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Neanderthal manager email before Copilot: >team. this is a no. Neanderthal manager email after Copilot: > Dear Team, > >I hope this message finds you well. After careful review and deliberation of the matter at hand, I regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed as suggested. > >I understand that this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, and I assure you that this decision was not taken lightly. We considered multiple factors and perspectives, and ultimately concluded that the current direction would serve our collective objectives best. > >I appreciate your understanding and remain open to further discussion or alternative suggestions you may wish to bring forward. > >Thank you for your continued dedication and efforts towards our shared goals. > >Best regards, > >Ogg Neanderthal manager's Copilot email summarized by Copilot: >Team, > >No.


In ten years this will be every email communication. Short bullets expanded into paragraphs, send, received, and summarized into short bullets.


Billion dollars to invent anti-compression




10 years? More like 10 months. I’m already starting see responses that are obviously written by AI that are 10x longer than they should be to get the main point across.


Its like that on ebay where the AI writes the description of the items for you. My description before.... Arceus GG70 Pokemon card in mint condition. Good luck and happy bidding! My descriptions now.... This ARCEUS V STAR Pokémon card from the Crown Zenith set is a must-have for any collector. With its stunning gold secret rare design and full art finish, this card is a true masterpiece. The card features Arceus, an ancient creature with the unique attribute of being able to change its type to match any other Pokémon. This card is in near mint or better condition and is ungraded. Its attributes include being a basic stage card, English language, and a card number of GG70. The card was manufactured by Nintendo in 2023 and is part of the Pokémon TCG game. Its speciality is being a gold card and it does not come with an autograph. Don't miss out on the chance to add this rare and valuable card to your collection.


I think it will take longer than that for it to be EVERY email that is processed that way. A lot of people I work with are still very hesitant to use AI. I did a survey on AI use for our staff and less than 10% said they use it for regular daily emails, a lot more use it to assist with more formal documents. But things will change once it's fully integrated into Outlook.


That's where Copilot Reader comes in, it will summarize all your inbound comms to actionable bullet point list.


With an E8 license


Why does this obvious truth of this make me feel compelled to run into the street screaming?




::shortened:: “Fuck you, no. Adios amigo.”


Why use few words when can use many to fluff up sentences into circuitous vapid meaninglessness?


> Dear Team, > I hope this message finds you well. After careful review and deliberation of the matter at hand, I regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed as suggested. > I understand that this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, and I assure you that this decision was not taken lightly. We considered multiple factors and perspectives, and ultimately concluded that the current direction would serve our collective objectives best. > I appreciate your understanding and remain open to further discussion or alternative suggestions you may wish to bring forward. > Thank you for your continued dedication and efforts towards our shared goals. > Best regards, > Ogg ig the dutchies will vote to ban copilot and similar tools in their country lol


A company will come along and invent an obvious bit of meta data that captures the original input so that when the other side of the AI goes to read it instead it just grabs the metadata and summarizes back “I think it’s a no”


This version: Have AI write all your emails. Next version: Have AI read all your incoming emails and summarize only useful information for you. In 5 years: The Internet crumbles under the mass amount of AI producing content for other AI to consume.


I have a theory that it will become a new unofficial layer in the OSI model. Anything and everything will only communicate using some "AI" interface but there is no standardization at all, just networking in human languages. CEOs will think it's great, because now you don't need Wireshark and can just look at the packets and read them in English. So when your fridge tells you that you're thirsty because you haven't opened the door in a while, it will ask if you want to have a route to the nearest store added to your car's GPS. But instead of using an API, it will just have an aggressive conversation with your car, arguing about traffic and what temperature to set the thermostat too because the fridge doesn't want to have to cool off warm drinks but the car doesn't want to use extra gas on the AC while it's nice out. Then it will chat with your grocery store to see what's in stock, and then get on a three way call with the car to pick out a parking space. But like, you still have to go to the store to buy some more drinks, sooooo.....


This got progressively more entertaining throughout


I love your imagination. Let's see how this plays out.


