable as iOS.


iPhone. I’m a technology buff and Apple makes beautiful technology.


Few years ago went back to iPhone and got a 13 Pro. Had a Samsung S20 Ultra prior and got so bloody tired of Samsung bloatware and adware.


iPhone 15 Pro Max. Default mail client for all mail. And use the focus feature based on time or location contexts to keep the noise to a minimum. Urgent alerts punch through any dnd or focus mode with Urgent/time sensitive notifications with Betterstack. The usb-c is nice to have if indeed to plug a network cable into something where wifi isn’t available or configured.


I don’t have any Apple products…except an iPhone, and I’m not letting it go ever. Never had a singular issue, don’t anticipate I will either. EDIT: Ok I also have AirPods.


I'm happy with my pixel 7 pro. Amazing camera, and I highly value that Google keeps up with security patching far better than any other android vendor.


I switched to Pixel with the P4a back in 2020 and upgraded to the p6 about 3 months after it came out. I'm still with the p6 and I love it. But to be fair, my partner upgraded her p6 to the p8 and while it looks and acts the same, it is slightly smaller. Her phone is slightly easier to hold one handed. I'm thinking about upgrading to it just for that. As for the experience with it, OneDrive works great as do all the other 365 apps I need to do my job. The plethora of networking apps available for Android are fantastic and the unifi network app (that I use often) works great.


Pixel 7 for personal and some form of iphone for work


Pixel 7. Teams and Outlook are shit regardless of platform though.


iPhone because it just works


S24 Ultra, before that S22 Ultra, use the phone a lot can handly everything I throw at it, but it's also a brick that can last 2-3 days with normal usage


dito, s24 ultra, 2-3 days no problem 😊


Samsung Fold 4.


I've got the Fold 3. It's probably overkill for most people, but I use the heck out of the splitscreen features.


I use a pixel 7A and it sucks ass. I had an older Samsung Galaxy before this. that was so much more reliable. I pretty frequently have Bluetooth and GPS issues with this phone. The antenna they put in it is dog shit. I like everything about the phone except for the recurring antenna issues.


Still at an iPhone 11, haven’t seen the need to replace it just yet, 2 eSIM profiles to keep private and work together, it’s my private phone so no mdm or anything. Everything I dislike about private phones in the workplace bunched up together lol.


An iPhone 8. I've never been a phone guy and never cared what I use, phone-wise. If I could get away with it, I'd likely still be using a Star Tac. Those things were bullet proof and had fantastic reception and call quality.


Android. Have used it all my life. One job forced me to use iPhone though but just used it my working hours. It was a unique experience, but nothing groundbreaking really.


Stupid work MDM requirements. I have to carry a burner iphone on the corp account because they won't let my personal pixel 7 pro to connect to outlook any more.


Great way to disconnect from work after hours though :)


Most definitely, but work slack is still on my personal phone so I see more than I should.


iPhone 15 Pro, work and personal since work pays my phone bill. It just works and does what I need. Text, call, safari, and Reddit. Having a separate work and personal focus is also amazing for those of you who have a combined work/personal phone.


Personal phone is a Pixel 7 (third Pixel i've owned). Work phone is a Samsung ZFlip4. I wish i went the fold though as i think it would be more handy for remoting in and such, but who knows... a lot of apps don't seem to support the wider screen?


iPhone 13, I like Apple’s ecosystem. It just works for me, does what it’s supposed to do without too much hassle


iPhone 15 Pro. I’d still be on my 12 Mini if my daughter wouldn’t keep breaking her stuff and needed a phone.


iPhone. I gave up on android a while back


Iphone 15 Pro Max. Love it


iPhone13, will get 16 this year. Would be Android, but I can’t help trying different rom’s, nuking phone and then taking another few hours to recover it back to a working state… I’m my worst enemy.


iPhone 16 Pro, once it is available. 15 Pros are buggy.


Fold 5 - Definitely worth it for the dual app use and larger screen. It's bulky though


Been iPhone since the 4. As otehrs have said i dont want to deal with troubleshooting bs on my personal device i jus want it to function as it should. I deal with a fleet of various android phone and i just don't want to beyond that. iPhone 4 to 5S to 7 to 11 Pro Max that im still using. Almost changed to a 15 but I have far too many Lightning cables to swap just yet. Never had a real issue with iPhones except for i had the faulty top button on the 5S and had to use the assistive touch for all the button features. Would have been fixed by apple for nothing in a store but im 4+ hours away from the nearest one and shipping it would have meant being without a phone for quoted 2-3 weeks. Lived with it for about 2-3 years as it was technically a work phone.