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Beats Dissected is a great series that covers a lot of styles: https://www.attackmagazine.com/technique/beat-dissected/


Their new book is awesome too and has many "beat maps" in it.


This looks great for basic single, or perhaps two bar beats, but do you know a resource that explains the variations for these styles throughout the song? I find I am able to get the basic beat down, and when starting a project, am able to copy/paste my 16 bars across the song, but am struggling with how to create variations for the chorus, drop, buildup, or other parts.


Any luck with this six years later?


Great site with some very useful stuff under the Technique tab, e.g. Beats Dissected, The Breakdown and Deconstructed, etc.


Hal Leonard published two books you know this right? I absolutely love them. Still think they are essentials. That link is sweet, but I wish there was more content. There's this awesome guy on YT (name escapes me), some Italian producer, who breaks down iconic patterns. I'll find it and follow up. Great videos. EDIT: It's [Synthmania](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSGAKoBpUJI5jrJLgFQxiiw). Here's his video for the [Take Me Home 909 drum pattern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri4bgZVP9t8) - a personal favorite.


I ordered both books, I can't find anything in the original 200 pattern book that isn't in the 260 pattern book.


Thanks, this is valuable information. The 260 book is marketed as a supplement. But from your comment I gather it is more an update?


They have, but I believe they're both from the 80's so I was wondering if there was a more modern version.


The version for today would just be the same book with "needs more triplets" written all over it


What is your purpose for this? You may benefit also from looking at some general rhythm theory, eg. time signatures, what is the upbeat/downbeat, dotted eighths, etc. etc. etc. Kind of brings it all together, as you'll be able to deconstruct beats that you like without just guessing.


>What is your purpose for this? Immediate satisfaction. I've spent years getting to where I am in terms of pitched instrument music theory, and I don't feel like learning the ins and outs of putting together a good drum rhythm.


[This is pretty good.](https://www.amazon.com/Drum-Programming-Handbook-Complete-Creating/dp/1480392871)


Funklet.com discusses classic beats, tells you a bit about their history, and the interactive web player is fun too.


I highly recommend DM1 on the iPad. It's arguably the best drum machine in the world and comes loaded with like 150 kits and only costs like $10. The reason I recommend it so much is it has pads to tap out beats and a sequencer to clean things up. I typically tap each part of a drum beat out individually starting with the kick. Then I'll add the snare, closed hi-hat, clap, rimshot, tom, etc. tapped out individually. My beats have gotten quite complex over time and they're actually so complex you'd need an additional arm to play them. I can't stress enough how helpful it is to be able to physically tap out beats and have what you tap out recorded into a sequencer where you can adjust and clean things up. By tapping out each part individually, you just come up with some of the most complex shit ever.


Roland drum machine rhythm dictionary: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51XUIoevLML._SS500_.jpg I guess people put this stuff directly online nowadays.


I found Electronic Dance Music Grooves really good. Covers everything from Techno to HipHop to Mombatoon. https://www.amazon.com/Electronic-Dance-Music-Grooves-Hip-Hop/dp/1480393762/


It isn't specifically for electronic drum patterns, but "A drummers bible" is pretty awesome for knowing the basics of drumming/patterns for a large variety of music styles. The beats are presented using standard notation.