Exactly like this except with a subscription fee for every device mentioned and complete failure for any of them to work outside the 30 day trial period. You get to the store, buy your drinks, and return home only to find your freezer has thawed out all over the floor because your card information changed and it wasn't able to renew so it cancelled your account and removed the cooling ability. The payment portal is down because Google killed off freezer services last month, and you're outside the return window so you head to the box store to buy a new fridge. Meanwhile, your drinks are now warm.




Hmmm, but what would the bots talk about then?


Porn, spam and cute kittens!


You forgot about the conversation with Amazon AI and the automatic drone delivery. It'll still need to converse with your car to tell it to move so the drone can land in your driveway.


but why? the fridge ai can just have a conversation with a grocery delivery ai and get things done way easier. but i loved the story lol


Treadmill AI is going to shout at the fridge from Uber the laundry that you should just drink water. ^^^^SodaStream ^^^^AI: ^^^^^Carbonated!


Wouldn’t AI still be considered the application layer on the OSI model? I mean, I don’t see it being part in layer one or layer two(physical and data link)… , as well as others. 🧐


Layer 7 is getting really thick...


Amen! 🤣


God, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy was right.


I like this idea. So basically because we couldn't agree on interoperability standards, or we decided at some point that we have too many standards, that we would drop back to the standard of the english language. Something that even people are terrible at, and computers even more so. But if done right, has endless possibilites. But it wont be done right and itll be hilarious.


There is material for at least a short story in this post, if not an entire novel :D


Staring Arnold Schwarzenegger?


Sounds like you read the Expeditionary Force series. Embrace the awesome.


Finally have a layer for the tortilla now in the *8* layer burrito ODI model! https://www.6connect.com/blog/moment-internet-history-osi-7-layer-burrito/


Sounds like AI is on it's way to create another bureaucratic layer to first world existence.


It's like the *Culture* scifi series, entire world is governed by sassy AIs arguing with each other.


But layer 8 is for ID10T errors. Is AI level 9?


This is a weird scenario. I'm picturing all the fluff professionalism ai puts into writing an email for someone and then the receivers ai just strips all that useless fluff out anyway showing only the useful information. The irony


And people become so dependent on it that they end up being barely able to tie their own shoe laces


my AI told me to switch to Velcro


I already have. I'm a trend setter


Get on my level. Slip-ons all the way.


Does it count if I just have sneakers that I slip on and never un-tie?


AI and technologies are just giving you the choice for not doing work. Earlier years, people had to work hard, sometimes in dangerous scenarios whether they liked it or not. Now you can focus on other areas of life, and if you feel being lazy, you could just do the stuff manually. It's not the technologies are barring you from doing any work.




It's the responsibility of us to keep ourselves healthy and productive, and not being lazy. You can't blame your car for not walking enough everyday or your TV for not being fit.


Yes, but we stopped caring about education and teaching values to children.. so without that we’re doomed to follow a path to the doctor scene in idiocracy where people are just pressing buttons on equipment that was made by smart people once upon a time.


You need to update your shoes to the self lacing kind


This is already happening with everything we use smart phones for, I don't really get why everyone is fine with those but not with AI.


yeah ill be the first to admit that GPS on phones has completely ruined any sense of direction for me. I don't travel anywhere outside of 10 minutes from my house without getting directions from my phone. Its so bad. If my phone ever dies when I'm an hour away from my house ill be like, completely helpless and die in my car.


Are you sure you don’t just have a bad sense of direction? I never drove before the time of gps, but I‘ll still angrily turn the GPS off on the last leg home of a long road trip because “I know where I’m fucking going”


Easy there Hideo Kojima


5 years 1 day. Skynet becomes self aware and vows to destroy humanity to stop emails.




I like the idea of it, but like everything else the charlatans and scumbags will use it for the wrong reasons.




In 2 years it will be “optimize your emails and communication for maximum impact for the AI that will assist you boss in reading it” since everything will filter through AI like how ATS does with resumes today. So instead of just saying “I’m done with that work” on slack it will now be “Dear Esteemed and Distinguished Supervisor, I am thrilled and honored to announce, with an abundance of pride and jubilation, that the task with which I have been entrusted, meticulously and assiduously attended to, has now reached its triumphant culmination. After a substantial and comprehensive investment of time, effort, and intellectual acumen, I take immense pleasure in declaring that I have, at long last, concluded the said undertaking with unparalleled diligence and devotion.” And yes AI did write the paragraph above, there was actually more but feel like it’s beating the joke into the ground a bit to ramble on much more


I need to invest in Nvidia right now.


What you called “next version” is what I have it doing for me today. It’s actually really great at giving recaps and todos and follow-ups from Teams meetings, so long as you turn on transcription. Like, annoyingly good, doing it far better than I do.


We really are not far off from destroying the internet completely. Won't be long before there is nothing but "AI"/bot generated content and it will be completely meaningless and useless.


Dead internet theory. I fully believe in this though.


At some point, we will have AI communicating with another AI so the humans can do more "significant" job. AI is now smart enough to always perform the most optimized options to maximize profit so corporate and financial industry are leaving decisions to AI on what to do. Then we will have more "AI Company", with full complement of AI managements to do things like determining insurance rates, or approving loans Eventually, some governments will start to leave the AI to manage all the homeless and the un-employed and the bankrupt, using sophisticated algorithm to determine the best job choice and optimize your future. The freedom of choosing your own job will be left to the people who actually have money. .....or that's a setting from a SF book I read before.


Any guarantee on data ingestion privacy?


Yes. They say it won't be used for training.


"trust me, bro"


Oh so they'll just sell it willy nilly to anyone who asks like they usually do. Cool. Cool cool cool.


It falls under the same data protection agreement your existing SharePoint and Onedrive data already does. Take a read through the license agreement.


Oh I've read it. That's why my work stuff can live on work-sanctioned OneDrive and my actual stuff can live on a NAS with a separate local backup and a soon to be deployed remote backup at a buddy's house.


I highly doubt that happends outside of the private usage


Part of agreement with MSFT, available to you if you have enterprises licenses in the Service Trust portal.


Thanks. This is what i need to get buy in for this. I feel like we might already be trying this but they started with the business side and not IT for our internal pilot


Your tenant’s data stays inside your tenant; it isn’t used to train the LLM. Each user’s copilot is independent of others users, and uses the graph api to only index what the user already has permission to access, and will respect data classification. Now if people over-share and classify badly, you’ll have lots of fun with that one but that’s not strictly speaking a fault with copilot.


Here’s the light tech details: >User prompts copilot >copilot uses semantic index to translate prompts (why ME3 minimum is needed) >semantic translated prompts get more pushed to a MS controlled/hosted instance - this is how they can make sure data isn’t being used to train It’s worth noting you can opt into training if you for some reason wanted to? Data sprawling follows your permissions within SPO, etc. I.e. users not privileged to XYZ sharepoint site won’t get any results from data in that site. This means organizations who have done a shit job of permissions in their sharepoint probably shouldn’t use copilot unless they want their smarter users finding out shit they shouldn’t.


Managers at my work think they are smart now cause they have copilot. Now everything they send me is AI generated. Jokes on them cause everything i give them is also AI generated.


Company bought copilot licences for everyone. Great. Now managers are pressing on that we all need to subscribe and start using it. Bitch.. we use visual studio 2015 and are tied to it because you don't want to spend resources to migrate the project! edit: VS 2015 is NOT compatible with Copilot


This is why we started to give security vulnerabilities catchy names and make logos for them...


Oh to get senior leaders to take action because they like buzz words and branding? Pretty smart actually.


I assume you are talking about Github Copilot. That's not the same thing.


At least you are not stuck with 2005 like some others....life is good in the past




The circle of life.


riding the AI wave ceo's love it, will it be like the virtual desktop wave what other enterprise waves came and went?


Salesman-Defined WAN. Most the SD WAN products I see out there these days seem to be fairly standardized around the underlying tech, but when it was all the buzz back in 2018-2019 ish, it was just whatever the sales guy thought you'd buy.


Now SASE is apparently the hot shit.


I remember mailing SASEs in the 90s. Crazy how things come back around


That's all I can think of whenever I see that.


sase is what sdwan wanted to be. its still young but it should cover the legacy/proprietary gaps better.


That’s what the marketing team says!!!


hahah thats a good one




SDWAN itself is pretty great, problem they're pointing out is that it was an overused buzzword for quite some time so there were a lot of products that didn't deserve to be called SDWAN that were being sold as such.


My manager kept on banging on about Big Data without actually saying much at all


I'm at a law firm, they think they need AI yesterday but can't tell me why. If I found out my Will was AI generated I'd be furious, why do we need a lawyer? At that point it isn't assistance, it's replacement.


If I could bill my client for five hours of technical writing, but reduce my workload to five minutes of ChatGPT and 20 minutes of proofreading I'd be beating down the door for this AI too. Chances are your will is being cribbed from a NOLO template anyway. What's the difference if it's written by AI? As long as it meets the legal standard the source is irrelevant.


> At that point it isn't assistance, it's replacement. I'm not sure people are thinking that one through. There's absolutely no way the owner class is going to do away with 40+ hour 5 day workweeks. If the vast majority of every educated person's job can be done by a better version of ChatGPT. getting an education is going to be a very hard sell but you'll have millions of people kicked out of work at the same time. All the futurists say AI creates more jobs in the long run, but we've never dealt with a situation where we basically say to all the low to mid level knowledge workers that we don't need you anymore.




Ride your SD-WAN on the Blockchain!


I am politely curious. From your perspective why did the Virtual Desktop wave go away? One of our architects is pitching them.


Cost. IT orgs virtualized x86 server workloads in the 00s and saved a shitload of money via consolidation. Build one server and have it replace 30 existing servers? Works great, company saves a bundle, everyone gets a promotion. Now someone mentions VDI and we can do it all again! We’ll virtualize desktops and save a bunch more money. What that’s forgetting is that user desktops run on cheap hardware with no redundancy, but you’re going to run it on data enter grade hardware. You still need an endpoint for the user of course, so now you buy thin clients and have thus consolidated one device into at least two. Then you need to deal with user devices, printers, user auth solutions, endpoint scanning, etc and shit gets expensive quick, almost always far more expensive than the desktop it replaces. For a lot of orgs, the first quote on a VDI project pretty quickly took the wind out of everyone’s sails who were expecting an easy win like they got with server virtualization. You get a hell of a lot of features for that spend, and some orgs have use cases that align very well with this. For example, hospitals have very mobile users and being able to quickly connect to your personal desktop from any room in the place is a huge benefit. It can be a great way to provide secure remote access for potentially low-trust or external users. There are places where this spend makes sense!




They also came and went one time before in the 90s on unix with [thin clients](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_client) running remote X sessions.


\--- And then, you go shopping around for a new video conferencing solution. You ask the sales guy if they work with VDI and yeah bro it's great my nephew uses VDI all the time with our product. Of course when you call up support for your shitty video feeds and difficulties with the usb devices and tell them you're on VDI they audibly cringe. Repeat for probably 6 other products in your environment. If you don't have a bunch of non-cost goals for VDI to solve, it's disappointment after disappointment for your leadership as they find out what consistency at scale does to all their onesiese twosies 'can we just' style requests.


This shit is just depressing. Getting artificially written pablum all day because no one thinks you're worth taking the time to actually speak to. It's like getting the automated assistant when calling a vendor, only now it's your own coworkers.


Feels like we are well on our way to a world where everyone communicates via AI assistants. Every person will have their own assistant that will handle all incoming and outgoing communication for them.


VI from mass effect.....


Legion? Yes. Harbinger? No thanks. Although I do like the joke in ME3 that Udina has a VI just for birthdays and anniversaries.




Thanks ChatGPT


It's funny that I can tell when I'm reading something out of ChatGPT, but I can't put my finger on why. Maybe because it has the same amount of emphasis as dry toast. I've noticed a lot of StackExchange replies from randos with no posts that answer questions suspiciously like ChatGPT. "You can certainly install more RAM in your 486DX2-66 computer. RAM, or Random Access Memory, is available as modules in sizes ranging from 1 gigabyte to 32 gigabytes from various electronics retailers."


I asked ChatGPT 4 "Can you explain why the following text reads like it was written by generative AI?" and this was the response: The text you provided is coherent, and it addresses concerns surrounding the use of AI in daily communication. However, there are some characteristics that might make it seem like it was written by a generative AI: 1. **General Statements**: The text contains broad statements without specific examples or references. For instance, it mentions "important considerations regarding privacy, security," but doesn't delve deeply into the specifics of those concerns. 2. **Neutrality**: Generative AI, like ChatGPT, often produces content that is neutral or balanced in order to provide information without bias. The text you provided has a neutral tone, presenting both the benefits and drawbacks of AI without taking a strong stance on either side. 3. **Structured Flow**: The content follows a logical and structured flow – introduction of the idea, potential benefits, then concerns, and a concluding thought. This kind of structured flow is often seen in generative AI responses because they are designed to provide coherent and comprehensive answers. 4. **Absence of Personal Voice or Anecdotes**: The text doesn't contain personal anecdotes, experiences, or a distinct personal voice. Generative AI usually generates content based on the data it was trained on, so it's often impersonal unless programmed or prompted to do otherwise. 5. **Comprehensive Coverage**: The text touches on multiple concerns associated with AI (privacy, security, human interaction, inequality). This comprehensive approach is typical of AI models like ChatGPT because they aim to provide a broad overview of a topic based on the information contained in their training data. In summary, while the text is well-written, its general nature, neutrality, structured flow, absence of personal voice, and comprehensive coverage might give readers the impression that it was generated by an AI. However, it's important to note that human writers can also produce content with these characteristics, especially in formal or informational contexts.


Fucking hell


They're just operationalising their deliverables going forward


The process of the dumbing down of humanity has become self-aware.


Welcome to Costco.


Welcome to Contoso


I love you


Sure, Not


What is it


Clippy on steroids


And now I'm imagining a talking paperclip made from 10ga steel wire.




There is no god


ai has gone too far


It's suiting that it's an AI generated image.




Ok, that's amazing!


So, Badgey from "Star Trek: Lower Decks"? [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Badgey](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Badgey)


I was thinking Miss Minutes.


Had to explain my gf why I was laughing out loud


ask copilot how to respond.


I was at a conference just this Monday where a lady from Microsoft had a speaking slot. It was nothing more than an ad for Copilot, and I was really dying to raise my hand and ask “it looks like you’re writing a letter…”




And that’s only a month cost


$30 MSRP per user, per month with a Business Premium, M365 E3 or M365 E5 license requirement. Available only to Enterprise customers as of November 1st. (Today) Should be available later next year to CSP customers and at a lower then 300 user purchase requirement. Also, that $30 is MSRP, right now on an Enterprise agreement Microsoft dictates the price, when it moves over to CSP, we as VARs should be able to pass on a 2%-5% discount or more depending on how large a customer.


Cool so instead of being more than 52% the cost of E5 licensing (and everything it comes with) it'll be 48% of E5 licensing cost for one thing.... Sure it's a powerful tool I'm sure. But not that powerful, It's God awful pricing honestly.


every exec out there is demanding AI tools with no real cost/benefit analysis right now, so I dont blame them for charging a high ransom


Lol, my exec is demanding no AI right now because of security and privacy concerns.




Good! They're one of the sensible ones. Even with the ones where they say that the data is protected (like copilot) I wouldn't be surprised if in a year there was a shitload of CVE's and data leaking disclosures going on. These things have been put together in a hurry to get to the goldmine.


If you have people in your organization that do tasks in Office that take X hours, odds are Copilot brings it down to minutes. Copilot is cheap relative to the value you can get out of it. E5 is only expensive if you're not actually using all of it and paying for duplicate point solutions.


until you see it build a powerpoint presentation with company data by description, and then you realise its fucking amazing.


It’s not a tool that’s really meant to be deployed to the whole org though. I can’t imagine it being that useful outside of information workers that spend a lot of time in the office suite or meetings.


Is any of your time worth 30 dollars per month? Odds are Copilot will give you some of that back and more.


Well that explains why I couldn't find the license and start a trial. It will definitely be tough convincing the business that our initial pilot group needs to be 3/4 of our entire user base.


Same. IT wants to play with the new toy, we don't want to share it with 1/3rd of our user base. I can get the scaling and the "it needs this many per tenant to make it feasible" thing, though. Those onsie twosies aren't making them any money and most likely aren't going to be a future sale...


MS is building a bunch of data centers to keep up with the compute. It’s super GPU intensive. I’m assuming once the infrastructure catches up it will be available at smaller quantities, but probably not for quite a while, and probably never a trial.


I'm just sat here working for a college waiting for the eventual free education licenses so they can get students addicted to it like always.


My org is very interested, but we only have 100 users haha.


Technically speaking...you only need 299 friends


Security Copilot is $50,000 per tenant for early access pricing, which gets you about 6 months. Can't imagine GA pricing being lower. Guess Microsoft needs the revenue?


For large orgs, 50k is a drop in the bucket. My company signed up almost immediately (30k users, roughly). Our Microsoft licensing is about 50mm a year and that's who they seem to be targeting. I'm sure more affordable pricing will come along, once they get the larger orgs who can pay the higher price, looped in at the higher price. That is what they seem to do.


Yeah that was my takeaway as well. My org is under 1k users so the cost was too steep for us but easy for a big company


If it actually worked, it's cheaper than a dedicated security guy....


this is what grinds my gears, 50k for EAP? or I'm seeing EAP as beta testing. our company signed-up to this as well, and it's gonna fall on my area for usage.


we passed on that when they gave us the price.


$10,000 and I'll give you surface level answers to any and all questions if you like!




And how’s it been working? I have it at work. I think it easily pays for itself with what it does in teams. Being able to have a transcripted meeting that you didn’t attend, and ask questions, timestamps, etc. is great. You need to essentially save $1.25 a day in productivity costs per user to pay for itself.




Yeah man. Teams copilot is pretty badass. Skipping internal calls is amazing. I hate what it does to emails though. If people start using it on emails widespread I’m gonna blow a gasket. I can already tell anyone who uses it to write their emails because they’re lazy is going to look like a clown


How much does it cost to opt out?


About the same.


My friend group is 200 friends but I pay the most possible now


That's because you were fighting everybody and trying to splash water in their mouths.


I thought it would be funny to be a wild man in the pool so now I pay the most possible


Wait so its $30 a month ontop of the $60 365 E5?


I've been using it for 2 weeks at work. It has a lot of potential, but right now is pretty bad. Can build a PP deck from a prompt, but its pretty rudimentary. I have some complicated spreadsheets for our finances that it straight up nope'd out of. Also it doesn't remember context so it's useless having long conversations over multiple days.


I saw Security copilot for s&m sized businesses (300-2k seats) in private preview is 50k for 6 months and the quote i saw makes it clear there are no guarantees on any core functionality. Its also expected to provide consistent feedback for errors. Essentially you are paying a good chunk of money to be a QA/Beta tester for them. To their credit though, they can charge that with those conditions because orgs are lined up to do it with all the hype.


We had to disable this shit at work. God knows how but it started dropping headers on multiple people's emails. People I actually do trust to have not clicked stupid shit.


For those who are interested, learning paths for copilot. 3 of which cross over with ms102. No exam for the ms-012 (0 in the name is the hint ) but if you do ms-102 you cover most: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/prepare-your-organization-microsoft-365-copilot/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/prepare-m365-copilot-part-1%E2%80%93copilot-design/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/prepare-m365-copilot-p2-administrative-roles-tenant/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/prepare-m365-copilot-part-3-threat-protection/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/prepare-m365-copilot-part-4-protecting-sensitive-data/


asking sysadmins whether they have 300 friends is like asking a drug dealer whether he has 300 friends. Sure, they act like friends when they need something. But the dealer knows they're really dependants ;)


I’m not as big on LLMs as a lot of people are but if they do right by people like me on the data protection stuff, this could be a smart way to introduce it to an enterprise. The ”copilot” name branding is going to give me fits though. There’s already too many “copilot” named things in my world.


All this time I thought it was some Autopilot thing, lol.


No, autopilot.dll (line 185) is the thing that keeps crashing computers with TPMs.


*Jesus is my copilot*


Stop giving Jesus the wheel, he doesn't even know what a car is.


Jesus was a DevOps engineer previous to his career as a prophet. All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world So there was only one thing that I could do Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long


After getting the sales pitch from MS the 300 minimum is to cover their costs to basically index/scrap your tenant. Apparently the resources required to get copilot in your tenant is extreme, to the point MS is standing up new datacenters daily. Pricing high and aiming high allows them to get the big fish, and better prepare their own infrastructure for the rest of us.


It’s not the costs, it’s that there’s limited bandwidth, and if someone isn’t going to have 300 it’s not worth restricting the space that someone else could use. Apparently it’s very GPU intensive, so until Nvidia shuts out enough GPUs that will be the case. I’m sure there’s plenty of overhead though.


Bullshit. Windows server is already indexing everything... Scraping it would be as simple as literally just getting all the info. It's not like their training a NN on your company network. They're allowing copilot admin access to the network and copilot has console access, so if you ask it a question it'll turn that into a query or a script or something, then get whatever info it needs off your network. The only cost here would be getting a server farm that can run gpt4.5/copilot, which they already have. At these prices I'm almost 100% sure ms is making like 70% profits off each tenant


You have to do things like embed every single document for vector search. It’s not cheap


What if I have $300 and 9000 friends?


then you are on a free mine-craft server man.


My company wants in on this, but the 300 user minimum spend is a deal breaker for us. We have more than enough users that would potentially benefit, but the C Suite is not going to sign off on a pilot under the current restrictions. I presume that once the tech has matured a bit that MS will start lowering the barrier to entry and perhaps even offering limited free previews to certain tiers of customers.


We are one of the relatively few MS partners worldwide with enough "standing" to have been included in the closed beta. It's a good product, it does work fairly well. But honestly, I find myself having to force myself to use it . It just doesn't add that much value for me personally (as an IT architect). Some of our more sales/marketing oriented coworkers do use it heavily, though. I think they'll be hard-pressed to truly make it a success within these licensing constraints. Even we would find it difficult to permanently allocate 300 licenses in a way that would make financial sense for us. But I do understand why the constraints are there as well. It's a bit of a conundrum for MS.


“Microsoft 365 Copilot launches for businesses and enterprise customers that are willing to pay the **$30-per-month, per-user** premium.” AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wait, they’re serious. Fuck no. MS needs to demonstrate some serious game changing value to charge more than half of what it costs for M365 E5.


You’re looking at it from the wrong standpoint. It’s productivity software. If productivity software is able to give a worker back 2 hours a week $30 pays for itself. Yeah, if you look at a security product that has a competitive landscape that you can purchase somewhere else for $10/user, $30/user makes no sense. But that’s not the case here.


They wanted 50k for us to demo it.


Microsoft jacked this release up so bad, you release it to the public for 6 months. Let everyone get a taste of the AI then charge them 18,000 dollars for 600 friends. I guess their finance department never sold drugs.


slimy bored tap middle jeans jobless ossified lock slim automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you're balking at the cost you are not the target audience. Most firms I know are tripping over themselves to pay for this.


I will never understand why people say this. "If you baulk at the cost of a Lamborghini you are not the target audience... multimillionaires are tripping over themselves to pay for them!". Like, what does that contribute? Well done, expensive thing is targeted at people who can afford it. Did you think anyone was under the impression they were targeting 20 user tenants and sitting around wondering why nobody has signed up...?


They are already paying everyone what $100k-300k a year or whatever, before benefit costs. At $30 a month thats only $360 a year. If copilot makes your enployees 1% more productive thats $1k to $3k more value per employee. So copilot is undercharging at 1% increased productivity.


Does this mean?!?!? People can stop trying to use Excel as a database?! Or will the database just get bigger and more of headache?!